My Life Changed with the Unlimited System

Chapter Fourteen: Catch Me if You Can

Ethan pulled on his university tracksuit, enjoying the cool touch of the fabric against his skin as he zipped it up to his collar. Today was more than just a regular morning walk; it was a test.

He needed to find out if his uneasy feeling was real or just his imagination. Since his bank account had unexpectedly grown, he couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was always watching him, as if a constant gaze was weighing on him.

Peering out the window, he squinted as the weak morning light seeped through the blinds.

The streets below were as quiet as usual at this early hour, but that didn't make him feel any better. After all, anyone could be out there, watching and waiting for him to make a mistake.

Walking through the living room, he noticed his younger siblings, Jacob and Lily, aimlessly browsing through TV channels, each remote press accompanied by a sigh of frustration.

Jacob muttered, "There's nothing good on," showing his boredom.

Lily agreed with him and kept tapping her fingers on the remote, hoping for something interesting to show up on the TV.

Ethan, standing by the door, paused to watch them. He knew they were home because it was a school break, which made him anxious about leaving them alone, especially today. With their parents at work, he felt it was his responsibility to ensure their safety.

Turning to Jacob, Ethan said casually, "Jacob, take care of Lily while I'm out, okay?"

Jacob, barely glancing away from the TV, replied with a lack of interest, "Yeah, yeah."

Ethan wasn’t bothered by his brother’s lack of interest. He knew how dull it could get being cooped up inside with nothing to entertain you.

But as he was about to open the door and leave, a sudden thought made him stop. He turned around.

“Jacob, Lily,” he called out.

This time, both of them looked up, intrigued by the unexpected seriousness in his voice.

“Be extra careful today. Don’t open the door for anyone, no matter who they claim to be.”

Lily’s forehead creased in confusion as she tilted her head. “What do you mean by that, Ethan? We always do that. You guys remind us all the time.”

Ethan let out a soft laugh, touched by her innocence. “Yeah, I know. But today… just be extra careful, okay?”

He paused momentarily before adding, “I heard about a robbery nearby. People are getting desperate. Just don’t take any chances.”

Jacob sat up a bit straighter, a flicker of worry on his face. “Yeah… I heard about that, too. Don’t worry, we’ll be careful.”

Ethan nodded, feeling a small measure of relief. Even if he didn’t share the full extent of his worry, at least his siblings would be on high alert.

The city unfolded before him as he stepped out into the brisk morning air. The streets were quiet, yet there was a notable presence of people. Ethan moved casually, his eyes flicking around quickly but inconspicuously.

He couldn't help but feel that every person he passed could pose a threat; every glance in his direction made him uneasy.

"Am I being paranoid?" he asked, adjusting his backpack strap. This heightened sense of caution was new to him, a change that had come after the System after he came into the money.

Now, with so much on the line, the thought of being followed didn't seem so implausible. They would undoubtedly come after Ethan if anyone found out what he possessed.

Shaking off the unease, Ethan murmured, "I can't afford to be careless."

He quickened his pace, driven by the physical challenge and the need to trust his instincts. Were they accurate, or was he just imagining things?

A few blocks later, his suspicions were validated. He noticed two men tailing him—one tall and lean, the other shorter and more muscular. They attempted to blend with the few people around, but to Ethan, they stuck out.

'So, it wasn't all in my head,' he realized, his heart rate picking up. He deliberately slowed down to see if they would match his pace.

And they did.

Feeling his pulse surge, Ethan weighed his options. He wasn't prepared for a confrontation, not with bystanders around. Any commotion would attract unwanted attention, and he needed a way to shake them off.

Suddenly, Ethan broke into a light jog, swift enough to create a gap but not so fast as to draw attention. He didn't look back, yet he could sense their mounting desperation.

"Is he jogging now?" Mark, the shorter of the two, grumbled, panting heavily. His forehead was slick with sweat, and his shirt clung to his stocky build.

Zidan, the taller one, looked at his partner with annoyance. "What's this kid up to? Some kind of morning exercise routine?"

Mark wiped the sweat from his forehead with a grunt. "Seems like it. Do you think he knows we're following him?"

"Nah," Zidan responded, shaking his head dismissively. "Just another fitness enthusiast. These rich kids... they probably run just for the fun of it."

Struggling for breath, Mark said, "If this is the rich lifestyle, I'm happy being poor. Chasing some kid around before breakfast isn't my idea of fun."

"Just keep moving," Zidan snapped back. "We'll stay on him until we figure out his deal."

Ethan, the subject of their pursuit, smirked as he heard their conversation fade into the background. They weren't exactly stealthy, and their lack of fitness was obvious. He decided it was time to really shake them off.

Suddenly, Ethan sprinted ahead, his legs moving faster than ever, weaving through the crowd and around corners easily. He had a surprising burst of speed as if he'd been preparing for this moment all along.

Mark and Zidan, caught off guard, struggled to keep up.

"What the hell?!" Zidan exclaimed, realizing he couldn't match Ethan's pace. "He's sprinting now! How is he so fast?"

Red-faced and gasping, Mark managed to say, "I told you. These rich kids are something else. No normal kid runs like that."

"Just… keep going," Zidan managed to say between breaths, but Ethan had vanished around another corner by then.

They stopped, doubled over, and panting when they reached the corner.

"We… we lost him," Mark managed to say.

Zidan, frustration evident on his face, scanned the street. But it was too late; Ethan was nowhere in sight. "How did we lose him? We were right behind him."

Mark shook his head, still catching his breath. "That kid's unbelievably fast, like a professional athlete or something. No way should a rich kid be able to run like that."

Zidan stood up straight, also trying to catch his breath. "It's not that he's so fast. It's just that we’re... really out of shape."

Mark could only agree. High-speed chases were not their forte. They were used to using their size to intimidate, not running after nimble teenagers through the city.

"I'll have our guys spread out and search for him," Zidan said, pulling out his phone. "He can't keep hiding."

Meanwhile, Ethan quickly turned into a narrow alley, finally slowing down. He was out of breath, his heart racing, and his legs aching, but he felt a rush of victory. He had managed to lose them.

'But just barely,' he thought, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He realized his endurance needed improvement. He'd be in trouble if he had to run longer or fight.

As he neared the property agency, he reflected on how close he had come to getting caught. He wasn’t untouchable and knew he had to be more cautious to avoid situations he couldn’t simply run away from.

'I need to get stronger,' he thought, determined. 'And quickly.'

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he recognized today as a crucial wake-up call. He wasn’t yet as strong as he needed to be. But he was resolved to change that.

For now, his immediate task was to secure an office. Once settled, he could concentrate on his physical training and move his family to a better house. He knew he couldn't let his guard down again.

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