My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 53 – Selecting My General Skills

From the list of general skills I had available to learn, two were must-haves as I foresaw myself continuing to use them for a long time to come. Hell, I had already engaged in their area of speciality quite a bit when I didn’t have the skills for them, so it served as nothing but a boon to have the corresponding general skills. Because of this, I wasted no time immediately learning the anal intercourse and fellatio skills.

Anal Intercourse, Rank 1
(General, Sexual)

Ah, the old back door. Anal sex isn’t for everyone, but in the right hands, it can be a lot of fun going in through the back. Just remember, never go ass to pussy.

Fellatio, Rank 1
(General, Sexual)

There is nothing quite like the love a slut has for sucking cock. If it wasn’t so lewd, it would be heartwarming, but then again, the feeling of a hard, thick cock sliding into your mouth gets the heart pumping in its own special way.

Accompanying the learning of my skills was the familiar rush of intuitive knowledge being directly placed inside my mind, something I had pretty much forgotten about and thus took me a little by surprise, along with the slight dizziness that came with it. Luckily, that feeling was nowhere near as powerful as it once was and lasted much less time. Soon enough, I was back staring at the list of general skills, weighing the options of those that appealed to me.

The next skill that stood out to me was one that was actually very different from all the rest I had taken. It was the dagger skill. Although Damien said earlier that it wasn’t necessary for me to take the skill so long as I knew how to defend myself, he did suggest taking it anyway, and I had no reason to disagree with him.

Given that he knew more about this world than I did, if he thought having the skill would be useful to me, then I was bound to have to stab someone or something sooner or later. I wasn’t on Earth anymore. Monsters, bandits, and other such things that would mean me harm roamed the land. The only downside to taking the dagger skill was that it was a combat skill and wouldn’t grow as fast as my sexual ones. Thankfully, though, with my evolved, tier 1 class of slut, the malice towards the growth of my combat skills had lessened significantly, so it wouldn’t be too hard to rank up the skill.

Dagger, Rank 1
(General, Combat)

Stabby! Stabby!

Okay… that skill description is a little disconcerting. 

Since I could have removed and replaced general skills whenever I wanted, with the only downside to doing such being having the skill’s rank reset to 1, I wasn’t that fazed by the dagger skill’s description. If it didn't turn out to be what I wanted, I could always get rid of it later, but I just assumed it wouldn’t be all that important. After all, many of my other general skills had whimsical descriptions as well. This one was just taking it up a notch, a rather dark notch.

Moving on and putting that skill description out of my mind for the moment, I turned back to the task at hand. For my last two general skills, I wasn’t as sure about what I wanted to take. Many things on the list appealed to me, but none spoke to me as highly as the first two I chose. Although I could have always asked Damien and Vel about other general skills that I had yet to meet the requirements for and worked towards getting them with their help, there were a couple of skills on the list that I thought would be useful for my future.

In particular, seduction and deception stood out to me. Although I wasn’t planning on going around lying to everyone, I was planning on going around seducing practically anyone I could, or something like that. As such, the seduction general skill could help me get into the kinds of situations I was hoping to get into, and the deception skill could help me get out of them if they turned bad. Not to mention that there were bound to be other situations where they would come in handy, ones that weren’t necessarily related to sex.

However, I was still relatively unsure about choosing them over any other ones. It was only once I reminded myself again that I could replace them in the future if any better ones came along, that I made my choice and selected the two general skills.

Deception, Rank 1
(General, Social)

Not all deceptions need to be harmful or spiteful in nature. Although sometimes you might be lying about where you were when someone was murdered, other times you might be lying about how you’re a bad, bad girl who needs to be spanked.

Seduction, Rank 1
(General, Social)

The art of seduction, aka how to get someone to fuck you, is an intricate thing. Sometimes it's as simple as saying "Let's fuck," while other times there are a slew of hoops to jump through before even getting to the point of kissing.

Oh, they are social skills. I thought to myself, not realising this until I had learned the skills. The fact that they wouldn’t rank up as fast as my other skills dampened their appeal significantly, but once I read their descriptions, I was excited about them once more.

Despite the fact that they weren’t sexual skills, the descriptions of the two general skills heavily implied that they could be used in such a manner. For seduction, it is obvious why, but for deception, I had not thought of using the skill in the way that the description implied. I assumed there was probably a different skill for sexual roleplay, but it made sense that such a thing could also fall under the category of deception. I figured that the line separating deception from mere roleplaying was if you were trying to have those witnessing the deception truly believe your lie, instead of just putting on an act. Kind of like how lying is different from acting in a play or movie.

Now that I had all my general skill slots filled again, there was really only one thing left to do before heading out for lunch. Well, two things if you included giving Damien’s bed a quick freshen up, but I wasn’t including that since it was easy and quick enough to do. No, what I was referring to was allocating my free stat points, of which I now had 4 thanks to my new tier 1 class.

After a quick look at my stat scores, I made the decision to put all 4 points into willpower. Not only would that have been helpful since my new class skill scaled with willpower, but because I needed to get willpower up to 20 for my 2nd class evolution sooner or later, and I didn’t get extra points in that stat every level up as I did for vitality and charm. Once my decision was confirmed, I gave the entirety of my status screen one last look over before giving the bed a quick clean.

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Slut
Level: 11

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 27
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 17
Charm: 43

Class Skills: 6/10
Conjure Sex Toy, Rank 1
Freshen Up, Rank 5
Fascinate, Rank 5
Sense Gaze, Rank 5
Stimulate, Rank 5
Tight Fit, Rank 5

General Skills:
Anal Intercourse, Rank 1
Cunnilingus, Rank 10
Dagger, Rank 1
Deception, Rank 1
Felatio, Rank 1
Kissing, Rank 10
Seduction, Rank 1
Sensual Massage, Rank 14
Sex Toys, Rank 10
Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 10

Blessed By An Angel
Monster Lover

"That’s shaping up nicely." I hummed excitedly to myself before going on to clean up.

Once the bed had been completely freshened up and not a single hint of what had happened there remained, I turned my attention back to myself. A few seconds later, I was as clean and fresh as the day I was born, as were the clothes I was putting back on. Clothes, which really needed the freshening up as they had gotten rather sweaty during all the training and exercises that had happened outside earlier in the day.

Dressed once more in a pair of simple, tight pants and a shirt, I headed out of Damien’s bedroom to find wherever the man in question had gotten to. As expected I found him in the kitchen, preparing a quick lunch for all of us, just as he said he would.

As soon as I entered the kitchen, the big burly man turned to face me and asked. "So, how did it go?"

"Quite good." I grinned excitedly as I walked over to join him at the kitchen counter where several plates of cold meats and salad were being prepared for our lunch. "You're looking at a new woman. No longer am I a pervert, for now I am a slut."

Damien couldn’t help but grin hearing this, no doubt finding the naming scheme of my personalised classes rather amusing. "You might not have the pervert class anymore, but you are still a pervert." Damien chuckled as he reached over and openly slid his hand up under my shirt as if to prove his point, since he knew well enough that I was never going to stop him from doing such a thing.

"Says the man playing with my tits in the middle of the kitchen." I teased him back as he gave my nipples a playful pinch, one that made the lace crotch of my panties rather wet even though they had been freshened up not that long ago.

"Alleged pervertedness aside, what rarity is this slut class," Damien said, but I couldn’t help but notice he was still attentively playing with my tits.

"It’s a rare class!" I chimed excitedly before jumping at the man and wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders as I planted a series of kisses on his lips. "Your advice worked wonders. Thank you so much."

"It was my pleasure, literally." Damien let out another laugh as he returned the embrace, not at all trying to hide the fact that his hands moved down to openly grope my butt. One hand even managed to slide under the waistband of my rather tight pants and the back of my incredibly skimpy lace panties.

"Oh, I know it was." I continued to tease the man by pressing my body up against his own as his hands continued to have their way with my supple butt cheeks. "And speaking of pleasure, I have a few new general skills which I could do with some help ranking up. In particular, anal intercourse and fellatio."

"Yes, I suppose I could help you with that." Damien played aloof, but one of his fingers had sneaked its way to my wet pussy from behind, causing me to let out a slight moan. "However, it should probably wait for later. Lunch is almost ready, and I’m sure Vel wants to hear all about your new class as well."

"You are such a tease." I pouted as I felt him slide his hands away from my butt.

"Says the woman pressing her rather amazing breasts up against my chest."

"Hey, I’m not a tease. I would gladly let you grope these breasts and fuck my tight little pussy whenever you want, right here and now included. You're the one being a tease, getting a feel of tits and pussy, only to then make me wait until after lunch for a nice big creampie." I corrected him.

After a quick moment of thought, Damien was unable to find any weakness in my logic that he could tease me with. As such, he simply responded with "True." before turning back to finish preparing lunch.

"Damn, right, it's true." I grinned pervertedly as I watched the man go about starting to put the last finishing touches on our meal.

Despite his burly size and strength, Damien was actually fairly deft with a kitchen knife, something that made me wonder if he actually had a cooking general skill like Vel did. Since the man was somewhere around level 80, that meant he was in tier 3 and had 20 general skills. As strong as he was, they couldn’t all have been combat-related. He would have had to have had some to help him out with everyday life.

Before I could ask Damien if he actually did have the cooking general skill, he spoke up, asking. "Could you go out and get the others for lunch, Eve?"

"Sure thing," I responded, as I turned and headed out of the kitchen.

From there, it was only a short distance before I was outside; after all, the log cabin was rather small. Outside, I found Vel and Saph where I had left them, standing in the middle of the clearing, sparring with each other. Unoccupied by my own training, I took a moment to look at the two of them and really appreciate how determined they were.

While I had been shut inside doing my own, more pleasurable training, these two had been out here the whole time, exchanging blows and working up quite a sweat. Despite the strain and fatigue of what they had been doing, they were still as focused on sparring as ever. Not to mention, they were getting quite good at what they were doing.

Although I was no expert at fighting, even I could see that Vel was getting quicker and more certain of herself with that staff. Likewise, Saph’s method of fighting had improved in its own way. The little blue slime’s bounces held more strength than before and were not only quicker but more accurate. Sometimes Saph would even swiftly move from one attack to the next by bouncing off a nearby tree trunk or the side of the shed. It was all rather impressive, just how talented they were getting at it for such a short amount of time.

"It’s time for a break! Lunch is almost ready," I called out to the two of them, and they immediately stopped what they were doing to run over to me.

Unlike the last time we travelled together, Saph was actually much quicker than Vel and managed to reach me in only two bounces. The little blue blob excitedly found its way to my chest, where I held it in my arms as it let out an excited gurgling noise.

Despite all three of us training together for most of the day, before I went off and did some one-on-one training with Damien, I hadn’t really talked much with either Vel or Saph. The training was just too strenuous to allow for much fraternising and we were all way too tired during breakfast to talk much, but it wasn’t quite the same level of tiredness and fatigue as we had now. Because of this, not only was I excited to get to spend this time with the two of them and catch up with the little slime as best I could, but it was also extremely apparent that Saph had grown significantly bigger. Their body was now almost two feet across in diameter, and the core floating inside them had grown proportionally in size as well.

As I stood there marvelling at the growth of the slime, they let out a dissatisfied-sounding gurgle. After a slight moment of confusion, I realised they were kneading at my clothes with their gelatinous body, not at all happy over the fact that I was now dressed since they couldn’t have their way with me and vibrate on my pussy whenever they wanted.

Before I could even think about making it up to them, I was distracted by the young elven woman nearly tackling me to the ground. As Vel wrapped her arms around me and, by association, Saph, it was more than apparent that she was quite sweaty from all the training she had done without having had a chance to wash up. But I didn’t really mind as it was fixed soon enough with a quick application of freshen up.

"How did your training go, Eve? Dad wasn’t lying when he said he was letting me go at my own pace before. I’ve earned more ranks in my skills today than I have any other day, by far." Vel excitedly chimed as her hands went down to openly grope my butt during the embrace we shared.

Like father, like daughter. I laughed to myself before replying to her.

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