My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 590

The monks of the Five Elements Clan practice the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth respectively.

They also have their own focus.

Among them, the Jin clan monks have the sharpest attacks, the Fire clan monks are the most violent, and the Tu clan monks are recognized as having the strongest defense and the most powerful body among the Five Elements clan monks!

But now, a Taiyi Golden Immortal of the Tu tribe was killed in front of them by a monk who was also a Taiyi Golden Immortal!

One knife!

The monks all around were even more horrified. They had never seen any Taiyi Golden Immortal perform such a terrifying sword before.

Immortal Lord Shiwang suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the monk who was obviously the same race as Lingxi flying down, his face full of surprise.

What did she just say?

Her senior sister?

So, she is also a disciple of Immortal Lord Bai Feng?

He also killed a Taiyi Golden Immortal who was good at defense with one strike!


Are all the disciples of Immortal Lord Bai Feng so perverted?

One sword kill directly killed a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Now, the situation on the field has changed to three of them playing against nine opponents. It seems that there is no waiting for the fight?

On average, one person beats three opponents?

No, these disciples of Immortal Lord Bai Feng are so powerful, let them fight four of each other one by one, and then face one of their monks?

However, I don’t know what the strength of this Fairy Lingxi is.

Immortal Lord Yin Yang said that Fairy Lingxi’s talent was very strong, so she shouldn’t be any weaker than the later female fairy, right?

While he was thinking about it, in the void, in front of Lingxi, all the Infinite Formation Diagrams and the Bagua Talismans of the Universe and the Universe appeared, instantly forming the power of the Three Talents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity with her.

For a time, the three of them became integrated with this world.

In an instant, the formation unfolded, instantly involving Immortal Yinmiao and five other monks in front of her.

The next moment, Yinmiao suddenly felt as if she had entered another world.

This seemed to be a world without any sound, and at the same time, there was a restrained power coming, like an invisible big hand, restraining her instantly!

No sound?

What she cultivates is the way of music. Without sound, how can she fight?

Not far away, Huan Mo Xingjun found that he had instantly changed to a place, an empty place filled with mirrors.

And what is revealed in these mirrors are his image and the appearances of several of his fellow Taoists.

As for Thunder Flash Immortal Lord, he felt as if he had arrived in a world made of either stones or soil, as well as dead trees without any moisture at all.

Bingxuan Immortal Lord felt as if he had landed in the crater instantly. The hot breath was burning around him, making him feel as if his whole body was about to melt.

Lord Hufeng, however, felt that the surroundings were filled with various metal magic weapons. These magic weapons gathered together to form high walls, trapping him inside.

This side of the world couldn't feel any wind at all. The high metal wall blocked all wind.

I was restrained!

His brows furrowed instantly, the wind is Xun, which belongs to wood.

Xunfeng mainly enters and penetrates, while gold mainly blocks.

These metals seal the surroundings and block out all the pervasive wind.

What array is this? Have you been restrained?

Is it because of where you are?

Immortal Calling Wind moved quickly to one side. Since the place where he was just now was restrained, he changed the direction.

That way it won't be restrained.

But as his feet fell, there was still a sense of restraint that made him extremely disgusted and uncomfortable.

Haven't you stepped out of the range yet?

A solemn look appeared on the face of Immortal Hufeng, and he continued to fly forward.

He was practicing the Way of Wind, and his speed was so fast, but when he flew, the feeling of restraint did not weaken at all.

At the same time, in his mind, the voices of several other fellow Taoists came.

"I have been restrained. Under this restraint, I can only exert about 50% of my combat power. Fellow Taoists, help me to break through this formation first."

"I was restrained, too."

"Are you all restrained? I, General, have also been restrained. I even feel that this formation is specifically aimed at me."

Immortal Calling Wind's face instantly became even more ugly. Because he was restrained and unable to exert his full strength, he wanted other fellow Taoists to break through the formation first.

As a result, they were all restrained by this formation diagram.

The five of them took different paths.

What kind of array is this? It can actually restrain five of them!

"Everyone, what if we are restrained?" The voice of the Phantom Lord came again. We are five Taiyi Golden Immortals, and she is just one Taiyi Golden Immortal. As long as the five of us work together, we can easily break her. array diagram. I'll join careful! "

Before he finished speaking, his voice suddenly became serious.

After Lingxi trapped the five monks, her aura climbed to its peak, and the mighty immortal energy surged out of her body.

All around her, talismans emerged, emitting a faint light.

The next moment, all the talismans flew out and flew straight towards the Thunder Flash Immortal Lord below!

Each talisman seems to form a mysterious and complex pattern.

At this time, the land, stones and dead wood in the entire formation began to change.

For a moment, it seemed that everything in this world had turned into talismans. Each talisman seemed to be made of endless power, and each talisman seemed to contain endless changes.

Thunder Flash Immortal Lord even felt that the countless talismans flying down seemed to be life-threatening talismans from hell.

There are five monks here, but the other party attacks you first?

Do you think you are the weakest among the five? Don't take yourself seriously!

A look of resentment appeared on his face, gathering the power of thunder.

For a moment, his whole body was filled with electric light, and violent thunder surged out from his body, constantly jumping in the void, like the arrival of the God of Thunder.

In an instant, all these thunderbolts flew out.

Violent thunder flashed in the air, so numerous that it seemed to completely occupy this space, forming a vaguely terrifying thunderstorm.

The roar of thunder made the entire surrounding sky seem to be torn apart.

Black clouds rolled, thunder and lightning intertwined, and the entire void seemed to become a sea of ​​thunder, filled with trembling pressure.

Thunder and lightning danced wildly like snakes, arcs jumped in the air, and made a harsh crackling sound, like the beating of war drums in ancient times.

Lightning flashed across the air, releasing endless pressure. Thunder and lightning intertwined into a huge net, covering the entire battlefield.

Each type contains the power to destroy everything and exudes soul-shaking power.

The power of thunder seemed to have no end.

However, among the violent thunder, the talismans shone faintly.

The talisman of Lingxi is like a clear spring, flowing gently and purely in the torrent of thunder.

She waved the talismans around her, and the talismans were flying.

Suddenly, the talisman turned into a bright stream of water, pouring down like a waterfall. The water flow quickly covered the entire formation, submerging every part of the world except where she was.

Her master once told her that thunder is also called lightning. Thunder is actually electricity, and water conducts electricity.

Therefore, water flow can also conduct thunder.

In the array, the monks such as Immortal Yinmiao and Immortal Magic suddenly felt that their surroundings were filled with water.

Although they didn't know why the water suddenly appeared, they still instinctively felt something was wrong.

Just when they wanted to drive away the water, the next moment, a sense of soreness and tingling suddenly came.

The thunder power emitted by the Lightning Immortal Lord exploded and flowed into their bodies through these water currents.

Although the power of this thunder was weakened after touching the water flow, it still made their bodies feel sore and numb.

Immortal Lord Huan Mo felt the soreness and numbness coming from his body, and the immortal energy surged out crazily from his body, pushing away the surrounding water. At the same time, he said in a deep voice: "We will attack together, don't forget, we are five !

Break the opponent's formation first. "

They are five monks, and there is only one of them. Even if they are trapped in this world by the other party, they should have the advantage, not the other party.

After his words fell, a stream of immortal energy condensed in his body.

On one side, several other monks heard the sound and gathered their own strength.

The opponent's formation restrained them and made them feel extremely uncomfortable.

The first thing they want to do is to break the formation.

For a moment, the five Taiyi Golden Immortals took action one after another.

Immortal Miaoyin, a guqin appeared in front of her, her slender hands quickly moved across it, and a series of melodious piano sounds sounded.

And each of these piano sounds formed a terrifying sound wave, carrying forward with terrifying power.

The sound waves were like mountains and seas, and the huge impact was devastating. It seemed like countless sound waves overlapped together, creating a power that shocked people's hearts.

The surrounding space was instantly distorted under the impact of this sound wave, and the sharp sound waves cut through the void. The sound was so loud that it felt like the eardrums were about to be torn.

The magic of the Phantom Lord is even more confusing and mysterious. He waves his fingers, and the phantoms are intertwined, forming an intricate illusory world.

The surrounding scenery began to change, and countless illusions appeared, and it was impossible to distinguish between true and false for a while. The phantom monsters roar, the flowers bloom in the garden, and the clouds and mist on the mountain peaks create a strange scene.

Vaguely, this illusory world seems to be a real world. It seems that this vast world contains the power of this world.

Thunder Flash Immortal Lord once again controlled the power of thunder. He raised his palm, and thunder burst out from his fingertips, like an electric snake dancing.

Suddenly, countless lightning flashed across the sky, and the light of thunder and lightning illuminated the entire battlefield, as if it was about to chop everything into ashes.

The power of thunder and lightning is violent and terrifying, and accompanied by rumbling thunder, it seems to make the whole world tremble.

The Ice Xuan Immortal Lord released the cold air of frost. He flicked his fingers, and countless ice crystals condensed, like thousands of cold stars shining in the sky.

A cold breath filled the battlefield, and ice covered the earth, freezing everything into a world of ice and snow.

Immortal Lord Calling the Wind harnessed the power of the violent wind. He waved his arms and the storm raged around him. The wind roared past, distorting the air, bringing boundless mania and destruction.

For a time, this side of the world was filled with dust, trees swayed, and the earth began to tremble.

The power of the strong wind swept everything, as if it was going to blow everything away.

The five Immortal Lords attacked separately, one after another, hitting the formation diagram.

In an instant, the surrounding void was distorted, and violent collisions occurred where the energy converged, forming blazing fire, dazzling thunder and lightning, cold frost, and violent storms.

This side of the world is filled with the sound of explosions, roaring thunder, biting cold air and howling wind. Everything has become chaotic.

The Sovereign Wuji Formation started to shake crazily.

However, no matter how the world shook, the formation did not collapse.

The eyes of the Phantom Lord frowned tightly. The five monks attacked together, but they couldn't break the formation?

This diagram seems to be...

Unfortunately, the other party attacked again, and the target of the attack was still him.

Immortal Lord Huanmo felt the talismans coming from the void, and the breath in his body surged out.

In an instant, the air around him began to twist, as if it was torn apart by an invisible force.

At the same time, illusory images and hallucinations appeared around him. Moreover, these images all looked like him, and even their breaths were exactly the same. For a while, his existence could not be detected at all.

At the same time, every shadow turned its head and looked towards Lingxi.


However, when these void eyes full of demonic energy shot out.

In front of Lingxi, the talismans began to change instantly. Some of these talismans directly transformed into light mirrors, while others transformed into water mirrors. Mirrors blocked the space between them.

These eyes touched these mirrors before they fell on Lingxi.

Suddenly, rays of demon light began to refract.

In the distance, Fairy Demon King's frown deepened. At this moment, it was more appropriate for him to feel the confusion and helplessness he had not felt for an unknown amount of time.

Being in this formation is equivalent to being in a world controlled by the other party.

That monk is like an omnipotent god of creation in this world.

The opponent's talismans can be changed at will. With these mirrors, his illusions cannot have real effects at all.

The light from his illusion was distorted by the water ripples, and then fell on a light mirror. It was constantly refracted and shot in all directions, and some even fell on him.

This is the illusion he released himself. He is good at illusions, and his soul is naturally extremely powerful. These illusions, if they fall on him, will not stop him!

However, there are companions beside him!

Rays of illusionary light fell on the other four Taiyi Golden Immortals, and for a moment, phantoms and reality were intertwined.

On one side, the other four Taiyi Golden Immortals were instantly caught in the illusion.

Because of the influence of this illusion, the movements of the other four Taiyi Golden Immortals attacking the array also slowed down.

Lingxi quickly waved the talismans, and each talisman flew up, turning into burning flame talismans.

Some of these talismans transformed into fire dragons, some transformed into flaming phoenixes, and some resembled vermilion birds... Countless flaming talismans roared towards Bingxuan Immortal Lord.

The flames billowed in the air, forming a sea of ​​fire. The flames burned blazingly, and the hot breath filled the battlefield.

Bingxuan Immortal Lord felt the hot breath coming from all around and woke up instantly.

He was also the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and the illusions reflected from him only briefly made him fall into the illusion.

Looking at the falling flames, he could feel a sense of disgust, and streams of cold immortal energy surged out of his body.

In an instant, streaks of ice appeared in front of him, resisting the attack of the flames.

But as the cold air surged out, the seemingly invisible big hand-like shackles on his body suddenly tightened.

His breath also weakened slightly.

He is in the opponent's formation and is restrained by the opponent. Now he is unable to exert his full strength at all.

The next moment, countless flame talismans flew down.

Suddenly, the flames and ice met and collided. There were bursts of chi chi sounds.

The flames and ice blended with each other, but the ice melted quickly.

The face of the Bingxuan Immortal Lord suddenly changed, and the opponent's immortal energy was so strong that even his own in its heyday could not match it, let alone now. He was restrained in the opponent's formation and could only release water. About 90% of the power.

As a result, the gap appears even wider.

Under the huge gap, pieces of ice that seemed to have frozen the entire world instantly turned into water.

The frost melted, and in a blink of an eye, it became a vast ocean.

At this moment, he even thought of how before, when Immortal Thunder Flash attacked, the opponent had released endless sea water, causing them all to be attacked by Immortal Thunder Flash.

However, it's okay now. Thunder Flash Immortal Lord should not be attacking.

In the distance, all sixty-four talismans flew out around Lingxi.

Although there are sixty-four talismans, at this moment, this world seems to be filled with countless talismans.

These talismans seemed to be gathered into a formation.

Scattered in front of the five monks opposite.

Thunder Gathering Talisman!

At the same time, a purple thunder appeared in Lingxi's palm, and then a purple light flew out of her hand.

The next moment, a loud sound that seemed to shatter the formation was heard in the void.

A purple thunder suddenly fell!

Although it was just a streak of thunder, with the blessing of the Zhengfa Thunder Gathering Talisman, this world instantly turned into a world of thunder.

The power of thunder is boundless, forming a violent thunder storm, carrying endless power and terrifying energy as it falls.

Purple electric light shone fiercely in the air, bursting out with dazzling light and illuminating the entire battlefield.

This thunder seems to contain the most primitive power between heaven and earth, as if it can tear apart everything that stands in front of it.

Just the roar of thunder falling caused the whole world to tremble.

From a distance, the thunder looked like a huge purple dragon, cutting through the sky.

The energy of thunder filled the battlefield, and lightning flashed, tearing the air apart.

The energy emitted by the purple thunder filled the air, like thousands of thunders ringing at the same time, and the sound was so powerful that it seemed as if the world was shaking.

The endless power of thunder gathered together to form a purple pillar of light. It seemed that a god was descending from the pillar of light.

This purple thunder is like the hammer of judgment from the God descending from heaven, carrying the power to destroy everything. Its power makes people unable to resist, and they can only watch its arrival and wait for its judgment.

At this moment, all the monks on the battlefield, and even time, seemed to have stopped.

The purple thunder struck down, instantly splitting the sky into two pieces, revealing a thick crack in the void.

At this moment, the whole world turned purple.

Some of the thunderbolts directly bombarded the monks of Huanmo Xianjun. Even if they did not bombard them, they fell to the top of the water flow. Under the conduction of the terrifying thunder power, they still fell to the surrounding people. On several monks.

This thunder attack is several times more powerful than the thunder attack released by the Thunder Flash Immortal Lord before!

Immortal Yinmiao felt the numbness coming from his body, and looked at the charred skin on his body, his face became extremely serious.

It was nothing that she really couldn't understand. Five of them, Taiyi Golden Immortal, would actually be at a disadvantage when facing one Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In fact, they were completely led by the nose, and sometimes their own attacks would fall on their fellow Taoists.

Although the Sovereign Wuji Formation can wrap several monks to form an independent world, the situation inside the formation can still be seen from the outside.

It's just that outside the formation diagram, the situation seen is completely different from that in the formation diagram.

Immortal Lord Shiwang, after the formation diagram emerged, his eyes fell over. Looking at the monks such as Immortal Yinmiao who were attacking randomly, a look of deep surprise appeared on his face.

Immortal Yinmiao and the others are already Taiyi Golden Immortals, so it is naturally impossible for them to cast spells randomly. Obviously, they were all affected by the formation.

But the question is, are all five of them affected? The five of them have taken different paths!

Moreover, he could clearly feel that the aura emitted by Yinmiao Xianjun and the five of them was obviously wrong. This was obviously not their peak state.

Preserve strength?

This is impossible!

Now, Immortal Yinmiao and the others are obviously at a disadvantage, and they are even starting to get injured. How can they still retain their strength at this time?

So, this is also because of the array diagram?

What kind of formation is this? It can greatly reduce the strength of so many fellow monks!

Also, he clearly saw Yinmiao Immortal and the five of them attacking the formation together, but they did not break the formation.

This Lingxi, a monk who was as good as five fellow cultivators, actually suppressed his opponent steadily.

Although not as heaven-defying as Xiang Ziyu, it is still terrifying enough.

Immortal Lord Shiwang was completely relieved and looked to the other side.

As long as Immortal Miaoyin and the others are trapped in the formation, they cannot threaten themselves. However, unlike the other four monks from the Five Elements Clan outside, they are not trapped. They can attack themselves at any time!

I don’t know if the human female cultivator who dared to come later can continue and kill the remaining Five Elements Clan cultivators with one blow.

In Immortal Lord Shiwang's sight, Yan Yourong's long sword cut through the void again, and the golden light flickered, heading straight towards the golden cultivator.


Immortal Lord Shiwang frowned. Although this sword was still full of unparalleled power, the power of this sword was obviously much weaker than that of the earth monk who killed him with one sword before.

Sure enough, among the Taiyi Golden Immortals, only Yin Yang Immortal could perform such a terrifying sword.

Yan Yourong's eyes were cold and he exuded a sharp aura. She holds a long knife, red light flashes, and the power of the Five Elements Fire flows on the blade.

She cultivates the Five Elements, and can use any power of the Five Elements.

Among the five elements, the one that restrains gold is fire.

The golden monk raised his hands high, and a pair of golden gloves instantly formed on his palms.

The metal's light shines, full of endless sharpness and power.

Facing the falling knife in front of him, he suddenly exploded, his body suddenly rushed out like lightning, and then punched through the air.

The gloves were like the open claws of a metal beast, striking at Yan Yourong with a destructive momentum.

Yan Yourong showed no intention of flinching. The long knife danced in her hand, and the power of the Five Elements Fire surged on the blade.

The long knife swung down, and the blade ignited with blazing flames, forming a huge fire dragon.

The fire dragon opened its huge mouth and sprayed out blazing flames, attacking the gold monk like a scorching meteor.

The surrounding void instantly became extremely hot, as if surrounded by flames.

The golden light and flames released by the golden monks intertwined with each other, and in an instant, bursts of brilliant light burst out.

The fire dragon danced on the blade, forming a sea of ​​fire that was burning like a sea of ​​flames.

Strange flames of light kept flashing in the void.

Although Jin Zhixiu's attack was swift and fierce, the dancing flames opposite him were like an indestructible barrier.

His attack was engulfed in flames.

As Yan Yourong slashed and then fell, the flames in the void burned more intensely, and the surrounding air seemed to be distorted by the burning flames.

The hot breath filled every corner.

Jin Zhixiu felt the heat wave coming, with a look of horror on his face. This breath of fire was not necessary at all. His companion, the Fire Cultivator, was weaker, or even stronger.

And the opponent's sword skills are even better than flames!

In particular, what the other party released was the power of flames. Although his metal power was powerful, it was pale and powerless in front of the fire power.

The fire dragon roared past, its blazing light illuminating the entire battlefield. There seemed to be countless flames dancing in the void, creating a scene of a sea of ​​fire.

The golden cultivator struggled to resist Yan Yourong's attack, but the power of the flames became more and more violent, instantly forcing him into a desperate situation.

The power of the flames was fierce and violent, like a huge wave of flames splitting the sky, engulfing the golden monk.

The golden monk howled in despair, opening his mouth and spitting out a mouthful of bright red blood.

Immortal Lord Shiwang was immediately overjoyed. Although this female cultivator from the human race could not kill the golden cultivator with one sword, she could still severely injure him. As long as...

No, other monks on the other side took action!

Countless leaves suddenly flew out of the void, dancing gracefully, and each leaf shone with an amazing sharp light.

These leaves are like sharp blades, cutting the air and making a sharp whistling sound.

The edges of the leaves are as sharp as blades, revealing endless killing intent, and even give people the illusion of turbulence in the void.

And behind these leaves, huge branches fell down.

Every branch is like a giant that supports the heaven and earth, and seems to be an extension of the earth. Each branch carries incomparable power.

They smashed towards Yan Yourong, making terrifying roars that seemed to shatter the surrounding space.

The wood monk took action.

Yan Yourong's knife that she originally wanted to slash at the Golden Monk suddenly withdrew, she raised her arm and turned to slash in the direction of the flying leaves.

The Sorrowful Dragon Sword instantly transformed into a huge knife net under her control.

Countless sharp knives on the knife net are intertwined with each other, like a dragnet.

Pieces of leaves and branches fell down, and were instantly blocked by the sharpness of the knife net.

Each blade of the knife net flashed with a breathtaking cold light, and each blade easily split the air, ruthlessly chopping up the leaves and branches.

And this knife net continues to expand, covering all the leaves and branches on the battlefield.

The collision between the knife net and the leaves and branches made a crisp impact sound, which resounded across the battlefield like thunder. The blade flashed and the branches cracked.

Her sword skills are fierce and sharp, and every swing carries endless murderous intent.

Immortal Lord Shiwang looked at the female cultivator wielding the long sword, and even had the illusion that the other party had turned the battlefield into her own domain, and she was the master of this world!

As the long knife was swung, all the leaves and branches shattered into dust and scattered on the battlefield.

Yan Yourong looked at the wood monk who had just taken action, with murderous intent bursting out of his eyes. Suddenly, the light of the Five Elements Gold rose on the Sorrowful Dragon Sword, making the long sword gleaming.

The breath of gold?

There was a look of astonishment on Immortal Shiwang's face. When the female cultivator made her move for the first time, he thought that the other party was dedicated to practicing sword skills. After all, with that sword, even he, as Taiyi Golden Immortal, could only To describe it as terrifying.

Then, this human female cultivator released flames and concentrated on the blade.

He thought that the other party was practicing sword skills and also practicing the aura of fire.

As a result, now, the opponent's sword is condensed with the aura of the Five Elements of Gold. Even this aura is not as weak as those Taiyi Golden Immortals who specialize in practicing the Five Elements of Gold.

What exactly is she practicing? Where does she have so much energy?

Yan Yourong had already swung his long sword and slashed it down, and the golden light on the blade spread instantly. This light was like a bolt of lightning, drawing a beautiful arc in the sky.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be shaking.

Wherever the sword light passed, the void was torn open, and even the void seemed unable to bear it. The power of the sword made a heart-rending sound.

A huge energy wave spread from the blade, shaking the surrounding area.

This knife is full of determination and destruction, and it lovingly cuts through all obstacles blocking its path forward.

The golden sword light cut through the void, rising into the sky like a giant dragon. It distorts space, like a golden whirlwind, sucking the world into it.

Feeling the power of this sword, the wood monk was horrified. A dense green energy condensed in his hand, forming a huge wall of wood.

Suddenly, a rich woody fragrance hit his nostrils, and at this moment, his whole body seemed to be in a lush forest.

The next moment, the long knife fell, and the sharp golden energy condensed into countless sharp knife shadows. The knife shadows were like a storm of sharp blades. The knife shadows flickered, and rays of light cut through the void, shooting towards the wooden wall with a sharp whistling sound. And go.

Suddenly, the wooden wall shook crazily, the wooden texture cracked, and the sharp knife shadow penetrated.

The knife shadow moved forward with fierce momentum, instantly cutting the wooden wall into pieces, and the wooden fragments flew in the air like withered leaves.

Jin Kemu!

His defense was shattered instantly!

The wood cultivator watched in horror as countless knife shadows gathered into dazzling golden light. Each knife shadow was like a star falling, dazzling and sharp.

He wanted to block these knife shadows again, but these knife shadows shuttled through the void and fell down.

In an instant, the protective divine light on his body was shattered by the sword light that seemed to be able to chop everything. The violent sword energy surged in and chopped open his body.

For a time, Yin Hong's current needs and gushing out.

At this moment, he felt even more powerless and desperate.

In the sight, the female cultivator stood proudly and tall, her cold eyes showing an invincible aura.

The battlefield was filled with golden light and wooden fragments, and the void was filled with sharp aura.


The wood monk spurted blood and his whole body flew backwards.

Suddenly, at the next moment, a water column fell in front of the wooden monk, blocking the possibility of Yan Yourong's continued pursuit.

Not far away, the water monk stared closely at Yan Yourong, and condensed a rotating water column with his hands, forming a huge water curtain.

The water curtain is crystal clear and sparkling, making you feel like you are in a fantasy water world.

Yan Yourong's eyes were cold, but it was as if she didn't see the water curtain, and she continued to sprint forward, waving her long knife. The soil of the five elements is condensed.

The land of the five elements!

Immortal Lord Shi Wang was completely stunned, Tu Ke Shui.

Before, he used flames against the gold monks and five elements of gold against the wood monks, but both were able to restrain the opponent.

So, maybe she is cultivating the power of the Five Elements?

Are you proficient in all five elements?

This is too terrifying. With such sword skills, you are also proficient in all understandings?

The Sorrowful Dragon Sword in Yan Yourong's hand seemed like a huge mountain range at this time, with the majestic mountains passing by and converging into a mountain sword.

The mountains tower into the clouds, solemn and majestic, like a towering guardian.

The long knife slashed into the water curtain.

Suddenly the water curtain trembled crazily, the water flow texture was broken, and was destroyed by the power of earth.

The water curtain shattered, but in front of the wood monk, another wall of blazing fire appeared.

The wall of fire burned blazingly, and the flames jumped, making the entire battlefield a fiery red.

A look of disdain appeared on Yan Yourong's face. She swung her long sword, and the power on the Sorrowful Dragon Sword turned into the power of the Five Elements of Water.

One fell, and the river of knives emerged.

The sword energy condensed into a turbulent ocean, and the huge waves rolled, forming a huge water waterfall.

This waterfall has turbulent waves, and the rapid water roars, and it looks like a giant dragon about to fly out of the water.

A vortex of water formed at the tip of her knife, which was full of infinite suction.

The water dragon bared its teeth and claws and rushed towards the wall of fire.

The huge body was intertwined with the hot flames. The water dragon rolled and roared in the flames, making a deafening roar, like the roar of the sea.

The blazing flames appear small and fragile in front of the power of water.

Yan Yourong's sword fell, and the water surged into the sky like a torrent. In just a short moment, the scorching flames were completely extinguished.

In just a short moment, all the barriers of the wood monks and fire monks were broken.

The wood monk had not yet recovered from the heavy damage caused by the sword, but the sharp sword had already struck down again.

In a hurry, he quickly gathered all the strength around him, and vines rose up one after another, covering his whole body.

But the next moment, endless sharp energy struck, directly cutting all the vines on his body into pieces.

Then, a sharp pain hit him, and his head flew into the sky.

The wood monk dies!

In just a short moment, two of the five monks from the Five Elements Clan were killed, and one was seriously injured.

The water monks and fire monks looked at the flying head, and a chill suddenly rose in their hearts.

The next moment, they turned around and ran away.

None of the five of them could block each other before, not to mention that now only two of them have combat power.

Immortal Yinmiao and others are trapped in the formation, and they are unable to help them now. If they don't run away, they may not even have a chance to escape.

Yan Yourong looked at the two monks who were escaping. She flashed and rushed towards the water monk. The aura of the Five Elements of Earth gathered on her Wrathful Dragon Sword, and she slashed it down.

In an instant, the meteorite fell from the sky with the Sorrowful Dragon Sword Buddha, splitting the void with unparalleled power.

The water monk felt the unstoppable force coming from the fall. In the moment of great shock, a giant shield appeared in his hand. The shield exuded the quiet and clear breath of water.

Its appearance is made of pure blue crystal, as transparent as water, and its light flows. The surface of the shield is covered with delicate lines, like water ripples. Every line is smooth and elegant, like the dance of water.

As his mighty immortal energy poured in, the aura of water on the shield began to condense, and water droplets dripped from the shield, forming a thin film of water mist that enveloped the shield.

This layer of water mist is like a water curtain, giving people an indestructible feeling.

The next moment, the long knife smashed down with the power to destroy everything. The golden knife light was like a bright meteor, leaving a bright knife mark in the air.

The knife mark passed through the water mist in front of the water monk, seeming to split an invisible barrier.

The endless water flow retreated in all directions due to the frightening failure of this sword, and the shield was instantly penetrated by the light of the long sword.

The next moment, the golden blade struck the water monk on the head.

Unparalleled power struck, and the water monk's head was cut open instantly, and blood mixed with white brains flew out.

The water monk dies.

In just a short moment, three of the five monks from the Five Elements Clan died.

On the other side, the Fire Cultivator had just flown out, and a large net had already fallen in the void.

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