My Master Knows Just a Bit About Everything

Chapter 620

Cao Zhen gave up completely.

He had just lost his mind, and he actually imitated Xiang Ziyu.

Xiang Ziyu's method is definitely not a serious way to conquer the World Order.

"There should be other ways to subdue the Huanyu Ling. If Xiang Ziyu's method is really the nemesis, and I have released such power in Taiyi Golden Immortal City and the Huanyu Ling doesn't agree with it, then it will be even more impossible for other monks to subdue the Huanyu Ling. .

I'm afraid, the world that Xiang Ziyu encountered is really different. Let's take a look around to see if there's anything special. "

After Cao Zhen's words fell, everyone around him nodded in agreement and began to look around, but no matter how they looked, they couldn't see anything special around here.

"Perhaps, can we try and use the blood of these alien races to water the World Order?" Tang Xiaorui suddenly had a whim, "Aren't many relics and magic weapons activated in this way?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Linghu Lonely nodded. Then, he stretched out his hands, gathered all the blood on the ground from the air, and swung it towards Huanyu Ling.

The blood flew out but had not yet fallen on the Huanyu Order.

The Huanyu Order, which was originally just rotating in a small range, suddenly shook as if it had been stimulated, and then flew towards the distance at an astonishing speed, disappearing from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, this Huanyu Order hates this blood very much.

"So, using blood is absolutely not okay?"

Several people looked at each other.

"Then what method should be used to catch this Huanyu Ling?"

"It's better to find the Huanyu Order first."

Although Huanyu Ling disappeared from everyone's sight, everyone still saw the direction in which Huanyu Ling was flying and quickly chased after him.

After the Huanyu Order flew out of a certain range, it did not continue to fly away, but stayed.

Cao Zhen sighed helplessly and said: "Remember the location of the Huanyu Order first. Let's go to other compounds to have a look."

Everyone left quickly.

While flying, Cao Zhen passed through the Chinese Cloud and watched the situation of his disciples, wanting to see if his disciples had gained anything.

Soon, an enemy figure appeared in his sight.

After all, the enemy of ten thousand people is acting alone, so he still needs to pay more attention.

In a strange place, the sky is shrouded in a mysterious purple light, and the ground is covered with strange flowers and staggered rocks.

In this seemingly strange scene, there are piles of other crystals on the ground.

These crystals emit colorful light, just like the light of the Universe Order.

It's just that their light is obviously weaker.

Cao Zhen looked at these crystals through the eyes of thousands of enemies, with a look of thought on his face. Did this light, these crystals have anything to do with the Huanyu Order?

Ten Thousand Enemies seemed to have encountered the Huanyu Order before and discovered the specialness of these crystals. He did not continue to move forward, but hid his body and looked at these crystals from a distance.

Although there was some distance, he could still vaguely feel the breath emitted by these crystals, which seemed to come from the other side of the distant universe.

These crystals seem to be fragments in the universe, exuding a mysterious and profound atmosphere.

Moreover, these crystals are not static, but are constantly changing, like living creatures with life.

Each crystal emits weak energy fluctuations, and even when two of the crystals collide together, they make a deafening roar like an asteroid impact, and at the same time release strong rays of light.

This energy is not consuming, but absorbing the power between heaven and earth.

As the power between heaven and earth continues to pour into the crystal, some changes seem to begin to occur inside the crystal. This crystal seems to be converting the power of heaven and earth into its own energy.

On one side of these crystals, there are four tentacle monks surrounding the crystals.

"This crystal stone and this aura are definitely related to the Huanyu Order."

"There is only one way to obtain the Huanyu Ling. This time the Huanyu Ling should gain power through these crystals."

"We will continue to guard the spar and see what changes they will have."

The four tentacle tribes whispered while looking around cautiously.

Their strength is not weak, the four Daluo Golden Immortals.

However, a large number of masters from the Eastern monks have entered this place. If they encounter more Daluo Golden Immortals or even quasi-sages, they will have no choice but to escape.

Slowly, these crystals continued to absorb the power of heaven and earth. After about half an hour, a special aura appeared on the surface of each crystal.

There was an obvious suction force, and this suction force rushed towards the four tentacle tribes around, as if they wanted to let the tentacle tribe inject their breath into it.

At the same time, these crystals no longer collide, nor do they absorb the power of heaven and earth.

"It feels like they have absorbed all the power around them and are now waiting for the final power? Could it be our power?"

A tentacle tribe thought for a moment, but suddenly waved its tentacles. One of the tentacles on his body suddenly broke, and then fell towards a crystal stone in it.

Obviously, he was worried that the crystal might be dangerous, such as absorbing all his power, so he was testing it like this.

This is also a major advantage of these tentacle tribes.

Except for a few tentacle tribes, the arms of most tentacle tribes can be broken and then grow back. Although the power will be weaker, it is better than testing it directly on one's own.

If it were the human race, or most Eastern monks, if they just released their own immortal energy and couldn't test it, they might have to directly reach out and test it.

They couldn't just cut off an arm and test it.

Besides, after they cut off the arm, they had no ability to move it freely.

This tentacle tribe broke off a tentacle and carefully dropped it on one of the crystal stones.

Suddenly, a strong aura gushed out from the crystal, a small vortex emerged from above the crystal, and then streams of immortal energy poured into the crystal from the broken tentacles.

After a short time, the crystal stopped absorbing the immortal energy after absorbing it, and the color of the crystal became no longer so dazzling, but the breath of the crystal had a kind that was more in line with this world. illusion.

"The crystal does not absorb much power. My broken tentacles even still have power." The tentacle clan waved the broken tentacles again and landed on another crystal.

And this crystal stone is the same as the previous crystal stone. After absorbing part of the power, it becomes more consistent with this human world.

This is just a broken tentacle, but after the two crystals continuously absorbed its power, the power of this tentacle has not completely dissipated.

This tentacle clan did not let his tentacles test the third crystal stone again, but with a thought, his tentacles quickly flew back and connected to his body.

"The crystals are not in danger. I think we have found a way to obtain the World Order. These are the crystals."

The two crystals have been tested and there is no problem. The other tentacle tribes around also think that there is nothing wrong with the crystals, and they all have happy faces.

The Universal Token is a token that can enter the entire universe to practice!

After they get these crystals, as long as they find the Huanyu Ling, they will most likely be able to conquer the Huanyu Ling.

In their delighted gazes, suddenly, a figure appeared in the distance.

Ten thousand enemies suddenly appeared from the darkness.

One moment, his figure had just appeared, and the next moment, his figure suddenly appeared in front of the crystal like a gust of wind.

Although he is only Taiyi Golden Immortal, his speed is faster than many Daluo Golden Immortals.

Ever since he joined the Baifeng Sect, he has been practicing various escape techniques and how to escape.

He also practiced fighting spells, but he found that he was really not suitable for fighting.

Even though the master taught him the most top-notch spells, and even taught him the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques, his combat effectiveness could only be said to be average among his fellow practitioners.

His senior brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, are almost invincible among fellow practitioners.

In this comparison, the gap is huge.

When he practiced combat spells, he always felt like he was doing twice the result with half the effort. On the contrary, when he was practicing magic, he was getting twice the result with half the effort.

As time went by, he no longer practiced combat spells, but used various escape techniques to maximize his speed.

His speed was so fast that the monks from the tentacle tribe didn't notice him until he appeared in front of these crystal stones.

Without waiting for the tentacle monk to react, he raised his hand and grabbed all the crystals in front of him.

"court death!"

"A little Taiyi Golden Immortal dares to rob our treasure!"

The monks of the tentacle tribe were suddenly furious. In an instant, tentacles were waving, and spells were suddenly shot out.

However, before these spells could be shot down on the ten thousand enemies, the ten thousand enemies had already fled quickly. His figure was like a phantom, elusive, appearing in the distance in the blink of an eye.


One by one, the tentacle tribe quickly chased after him.

However, not long after they were chased out, their expressions became extremely ugly.

After the ten thousand enemies succeeded, he did not stop, his figure was like a bolt of lightning, instantly escaped into the ground, and disappeared from the sight of the tentacle clan in the blink of an eye.


One of the tentacle tribe also broke through the ground and entered the underground.

But the next moment, he emerged from the ground and looked at his three companions with extremely ugly expressions.

"I ran away. After I entered the underground, I didn't see the figure of the Eastern monk at all.

This Eastern monk specializes in the art of escape. "

On the side, the other three monks from the Tentacle Clan all had livid faces.

Seeing that they were about to get these, they should be able to get the spar of the Huanyu Order, but in the blink of an eye, they were snatched away by an Eastern monk. Moreover, this Eastern monk was just a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and they Four, all of them are Daluo Jinxian.

"Damn Oriental thieves."

"what to do!"

"It's impossible to catch up. Although that Eastern monk is a Taiyi Golden Immortal, his speed is top-notch among the Daluo Golden Immortals, and he is also good at escape techniques. We can't chase him at all."

"Let's go to other places and look for other crystal stones."

The tentacle monks looked at the ground angrily, but were helpless. Now, they could only continue to look for other crystal stones.

Cao Zhen looked at the ten thousand enemies who were escaping far away, and felt that this kid was really fast. If he didn't use the void jump, he would just fly with all his strength. He was now invincible among Taiyi Golden Immortal and even Daluo Golden Immortal. In terms of cultivation, I am not as fast as this kid.

With the speed of ten thousand enemies, and the fact that ten thousand enemies are good at escape techniques, as long as this kid doesn't seek his own death and provoke Quasi-Sage, or a large number of Daluo Jinxian monks, there will be no danger here.

Ten thousand enemies quickly stopped after escaping for a certain distance.

He did not enter the ground directly, but took out the crystals one by one at the Earth Immortal. Some of the crystals had gained the power of the tentacle clan, and their color and breath had changed, but more crystals The stone, color and breath have not changed.

Ten Thousand Enemies, trying, put his hand on a spar whose color and aura had not changed. Suddenly, the spar produced a suction force, absorbing part of the immortal energy in his body, and then the color and aura of the spar changed. Change.

"Sure enough, those tentacle tribes have no problem touching the crystal, and I have no problem touching the crystal."

Ten Thousand Enemies had just muttered to himself, and in his mind, Master Cao Zhen's voice suddenly rang.

"Ten thousand enemies, how is the breath of this crystal stone?"

Over the years, there have been many times when the master's voice suddenly sounded in my mind. I was not surprised when I heard the voice, but said with a look of surprise: "Master, I should find a way to conquer the order of heaven and earth." .

The aura of this crystal stone is very similar to that of Huanyu Ling, and they will definitely be related in the future.

Now, I just need to find a Kuai Yuan Yu Token, and then test it, and then I will know.

And by coincidence, I actually saw a piece of the World Token before. Master, please wait for a letter and ask the disciple to go to Huanyu Ling to test it first. "

Cao Zhen heard the sound and quickly reminded: "You have to be careful, there should be many monks who have discovered the World Order, but they cannot obtain the World Order.

But they won't give up the Huanyu Order so much, so they are likely to stay by the side of the Huanyu Order. If you show up, they will definitely attack. "

"Master, don't worry. Don't forget that my best skills are running away and hiding. I will definitely be able to find out if there are any monks hiding nearby."

Ten Thousand Enemies said, injecting his breath into the crystal stones.

A total of thirty-six crystal stones were infused with immortal energy in a short time.

Although a crystal does not require a particularly large amount of immortal energy, injecting aura into so many crystals at once would consume a lot of energy.

Ten Thousand Enemies did not set off immediately. Instead, they crossed their legs and practiced and recovered underground.

After about an hour, he got up and flew into the distance.

The location of the World Order that he knew was actually not particularly close. At the speed of ten thousand enemies, it took the Earth Immortal three hours to advance before he appeared next to the World Order.

However, he did not fly out of the ground immediately after he threw it, but directly investigated the ground. After a moment, his brows furrowed tightly.

Once the World Order was broken, there really were monks, and not just one group of monks, but at least two groups of monks guarding it.

If you can directly grasp the World Order in your hands, just like grabbing these crystals, then there will be no problem, but if you need to use these crystals to slowly attract the World Order, that will be troublesome.

Ten Thousand Enemies was silent for a moment, but still quietly approached the direction of Huanyu Ling.

He has obtained those crystal stones, and since he came here, he has to try them no matter what. What if it works?

Of course, if that doesn't work, you have to run away as soon as possible.

Given the distance between the two forces and him, he could still escape if he ran away at full speed. He had just discussed that there was no formation on the side of the World Order.

Thinking about it, there are two forces here, one is the strength of the tentacle clan, and the other is the monks from the East. They are in opposition.

The reason why these two forces did not directly conflict was that they probably wanted to wait until the monks who could take away the World Token appeared before taking action.

Although they did not fight directly, neither side would remain indifferent while watching the other side deploy formations around the Huanyu Order.

What's more, arranging the formation does not mean that it can be arranged by just laying it out. It is not easy to influence the formation of Taiyi Jinxian or Daluo Jinxian.

Thousands of enemies came under the Huanyu Order. The next moment, a spar appeared in his hand, and at the same time, the breath in his body poured into the spar.

As his immortal energy surged out, even though it was underground, in the dark, the monks from the two external forces immediately noticed the sudden burst of aura.

"There are monks!"

"Is it underground, or directly under the Huanyu Order!"

"What does that monk want to do?"

The powerful monks from both sides quickly gathered their immortal energy and took action immediately if there was any abnormality.

However, the next moment, their eyes suddenly widened.

In their sight, many Huanyu Orders had already stayed on the ground. The moment the immortal energy emerged from the underground, it suddenly broke through the land below and rushed directly into the underground.

"What's this?"

"The Order of Huanyu actually flew away on his own initiative!"

"That monk, he found a way to take away the World Token!"


Two monks from different forces flew out and rushed underground at the same time.

Underground, tens of thousands of enemies saw the World Order flying towards them, and the next moment, the crystal in his hand fell into the World Order and disappeared instantly.

"So, this crystal stone Huanyu Ling is really related. It seems to be the food of Huanyu Ling?"

Tens of thousands of enemies felt the rapidly approaching aura, and quickly broke through the ground in front of them, flying forward. The Huanyu Order, after swallowing a piece of crystal, continued to chase towards the ten thousand enemies.

After chasing for a certain distance, the World Order stopped. It seemed that because the ten thousand enemies did not take out any more crystals, they stopped chasing.

"Is it possible that I have to keep feeding him?"

While flying, Ten Thousand Enemies took out a crystal stone again.

The crystal stone had just appeared, and the Huanyu Order that had just stopped immediately started to move and chased towards the ten thousand enemies.

The speed of the enemy was already fast enough, but he discovered that the World Order was even faster than him when flying.

In the blink of an eye, the World Order had caught up to him and landed on the spar.

The next moment, the crystal stone was completely swallowed up by the World Order and disappeared without a trace again.

Huanyu Ling followed closely.

"As expected, we need to continue feeding, but the problem is, we don't know how much we need to feed."

Ten Thousand Enemies did not continue to feed them, mainly because the speed of the Huanyu Ling was too fast. If he continued to take out the crystal stones, the Huanyu Ling would definitely swallow them up immediately, so he would lose one piece.

If it's not enough, the Universal Order will definitely stop.

The monks from the two forces behind were chasing after him. By then, the two monks would be able to see where the Huanyu Order was.

He had to at least get rid of the two monks behind him, and then get the spar. By then, even if the spar was not enough, the Order of Heaven and Earth would still stay underground if it stopped.

At that time, no other monks will know about the Huanyu Ling underground, and he can grab some more crystals and continue to feed the Huanyu Ling.

Otherwise, if he had almost fed the Huanyu Ling, but was discovered by other monks, and the other monks took the Huanyu Ling away after feeding it for a while, then he would have suffered a big loss.

Besides, who knows what state Huanyu will be in after feeding, and whether he will stay in the hidden place. If that is the case, the monks from the two parties behind him chase him, but he still cannot get the order of Huanyu, so he can only let it go. .

Therefore, let’s get rid of the two monks behind us first.

As he stopped taking out the spar and continued to move forward, the Huanyu Order behind him stopped again after following for a distance.

Ten thousand enemies suddenly felt happy, now they could operate it.

After he flew some distance, he took out the spar again. As soon as the spar appeared, the Huanyu Order behind him caught up with him again.

Further away, the tentacle tribe and the Eastern monks, the masters from both sides also entered the underground. They just noticed that there was a breath moving forward rapidly, and the Huanyu Order was chasing closely behind.

Moreover, that breath was moving away at an alarming speed.

"A monk has found a way to obtain the World Order?"

"Follow me!"

Both forces saw each other, but they did not fight, but quickly chased towards the front, where the aura disappeared.

After all, their purpose of entering here is for the Universal Order. If they don't get the Universal Order, there is no point in their fighting here.

But as they chased after him, they were surprised to find that the aura was getting further and further away from them, and the aura was getting weaker and weaker.

Underground is different from being above the ground and in the void.

Underground, there was land everywhere, and they couldn't see each other at all, so they could only keep breaking through the ground and moving forward.

Slowly, they could no longer even detect the breath in front of them.

"Damn it, why is that monk so fast!"

"It feels like there is no difference between him advancing underground and flying in the void. The ground cannot stop him at all!"

"It's too fast, I don't know where he went!"

"There is no breath of the other party's advance underground at all. The other party advanced underground without leaving any traces at all. This should be a monk who is proficient in the art of earth escape. Only this kind of monk will not leave any traces when advancing underground. trace!"

"The key point is that the Huanyu Order has not left any breath behind as it moves forward. How can we search for it?"

All the monks were in great distress.

Although they are still chasing forward, they also know that the chance of finding each other is not high.

After all, the other party didn't say that there was only one way to move forward and that the other party could turn at will. They were no longer aware of the other party's aura, and who knew where the other party could go.

Although Ten Thousand Enemies got rid of the monks behind them, for the sake of safety, they still used the previous method, constantly taking out crystal stones. After the Universal Order swallowed a crystal, they waited for the Universal Order to stop for a while, and then took it again. He produced a crystal stone to lure Huanyu Ling to continue to catch up.

In this way, the crystal in his hand was still being consumed at an extremely fast rate.

Unconsciously, he only had the last crystal left in his hand.

"This is the last piece. If you are not satisfied yet, then I will have to go somewhere else to grab the crystal."

The enemy of ten thousand people took out the last crystal while advancing.

Soon, Huanyu Ling caught up from behind and swallowed the last crystal.

And Ten Thousand Enemies also stopped. She didn't have any crystals anyway, so there was no point in continuing.

After the Huanyu Order swallowed the last crystal, the light dimmed, and the aura of the entire Huanyu Order began to slowly change, becoming more consistent with this world.

The Order of Heaven and Earth rotates gently in the void, and every time it rotates, the breath changes.

A joyful look suddenly appeared on the face of the enemy: "This is because it has absorbed enough power, so thirty-six crystal stones appear at one time, which is exactly for one World Token?

Fortunately, I took away all the crystal stones, otherwise, I would really have to grab the crystal stones again. "

Thousands of enemies stood aside, observing the changes in the Huanyu Order and looking around. At this time, if other monks were chasing after him, it would be tragic.

Although he had already left the monks behind him far behind and changed his route several times, who knew whether those monks would be lucky enough to find this place by flying randomly.

We can only hope that the time for change in this world order will be shorter.

Finally, after about two sticks of incense, the World Order stopped changing and just floated underground.


Ten thousand enemies immediately reached out and grabbed Huanyu Ling.

But this time, Huanyu Ling did not fly away again, but allowed ten thousand enemies to hold him in their hands, and then stuffed him into the Qiankun Ring.

Although Cao Zhen could no longer communicate with ten thousand enemies today, he could still watch ten thousand enemies.

Seeing Ten Thousand Enemies put the World Token into the Qiankun Ring, a hint of joy appeared on his face, and then he broke off the contact with Ten Thousand Enemies, looked back at the people beside him and said, "I know How to get the World Order.

This method should be the normal method. Now, we have another disciple of the Baifeng Sect who has obtained the World Order. "

On the side, Tang Xiaorui heard the sound and immediately asked with concern: "Master, who has obtained the World Order? Senior Sister Lingxi?"

Among their group of disciples, apart from Xiang Ziyu, the strongest one is Lingxi.

"It's not Lingxi." Cao Zhen shook his head slightly and said, "It's an enemy of ten thousand people."

"What?" Tang Xiaorui let out a low cry, and others looked over in surprise.

"An enemy of ten thousand people? Isn't he alone? Is he so lucky?"

"How did that kid get the Huanyu Token?"

Cao Zhen chuckled and said, "Not only are you surprised, I also didn't expect that, other than Xiang Ziyu, the first person to obtain the World Order would be an enemy of ten thousand people, and it was also the right way.

In fact, in order to obtain the World Order, you must first obtain the spar. "

Cao Zhen told everyone the process of obtaining the spar from ten thousand enemies.

"Now, let's go look for those crystal stones first. At the same time, I also want to tell Lingxi and the others the news."

Cao Zhen quickly passed through Zhonghua Cloud and began to contact Lingxi and others.

The next moment, he looked at Lingxi and others who appeared in his sight, with a look of surprise on his face.

"It seems that I have become the slowest again!"

At the moment, Lingxi and others were guarding in front of a piece of crystal. He didn't know whether these crystals were changing, or whether they would change after a monk approached them.

At this time, the crystal stones are changing.

Lingxi and the others should have already experimented. Maybe they couldn't take the spar directly, so they stayed on one side of the spar.

But the next moment, monks from the tentacle tribe appeared in the void.

Crystals can also release light. If there is light, it will naturally attract other monks.


"This aura seems similar to that of Huanyu Ling!"

"This is, must be, the key to obtaining the World Order!"

"Kill these Eastern monks and gain the world!"

Suddenly, the auras of the tentacle monks became strong and they rushed towards Lingxi and the others.

Several people in Lingxi also noticed these flying tentacle tribe at the same time.

Suddenly, the bodies of several people surged wildly, and golden flowers bloomed, seemingly exploding the void, causing faint cracks to appear in the surrounding void.

"There are several human monks, one less than us. Among them is Taiyi Golden Immortal. And we are all Daluo Golden Immortals. You still want to stop us?"


All the monks from the tentacle tribe showed ferocious expressions on their faces.

One of the Da Luo Jinxian from the Tentacle Clan suddenly flew out. He was tall and straight, and a looming blue light surrounded him, which made people feel chilly.

His body is composed of a dark black substance, exuding a mysterious and ancient aura.

He has eight tentacles on his body, and each one of them is as hard as if it were made from a meteorite.

The next moment, these eight tentacles started waving, and the world and the world instantly changed color due to the waving of the tentacles.

The tentacles waved, and under the impact of powerful force, the wind in this area was caused to howl, like the roar of thousands of angry beasts, carrying an irresistible power and smashing down towards Lingxi and others.

The tentacles were obviously flying in the void, but their power was so strong that they caused the entire earth to tremble, as if they were trying to make way for this mighty swing.

However, just as the tentacle monks were about to pour out this unparalleled power, a figure volleyed up from the sky.

Ruoyun suddenly flew out.

Eight tentacles?

It just so happens that she has eight arms!

Ruoyun's face was solemn, and eight arms appeared around her body. On each arm, there was a sharp magic weapon!

Although she is only Taiyi Golden Immortal now, she does not have any timidity or fear when facing the Daluo Golden Immortal of the Tentacle Clan in front of her.

The next moment, she suddenly waved her eight arms and took the initiative to meet him.

Opposite, the tentacle monk with eight tentacles suddenly had a look of ridicule on his face. A Taiyi Golden Immortal took the initiative to attack him, he was simply looking for death!

Ruoyun's eight arms were waving at the same time, and the magic weapon on each arm actively attacked one of the opponent's tentacles.

The longest whip among them was the first to touch one of the opponent's tentacles.

Each of the opponent's tentacles is of average thickness, and each tentacle contains power that can seemingly destroy the world, but her long whip looks much thinner than the opponent's tentacles. It seems that the opponent's one The tentacles were as thick as twenty or thirty of his long whips.

But when the long whip wrapped around a tentacle on the opponent's forehead, it caused the tentacle to swing in another direction, away from the direction that hit him.

Opposite him, a look of surprise suddenly appeared on the face of the tentacle clan monk. This Eastern monk was so powerful.

Before he could react,

The second longest spear in Ruoyun's hand has fallen.

The spear pierced a tentacle in the air. The tip of the spear was as sharp as a star, and the shadow of the spear was like lightning. The tip of the spear suddenly pierced the tentacle, and the endless sharpness was immediately revealed.

Among her eight magic weapons, the sharpest is this spear!

Just a little bit of cold light flying down, but it gives people the illusion that it can pierce the sun, moon and stars.

Suddenly, a ray of light that seemed to be brighter than the light of the scorching sun burst out from the opponent's tentacles and the thick scales.

With a crisp sound, the opponent's scales that were stabbed unexpectedly broke from the middle.

The spear only has one point, but officially because it only has one point, the power is more concentrated.

The scales broke open, and the tip of the spear suddenly penetrated into the tentacle.

But the next moment, she felt that after the spear in her hand penetrated, it was obviously blocked. There were layers of folds in the opponent's tentacles. Each layer of folds consumed a part of the strength of the spear, making it impossible for her spear to completely penetrate. Wear each other's tentacles.

Even the layers of folds contained a strong adsorption force, making it impossible for her to pull out her spear.

On the opposite side, the faces of the tentacle clan also showed a clear look of surprise. This Taiyi Golden Immortal was actually able to break through the visitor of his tentacles...

This is a Taiyi Golden Immortal who is extremely close to becoming a Daluo Golden Immortal.

Almost the next moment, the halberd in Ruoyun's hand fell. This time, it was not the tip of the halberd that touched the opponent's tentacles, but the crescent moon on the halberd.

The crescent moon seemed to fall down from the crescent moon in the void. However, although the crescent moon's area was larger than the tip of the spear, its power was slightly dispersed. The crescent moon barely split open the opponent's two scales, but it did not separate the scales. Completely cut off, but trapped in the middle of these two scales.

After the halberd, the giant hammer and giant ax fell down.

Giant axes and giant hammers are the strongest among his attacks.

Like an ax that can open up the world, there is also the giant hammer that seems to be able to destroy the entire world in an instant. It hits the opponent's tentacles and makes two terrifying loud noises.

Amidst the loud noise, Ruoyun felt a boundless force coming towards her. She was so strong that her blood was boiling all over her body, and she could not even hold the weapon in her hand.

If we let go of our weapons at this time, we will definitely lose.

And the weapon in her hand is her Tao, how could she let go of the weapon!

The power in her body surged crazily, and she tightly grasped the weapon in her hand. As a result, the force of the countershock she endured became stronger and stronger. The power was transmitted into her body along the weapon in her hand, and the power It was so strong that it seemed to break all her muscles and veins.

Although she has practiced the Eight-nine Mysterious Techniques, her power will still be dispersed if she uses eight weapons at the same time. More importantly, the opponent is a Daluo Jinxian whose cultivation level is higher than hers.

The other party was obviously a monk who was good at strength, but in a competition of strength, he was still at a disadvantage.

Opposite her, the eight-arm tentacle clan's body also shook at the same time. Although the shaking was slightly smaller, with this shaking, the power of his other shots was also affected. It slowed down slightly, and its power became a little less powerful.

On his face, there was an obvious look of surprise in the pair of strange triangular trees and the pair of green eyes.

What a terrifying power.

I have not practiced those spells, I have followed the path of strength. Among the Daluo Golden Immortals, my strength is extremely strong.

However, now, he has a head-to-head confrontation with this Taiyi Golden Immortal. Although he has the upper hand, he has also been affected by the opponent's strong counterattack.

This power, if it were replaced by an ordinary Daluo Jinxian who was good at strength, in a head-to-head encounter, this Taiyi Jinxian might actually have the upper hand.

This is a bit scary!

At the next moment, Ruoyun's long stick also fell down.

The body of the stick was like a giant's fist, and like a mountain falling, it hit a tentacle heavily. Suddenly, the sound of impact echoed across the battlefield.

This tentacle, visible to the naked eye, suddenly bent backwards. However, the elasticity of the tentacle was only a few times. He quickly recovered and seemed to have suffered almost no damage. Even this tentacle even bent suddenly and suddenly Wrapped with long sticks.

On the other side, the long knife in Ruoyun's other hand fell down. The blade was unstoppable, cutting through the void and slashing at another tentacle.

The long sword also fell down immediately. The blade was extremely sharp, cutting through the air, and the tip of the sword was like lightning.

Whether it was a long sword or a long knife, they all broke through the scales of the tentacle clan in front of them, and then were firmly clamped by the opponent's tentacles.

Just the moment of the fight, Ruoyun fell completely passive.

The next moment, opposite her, a cold murderous intention suddenly appeared on the face of the tentacle tribe. Eight tentacles waved simultaneously.

Suddenly, a mighty and boundless force came overwhelmingly.

Ruoyun's weapon was controlled by the opponent. Because she firmly grasped the weapon in her hand, her whole body was swung up, driving her to hit Lingxi and others behind.

Now she only has two choices, either let go of the weapon, or be used as a weapon to hit her own companions!

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