My Last Wish is to XXXX Hot Guys! – Huh? No you’re not. You’re going to bring peace to the Seven Kingdoms!

Chapter 32: Marriage Proposal from Traitorous Shit Stirring Rats. Now, What should I do about that?

Soril POV

It takes two more days to return to Kanra. Lumeria wears a gutted look the entire time. Still, when night comes, she crawls into his arms as if to shield herself from her own demons. If only she can drop her contradicting morals, then she won’t be so conflicted. He tries not to push her too hard. She needs to come to that conclusion herself. He did. He knows she would too, eventually. 

The next day he goes to Wascald again in shackles. His daughter is sitting beside him, overcompensating with her overly modest dress. Starkly contrasting the last time he’s seen her. He starts addressing her directly, 

“How many bottles of Crying Nightshade do you currently have? And how many more can you get me?” she doesn’t even pretend it’s her father’s idea anymore, the old emotional fool is too blockheaded to come up with schemes like this,  

“I see you’ve tested it out.”  

“I have.”  

“I take it that means you’re satisfied with the results. Unfortunately, that was the only one we possessed, but we know the supplier. I can send in a note for more. I hear they uncovered an entire crate and it’s going to the highest bidder.” 

“I’ll accept your marriage proposal. In exchange, you will bid for everything, not even a single one must fall into our enemy’s hands.”   

“Ah. But the tides have turned, haven't it? I now have something you want that I can obtain. Shouldn’t you offer up a bit more?” obnoxious bitch.  

“I can still decline and let your father die once your cousin arrives.” 

“Your troops need to eat. I hear you no longer have any food left in the camp.”  

“I will march them into Rosenlight. Your generous gift got rid of the only immediate threat we have left. This region is pretty much secured right now, I no longer have the need to stay.”  

“But you do not strike me as a man that will trade a near guaranteed victory in this war over something petty.”  

“What do you want?”  

“A grand wedding in the capital in front of the royal court. A beautiful white gown made from Genocian silk. All the noble ladies must be invited. Princess Elwyna especially. I want to see the look on her face when she learns I am the one who obtained you in the end.”  

“Aren’t you petty. You’re not afraid to make enemies of the royals?” 

“I will be your wife. Who will be left to dare challenge me unless Astia wants to antagonize their best killer that I armed with the deadliest weapon imaginable to the Seven Kingdoms? Oh. And Lumeria, sell her to a brothel somewhere far away. I don’t want your heart to stray.” The apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree. She makes him sick. He plasters a smile,  

“Unchain me then. Let’s sign the deal. Are you going to keep your fiancé in shackles forever?” she immediately gestures for the keys, but Wascald is weary,  

“My beloved daughter, perhaps you shouldn’t.” 

“I know what I’m doing, fa-” she does not even finish the sentence before she watches her father’s head slice with a sharp whip of silver. The blood splashes across her face. Slipping off his neck like a piece of aged cheese. It finally registers in her dull little brain to scream. It’s an ear-piercing sound. The guards are now charging in. He cleans them up swiftly too, leaving the rest stunted at the door, 

“I suggest all of you to switch allegiances if you want to keep your lives.” he reels the wires in,  

“Go open the gates and empty out the granary for a feast for my troops. They fought a hard battle recently. And guard the castle entrance. Don’t let anyone come in. Especially not a girl with red hair.” he turns his attention back to Rhaena once they leave. She collapses off her chair, shaking in absolute disbelief,  

“You’re sick! You’re mad! If you kill me, you won’t get the rest of the Crying Nightshade. And what for? All so you can be with your witch?” he strings her up against the chandelier, hanging her by the wrists, 

“You heard a lot of rumors about me, haven’t you?” he pulls out a dagger,  

“Have you also heard that I despise traitorous fat lords and their scheming daughters after one of them dogged my family to the Estelians and got them killed? Have you also heard that I will never jeopardize the Crown Prince by putting shit stirring rats near him, that’s why he favors me so much?” He cuts away her dress, pressing the blade against her thigh,  

“And, have you also heard, I am very, very, good at flaying my enemies into giving me what I want?” it draws a sliver of blood,  

“Now, my dear to be wife. Do you wish to tell me who your supplier is, or will you tell me after I peel the skin off your legs?”  

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