My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 56 – Sparring

Much like the first little training session we had earlier in the day, Damien rotated around to each of us, individually teaching Vel, Saph and me what we needed to know. When he wasn’t focused on teaching me to use the dagger offensively he was either showing his daughter new moves with her staff or assisting the slime with learning to use their new tentacles to fight.

After about three cycles of this and a couple of hours, he decided it was time for some sparring. Unfortunately, unlike the last time this happened, he wasn’t planning just to have Vel and Saph spar together while we went off and had some more fun training inside. No, this time I was going to take part in the sparring, something I was quite nervous about because definitely the weakest one there when it came to fighting.

The first one up on the chopping block for me to face was Vel, who I was expecting to go a little easy on me because of how relatively new I was to all this. I could not have been more wrong. Before I knew it, my opening attack was diverted to the side by her staff and I had stumbled forward. In one quick movement, the young elven moved past me, bringing her staff around and whacking my butt with an audible smack, which sent me sprawling onto the ground.

The blow was much harder than anything Damien had hit me with yet and was actually quite painful on my poor little cheeks. Although that said, I did let out a slight moan when it happened, and thankfully, the slight amount of pleasure I took from being smacked on my ass meant that my blessed by an angel trait kicked in and eased the ache, but the same could not be said as we continued to spar.

Again and again, I went up against Vel and proved that I was nowhere near her match. Time after time, she blocked and deflected my blows and struck me with her staff. It was getting rather frustrating and annoying, but I was determined to continue because of one fact, this was actually helping my skill grow quite a bit. As was evident by my latest gain.

Dagger has reached rank 3

"Alright, go at each other one more time and then I’ll have Saph swap out with Vel," Damien said from the sidelines, from where he had critiqued and offered advice the whole time we were sparring.

As I got back into position and held my dagger at the ready, a sneaky little idea came to me, and I set about enacting it immediately. In the short few moments that we had before the sparring started again, I pulled down the neckline of my shirt with my free hand and mocked fanned myself like I was hot and sweaty, which I kind of was, but not yet to the point of needing to do this.

Vel’s eyes immediately drifted to the tantalising sight of my cleavage, and once I had that, I knew she had fallen for my trap. As such, I activated fascinated on her, which went off without a hitch. The young elven eyes were now affixed to me and my chest. She couldn’t take them off of me even if she wanted to.

When her father gave the word for us to begin sparring again, she barely even acknowledged it. As distracting as fascinated could be, though, it wasn’t an overpowered skill in fights. In the case of someone who was sexually attracted to me, the skill could make them focus on my tits or ass in particular, but if they were motivated enough, which Vel soon became as she noticed me dashing towards her, all it did was force them to look directly at me at all times.

As such, Vel managed to bring her staff up just in time to hit my forearm and block the wooden training dagger going for her. However, this was not the only surprise I had going for her, as my other hand shot out and grasped onto her arm.

The young elven woman was actually much stronger than me and trying to grab her had resulted in some very poor failures so far, but that wasn’t what I was going for here. Although she would wrench her hand free of my hold soon enough, those few moments we were making skin-to-skin contact were all that I needed to activate stimulate, something which I never considered using in our spars before that moment.

Even though it was just me touching her hand, there was a spike of pleasure as my class skill flowed through her. Vel let out a slight moan as her eyes widened in surprise. Unfortunately, the young elven woman kept up her guard and wasn’t taken too off guard by this. However, her guard did drop slightly, and when I tried to take advantage of that fact, she swung out with her foot. Not wanting to get kicked in the stomach again, I jumped back, creating a bit of distance between us.

"Oh, so we’re using class skills now?" Vel chuckled before immediately rushing in to strike me with her staff.

As she did so, I moved to dodge out of the way as best I could, but failed to notice a slight green glow coming from her bare feet on the ground before it was too late. Apparently, she could use her plant growth skill with her feet and did just that, causing the grass below my own feet to spring up and trip me.

Seconds before the young elven woman actually reached me, I went tumbling to the ground. Thankfully, though, I somehow managed to roll over onto my back and bring my training dagger up just in time to block her blow. That said, daggers like the ones these wooden training weapons were made in the image of weren’t really meant to block such forceful attacks directly, and the strength behind her blow sent shockwaves down my arm.

Laying on my back like that, I knew that it was just a matter of seconds before Vel bested me once again, but I was determined to give my training everything I had, just as I had been doing all day. Using my skills in rather unusual and inventive ways was only something I had recently thought of, but in this moment of panic, I was quickly searching for anything I had that might have been of use.

To that end, I flipped the mental switch in my head corresponding to my conjure sex toy skills and imagined the most painful, but still sexual whip that I could imagine. In a split second, my free hand was now occupied by a purple, glowing sex whip with a thin handle that had seven rope-like strands of fabric coming out of its top.

Although I knew nothing about using whips in either a sexual or violent manner, I lashed out with the weapon at Vel’s feet. Standing over me, in the process of spinning her staff around to strike at me again, the young elven woman noticed some movement out of the periphery of her eye, but since fascinate was still active and forced her to only look directly at me, she just assumed my hands were empty and unable to reach her legs, which would have otherwise been safely out of reach thanks to the distance afforded to her by her staff if that was the case.

"Ahh!" Vel cried out in pain as the rope ends of my conjured whip struck her and she stumbled back.

If the whip had been one made for actual combat, it would have cut into her skin and done quite a bit of damage to her, but because it was merely a sex toy, all it really did was sting a bit. Of course, that sting was much worse when striking her ankles because there wasn’t much fat or flesh there, as there would have been if I was using the toy on her butt, the preferred place for such toys to be used.

Now that I had the advantage, I didn’t waste a moment of it and sprung off the ground, rushing at Vel. The young elven woman had yet to regain her footing by the time I reached her. Smacking into her shoulder first, I managed to bring her to the ground with me. By the time she realised what was happening, I was sitting atop her with the edge of my dagger resting on her neck.

"Well done. You bet me, Eve." She let out a sigh as she admitted her defeat.

"This was only the one time and I had to use my class skills. You still thoroughly bet me all those other times." I consolidated her from my position sitting atop her, not only with my words but with a quick peck on her lips.

"Don’t be so modest, Eve." Damien spoke up as he walked over to us and helped us both up. "That was actually quite an impressive fight for someone with your lack of experience or skills. Since your class skills are sexual in nature, I never actually considered you using them like that. That was quite resourceful of you. I’ll have to rethink what I have been teaching you and ponder if any other of your skills could be used as effectively as that.”

"You didn’t do so bad either, Velyna." He then turned his attention to his daughter. "Your biggest mistake was not using more of your class skills once you realised Eve was using hers. You could have easily used one or two of them to restrain her when she was on the ground, instead of getting close enough for her to whip you."

"Now, Eve, let's see how well you fare against Saph," Damien said as his daughter went back to practising on her own with a new sense of determination and the blue slime bounced its way over to us, letting out an excited gurgle for what was to come.

As it turned out, I actually fared really well against Saph. In the first bout of sparring that we faced off against each other, the slime blocked my attack by coiling one of their tentacles around my dagger hand and trying to wrench the weapon free as their second tentacle tried to whip my side. This was the wrong move for them to make because as soon as they made contact with my skin, I activated stimulate, causing them to falter and shake pleasurably.

Unable to resist me, soon enough my whole hand was deep inside their body, massaging their core. It was only a matter of seconds then until their whole body was quaking and, in time, deformed into a puddle from the orgasm I gave them.

Since what I was doing to the slime didn’t involve his daughter and was more strange-looking than sexual, Damien didn’t have a problem seeing me do lewd things to Saph, as he otherwise might have. However, that didn’t stop him from shaking his head and telling me not to use my class skills next time.

The next bout of our sparring session went very similarly, only the tables were turned this time. Saph could lash out with the tentacles quite fast, and since they had two and I only had one dagger, I was outmatched from the start.

After a few seconds of trying my best to resist, my dagger flew from my hands and Saph was pinning my arms and legs to my body. However, that wasn’t all they were doing as their tentacles were slowly inching their way under my shirt and pants. Soon enough, I felt the cold smoothness of their gelatinous limbs sliding across both my nipples and pussy, and I was no longer trying to fight back.

Their limbs began to vibrate, causing quite a few moans to escape my lips, which in turn caused a certain young elven woman to turn away from her own training and watch what was going to happen next, alongside her father. Despite the fact that I was pretty much fully dressed, the lewdness of what was really happening was obvious to all there, something which only heightened my arousal. It turned out that having an audience added quite a bit to the thrill of what was happening to me. Saph was going to have their way with me right there and then and no one was going to stop them from doing that, content to just watch it happen. Not that I wanted it to stop either, in fact, I would have been upset if they had.

As such, the slime’s vibrating tentacles slowly worked their way deeper under my clothes, inching bit by bit into my vagina. I was so incredibly wet and aroused, but even if I wasn't, their tentacles were just so smooth I doubted I would have needed any lubrication. That fact actually proved to be something of note, because after a few seconds of Saph exploring and filling my pussy, their second tentacle moved down from my tits and began to work its way into my tight, puckered asshole without the need for any lube.

Soon enough, both my pussy and ass were filled and thoroughly vibrated in ways I could never have imagined before. The pleasure and stimulation coursing through my body were not like anything I had experienced before.

"What the…" Vel gasped in surprise partway through my impromptu session of slime sex, but I was too overwhelmed to really focus on the conversation going on to the side. However, I would be told about it later. "Dad, I just levelled up for no reason."

"That is quite interesting…" Damien mused to himself over what this could potentially mean before explaining to his daughter what he knew. "Just like you share half your experience with Saph now, you can also receive a portion of the experience they earn when acting independently from you. How much is not known, but it's not usually a significant amount, so you were probably close to levelling up anyway… Probably…"

"What’s most interesting though, is that Saph earns experience and grows stronger from sex, just like Eve does. From what I know, I don’t think slimes can normally do that. It could just be a tentacle slime thing, or…"

"Hmm… Saph did go through a bit of a growth spurt in the last few days after meeting Vel. They might be an aberrant spawn."

"An aberrant spawn? What does that mean, Dad?"

"Aberrant spawns are rare, about one in a million, but some monsters are spawned with different traits or abilities than their more common counterparts. Although I don’t know for certain if it's the case, or how to find out if it is, it's entirely possible that there is something special about Saph that gives them an affinity for sexual stuff."

"In addition to their growth spurt, if this is true, it could also explain why they warmed up to Eve so quickly when it took you quite a bit of time. You see, slimes see through the ambient mana in the air and are able to see recognise people by their unique mana signature, even people who are unable to wield mana. Because of this, it’s entirely possible that Saph was so friendly with Even because they could sense that she had a sex-focused class through her mana signature and considered them to be alike."

"AH FUCK, I’M CUMMING! I’M GOING TO CUM. KEEP DOING THAT, JUST LIKE THAT, SAPH!" I squealed out in pleasure at the top of my lungs, interrupting the father and daughter’s discussion moments before my body was rocked by quite a powerful orgasm.

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