My Landlord Can’t Stop M********ing!! (18+)

Chapter 1: Meeting The Landlord

Vieno crossed a dimensional boundary and entered an unfamiliar world. The first thing he noticed was his own breath as it trickled out in front of him and mixed with the pale backdrop of ice and snow that covered the landscape. 

Only a bit of color could be seen from the evergreen trees that made up the forest that Vieno found himself in. He couldn’t quite piece it together, but he felt there was a feeling of listlessness to the torrent of snow that fell. The wind wasn’t fast enough to be considered a blizzard, but visibility was nonexistent without the aid of magic. 

Vieno wasn’t bothered by the cold. In fact, his black jacket that made the outer part of his suit was spotless. Every time snow began to build up it would melt, not even leaving behind droplets of water. Still, he wondered if wearing formal attire was a mistake.

He had chosen these clothes because he was supposed to meet his female acquaintance's childhood friend to discuss living arrangements. She had made it seem like this was going to be the perfect place for him, and while he did admit to wanting a relatively isolated place, this was a little bit too much. 

He could even vividly imagine Rebecca's impish laughter, but his intuition told him that there was a bit of seriousness to Rebecca’s recommendation despite her mischievous nature--even if she kept the details of the arrangements to herself. 

Vieno could only sigh, but he traversed through the trees easily enough and arrived at what appeared to be a small apartment in the middle of the forest. There couldn’t have been more than a dozen rooms. However, despite being small the complex looked completely modern at a glance. It was similar to an apartment you could find in the outskirts of a larger city. 

Even the temperature seemed to increase once he passed the gates that separated the apartment from the forest. But Vieno didn’t give it much more thought; he could blatantly hear moaning coming from one of the rooms. 

Knowing the time of the meeting with the landlord was still a ways off, Vieno decided to wait it out and so time passed slowly. However, the noise didn’t stop but instead got more and more loud. He could even see white mist coming out from the door. 

A Yuki-onna in heat…that’s quite something. With a teasing smile appearing on Vieno’s face, he decided that he had politefully waited long enough--even if he was still technically early by several minutes. 

Instantly after knocking, there was silence and then there was a commotion as if something had fallen. Vieno scratched his neck, but didn’t say anything. There was silence again. 

“Umm...I have a meeting with the everything alright in there.”

There was another commotion, but then a tantalizing yet stern voice came from within. It didn’t miss a beat. “Yes, everything is fine. You can come in, Vieno.”

I guess we will be doing the meeting in her room? Vieno imagined why this was the case and why she didn’t come to greet him at the door. And only after indulging the thought for a good moment did he enter. Cold air instantly poured out of the room. Its intensity exceeded the snowstorm he just experienced. It was basically like a giant fridge, but still he wasn’t bothered. Instead, he focused his gaze on the beautiful woman sitting at a desk in the back of the room. 

She had a large blanket that covered her from the waist down. One of her hands was also hidden. But Vieno could still see that the woman lived up to the name of being a snow woman. 

Her skin was a spotless white, and her eyes literally glowed an unearthly shade of blue. Their color matched the long light blue hair that flowed down past her shoulders and down her back. Her attire, undecorated white robes, finished her look, giving her a ghostly feeling. 

Immersed in the image, a memory floated in Vieno’s mind. It was a cold night where snow was falling down--much like what he just experienced moments prior. He remembered the snow glistening off a street light, but when he went out to touch the snowflakes it just melted in his hand. 

“Sir.” The woman’s voice brought him back to reality.

“I’m sorry, I was just reminiscing. I grew up in a cold place with a lot of snow.”

“I personally like hot places, but we make do with what life gives us, no?”

“Indeed. So the person who recommended this place to me said that the lodging was free.”

“That’s correct. It’s a tradition from my family. Unfortunately, I haven’t had any success in getting anyone to stay.” 

Although the conversation was going decently well, Vieno was more curious about the previous events that transpired before he arrived so he changed the direction of the conversation.

“Speaking of which, I believe I notified you earlier that if I were to stay here, I would be bringing a woman over pretty much every night.”


“That means a lot of sex.”

“I understand.”

Vieno tilted his head. He didn’t notice any emotion coming from the woman, but that couldn’t deceive his eye. Everyone else would have seen no emotion, yet for Vieno he saw two scenes overlap. He saw the reality of the woman sitting still without making any apparent motions, but he also saw the same dead-pan woman panting. In fact, in this version, she was panting the entire time. He could almost see the hand under the blanket still rubbing her groin.

It was one of the many perks of being somewhat of a sex demon. He scanned the room again and imagined the details of the woman’s self pleasure. There were a variety of electronic instruments on the desk, but they seemed related to work. But there was also a phallic shaped object. It was a cucumber, and it was quite moist with icicles forming on its skin. 

“Do you mind?” Vieno pointed to that same cucumber. 

“Feel free. I have a lot of them.” It was calm, but he heard the hidden tension.

“Don’t mind if I do.” And so Vieno ate it in front of the woman. “It’s juicy and chilled. A little bit of salt, but still very sweet. May I ask how you prepared it.”

“There is actually no salt added to it.” 

Vieno could tell that she was very turned on. “As I was saying earlier. Lots. Of. Sex. Long. Like all night long. That wouldn’t cause any problems?”

“It is no problem. You would be the first guest in a long time if you choose to stay. That said, I'm somewhat of an idol, so I might be a loud neighbor as well.” 

“Like singing?” Vieno found the response weird. He didn’t think the noise caused by singing was comparable to the sounds of sex, but maybe she was tone deaf and drove away all the previous occupants away. 

“Something like that, if you discover my identity. I ask that you don’t expose me.” She gave an innocent smile behind her emotionless face. The various appliances he noticed earlier were probably related to her occupation after all. 

Vieno gave a smile in return. “Don’t worry I won’t expose you or gossip about what you do with your free time.”

To Vieno the woman’s face was completely scarlet, and the motions of her hand only seemed to grow. Vieno found himself nodding. He was now positive that she did voice acting for the adult industry. 

“Does that mean you will choose to stay?”

“Probably. But I have still yet to see my potential room.”

“Ah. I can show it to you…” 

For the first time the landlord’s voice missed a beat, but Vieno merely began walking to the door. “Then let's go.”



“In a bit.”

“In a bit?”

“Yes, just stand right there.”

After the various short exchanges, Vieno realized she was about to climax. He began to release an instinctual heat and steam began to fill the room. He heard a loud moan, but even he didn’t see anything through the steam.

Instead, after the noise he saw the snow woman rise from the chair like nothing happened. Yet, he noticed that her pace to the door was rather quick and that her robes were soaked from the bottom down. Still, the woman showed no other outward or detectable signs of her behavior.

The contrast would have made Vieno hard if he didn’t command his partner to die down. It was not time to let the snow woman know he could have an erection in her cold aura. At least that was the plan.


The tour was mostly uneventful. The woman stroked herself when he wasn’t watching but other than that it was a normal tour.

However, right as they were about to leave, her sandal strap broke and she tumbled into Vieno, pinning him onto the bed. Their breaths mingled with another--their faces only inches apart. Her face was genuinely red this time, and her nipples were equally erect. As was Vieno’s dick. When she fell he tried to catch her, but his hands slipped into her robes and touched her breasts. From her side, her hand landed on his naked crotch after managing to pull his pants down. 

This was all a perk of being a sex demon. Falls are not simply falls. The laws of casualty would not allow it. 

“Well hi.” Vieno managed.

“Hi.” She responded and pushed herself up. She adjusted her robes and then her emotionless face returned. “So anyways, will you be staying?”

“Yes. I’ll be having a guest in a bit.” He exaggerated the word having. His cock twitched slightly under her gaze, and he pulled his pants back up after getting up from the bed. 

“I see.” She paused and added, “You can use this room. If it doesn’t match your tastes we can arrange for something else.”

Her eyes didn’t move but he could see the gaze went to the spot where she had him pinned. As if he could read her mind, he could hear her: “He will be having sex right there. Right where I just was.”

Then her gaze shifted to his pants, or the thing concealed by them.

“I never got your name? I’m ashamed I never asked Rebecca...”

“It’s Reiko. I have a question of my own.”

“Shoot.” Vieno smiled.

“What time exactly do you think your guest will arrive?”

“She should be coming already. I just contacted her.”

“I see. I’ll leave you to it.” She hurried out. 

“Wait.” It was his turn to stop her.

“Here.” Vieno took off the jacket of his suit and threw it at Reiko, “It looks like you got a little wet when you fell.”

Reiko looked down. “I see. Thank you.” She took it quite quickly, but not quickly enough to not scan his body up and down a few times.

She then left without saying anything else, but as she was exiting the door, Vieno could see his guest walking up the stairs to the second floor. Based on the timing, she must have arrived even before he contacted her.

Reiko passed by the guest and entered the room adjacent to the one they were just in. The bed happened to share a wall with that room.

“Hello Rebecca.”

Rebecca winked in response. She was bundled in layers of fur. Vieno’s first thought was that It was going to be fun to tear them all off. 

1. I believe I’m self aware so let me know if something appears “too” cringe. Sometimes it is intentional, but without feedback I can’t know if I cross the line at some point. No pressure tho. I'm sure some of my friends will read when I tell them I've been writing erotic fiction. 

2. If it wasn't clear the prologue takes a little bit in the future. I was debating whether to include the meeting as a flashback, but I decided to have a more linear narrative to make the actual plot progress nicely. 

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