My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 19: Mentor

Daniel's path to becoming an artist didn't start out of the blue. It began in his first year of high school, spurred by his participation in his art elective, but most of all, by Miss Lizzie — his art teacher.

Lizzie was a brunette favorite among students. Compared to her colleagues, she was a young woman in her twenties with a bright and upbeat personality. Her presence offered solace from the drudging studies of the school. As such, many added her class as an elective just to be around her rather than an interest in art.

Daniel was one of them initially, but Lizzie found his attempts on the projects assigned interesting.

"Oh!" Anne gasps, clapping her hands together as she recalls Amy's memories. "That's right, she encouraged you to submit to the city's art contest!"

"Yeah," the now older artist replies, his eyes softening as he stares into his coffee mug. "I didn't expect anything out of it, but somehow, I was listed in honorable mentions. To be even noted was highly motivating. After that, I joined the art club and found what I wanted to do, but really, I..."

"Hehe, mama knows! You also had a crush on her~" Anne finishes playfully.

Daniel flinches. "H-how did you-"

Anne grins. "Oh please! Even if you never told Amy about it, she could see it all over your face! Be glad she took it to her grave instead of teasing you about it!"

The artist slumps in his chair and laughs dryly. "And yet, here you are. I don't know whether to be happy or sad."

"Well, I think it's cute, and natural too! You're obviously not the only one with a crush on her considering how popular she is. So, where is she now?"

"She's dead."

Anne's smile stiffens. Although Amy had only spoken to her a few times, she recognized the teacher's love for guiding people into the world of art. It really matched her passion for the stars. From past meetings, she can remember words spoken about her son's future with such confidence.

'Miss Hart, I know you're concerned about your son's future, but let me be clear. He's going to do well as an artist - I can guarantee that.'

She was right.

Recognizing her shock, Daniel continues on with a bitter smile. "It happened from car accident a year after Amy passed away. When I went to her funeral to speak a few words, it became a depressing reunion of sorts. So many of my classmates were there. It's as you say — she was loved by many."

Anne lowers her head. "I'm...I'm so sorry, Daniel."

Daniel takes a deep breath and shakes his head. "I got over her as a crush after high school, but I appreciated her so much. I'm not sure if I would be standing here today without her guidance. It's just that...for her death to occur a year after my mother died, I...I couldn't paint for months after that."

His slime mother curls her lips for a moment before she lifts off her chair to move to his side, pressing him to her chest. Without another word, she lowers her lips to his head and kisses him.

Daniel closes his eyes and shivers, relaxing against her soft body. "Thank you, mom...but I'm fine."

"I know you are. What's important is that you've picked yourself back up! I'm certain Lizzie would never liked to see you fall or lose your passion because of her death...and I don't think I need to say anything regarding me or Amy."

The artist smiles wryly before clearing his throat. "In any case, the reason I bring her up is because she's the one like you to transform into, if possible."

Anne widens her eyes before she takes a few steps back. "T-that's..."

"You can't?" Daniel questions.

"No, I can! I mean, I remember her clearly enough since she and Amy have talked a few times during the various art fairs, but I don't want to transform into someone that'll make you sad!"

She pauses, then lowers her head. "...Like I did with Amy."

Daniel smiles reassuringly and brushes her cheek with his hand. "Mom, it's alright. I can't promise I won't be sad, but this is different. I need to take this opportunity to paint her! She has a sister that's actually going to move away from Keystone soon. Before that happens, I'd like to gift her a painting before she leaves."

Seeing her son resolute on this matter, Anne wiggles her lips for a few seconds before sighing. "Okay, I'll try, but..."

She clears her throat before huffing at him. "If you become down after this, I won't transform for you anymore! Understand?"

Daniel chuckles at her stern attitude. "Well, I definitely can't disappoint my cute mother now, can I?"

"C-cute?! I...ahem, yes, that's right! Since you understand, I'll start transforming now."

The artist snorts at how she tries to recover from the compliment, even though her happy crooked smile says it all. Honestly, he'd rather wait a little while and mentally prepare himself, but he's not able to tell her so as Anne's face changes before he can open his mouth.

In a matter of a few breaths, Lizzie's face comes through from subtle shifts in features. Despite being an imitation, the slime girl soon carries the same blue-colored eyes that speak to reinforcement and imagination that his art teacher would have when looking at him.

Finishing with her dark wavy hair receding to a short, jagged brown cut, he is shocked by how "Lizzie" has come before him. Placing her hands on her hips, she grins.

"Hu hu, how about that? Look who's the art master now!"

Daniel blinks, taking in Anne's chipper tone from his former teacher's grape voice. It somehow fits, but he also never expected his slime mother to change her voice. So far, she has only spoken with Amy's voice, although it hits differently, thanks to her personality.

" can change your voice as well?"

Anne's smile fades a little. "What? Of course I can! Why is that surprising?"

"Er...well, I mean, I've only heard you with Amy's voice."

"Hmm...well, now you know! Although Amy feels right to me, I can do any voice if I can remember clearly...or learn, even."

"Okay, but how?"


The impostor teacher lowers her brows, then slowly widens her eyes while placing her hands on her head. "Wait, how can I do that? Mama knows it's related to vibrations, but...I don't know, I just think it and my body adapts...maybe?"


Daniel thought he'd be filled with emotions seeing his teacher again; instead, he feels more at ease than he thought. Perhaps it's because Anne clearly shows through her appearance rather than Lizzie herself.

It makes sense, though: Amy is a part of Anne, but Lizzie is not. She wouldn't know the teacher as personally as he did.

It's for the best.

"W-what's so funny?! Is my appearance alright? This is how she looked when Amy last talked with her."

The artist recovers and stops himself. "No mom, you're perfect."

Anne smiles crookedly, then looks down. "You're okay, right? I mean...I've transformed into your dead mentor."

"Surprisingly, I feel lot calmer than I thought I'd be. I think it helps that I know you're still you."

Anne hums, pleased. "Well, I'm glad! You've clearly moved on!"

Daniel wonders if that's really the case. Staring at his mother-transformed teacher, he can't deny feeling a little heartbroken, but knowing his adorable slime mother shines through, her presence heals him more than anything.

'That's right. How can I be too sad when my mother has at least returned to me? a way.'

"So, how will you draw me?" Anne asks, bringing her arms together in anticipation.

"Just with you sitting on a chair with a smile. Standard pose, basically."

"Eh...that's all?"

Despite Anne's slight disappointment, she maintains a pleasant expression and sitting posture for an hour. There were moments when she would see a flick of sadness cross Daniel's face as he painted; there were also moments when he would smile. Seeing various emotions and stages of his silent reminiscing makes the slime wish she could comfort him in a way that Lizzie could, but...

'No, that wouldn't be right. If I'm able to truly impersonate Lizzie like I did with Amy, it'd make things difficult for him. I just need to comfort him in a way that I can.'

She sighs, then straightens to attention as she hears her son settle down his brush.

"...and, that's it! Thank you, mom. I've got a good enough frame that I can work on later with the photos I took of you."

Anne smiles weakly. She remains silent momentarily, thinking through how Lizzie would be to see her son like this. If anything, she can appreciate his art more having painted alongside him.

"Daniel," she calls softly with eyes full of warmth. "If she were alive, I'm sure Lizzie would be so proud of you...I'm proud of you."

With those words, Daniel holds his breath and tries to match his slime mother's lips. While there was never a need to say it out loud since it's obvious, hearing it from "Lizzie" with such love hits differently than he thought it would.

"Daniel, I'm proud to have been your teacher. Don't ever let your passion go, do you hear me! Paint for yourself and if you do that, people will naturally draw to you to draw for them."

Tears well inside Daniel's eyes, and he quickly turns away. However, Anne can't ignore such tears, jumping in alarm from her seat.


Not waiting for him, she moves to his side and wraps her arms around his shoulders, nuzzling her head on top of his head.

"Oh, my sweet Daniel! It's okay! It's okay to miss-mmph!?"

Her son can't hold back anymore, raising his head to lock lips with his mother. Without needing any feeling or taste, Anne can sense her son's need and regret. Her figurative heart beats for him as she kisses him back, lowering herself to brush her fingers across his cheek.

Soon, sweetness fills the studio, fabric rustles off, then the sounds of footsteps dabble around.


With a sweet moan, Anne's back pushes against a wall, her lips still mashed firmly by her son. She wraps her arms around his neck, securing him closer as his erect member pokes against her crotch.

Who was he in need of more? Lizzie or Amy?

The slime mother decides that it makes no difference. He lost two critical people in his growth. While she might not be able to fully bring out Lizzie's unique perspective, being there for him and supporting him through this old love is the least she can do.

Breaking apart, Anne watches her son breathe heavily. With a wince, he backs away and presses one hand to his forehead.

"S-sorry, I...I shouldn' doing this."

Anne harrumphs and leans into him, pulling his hand down before hugging him tightly. "Daniel, it's okay! Just let it all out for me...and for her."

Daniel shakes, but as he sees "Lizzie" and her resolute gaze, he shuts up and pushes himself back to her.

Anne then moans for him, leaning away as he buries into her neck. "Oh, that's right! I'm here for you! You've done so, so well."

Her words of support spur him to close the distance, pressing his cock into the slime's awaiting pussy. Anne then wraps her arms around her son's back, rubbing it soothingly as her inner blue walls compress to fit his member snugly.

"There we go, my favorite artist~"

Tears flow down said artist's cheek as his mind is flooded with memories of his mentor. While Lizzie's smile and aura weren't just for him, he imagined them to be. Diving into this imagination, he thrusts faster upon this imposter, lifting her a little as she remains pinned to the wall. To make it easier, Anne wraps her legs around him as she jiggles to his pound.


Splick Splack!

While the lewd noises echo in the studio, the slime mother closes her eyes happily with just a tinge of sadness for her boy. She presses her lips against him again as she bounces, humming smoothly into his mouth.

This goes on until Daniel can remember all that he can of his teacher. Now, before his eyes, he breaks away from her lips to stare at "Lizzie", who gazes back at him calmly with such pride and love.

Yes, Lizzie would always be welcoming, but he doesn't forget that this pride and love comes from Anne, not his mentor.

"Mama loves you, Daniel," Anne whispers, cupping his cheek as she bounces.

And her love is worth far more than what he held for his teacher. Since there's no question about it, he buries his face into her shoulder and lets go of the past, releasing himself into the love that's present.

The slime giggles as she feels her son filling her once more. Rubbing his back and encouraging him to empty as much as he can, Daniel eventually stops his hips and just relaxes against his soft mother.

After catching his breath, he lifts his head, only to see that Anne has transformed back. He wouldn't have it any other way and chuckles, kissing her forehead.

"Thank you, mom."

Anne's eyes glisten, pecking his cheek back as she feels his cock growing soft inside her. "Of course. Mama will always be here for you."

There's also two alternate transformations, if interested. We have Tifa Lockhart and Scarlett Johansson

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