My Martial Arts Will Hang Up

Chapter 73

Demon Slaying Conference.

The highest is that there are martial arts fifth-level disciples fighting monsters!

Chen Fan's elder brother, Fan Zhong, is a genius at the fifth level of Martial Arts, and has already achieved great success in bone forging. He has strong energy and blood, and his sword skills are extremely domineering.

As for why there is no sixth layer.

It is because there are very few sixth-level warriors in the new generation of Yandu City. Li Linliu left, but there are still a few people who have gone to Fucheng Martial Arts Academy for further training and did not stay in Yandu City.

This is also very embarrassing.

In fact, the number of geniuses in Yandu City is more than what is currently shown, but a considerable number of them have joined the martial arts academy.

And this demon slaying conference.

No matter how good the performance of the disciples is, even if they are as strong as Fan Zhong, it is difficult to attract much attention...

All this is because of one person, Chen Fan.

In the third level of martial arts, leapfrogging the level and smashing the stronger demon tiger to death with his fist, it is too eye-catching!

This name also spread throughout Yandu City within a day...

It was not until the sky gradually dimmed that the demon slaying conference finally came to an end.

Of the more than 200 disciples who participated, nearly a quarter were stage frightened, and most of the participants were injured. A total of eleven disciples died in the fight with the monsters, and more than 80 people were seriously injured.

In addition, there are more than 20 or 30 disciples who have made breakthroughs.

Martial Dao triple has the least number of people, but there are quite a few people who have broken through.

Among them is Chai Yong from Feiling County.

It seems that it was because of Chen Fan's performance that he was encouraged. Facing monsters of the same level, he fought hard, was seriously injured, and broke through in death!


Left the arena.

Chen Fan got together with Bao Tianyou, Lin Shiyu and others again.

"Junior brother is unparalleled in strength! It's like a heavenly man!"

Lin Shiyu and the others had deliberately made friends with Chen Fan because of his talent, but now they were in awe of Chen Fan's displayed strength.

Even if Lin Shiyu has only entered the fourth level of martial arts for half a year, he is at most an early stage of the fourth level, and he is strong enough to deal with third-level monsters, let alone fourth-level monsters.

Random chatter a few words.

Bao Tianyou also leaned forward and whispered beside Chen Fan: "I just got the definite news that Yu Xingzheng was not rescued and has been confirmed dead..."

Chen Fan nodded.

He had already confirmed this when he first broke through the Nine Sun Tyrant Tiger Fist.

And Bao Tianyou's face was also very dignified:

"Yu Xingzheng is dead, this matter is no longer a trivial matter, junior brother, you have to prepare for it in advance, the Four Elephant Sect doesn't dare to confront you head-on, and I'm afraid they will do some small tricks..."

Chen Fan nodded slightly.


The day of demon slaying was over, and the carnival of warriors from all counties did not end immediately.

In the next day or two, the event will continue.

It's just that there are also warriors from many places who return early...

In front of Yandu City.

Zhao Hei supported his pale junior brother Chai Yong, got into the carriage, and said in amazement:

"I've heard of Chen Fan's name, but I didn't take Chen Fan seriously. I thought his cultivation base was still weak, and it would take two years to catch up. I didn't expect this guy to be so fierce. I'm afraid I'm not his at all. Opponent! It's just that this kid, I always look familiar, seems to be the person I used to sell cheat books..."

Chai Yong paled, laughed and shook his head:

"He is a genius disciple of Baiyun Gymnasium, do you need to buy your cheats? But I have to say that with Chen Fan's talent and strength, he is 100% able to enter the martial arts assessment, and he can even go straight to a higher level. 'building'……"

Zhao Hei smiled and shook his head: "Baiyun Gymnasium doesn't have a quota for martial arts candidates. If he wants to join, he may have to go through other channels."

"That has nothing to do with us."

A blush and excitement flashed across Chai Yong's pale face:

"Senior brother, you are already powerful, with strong qi and blood. You have a great chance to pass the martial arts assessment, but I am not sure at all. This time, you have to fight the monsters to the death, force out your potential, and your body skills finally break through the last line. You can be regarded as emboldened Passed the martial arts examination!"

Zhao Hei laughed again:

"It's best for you and me to join the martial arts academy. By the way, Junior Brother Yan's strength in Fucheng is growing rapidly, and he will probably participate in the martial arts academy assessment this year. I just don't know... In the future, will there be a chance to meet Chen in the martial arts academy?" Van!"

The two chatted and laughed.

The carriage ran and gradually disappeared into the dusk.

During the Demon Slaying Conference, warriors from all over the world gathered together, and the bandits in the wilderness around Yandu City also restrained themselves, not daring to act lightly.

The warriors are more confident in their strength. Feiling County is not far from Yandu City, and they don't worry about encountering monsters due to luck.


Chen Fan was very well-known in Feiling County, and Yandu City also knew about it.

But the battle of the Demon Slaying Conference has completely become a big celebrity in Yandu City.

Its previous performance in Feiling County and in the main hall of Yandu City was spread within a few days.

Chen Fan was also portrayed as a peerless genius who could stand shoulder to shoulder with Li Linliu and others!

The return of Bao Tianyou and others naturally spread Chen Fan's terrifying power in Feiling County.

Feng Yuancheng lacked strength and had no chance to participate in the Demon Slaying Conference. During this period of time, he had been in seclusion, and finally made a breakthrough before he left.

But he suddenly discovered that his little junior brother had become the star of Yandu City, a powerful genius second to none.

Immediately, I didn't feel that the improvement of my strength was nothing, and immediately started to retreat and practice hard again.


Feiling County, Four Elephants Gate.

A tall disciple knelt in front of an old man.

Gao Da's disciple is Yu Xingzheng's elder brother, Yu Haitao.

"Uncle, it's my fault that I failed to stop Xingzheng from making an appointment with Chen Fan to fight to the death, and I also failed to prevent Chen Fan from making a death attack. I am willing to accept the punishment..."

The old man's eyes were red, and he shook his head:

"It's not you, it's me who hurt the shape. He was bullied a few days ago, and he cried to me. I thought he was pitiful, so I gave him a true essence pill, and let him break through the third level of martial arts with the help of the pill. That's why so many things happen..."

He is the master of the Four Elephant Sect, and also Yu Xingzheng's second uncle, Gao Yi.

He sighed: "His father has a middle-aged son, and he is too pampered by him, causing him to be surly. This time he is fighting to the death, needless to say, he must be the one who provokes..."

Yu Haitao remained silent.

By default.

Gao Yi is seventy years old, but he smiled miserably: "However, Xingzheng is also my junior. I have no descendants. I treat you guys as my own grandchildren. Even if it is his fault, he is not guilty of it." Damn..."

Yu Haitao narrowed his eyes, sighed, and said seriously:

"Then Chen Fan broke through to the third level of martial arts at the age of less than fifteen, and even shined in the demon slaying conference. ..."

In the past few days, he has thoroughly investigated Chen Fan's identity.

Gao Yi was silent, he sighed after a while, and said, "Are you trying to persuade the old man to give up seeking revenge from Chen Fan?"

Yu Haitao shook his head: "I'm telling my uncle that we can no longer go through proper channels to avenge our crimes."

The so-called "legitimate way" is to find a genius of the same level who is strong in actual combat, and make an agreement with Chen Fan to "fight to the death".

However, the fact is that no such character can be found in the entire Feiling County!

Not to mention a Four Elephant Gate...

Gao Yi narrowed his eyes: "Then tell me, what can you do?"

Yu Haitao raised his eyebrows: "I have been investigating Chen Fan's background and experience for the past few days. I have learned that he is not alone. There are two relatives in the family. It is fine to have a sister-in-law who is not related by blood, but he still has other people." My niece and daughter also stay in Feiling County..."

The corner of Gao Yi's mouth twitched, his brows were tightly frowned, and his face was ugly: "What do you mean?! You want me to take action against his family?"

Yu Haitao looked directly at the old man: "We are weak, we must give up revenge and find a way to accuse Chen Fan, or we must not be soft-hearted."

Gao Yi was silent for a while, then shook his head:

"I still can't accept it, forget it, forget it... Send a gift to Chen Fan's home in Feiling County, and then send someone to Yandu City. I still have three True Yuan Pills in my hand, so I will treat it as an apology..."

Yu Haitao was speechless.

He couldn't be more clear.

The old man said it nicely, where it is unacceptable to take action against the female relatives, he is clearly worried about the follow-up revenge after the action, Dong Guzhi can destroy the Four Elephant Gate by himself.

How could he be willing to give up the huge family business of Sixiangmen!

And Yu Xingzheng is not Gao Yi's grandson after all!

Thanks again for Qiu Feng's reward

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