My Landlord Can’t Stop M********ing!! (18+)

Chapter 9: Cultivator Warrior (Twilight)

Across a low table, a beautiful robed woman sat on a cushion. She composed herself with a practiced elegance that had become instinctual to her. It was like everything in the room was made for her.

In this case, this was in fact true. Vieno had temporarily renovated his apartment to match this woman’s tastes and aesthetics. He had even performed a few songs with the classical instruments that rested at their sides. 

The woman set her glass of tea down. “Senior, I don’t think I’ve tasted anything like this.”

Vieno took a sip of his own. He held the glass and smiled. “I heard you were from a prestigious sect. This should aid your cultivation--even if only a little bit.”

The woman’s face turned a hint of pink, but otherwise, she held herself with grace. “You didn’t have to go to such lengths. I’ve already come to bother you, senior.”

Vieno waved his hand. “I still don’t know your name.”

The woman bowed. “I am known as Twilight’s Song.”

“It is a heroic name. I could see you slaying demons while flying across the sky.”

“Demons? Do you mean the demonic sects?”

“Ah. No, I guess you wouldn’t understand.” 

Vieno paused, and an image was projected between Twilight and Vieno. A man with defined features was in combat with a brutish creature. The man screamed out as he brought his blade through a flurry of blows. The final strike was clean and severed the demon. At once the image distorted into a puff of smoke. 

“It is a term from another world. In those worlds, heroes rise up to defend mankind against monstrous foes called demons.” 

Twilight’s eyes lingered on the table, where the mock battle had just taken place. “So they are a kind of martial hero?”

“Yes, but I could also see you being a superhero.”


“Do tales of other worlds interest you?” This time an image of a person wearing a cape manifested itself in front of them. He went around saving random people from various disasters. 

“It is indeed curious, but perhaps another time…as you know my reason for coming here…we should…” She coughed. “Perhaps, get started.” 

“Hmm.” Vieno scratched his neck. “Before that, forgive me if I’m too blunt, but earlier you said you feared you might be a bother. I just want to clarify, I don’t think coming to have sex is something one can consider to be a bother.”

Twilight previously had eye contact with Vieno, but this remark caused her to look away with a slight cough. “Senior, I’m not too experienced in such matters…please don’t tease me.”

“If I may continue to be blunt.” Vieno’s voice trailed, but seeing the girl nod, he continued, “ If I understand correctly, are you not a chosen of your sect? I imagine you must have a lot of suitors.”

Twilight’s face turned a deeper red, but she looked back at Vieno and locked eye contact once more. She took a deep breath and wet her lips with tea. “If you seek to build something then getting the advice of an architect makes the most sense. At the same time, if one is seeking counsel in the affairs of war then seeking the guidance of those skilled in the martial practices would be the best course of action.”

“So what you're saying is that you want my wisdom on the arts of…”

“Pleasure.” She coughed again. Her elegant visage opened up to youthful charm as a bit of honest frustration showed through.  “It’s awkward at the sect. I have devoted myself to the martial way and rose to the peak of my generation. But I have come but a flower--a prize for others to obtain. During this time, I earned a lot of merit at the sect and after winning the junior competition…the reward I decided to take…”

Seeing her fluster at the end. “I see. I have indeed met your instructor. She cares about you. She also informed me that she had worries that you might develop an internal demon that may obstruct your cultivation.”

“Do you know a lot about cultivation, senior?”

“Hmm.” Vieno sipped some tea and closed his eyes. “Every world is governed by its own unique system. I can’t say how your world's system operates, but cultivation is at its core tied to one's growth. In that case, I have experienced a lot over the millennia that I have existed. Even the tea that we are enjoying has an extensive path.” 

“The myriad Dao under the heavens.” Twilight muttered such words with a distant and contemplative look on her face; however, she quickly refocused her attention with a smile. “May I ask where you perfected your art involving tea?”

“Hmm.” Vieno scratched his neck. “I gathered knowledge over time…You see…I serviced various nobles and part of the social etiquette and traditions involved the brewing arts. I also learned the secret techniques from various figures after…ugh…pleasuring them sufficiently.”

Twilight fanned herself. “I see. It seems I…have come to the right place then.”

Vieno put all “Are you ready then?”

“I think so, but first…may I know your esteemed name.”

Vieno tilted his head. “Hmm. I don’t think many know my original name.” He took a deep breath. A powerful breeze seemed to take hold when Vieno Continued. “A Wind on Lonely Nights, A Dim Shadow in Flames of Passion, An Object of Wayward Desire, One of The Many Sons of Primordial Lust. These are some of the titles that referred to me before I became Vieno, which is how you can call me.”


At his name, Vieno reached his hand over the table and gently held up her chin. Her silky black hair was tied back into a long ponytail that complimented her sharp and defined features. Her light brown eyes seemed to pierce the target of their glare, but at the moment they were lukewarm. Vieno’s felt around the scar that ran under one of her eyes.

He didn’t comment on it but instead just gave it a quick kiss. “You are stiff.” Vieno pulled back.

“I’m not used to this.” She took a deep breath and relaxed her body. As if to apologize, she took the initiative and pulled her robes down to reveal her shoulders. She hesitated but pulled it further. It was a slow process and Vieno’s gaze made her squirm while she did it.

After the robes came bandages that were wrapped around her breasts. She unwound it with the same slow momentum. Still, it eventually fell and her upper body became exposed.

She kept eye contact. Her face warmed up and she hid her breasts with her small hands. Vieno managed to see her light brown tips that contrasted the lighter shade of her skin. That said, she didn’t have a fairy-like appearance like the legends said. There was no perfect white jade skin that lacked impurities, rather her body was one that seemed cultivated by the outdoors. 

She had aesthetically pleasing muscles that showed her hard work and physical abilities. It made it easy to imagine doing passionate things with her. Her scars and skin toned by the sun gave her an experienced and rough look. 

Taking it all in, the imaginations would become more vivid. It could happen outside--maybe under a tree. One would wrestle against that body, feeling all it had to offer, and a cacophony of loud moans and panted breaths would ensure. When they were done, she would put her robes on and her elegant appearance would return. The passionate event that contrasted such an image would remain a tantalizing memory. 

Of course, those were just fantasies that her pristine and athletic body conjured up. Her once strong eyes were now meek. Despite the power of her body, she shyly hid parts of it.

“I can see why you are widely sought after. Any man would have dreams to conquer you. To defile you. To corrupt you. To own you. And if we are blunt then I want a taste as well.”

Twilight took a deep breath and lowered her hands to reveal her nipples again. The tips highlighted her supple looking breasts. It wasn’t hard to imagine one’s hand perfectly wrapped around them, squeezing the whole breast and pinching the softer tips. 

Her face was entirely red at this point. It seemed she was aware of Vieno’s fantasies.

“All the ones who seek my attention always fawn over me with lecherous eyes but tell me sweet words that contradict their inner desires. As the sect’s chosen, it is hard to say that I just want a casual…one night…fuck.”

“I once serviced a perverted empress who masturbated several times in a day because any commitment, even a small one, would have political ramifications. She held onto power with an iron fist but had to make sacrifices. Any slight on her image could come back to weaken the prestige of her entire empire.”

“Senior, what did she end up doing?”

“Before me…well she had the entire alchemy department of the kingdom work to create her various concoctions. She played with life-like golems. She had the magic department construct her various sex toys…eer artifacts. Basically, despite her position, she really just enjoyed such activities in full behind closed doors.” Vieno laughed at the end. 

“Senior, I don’t think that is applicable to me.” She pouted slightly. Although she seemed more comfortable with having her breasts exposed now.

“Are you just here to satisfy a desire?”

Her eyes sharpened but it was cute against the scarlet tinge of her face. “I want to experience that which I do not know. I’m aware that such pleasurable activities…” She coughed. “...are not essential. If I want to pursue my Dao, I wonder if I should sever such emotions…that is why I’m here: to figure that out.”

Vieno stood up. “Well…”

Twilight gulped. “I saw the bulge earlier but…”

When Vieno stood up, his erect cock became more apparent against his robes. He laughed at the girl’s gaze and disrobed himself.

“I can change the size at will by the way…” Vieno remarked with a somewhat abashed expression. “See, I’ll make it smaller.”

“No. No…umm…bigger.” She blushed. There was an innocent fascination.

“You can touch it.” 

She blushed again and scooted over next to Vieno. Her hand slid up and down it, gripped it, pulled on it. Her other hand was soon added. One rubbed the head while the other stroked the lower end of the shaft and played with his balls. Although not like a fairy, her hands were unreasonably soft and slightly on the cold side. 

Twilight’s face wasn’t far from his dick because of their positions. Vieno watched her eyes grow excited, lost in the moment and fully focused on his privates. Her nipples also became perceivably erect. A grunt escaped Vieno’s lips and that brought her back to attention.


“No, it feels really good.”


“So much so, it takes a lot of will not to push you down and ravage your seductive body.”

“Ah.” She had a playful look on her face. Her curiosity begot boldness. “I heard rumors that men like this.”

She lowered her head and her tongue wrapped around his cock. Vieno grunted again and slowly put his hands on the back of her head. This caused her to get more excited and she got more aggressive with her tongue and mouth, which resulted in Vieno’s soft grip becoming more firm as he pushed his shaft deeper into her mouth.

“I’m going to cum.” Despite it being her first time, Twilight’s tongue was magical and she herself didn’t hold back in her motions or techniques. Perhaps it was a cultivator’s instincts. He could even feel her energy flow into him and cause a tingling sensation in his nether regions. Then there was the psychological component. Vieno could last much longer, but there wasn’t much of a point at the moment.

Her eyes looked up to catch Vieno’s gaze but then they rotated back down. Seeing him pleased, she didn’t stop, and seeing that she didn’t stop, a steady and warm stream filled her mouth. She licked it all up.

She fell back, her tits bouncing a couple times in the process, and looked at Vieno after a deep breath. “What was that?”

“...” Vieno felt a bit of clarity but that clarity was gone when looking at the body of the figure that just made him cum. It was the innocent eyes that seemed oblivious to the things that had happened. The unabashed exposure of her breasts was another factor.

“I feel like my cultivation has increased.” She studied her body.

“Oh, not many notice.” Vieno wagged his dick around in his hand. “My cum is basically a sacred treasure. It has a variety of features depending on the moment from mindfulness to aphrodisiac properties. It also has strong restorative effects to relieve any pain and fatigue. Furthermore, it has a cooling function to prevent overheating…” 

It seemed like Vieno was able to rant off an endless amount of features, but Twilight cut him off.

“Does the hole matter?”

“Ugh…no…I mean…not necessarily…”

“Is this a legendary dual cultivation technique?” This line of thinking was expected of a cultivator, but it was still surreal to have this direction of conversation during a sexual encounter. That said, Vieno was used to things straying off topic

“No. It is more like an alchemic pill or elixir, I guess?”

Her eyes turned greedy. There was a thirst in them, but Vieno would prefer it if it was derived from a sense of horniness and not avarice. Still, knowing how worlds like Twilight’s often worked, he understood. 

But lucidity returned to her, and she gave an apologetic bow. Her boobs were pressed into her knees giving a glorious angle. Vieno leaned in to get a view that empathized her side boob. The whole image was erotic. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to consume such a precious treasure.”

Vieno waved. “No. No. It’s really fine…I should be the one thanking you for pleasuring me. I was supposed to pleasure you.”

“Oh.” She rose and then tilted her head. “I forgot…umm…we can continue that…but I wouldn’t want you to waste any--”

“Can I play with your breasts?” Vieno gave a childish smile. 

“Oh..ugh…sure.” She was caught off guard and agreed but then looked down as if realizing something. “Oh…my breasts…”

She covered them again and gave a slight pout. “This isn’t how I usually act.” She eyed Vieno’s cock and blushed.

“There is nothing wrong with losing yourself in the moment or being interested in a man’s body.”

Despite her bashfulness, she scooted back over. But to show she was still affected by the events, she only revealed her breasts when she was right up against Vieno again. And even then she looked in the opposite direction. 

“Well, go on.” She gave another pout. “If anyone else were to touch them then I’d cut them into pieces. If they were a man then they could soon forget about being a man.”

Vieno ignored the scary words and snuggled up against her. He immediately began groping her boobs. They were even more soft and flexible than they looked. They practically melted away in his hands.

“This is…ugh…sort of embarrassing…” Her face was once again painted completely in red. Her delicate lips wriggled and a high pitched question came out of them: “Are you actually enjoying this?”

“Of course. I’m sure you’ve seen men look at them…I’m sure many dream of doing what I’m doing right now.”

“ what you want.”

Vieno used one hand and tilted her chin towards himself and pressed his lips against her. There was shock but that subsided. She closed her moist eyes as they greedily stole each other's lips and tongue. This led into a passionate embrace where their hands explored each other’s bodies. During this, they both sat facing each other. 

When Vieno’s hand reached through her robes that still hid her crotch. Twilight guided his hand up her own thighs and towards the entrance of her pussy. She moaned, breaking free from Vieno’s kisses only for Vieno to pull her back in. Her moans turned into muffled gasps.

At some point, her robes completely fell off. She had a large bush and when he moved his hands, Twilight grabbed his cock and guided it into her wet pussy. She once again broke free and gave her loudest moan when it first entered.

She didn’t stop but began grinding against Vieno. They sat close together, looking into each other's eyes. This lasted for a while before it transformed into a quick succession of various positions.

At one point, Vieno would be on top and then at another she would be on top of him. One moment Vieno would have her leg raised and taking her from the side and the next he would be behind her and pushing her up against a bedframe in a nearby room, which would lead to him dragging her to the edge of the bed and fucking her from the front using a downwards angle from above her. 

The most intense moments were the standing positions though. She was rough and grinded against his body in violent motions. Her nails clawed into his back to get the most tight grip possible as she continued to moan over and over. 

The two had orgasmed countless times until they both fell together onto the bed. Her hand touched his back, which was bleeding.

“I’m sorry…I…didn’t control my strength properly…”

“No. No, it was impressive. I’ve had my share of dragons, mythical creatures, experts, etc. Not many can be so rough with me…but you might have killed someone else.” Vieno laughed. 

“...I’m ashamed.”

“You just need more practice, and I’d be glad to be your partner as many times as you want.”

“Then...I’ll do that… and I’m sorry.” She continued to stroke his back. 

“Don’t be.” He turned over and looked under her left eye. “This can be considered my own battle scar. Others rub their nose down at my lifestyle, but it doesn’t matter to me.”

“I see, but I’m sort of hot again...I don’t want to bother--.”

“What did I say?” Vieno pulled her in. Seeing her nervous about causing him harm, he offered a suggestion. All she had to do was try to steady herself and not move too much. She nodded, slightly hesitantly. 

Vieno smiled and lifted her lower body towards his own face and proceeded to bring his tongue across her thighs. She had to look up and watch as he ate her out. The bed creaked as she desperately tried to hold herself down with her hands. 

But time showed it was not enough. She continued to moan and moan, but her orgasms had halted. She was stuck at the peak. The pleasure was like an everlasting flame that surged across her body. It wouldn’t go out and her meek face seemed to be desperate to get over the edge. Seeing this, Vieno turned her over and held her body down. This was so it was easier for her to resist her urges.

At the same time, Vieno wet her ass with his tongue. 

“That…feels…weird…” She stopped talking and climaxed with a multitude of deep breaths. It wasn’t that her ass was specifically sensitive; instead, the unfamiliar sensation excited her imagination until the build of pleasure transformed into a moment of ecstasy. 

But that was just the beginning, he inserted his cock into her anus. It tightened around his penis, but he still drove it in deeper whenever a moment of relaxation appeared.  

Her hands also tightened on the bed. Vieno continued to help hold her body down. His grunts and her pants filled the night.

“Harder…” Vieno obliged. It seemed she was worked up because this whole experience was her first time having sex with another person. Furthermore, her trained body had a lot of endurance. The motions were simple, but the thrusting lasted the entire night until an unknown amount of orgasms later and Twilight collapsed. 

The reason for the simplicity was because Vieno had learned that Twilight simply had too much energy. She always wanted more and more, so he had to exhaust her to the point that the heat that kept rising up in her would finally be smothered out. 

He pulled his penis from her ass and snuggled up against her. 

Despite everything that happened, he still played with her tits.

“You really like them, huh.” Her eyes were half closed. 

“Of course. I said I did.”

“Next time we can…” She yawned.

“We can do what…”

“It will be a surprise…”

 She turned around and Vieno nestled up against her back. They fell asleep like this. 


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