My Life in Multiverse

Ch 62 – Rankings

"Well, anyway...let's announce the ranking."

Just as those words escaped Julius's mouth the crowd started discussing amongst themselves about who was gonna take the first place.

A white glow appeared in front of Julius which made all the people excited.

Except for Alex, no one else seemed excited about it, resigned to their fate to take the last place like every year.

"In the first place... The Black Bulls!" Julius announced, shocking everyone present.

Even the captains were no different especially Nozel who looked like he had seen a ghost.

Magna had his comical reaction where his eyes bulged out of their sockets, breaking his glasses.

The worst of the worst squads got the first place?

There must be a mistake, right?

"With a new record, 163 stars!" Julius confirmed, earning gasps of shock and disbelief from the crowd.

"There must be a mistake!"

"No way, those trash beat the Golden Dawn!"

"How could they have gotten first place!"

"They went from negative stars to a new record. It's a scam!"

"They must've threatened someone!"

"Those savages could never beat the Golden Dawn!"

"You made a mistake!"

The crowd erupted with insults to the squad, forgetting that the ones who saved their lives, were right next to them.

'Damn... we gathered over 200 stars? I didn't expect that...' Alex thought, ignoring the comments of the people around him.

While the crowd was insulting them, the people who had received help from the Black Bulls spoke in their favor, trying to help Alex and others.

Julius watched the crowd and addressed them.

"I know everyone has doubts since last year the Black Bulls pulled in an unprecedented -50 stars... But this year is different! They displayed incredible progress and teamwork, advancing on the rankings. And the most impressive was their newcomer. He alone had won over 100 stars for his squad, ranking first among all the Magic Knights... Hang on!... Is there anyone among the Black Bulls down there..."

Alex grinned and put down the mug, walking over. His body slowly floated into the air as he approached the stage.

"Woah! Look mommy! Someone's flying!" A child yelled after seeing him.

"Holy shit! That guy's wearing some dope ass shades!!" Some random guy said with wide eyes.

Alex ignored them and slowly descended on the stage like walking down the stairs, his eyes locked with Mereoleona who instantly rushed out, her fist covered in burning flames as she thrust her fist at Alex with unprecedented speed.

Alex grinned and raised his sword, blocking it with ease.


"Oh my~, you have grown a little since last time, heh lioness?!" Alex flashed his trademark evil grin as he stared at her.

Mereoleona grinned, her canine teeth visible as she declared. "I'll beat you this time!"

Alex was amused by her challenge as he waved his sword, pushing her back. He put back the sword at his side and signaled her to come at him.

Mereoleona was excited, her fighting intent rushing to its peak as flames covered her fist.

All the magic captains were taken aback by their sudden clash, feeling the temperate rising because of Mereleon's flames.

"Now die!!" Mereoleona shouted and rushed at him, her fists blurring as she threw a barrage of fists.

Alex chuckled and titled his body, avoiding all her attacks with precision.

It startled everyone as they watched the exchange with great interest.

Even the magic captains including Yami were intrigued by the speed of their attacks.

Only Julius was calm but it was only on the surface as he could see that the two juniors had touched a high threshold for a higher realm.

They were only fighting for fun because if they went all out, the capital could be in danger.

"What are you doing here as a magic knight?" Mereoleona asked, increasing the intensity of her flames.

"Waiting for you!" Alex smirked as he moved his hands, clashing against her fist. "After all, I still want to taste the lioness again!"

"You bastard!..." Mereoleona grinned and moved even faster, her fist touching Alex, but she was still pushed by him which really annoyed her.

*Boom* *Bang* *Boom*

The sparks from their clash covered the sky as they were busy in their own world, enjoying their clash.

But just as the two were about to take it a level further, everything suddenly stopped as they found themselves caught in the wizard king's [Chrono stasis] orb.

Alex was instantly annoyed by his interference and slashed with his sword, cutting off both his and Mereoleona's orbs, and breaking them free.

Julius raised his eyebrow in surprise as Alex was able to move even when the time was stopped which really intrigued him but he still controlled his curiosity and smiled.

"As much as I enjoy the spectacle, let's wait for a more appropriate time, okay?"

Alex stared at him and sighed, addressing Mereoleona. "Let's postpone this battle for another time, lioness. I don't think you're interested in giving a show to all these audience after you lose..."

Mereoleona glared at him in anger and nodded his head. "It's between you and me... And I'll definitely beat you, you bastard!"

"Then I look forward to it." Alex didn't make fun of her but cheered her to do that. He then turned to Julius, grinning with terrifying fighting intent. "And one day, you and me... Let's have a battle! My sword can't wait for long!"

Julius felt his unprecedented spirit and nodded his head with a solemn expression. "Then let's appoint a date!"

Hearing Julius's answer to Alex's challenge, the crowd erupted in shock.

Even the captains were intrigued as they had never expected a peasant to challenge the Wizard King, in front of the people and the latter even agreed!

Julius then turned his attention back to the crowd and began to list the achievements of the other squares. He also invited Yuno on the stage who was slightly sad for not being able to beat Alex again.

The rankings are:

1. Black Bulls- 163 stars

2. Golden Dawn- 124 stars 

3. Silver Eagles- 95 stars

4. Blue Rose- 83 stars

5. Crimson Lions- 78 stars

6. Green Praying Mantises- 69 stars

7. Coral Peacocks- 67 stars

8. Purple Orcas- 51 stars

9. Aqua Deer- 49 stars

At the end of the rankings, the Wizard King faced the crowd of citizens and shouted. "LET US OVERCOME OUR DIFFERENCES IN STATUS AND POSITION TO UNITE AND GUIDE OUR COUNTRY TO VICTORY!!"

"ALL HAIL THE WIZARD KING!!" The crowd cheered.


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