My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 462 - 462: Informing Yin Qin and Xiaolang about their experiences (First Update)

Chapter 462: Chapter 462: Informing Yin Qin and Xiaolang about their experiences (First Update)

At night, the incessant crying of the little tiger echoed.

A few seconds after the daze, Luo Xiaolang asked the nanny, “What should we do now?”

“For now, he can only have formula milk first to keep him from starving, then we’ll have to condition your health to see if you can recover.” The nanny said somewhat helplessly, “Madam, you’re currently in the lactating period, despite the master treating you extremely poorly, you need to adjust your emotions as soon as possible and not be too upset.”

Luo Xiaolang nodded.

She nodded silently.

She stood up, “I will go and buy formula.”

Because she had enough breast milk, she had never needed to store formula at home.

If she had known earlier, if she had been prepared, she wouldn’t have let the little tiger suffer from crying so much.

“I will go and buy it for you, you stay and comfort the little tiger.” Song Zhizhi grabbed Luo Xiaolang’s arm.

Luo Xiaolang looked at Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi said, “You stay here and calm him down, I will go and buy formula for you.”

“Thank you.” Luo Xiaolang said sincerely.

Luo Xiaolang genuinely felt that she was lucky. Since the time she left Wulin Temple until now, the people she had met had been kind to her. She admitted that she was somewhat upset about her and Yin Qin, but at the end of the day she really was lucky. So she has never complained about anyone or anything, and she had never hated anyone, including Ji Baixin, who made her a little uncomfortable.

Song Zhizhi smiled and quickly left the house.

As she left, she was making a call to Ji Baijian, “Come downstairs.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Come downstairs! Bring the car keys!” Song Zhizhi’s voice was somewhat loud and showed hints of anger.

All the anger was directed at Ji Baijian.

Because his eldest son, Yin Qin, was so infuriating, and she couldn’t vent her anger on him.

Whenever she thought about what Luo Xiaolang had experienced, she even had the impulse to beat the hell out of that bastard Yin Qin!

Under the orders of his wife, Ji Baijian hurriedly left the house.

In the underground garage, Song Zhizhi waited for Ji Baijian beside their car.

Seeing Ji Baijian appear, she instructed him to drive away.

As Ji Baijian drove, he asked, “What happened? Are we going to find Yin Qin?”

Has she held it in all day and can’t take it anymore?!

“I really do want to go and see him! But now I don’t have time, I need to buy formula milk for the little tiger.”

“Does Xiaolang not have any milk?” Ji Baijian asked.

Song Zhizhi nodded, speaking with a hint of anger, “It’s all because of that bastard Yin Qin! Xuexue has been depressed to the point where her milk dried up. The little tiger is crying at home right now. Whenever I think about what Yin Qin did today, I genuinely feel the urge to beat him up. What the hell was he thinking by calling off the wedding today? He insists on breaking up on the wedding day. He even used such an immature method. Has he ever considered how Xiaolang feels?”

Ji Baijian was driving a little fast and remained silent.

Having been friends with Yin Qin for so many years, he understood that Yin Qin would never do such a thing without reason… It probably had something to do with Ji Baixin.

Yin Qin had never escaped the shadow of Ji Baixin from the moment he was born.

But Ji Baijian didn’t voice any of this.

No matter the reason, it could not excuse Yin Qin’s childish actions today. If today’s bride had not been Luo Xiaolang, but someone else, the wedding would not have concluded so peacefully.

“There is a baby store over there.” While cursing at the idiot Yin Qin, Song Zhizhi was also scanning all the stores around. As soon as she spotted one, she quickly pointed it out.

Ji Baijian parked the car in front of it.

The two of them purchased a box of the highest-quality formula. Song Zhizhi was about to leave when Ji Baijian grabbed a few baby bottles as well.

Song Zhizhi seemed to get it.

She was so furious that she almost had a headache, forgetting that the little tiger had been feeding on breast milk all this time. There probably weren’t any bottles at home for feeding formula.

But why was Ji Baijian buying so many?!

Wouldn’t one be enough?!

Seeing Song Zhizhi’s confusion, Ji Baijian explained as he paid for the items, “He’s feeding from a bottle for the first time, he might not be used to it, so it’s better to change a few and see which one he likes.”

“…” How did Ji Baijian know everything?!

He must be obsessing over having a child and researching a load of parenting knowledge?!

Song Zhizhi didn’t ask any further. The most important thing right now was to get back as soon as possible.

They drove back quickly. As soon as they opened the door to Luo Xiaolang’s house, they could hear the heartbreaking cries of the little tiger. His voice was already hoarse from crying. Luo Xiaolang had been trying to soothe him continuously, signed up for the role of being a mother, and a single one at that…

Song Zhizhi felt that she couldn’t think about it anymore; the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to beat Yin Qin to death.

She quickly went over.

“Did you bring the formula?” The nanny hurried over, “I’ll prepare it.”

Ji Baijian quickly handed over the formula.

The nanny had already boiled water at home, adjusted it to a suitable temperature, prepared 90 milliliters of formula, and handed the bottle to Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang quickly sat down and began feeding the little tiger.

As soon as the little tiger felt the bottle nipple, he completely refused it.

He wouldn’t suck on it at all. When Xiaolang tried to put the nipple in his mouth, he would use his tongue to push it out, crying all the while. He was crying so much that he was almost out of breath, but still he refused to eat, no matter what.

Luo Xiaolang was at a loss. She looked helplessly at the nanny, “What should we do? Why won’t he eat?”

The nanny quickly grabbed the little tiger, “Let me try.”

Luo Xiaolang anxiously watched the nanny from the side.

As the nanny fed the little tiger, he still wouldn’t cooperate. His voice was hoarse from crying and he still refused to take the bottle.

“Try changing the bottle.” Ji Baijian said in haste.

The nanny agreed, “Alright, let’s try a different one.”

Ji Baijian helped prepare milk in a different bottle.

The little tiger was truly stubborn. Out of the six bottles, he did not want a single one.

The moment the nipple was placed in his mouth, he would cry. Whether he had eaten or not, he would cry.

The room was filled with the little tiger’s heartbreaking cries, causing everyone to worry.

“Why isn’t he eating even though he’s hungry?” Luo Xiaolang anxiously asked the nanny.

She didn’t understand anything.

She had finally learned how to take care of the little tiger, how to feed him milk, how to bathe him, how to change his diapers, but there were still so many things about childcare that she didn’t know. She didn’t understand why the little tiger was hungry but refused to drink the formula.

“This is a child’s craving for breast milk, the mother’s milk. Children who are used to breastfeeding usually have a hard time switching to formula,” the nanny explained. “Don’t worry, when he’s really hungry and tired, he’ll eventually adapt to the formula. But this requires a process. Some babies adapt quickly, while some need more time, but it’s a process. Take it easy.”

Luo Xiaolang nodded.

But hearing the little tiger’s heartbreaking cries still made her feel awful.

She hadn’t expected that her milk would suddenly dry up, and that the little tiger would have to stop breastfeeding at just four months old. She thought she would be able to nurse him until he was one or two years old. When she breastfed him, both the little tiger and herself felt content and fulfilled.

Her eyes reddened a bit.

So she continued to suppress her heartache, feeding the little tiger formula with the nanny’s help.

The little tiger kept crying, his mouth puckered in distress, his tears wetting his chubby face, refusing to drink his milk for a long time.

His cries gradually grew quieter until he seemed to have no strength left to cry.

Eventually, he cried himself to sleep.

He was still not eating, not a single drop.

Even in his sleep, he sobbed, as if he had endured a huge injustice, he sobbed uncontrollably.

Song Zhizhi and Ji Baijian were by his side the whole time, unable to do anything to help. Watching such a small child crying so heartbrokenly because of the formula refusal really tugged at their hearts. And the root of all this was Yin Qin, that idiot Yin Qin!

He abandoned his wife and child for Ji Baixing.

Even if heaven struck him with lightning, he wouldn’t be deserving of any pity!

“It’s getting late. You both should head back and rest.” Seeing that the little tiger had finally fallen asleep, Luo Xiaolang came to her senses and said to Song Zhizhi, “You’ve been up early since this morning to accompany me. Since it’s already late, you should go back and rest.”

Song Zhizhi actually wanted to stay and take care of Luo Xiaolang.

But Ji Baijian didn’t let her and said, “Okay, Xiaolang, if you need us, just call us directly.”

“Okay.” Luo Xiaolang nodded.

Ji Baijian left with Song Zhizhi.

Song Zhizhi was a bit angry, “Why did you drag me away? What if the little tiger wakes up and starts crying again?!”

“You can’t help here, and I think Xiaolang wouldn’t want you to see her too distressed. Give her some time to digest everything by herself,” said Ji Baijian.

Song Zhizhi bit her lip.

She, too, understood that.

She vented her anger at Ji Baijian, “This is all the fault of your eldest son, why is he so foolish!”

Ji Baijian didn’t need to defend Yin Qin on the matter of being “foolish” because when faced with emotions, Yin Qin was indeed “foolish”. If he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have stuck with Ji Baixin for so many years, uncomplaining and unregretful.

“Call Yin Qin!” Song Zhizhi suddenly shouted.

Ji Baijian frowned.

“Call him!” Song Zhizhi said.

“If you’re angry, I’ll call him out for you to beat him up.”

“I’m not angry, and I won’t beat him up or scold him. I just want to call and congratulate him on finally becoming a complete jerk who abandons his wife and child!”


The two returned home.

Ji Baijian got through to Yin Qin’s phone.

At that moment, Yin Qin had already moved out of the Yin Family villa and into Ji Baixin’s apartment.

Yin Qin was worried about her, so he decided to stay with her.

He had just charged his phone when he received Ji Baijian’s call back at Ji Baixin’s house.


“It’s me!” Song Zhizhi took Ji Baijian’s phone, “It’s Song Zhizhi.”

“Oh.” Yin Qin responded, and there seemed to be a bit of laughter in his voice at that moment.

Song Zhizhi was furious.

He didn’t even know what Luo Xiaolang had gone through all day, and he could still laugh.

At that moment, Yin Qin really had no idea why Song Zhizhi was calling him.

He guessed it was probably another round of harsh words.

Considering Song Zhizhi’s personality, Yin Qin thought that it was merciful of her not to let Ji Baijian beat him up yet, so he let himself laugh a little at that moment, feeling somewhat lucky.

“Yin Qin, you’ve abandoned Xiaolang to be with Ji Baixin, right?” Song Zhizhi asked.

Her tone was still calm.

“Yes.” Yin Qin nodded, admitting it.

Song Zhizhi knew that the only reason Yin Qin would make such a move, the only reason he would stand her up on their wedding day, was Ji Baixin. And given Yin Qin’s attention to Ji Baixin during this period, she probably had fallen for him, so they hit it off…

She really wanted to kill that bastard Yin Qin.

Did he ever think about what Luo Xiaolang was going through while he was frolicking with Ji Baixin?

Never mind.

If he didn’t know, she would tell him.

That’s how “kind-hearted” she was.

She said, “I really have to congratulate you. You’ve finally achieved your dream by getting Ji Baixin.”

Yin Qin didn’t say anything.

He could actually pick up on Song Zhizhi’s sarcasm.

He heard Song Zhizhi say, “I’m calling to talk to you about your ex, no, ex-wife is not accurate since you never got married or got a certificate. At most you’re like ex-lovers. About your ex, Luo Xiaolang.”

Yin Qin tightly gripped the phone.

Song Zhizhi said, “Today Luo Xiaolang waited for you all day, I guess you know that. Anyway, you didn’t really care. She got up at 4 o’clock in the morning to start putting on makeup, and stayed at the dressing table until more than 8 o’clock. Then she sat on the bed waiting for you until 5 o’clock in the afternoon, when she finally took off that glittering wedding gown. But don’t worry, Luo Xiaolang didn’t give you any trouble, she didn’t cry, make a fuss, or scold you. Even when everyone in the room was scolding you, she didn’t say a word. She just quietly waited for you, always waiting for you. I don’t know what she was thinking at that time, maybe she was also praying that you would suddenly appear, having a change of heart.”

Yin Qin’s lips were tight, pressing his lips into a hard line.

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