My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 10 – Meeting the Father

A couple of minutes after setting out for Vel’s home, we came to a stop, but it wasn’t because we had arrived at our destination. Instead, we made a stop at a tree that looked no different from any of the others around us but was supposedly Saph’s home, but I couldn’t figure out why a slime would call a tree their home. Our reason for stopping here was to say goodbye to them, as apparently, the little slime was deathly afraid of Vel’s father and would never go anywhere near their friend’s house when he was around.

Once we had said our goodbyes and promised to come back and play with Saph again sometime, Vel and I continued on our way to her home, where she would introduce me to her father. The walk probably took nearly twenty minutes in total and was fairly boring. After running out of idle topics of conversation to talk to Vel about while still trying to maintain my memory loss story, I kept myself entertained by looking over my status screen and all the information it held. However, other than the trait and the discovery of what had happened to Bob, there wasn’t anything new to discover.

The journey, walking through the forest itself, was a mixed bag. The way the cool air felt on my bare skin was absolutely refreshing, but what wasn’t so great was the way stray bits of branches and leaves kept scraping me. I really did need to get my hands on some clothes soon, but I was slightly worried about that.

Vel was considerably more thin than me, and I doubted even a loose dress of hers could have properly fit my overly generous curves. I was hopeful that her father had a spare shirt or something that I could wear. It still wouldn’t have been as good as wearing proper feminine clothes or a good pair of panties, but anything was better than nothing. Although, once I was out of the forest, I would have had less need for clothes as being naked wouldn’t be as much of an annoyance when there wasn’t stray foliage constantly poking and scraping against me.

In time, the two of us approached nearer and nearer to our destination. Ahead of us, I could already see the tree line beginning to thin out and I could hear a repetitive thudding noise like someone was busy chopping firewood. After a few more steps closer, I could see hints of a log cabin past the foliage surrounding us, and it was at this point that Vel spoke up.

"You should probably wait here for a bit, sorry…" She suggested as she shifted nervously on her feet, not entirely sure about how exactly this was going to go down. "Dad’s not the most… welcoming to strangers, especially humans. So it’s probably best that I warn him in advance of you so he doesn’t do anything rash when he sees you."

"If that’s what you think is best, but don’t worry so much, it'll be fine," I responded as I put a reassuring hand on the young woman’s shoulder, but she didn’t really seem all that reassured.

"Ah… Yeah… Okay." Vel awkwardly stammered for a bit before nodding and walking off.

While the woman disappeared out of sight, I twisted my head so that my ear was facing the direction that I thought the sound of someone chopping wood was coming from in the hopes of being able to clearly hear what was about to be said.

Thankfully, the forest was mostly quiet enough, save for the rustling of the wind in the leaves, that I could clearly hear Vel nervously say. "Ah, Hey, Dad…"

"Velyna?" Her father responded with a questioning tone. His voice was deeper and more coarse than what I was expecting an elf to have, but it was a very sexy voice. One that made me want to give elf cock a try even more badly than I already did. "You're back rather early, honey. I thought I was going to have to pry you away from the forest like usual, but if you are here now, then there are a few more chores in the garden that could use your gentle touch before lunch."

"Actually, Dad… There is something I need your help with."

"Oh, okay." Her father seemed a little surprised by this, but not overly so. At this point, the sound of wood being chopped had completely stopped as his attention had now moved fully to his daughter. "What is it?"

"Well, you see… I was um…" Vel nervously stammered, but her father just patiently waited for her to finish. "I kind of found something… I found a person passed out in the forest, and they needed a bit of help… Umm… Isn’t that right, Evelyn."

"You brought them here!" Vel’s father exclaimed, not in anger though. He sounded more shocked and slightly disappointed than angry.

Upon hearing this, I just sighed. I figured that this was the point at which I was meant to come out, but Vel hadn’t really done that good of a job of explaining the situation to her father. After all, he still didn’t know that I was a human, which was, as far as I knew, the most pressing concern of his. I just assumed that this happened because she was so nervous that she was struggling to think of what to say and rushed it.

Since none of us wanted Vel’s father to do anything rash when he saw me, I tried to make my appearance as slowly and peaceful as possible. To achieve that, I kept my hands up in the air as I made sure all of my steps were both slow and clearly telegraphed. In retrospect though, putting my hands up in that manner probably wasn’t necessary since I was butt naked and obviously not carrying anything that could be misconstrued as a weapon.

As soon as he noticed my presence, Vel’s father reached for the axe he had been using to cut firewood and held it aloft in a threatening stance. However, the moment he noticed that I was naked, it was almost as if he was so shocked that all the tension in his muscles fled him. That said, my nudity wasn’t the only surprising thing, as Vel’s father didn’t look at all like I was expecting him to look.

The main reason for my surprise was that the man was clearly not an elf but a human, which must have meant that Vel was only a half-elf. However, the surprise I was feeling wasn’t the only emotion that the sight of this man made me feel. As it turned out, he was quite a handsome specimen, the kind that should have been on the cover of a men’s health magazine.

He was rather tall, standing at least a foot above me, probably more. His body was broad and extremely muscular, but most sexy of all was the way he was dressed in a manner similar to that of a stereotypical lumberjack. Between the tight-fitting jeans and the red plaid shirt, he had the lumberjack look down to a tee. He even had the front of his shirt open enough, but not completely open, allowing me a glimpse of his hairy and muscular chest.

Of course, his face was just as ruggedly handsome as the rest of him. What, with his big bushy beard, that looked just like the hair atop his head that had a few streaks of silver to it. Additionally, his deep, dark eyes held a mysterious sternness to them, which was only made all the more impressive by a scar that ran down the left side of his face, from forehead to cheek. By the looks of it, whatever made that scar narrowly avoided taking his eyes out, but my thoughts couldn’t have been further from wondering about what monster or person could have possibly done that to someone as strong looking as him.

Screw cock, I really, really want to fuck him. It doesn’t matter that he’s a human. I bet he has a massive cock and knows how to really use it, he looks like he would.

"W… Why is she naked?" The big, burly man stuttered a little bit before shouting at me, which unfortunately snapped my attention away from the lewd fantasies dancing around in my head.

"Umm, well…" I let out a slight chuckle, not entirely sure how my story was going to sound, but hoping it would be enough. "That’s a good question, but not one I currently know the answer to."

I let my words sit for a moment before I moved to explain myself further, but Vel beat me there and explained my situation for me. "Evelyn has no memories She was just lying there, naked and unconscious when I found her. I’m sorry, I knew you wouldn’t have wanted to me but she looked like she needed help."

"Humans are dangerous, honey. They lie, steal, and kill without remorse. Wherever humanity goes, suffering follows. You should have just left her be." The man responded to his daughter as if I wasn’t even there, which I didn’t mind too much since I was busy staring at his tight pants trying to work out if his cock was as big as I was hoping it would be.

"You’re human too, Dad!" Vel stamped her foot as she raised her voice at her father.

"That’s how I know what humans are capable of." He sighed and shook his head, unable to understand why his daughter was behaving this way.

While the two were going at it like that, my attention slowly drifted away from the guy’s pants to the clearing the three of us were standing in. Relatively speaking, the clearing was kind of small. Between the tranquil little log cabin that I assumed was Vel and her father’s home, there was only just enough room for a garden out back of the house and a nearby tool shed. The tool shed was the closest of the two structures, as behind it was a slight overhang where the firewood was getting stacked after Vel’s father chopped the logs he had cut into chunks suitable for a fireplace.

"But Eveyln’s just freshly awakened." Vel continued to argue with her father since she wasn’t willing to bend on this issue. It was lucky that the young woman who found me was apparently so kind and caring that she would argue against her dad for me like this, but that bit of luck was probably prearranged by those that organised my reincarnation. 

"She was only level 1 when she woke up and has no memories of her life before. Just because you have bad experiences with humans doesn’t mean she is like them." Vel continued to argue my case.

"This is not up for debate- Wait, what…" The man went to shut down his daughter before even hearing what she had said, but as he heard her words and registered them in his head, her claim took him by surprise and made him cut himself off.

Vel’s father just silently turned and stared at me, which would have been fun if he was ogling my tits, but the man was just staring at me as if he was trying to bore a hole straight through my forehead. I only realised what he was doing when his eyes flashed with a red light and he said. "You’re right. Though she’s actually level 2, she does only have a handful of skills. Hmm… Pervert, huh…"

Wow, did he just look at my status screen or something? Was that a skill he just used or is that something everyone can do? No, wait, Vel asked me earlier what my level was. If everyone could freely identify each other’s level, then there would have been no need for her to ask, so it must be a skill that her father used.

"Does that mean, you’ll help Evelyn?" Vel’s eyes lit up as she looked at her father with renewed hope.

"Velyna, honey, you said she was level 1 when she woke up, right?" He didn’t answer his daughter’s question. Instead, he turned and gave her a deadpan stare, which caused a smile to stretch across my lips because I already knew where this was going.

"Yeah, she was just level 1 when she woke up but levelled up shortly after," Vel answered like it was no big deal, not quite putting together what her father was getting at.

"Yes, and her class is that of pervert. Although I’ve never specifically heard of that class before, it’s obvious that it's a sexual class like courtesan or prostitute. So for her to level up, it means one of two things. Either she defeated something or someone in combat, which for a level 1 lifestyle class would be a hard task, or she had sex with someone. Which was it, Velyna?" He continued to just sternly stare at his daughter the whole time he was speaking. It was more than obvious which of the two possibilities he was hoping was the case, as unlikely as it seemed.

"Oh…" Vel instantly started to blush and fidget. She didn’t actually need to give her father an answer for him to understand which of the possibilities was actually the case, much to his chagrin.

"Velyna, why did you have sex with a random human woman you found naked and unconscious in the forest. I thought I raised you better than that." He sighed, the disappointment clear as day in his voice.

From the sidelines of this conversation, which had been continuing on like I wasn’t even there, I could barely contain my laughter. It was just too much fun to watch Vel nervously squirm and fidget when she got embarrassed like this. The only way it could have been more enjoyable was if I was the one making her react like that and neither of us was wearing any clothes.

Vel hung her head, avoiding eye contact with her father as she said. "I know it probably wasn’t the most sensible thing to have done given that we were in the middle of the forest, but what’s done is done. Evelyn and I are friends now, friends with benefits, and I really want to help her get her memories back. Please just help her, Dad."

As heartwarming as it feels to have someone wholeheartedly rooting for me, the fact that I am lying about my memory loss to her kind of negates that feeling.

"Friends with benefits!" Her father shouted in surprise, clearly understanding what it meant, but unsure of whether or not his daughter understood it too.

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