My Landlord Can’t Stop M********ing!! (18+)

Minichapter (11.5): Another Mess From the Landlord

After about an hour, Vieno’s dreams woke him up. He got up and made sure the blanket was snuggly around Joy. 

With her asleep, Vieno walked over to the closet and opened it. He could hear the soft murmurs from the landlord as she had found a comfortable spot nestled in a pile of his clothes. She seemed to have passed out some time ago. He was aware of her the entire time he was with Joy, but he made sure to give Joy his undivided attention because of the underlying circumstances. 

Reiko’s robes were open wide, revealing her two breasts with their erect pink tips. They moved up and down with her breath.  She was wearing cute panties that had a pig in the center. It dangled below her knees.

She was covered in sweat to the point her hair was wet. He could tell her entire body was a mix of hot and cold. Her fingers were dripping. Even in her dreams, her fingers were hovering over the area between her spread legs that caused the whole mess. He watched her hands. They seemed to gently caress that place as the soft murmurs occasionally turned into moans. 

Various thoughts flowed through his head. Should he punish her? Wash her? Leave her there?

His body got heated and he remembered their previous encounter in her messy room. 

“Really now…” He picked her up gently without disturbing her. It hadn’t been that long since he had tucked her in last, but he didn’t mind. He could see a wide grin appear on her face as she seemed suddenly content. 

She had latched onto one of his boxers among the wet pile that she rested on. He would have to not only wash those clothes but retrieve his boxers later it would seem. Well, it only took a snap of his fingers to do such things...

Nonetheless, Vieno reliably brought her to her room and tucked her in. It seemed this was becoming a usual event.  

Reiko would ultimately keep that pair of boxers.

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