My Mistress is a Reincarnated Person!!

Chapter 17 – Farewell (Aria’s POV)

The dreadful day has finally come.

Now that only a day remains until my departure for the capital, I’m having second thoughts about it. Do I really have to leave? Can’t I just hire a tutor and get homeschooled?


It’s useless to look for excuses now, I know very well that I need to attend the academy for its resources. I don’t want to be a burden on my family. 

But my heart isn’t on the same wavelength. I know that it is only a matter of 5–6 years, but I still don’t want to leave my family. If only there was a good alternative to the Royal Academy that didn’t have the ‘stay-in dorm’ rule. Alas, it’s only wishful thinking.

I need to brace myself for having to part with Mom, Dad, and Letty.

While pondering about my homesickness, I gently hugged Letty from behind, who was blissfully sleeping beside me. We all had a very busy day, no wonder she fell asleep the moment she laid down.




“Wakey wakey, Aria” I heard Letty’s sweet voice waking me up.


I got prepared like usual and headed towards the dining room. I knew what was coming, but I still needed to act surprised to please them. I opened the door, and sure enough, I was greeted with a decorated room and Mom sitting in her usual spot. Dad was missing though, is he late?

Just as I had the thought, he spooked me from behind and picked me up.

“There she is, my little angel. smooch”  He kissed me on the cheek and continued. “Are you wondering about your present, baby?”


“Dad, hold back a little. This is the last time I’m allowing such behavior”


He put me down and brought a small gift wrapped in cloth. I wonder what it is? It’s so small.


“Here is your present, my baby. Open it before your Moms”, he said.


I sat on my spot and unwrapped the cloth. In front of me was a plain-looking ring. What’s so special about it? Is it made up of some rare element? 


Seeing my confused face, he said, “Put it on and think about interacting with it”


I did as he asked, and it shocked me beyond words.



“Yes dear, this is a storage ring” He completed my sentence.


“But you only had one”, I said.


“It’s not mine, baby girl. I pulled some strings with the neighboring kingdom. He gifted this to me as a token of good faith for our future business. And I don’t have any use for it, since I already have one. So this one is yours”, he said.


“But wouldn’t it make more sense to give it to Mom?” I asked, looking at her.


She said, “It’s fine, dear. I can manage without it. Besides, it will come in very handy when you stay at the dorms in the academy. You won’t have any servants after all” 


“Un, thank you, Dad. I love it” I hugged him.


“Not so fast. At least check its content. I’m afraid a mere hug won’t suffice after you check it”


I did so and why am I not surprised? 5,000. Yes, 5,000 gold coins. That equates to 50 platinum plates. For reference, a family of four could eat a full meal for a few months in 10 gold coins. That much money in the hands of a 10-year-old. Is he crazy? 


I stared at him blankly.

“Hahah, don’t worry about it. You might need the gold for research purposes. I trust you to not waste a single copper. Use it well, Pumpkin. In case you run out, send me a letter. I’ll make sure you never run out of money ever again”, he proudly said.


I hugged him and planted a kiss on his cheeks to make him happy. Hah, when will he stop with the names? SO embarrassing. 


Wearing the ring happily, I turned towards Mom. 


“I..I..uhm forgot about a gift” She stuttered a bit.


“Stop lying, I saw you ditch me every night for the last week. Out with it”, Dad said.


She glared at him and said, “I tried something but canceled it. I hope you don’t mind that I don’t have a gift for you”


“Mom, really?” I hit her with puppy eyes.


“Uhm…hah… Actually, there is something. But it’s not good, so forget about it” She said, while hiding something behind her back.


“Mom please. I will like whatever you bring me. Don’t compare it with Dad’s gift. Show me” 


She brought out a cute pink colored scarf and gave it to me. “I learned knitting last week and made this for you. Although it’s not the best, it will keep you warm in the cold climate in the capital”


It was fairly good for a beginner. She’s so thoughtful and cute, I love her. “Thank you very much Mom. I love it” I kissed her cheek as well.


“Thank God you like it. I was embarrassed to bring it up after Richard’s gift” She sighed in relief.


“I love them, Mom, Dad. Thank you very much”


We had our breakfast while chatting. Mom didn’t even nag me for improper table manners, in fact, she loosened up a little. Probably because she wants to enjoy these last few days before I depart.


That again… I don’t want to leave… Sigh.


But what if I fail the exam? It’s not like the test is easy, it’s fairly tough. But having studied the portion for a few years, I’ve got a decent chance to make it. 

But what if I deliberately fail? No one’s expecting a 10-year-old to pass the test. No one except my parents…

If I fail, wouldn’t they be disappointed? They might not show it, but they’ll surely be disappointed if I fail. I can’t do this! I need to give my best in the entrance test. It’s about time, I started thinking about flying out of the nest.




After retiring in the room, I made the decision to do a brief revision of all the things I’ve studied in the past years. I took out my notes and began working.


After a while, Letty came in with a plate full of…lunch? Wait, I missed lunchtime! 


“Seeing you so engrossed in your studies, Lady Martha asked me to deliver lunch in your room instead of the dining hall”, Letty clarified.


“Oh, I understand. Come join me for lunch” 


“Alright, let me get some extra portions for me” She did so and joined me at the tea table.


While eating, I decided to tease her a little, “Taste this, Letty, it’s really good. Say aaah”, I said, holding my spoon up to her face.


“I can eat by myself” She leaned back, trying to create distance between the spoon and herself.


“Na-hah, that won’t do. I want to feed you myself” 


“B-but the spoon is yours, at least use my spoon” She was slightly blushing as she handed me her spoon.


“And why is that a problem?” I teasingly asked. I thought that she was worried about the indirect kiss.


“That’s because our mouth has germs, and we should always wash spoons before using it” Oh boy, was I wrong. 


“Hahaha, that’s what you were worried about. That was such a ‘you’ type of response, haha. You are too pure for this world, Letty” I hugged her out of an overload of purity.


“Hah, what else can it be?” She asked in her curious tone.


“It’s nothing. Here, I’ll use your spoon. Now will you let me feed you?” I asked.


She nodded and opened her mouth. So adorable.


After having lunch, Letty entered the room again with another plate. This time it was covered with a cloche1This thing.. She said, “Aria, I couldn’t think of any suitable gift for your birthday, so I baked this cake. I hope it’s to your liking” She uncovered the dish.


“Woah, Letty, when did you learn to bake? The cake smells delicious”


“A while ago, I asked the chef to teach me”, she said.


“Thank you so much, Letty. You know I have a thing for sweets. Let’s dig in”


The cake was delicious. She is indeed a fast learner, even without using skills. It was pretty well baked for a newbie.


What Aria didn’t know were the three failed attempts Letty made before finally baking a perfect cake. But that will remain a mystery until the end of time.




That night,

Letty and I just returned from the bath and are currently sitting on the bed.

“Letty, you know I’ll have to leave tomorrow, right? It’s our last night together, until I return”


 “Yes, I know” her face turned grim.


“I’ll miss you so much, Letty” I pulled her into a hug.


“I-I asked the head maid for everything. She said that no matter what I do, I can’t follow you there. If you get accepted, you will have to stay in the dorms, and the most I can do is meet you in the city. I don’t want to part with you, Aria. Isn’t there anything you can do? Anything?” She started crying in my embrace.


“I’m afraid that’s just how things are. You can’t visit the capital, Letty. The route is very dangerous. Visiting me is not practical because hiring the guards/adventurers alone would leave you broke in two visits. Moreover, even if I come outside the academy to visit you in the city, we will only get a few hours together before I need to report back to the dorms. I’m sorry, Letty, there is nothing I can do”


“I know, the head maid said the same thing. But I want to stay with you, Aria, please don't leave me here”, she pleaded.


“I’m sorry, Letty. All we can do is write letters for the time being. If it makes you feel any better, if I get accepted, the first thing I intend to research is communication devices. If I’m successful, we’ll be able to talk whenever we want. Although, for now, it’s just wishful thinking. Stay strong for me, alright? Just hold on until I return. On the day I return, I promise to make up for all our missed time together” I tried comforting her.


She didn’t reply and kept weeping in my embrace. Even though I'll miss her, I need to stay strong. If I give in now, I won’t be able to leave tomorrow.


I steeled my heart and held back the tears. We fell asleep in each other’s embrace.




The next day, early in the morning before sunrise, I gently left the bed without disturbing Letty. At first, I thought of just leaving her a letter and leaving without saying a word. That might make it easier for me to leave, but I can’t be that cruel to Letty. I owe her a goodbye at the very least. I prepared myself and then woke her up. I gently caressed her head,

“Wake up Letty”

She woke up after a few moments.

“It’s not morning yet, Aria, why are you awake? WAIT, are you leaving?” She yelled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to yell”


“Yes Letty. We need to leave early to cover a large portion of the forest before nightfall”, I explained.


“Why didn’t you tell me, I thought that you’d leave later today. I was even planning on accompanying you on the journey. Wait I’ll go pack up my luggage” She began to leave, but I held her hand.


“No Letty, you can’t. It’s already difficult for me to leave you. I wouldn’t be able to leave if you accompany me to the capital. I don’t have the resolve to part with you twice. Let this be the farewell” I said.


“B-but…” Words couldn’t come out of her mouth as she began wailing again. 

Stop crying, you idiot. I can hardly control myself.

Wait, what is it? Tears? Now that I’ve started, I should just let them fall.

We both cried while saying our goodbyes to each other.


Leaving the room, I walked towards the hall to meet Mom and Dad.

Mom hugged me and started crying. “I’ll miss you so much, Baby. I wish I could come with you”


“I’ll miss you too, Mom”. I replied, returning the hug while shedding tears.


Dad will be traveling with me to drop me off at the capital, while Mom can’t leave the estate due to some reasons.


“Remember to eat and sleep well. Although I know it will be a piece of cake for you, in case you fail the exams, don’t worry, whatever I said earlier was just a joke. Don’t push yourself too hard. And take care of your health. And you won’t have servants, so pay some students to clean your dorm room and do your laundry. Remember not to skip a meal. And make good friends. And send letters every week, no, every day” She kept adding to the list.


“Haha, relax. I’ll take care of myself. I’ll give it my all for the exam, and I’ll send lots of letters, albeit not every day. I’ll miss you, Mom, take care of yourself and Letty” I said, wiping the tears from my face.


“Yes, I’ll take care of myself and Letty. I’ll look after her until you return” Mom said while patting Letty’s head.


“Un, thank you, Mom”, I said.


“Don’t worry too much Darling. I’ve hired the best adventurers in town to escort us to the capital. I’ll give her all the talks she needs on the way” Dad assured Mom.

“Let’s leave, dear. We can’t wait too long if we want to make it to the checkpoint before sunset”, He said, while a servant carried all the luggage.


I hugged Mom and Letty one last time. “Goodbye Mom, Letty. Take care, I love you”


“I love you too, dear”, she said, while Letty remained silent. She didn’t speak a word after leaving the room.


I turned around and sat in the carriage without turning back. Because once I turn around, it's all over.



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