My Life in Multiverse

Ch 27 – Rebecca Scarlet

Noelle who was disguising herself as a waitress was carrying a plate filled with a dish along with a beer mug, while silently keeping an eye on Alex's table.

'Why? Why are they having fun?...' She gritted her teeth. 'When I heard about this mixer, I was so worried that I disguised myself as a waitress and came here to check.'

Her face was flushed with redness on her cheeks. 'Agh, I cannot believe it. A mixer! What is wrong with that idiotic senpai...'

When her thoughts reached this point, she shook her head quickly.

'Don't get me wrong. I am not worried about... A-Asta. It doesn't matter to me who he ends up with and what they do together...'

She blushed even more, gritting her teeth. 'W-Why?... Why am I so uncomfortable?...'

At this moment, a guy on the table spoke to Noelle, distracting her. "Hey Sister, gimme a beer!"

Noelle in her typical royalty fashion, spoke coldly. "Pour it yourself, insect!"

The man was left dumbfounded, staring at her. 'S-Say what?!'

"...You know that huge blowup they had at the capital?"

A discussion about the capital's incident attracted Noelle's attention as she turned towards that table.

At that table sat Sekke Bronzazza along with two more idiot looking guys. In front of them were gorgeous young women who looked completely bored and uninterested, just hearing Sekke babbling.

'What the hell kind of mixer is this?!' Noelle couldn't help but thoughts as she observed the ugly faces of the two guys.

Sekke on the other hand didn't even observe the girls and just kept rambling. Pointing at Noelle, he tried to show off.

"You there, waitress! Another drink!"

But it pissed Noelle for some reason and she shot a water ball at him, blasting him away.


At this moment, the atmosphere at Alex's table began to warm up with all of them chatting happily.

Helena was showing off her magic which used to cut the hair of her customers. It was quite good as it required precise control.

Luck was quite impressed, asking her to show him more.

Helena couldn't help but feel pleased, chatting with him.

Erika on the other hand was listening to Finral's chatter, feeling slightly sad as she wanted to chat with Alex instead.

Finral on the other hand kept the talk going, like a pro.

Alex wondered why he always failed to score a girlfriend then.

He turned to Rebecca and saw her looking down and away constantly. He asked with a smile.

"Are you perhaps worried for your siblings?"

"Y-Y... No. I mean... how do you know?" Rebecca was caught by surprise as she hadn't shared about her siblings.

Alex smiled and said. "Well, when I first came to the capital, I saw you working hard while taking care of your siblings. It's very nostalgic since I also have five siblings. Even though we don't share the same blood, they are still my family. They always annoyed me back at home and yet I miss it here. I understand you a little since I, myself, had ventured into the world quite early so I can earn and give them a decent life..."
Rebecca couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat, watching him talk about his siblings with such a nostalgic expression.

She was sucked into a conversation with him without her knowledge as they chatted about their siblings and their lives with them.

Noelle on the other hand gritted her teeth, totally pissed as she broke a plate in half. "Hey! They are having fun!!"

The owner of the tavern was startled by her sudden outburst.

"Hey, hey, Miss!... Don't break our plates! You asked for work so I hired you but you're doing a terrible job."

Noelle still pissed stared at him with a blank expression. "Shut up, Insect!"

'Huuuhhh?!' The owner was left dumbfounded.

At that moment, a drunk walked over to Alex's table and tried to misbehave with Rebecca.

Alex sighed and stood up. He grabbed his hand.

The drunk commented. "Oooh, scary... What kind of magic kn-"

Before he could finish, Alex raised him from the ground and flipped him over Sekke's table.


The man was instantly knocked out, leaving everyone dumbfounded as everyone was unable to react.

Alex cracked his neck, stretching a little as he spoke.

"Stop judging a book by its cover. You don't the circumstances of anyone!"

Rebecca couldn't help but feel her heart skipping a beat. She had never been protected like that by anyone.

Many people commented different things about her and she could only listen to them while swallowing down her grievance.

Nobody had even understood her or even tried it a little.

She jumped up from her seat and grabbed Alex's hand.

Alex raised his eyebrow at her, asking for an answer.

Rebecca smiled and pulled him. "Run!"

Alex smiled and followed her lead.

Noelle quit her job instantly to follow behind them.

Rebecca pulled him into an alley before they stopped as she tried to catch her breath.

Alex just looked at her with a smile.

"...Thanks, Asts. That's feel great!" Rebecca spoke after a few seconds.

Alex waved his hand. "It's nothing."

Rebecca couldn't help but blush, thinking of something. 'I don't look at him carefully first. But he is quite cute and handsome.'

"Say Asta... do you perhaps like someone?"

Alex thought for a moment before nodding his head with a light smirk. "Yes. There is someone."

Noelle who was listening from the side couldn't help but be startled at his revelation.

'What?! You mean...'

Rebecca on the other hand smiled, a little disappointed. Still, she smiled and said.

"I see... Well, I'm rooting for you! Come visit my place one day. My siblings will be happy to play with you."

"Will do!" Alex nodded his head, looking forward to it.

On the other hand, Noelle was holding his face, her cheeks buring hot. 'N-No, it cannot be... It could not be m... m-m... m-me... N-No, it... But... Aahh!...'

Same as her Rebecca clenched her fist, thinking something alike in her heart. 

'Just because I am rooting for him does not mean I am giving up.' She couldn't help but giggle when she thought about that.

Alex said goodbye to Rebecca and they separated. He turned around and saw Noelle still hiding behind the wall. Walking over, he leaned on the wall and said in a teasing voice.

"Oh my, what do we have here?... Are you stalking me?"

Noelle jumped up in shock as she covered her face, lost in thought before he brought her back to reality by scaring the hell out of her.

Alex stared at her like a cat looking at a mouse in a playful manner.

"Let's go back and see the result of your training, my dear spoiled royalty."

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