My Life in Multiverse

Ch 34 – The Kidnapping Incident

"Stop it! We don't have time for this!"

Noelle quickly intervened and shouted. "Asta has gone after the kids and he said that if you are late, your sister's life can be in danger."


This sentence caught everyone off guard with Gauche taking the lead.

"That bastard Asta! He wants to be a hero in Marie's eyes. I'll kill him!"

A fire erupted in his eyes as he barked.

Theresa on the other hand was calm and collected, asking. "Girl, explain more clearly."

Noelle nodded her head and explained everything from the beginning...

A few minutes prior, she was still observing Rebecca's place for any activity when she observed a weird phenomenon.

Out of nowhere, snow began to fall and before she could make out what was happening, she saw all the children walking out of their homes.

"Hey, where are the children going?" 

Noelle observed the group of children walking uphill with a puzzled expression. She couldn't fathom if they were hypnotized or anything.

'Is it some kind of festival?'

However, just at his moment, someone appeared behind her and put a coat over her.

"You will catch a cold if you wander alone at night."

"A-Asta?" Noelle was caught by surprise, looking back at him in surprise.


Alex playfully spanked her rear, causing her to jump in surprise and blush.

"I'm going after the kids. In a minute or two, Gauche would pay a visit to my room, trying to kill me. Pass this message to him: If he doesn't hurry, his sister might be hurt very badly. And also don't forget to inform the Magic Knight about this too."

After saying that, he flew away, chasing after the children.

"H-Hey, w-wait, tell me what's... going on..." Noelle sighed as before she could finish, he had already disappeared.

Noelle finished her story and told them that she had already informed the Magic Knights about it.

Gauche and Theresa immediately took off to chase after the kids, flying on their brooms.

Noelle and Rebecca could only wait patiently, watching them leave.

Not too far away from the city, in the snow-capped mountains, there was a cave that was not easy to locate because of all the snow.

It was quite a large one and in that cave, dozens of children were gathered standing in a daze.

They were just looking ahead with dumb expressions and seemed to be in a trance state.

"Wow! Look at all these friends I just made! It feels so great."

At this moment, a lean man with long white hair looked at the children from a high platform and muttered.

A grimoire was floating in front of him, casting a spell.

He was a little on the girly side as he laughed shyly. "Let's all of us get along, okay?"

The children on the other hand were still in a daze unable to respond at all.

However, one among them was different from the others.

Marie furrowed her brows, slightly scared. 'Is this the person who brought us here?'

The magic had worn off her for some reason but she still didn't panic to not alert the enemies.

She looked around at the other children beside her.

'Everyone is spacing out and cannot talk...'

She touched her belly gently where a mirror was hidden. It was gifted to her by Gauche so both of them could chat at any time.

'Is it because of this mirror that I am fine? Brother told me that it will protect me...'

While she was lost in thoughts, Neige the slim guy saw her. He was walking between the kids looking at all of them when he caught her behaving differently from others.

"Hmmm? My magic wore off on you. I wonder why." He stood in front of her, looking down at her with a displeased expression.

"You're a bad girl. You've to be good and stay under my spell. If you don't, we can't be friends."

Marie was scared and intimidated by him but she still replied.

"No... You can't become a friend by putting a spell on others and forcing them to do anything."

It snapped something on Neige as he was pissed.

"Why? Why are you so mean...?" He raised his hand to hit her.

But before he could, someone grabbed his hand, speaking coldly.

"Oye, don't harm my friend's sister!"

"Uh?..." Neige was startled but before he could say anything, a force hit him on the back of his head, knocking him out.

"Are you alright?" Alex patted Marie's head and asked.

"Asta!!" Marie couldn't maintain her composure anymore and hugged him, crying.

Alex lightly smiled and patted her head, consoling her.

"Now, now, give me a moment. I have to deal with the problem at hand."

Alex smirked and glanced at a round, middle-aged man with green eyes, long black hair, and large lips.

Baro was shivering in fear as he could see a bottomless malicious power radiating from the young man through his enchanted magical glasses.

"Call her."


"Call that crazy bitch here!" Alex grinned devilishly as he glared at him.

Baro panicked and pressed the signal, scared of Alex.

Alex smiled in satisfaction and flashed in front of him, knocking him out too.

Since the caster had been defeated, children broke out of the spell, looking around in panic and confusion.

Alex smiled and assured them since he could feel the auras of Gauche and Theresa drawing closer.

And soon, the two of them arrived inside the cave.

Gauche and Theresa were dumbfounded watching him telling a story to the kids.

Looking around, they saw Baro and Neige lying down unconscious in the corner.

"Marie!!" Gauche shouted and flew away at her, hugging her quickly.

"Are you alright? Nothing happened to you, right?"

"Brother, I'm alright. Asta saved me and everyone. He defeated the bad guys. He is like a superhero." Marie excitedly said.

But it only made his heart sour as he glared at Alex for getting his sister's affection.
Theresa on the other hand checked the condition of the kids and sighed with relief since all of them were perfectly fine.

"You're really reckless. You should have informed someone else. It is pretty dangerous coming here alone." She reprimanded Alex.

Alex chuckled and replied. "Our job is always dangerous and that's what makes it fun. I can't wait for reinforcement and let the innocent children suffer."

"Hmm..." Theresa stared at him and sighed. "You're just like Lily told me. Strong and Dependent!"

"I don't think so." Alex smiled and shook his head.

"Well, we should quickly escort the children out of here," Theresa stated.

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