My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 32: Marianne

Mary and Anne take a few shots in their new form as they play around with different poses and emotions ranging from annoyance to sisterly love. After a half-hour of directing, Mary comes up with the next concept to fully utilize Anne's flexibility.

"Struggling to split apart?" the slime questions, cocking her head.

Mary tries to restrain her giddiness, but her eyes can't hide the creative high she is on. With a raised finger, she explains.

"This is a perfect opportunity to portray internal conflict! Let's visualize that by trying to split apart in separate directions!"

Anne opens her mouth, somehow understanding the idea. "Oh! So we'll stretch, but won't truly be able to escape from each other?"

"Exactly! I think honestly, that might be the base for an cool painting! It could represent a person's inner struggles with themselves or two people trying to break away in a relationship!"

Anne's eyes sparkle similarly. With that agreement, they get into position. The slime makes sure to loosen her grip on the artist. It can't be a symmetrical split since that would harm Mary's legs, so Anne consigns only to pull away from the hips.

"Ready?" Mary starts. "One...two...three!"


Anne and Mary pull in a sideways manner. Shutting her eyes tightly, Mary presses the camera trigger a few times as she feels the slime's gel stretch against her skin.

After a few blind shots, they relax and come together. As they do, Mary feels her right arm pinned to her side again as the slime reconnects.

"Hoo...let's see how that turned out!"

They walk to the back of the camera to check the preview and...


Among Mary's spit-take, Anne's mouth quivers as she sees their first shot with her head already out of frame.

"Gah! I stretched too much!"

The artist manages to recover and avoid entering a giggle fit. "Look, it's fine, love. Actually, I'll zoom out a little to help. Still, seeing your skin stretch like that is more horrifying than I thought."

"It's no good?"

"No, rather, I like it! Splits aren't always the cleanest, but they make things more interesting."

Anne hums. "So, would you prefer a messier split? I could make our skin look like it's breaking?"

"L-let's not make it grotesque. Remember, this is just a reference. I can make my own decision when I paint. Anyways, let's try again!"

Getting back into position, Anne adjusts her grip on Mary. As it is, the slime is almost like a rubber band. However, the challenge is finding the right mix of solidity and elasticity. It turns out that's harder to apply, especially since they have to be in an active position and there's no live screen to look at.

As a result, the following shots aren't quite there as they continue stretching apart in various manners. After ten or so minutes, Anne growls.

"I thought I had better control than this!"

Mary giggles. "I'm having fun though. I think the issue is that you're still not sticking to me enough. Every time you've pull, I always feel a good gap appear."

Anne huffs. "You're right, I've got to be more than just a suit! Let's do it again!"

Mary clears her throat. "Alright, but this will be our last attempt. After this, we split cleanly, then go for lunch. I can still use one of the photos as reference, so it's no big deal."

Despite the lack of expectations, Anne feels more pressured to get it right. She understands there's no reason to put so much effort into perfecting it, but for her own sake, she wants the reference to look good. It's a matter of pride and having proof to show what she can do!

'It's for science!' Anne decides in her mind, humming with enthusiasm.

Unaware of Anne's determination, Mary takes control this time and gets into position. Anne ensures her gel line sticks as close to the artist's skin as possible.

Then, a light shock travels up Mary's spine as she feels the slime pressing into her more. She stifles a grunt and is about to call on Anne to loosen, but before she can open her mouth, the vibration leaves her as if she had imagined it.

She blinks a few times.

"Mary?" Anne calls.

The artist shakes her head, shrugging it off. "It's nothing. Ready? One, two, three! Hurgh!"


The sensation is now different than all the other tries as Mary feels her skin being pulled! It's a little painful but not unbearable. Not only does this prevent her from moving away as much, but Anne can't stretch as far.

'Whoa...It feels like she's actually part of my skin! This might be it!' Mary realizes, excitedly pressing the camera trigger several more times than usual.

Consequently, Anne's effort to stick to her like glue while pulling proves to expend more energy than expected. She grows dizzy from the bright lights and relaxes too quickly.

Suddenly all the weight shifts to her partner, who stumbles forward with a yelp. Unable to catch herself, Anne is pulled along with a weak mumble. The result is the slime's mass snapping swiftly back to the artist with a resounding...


With it, their bodies return again with a crash to the floor.

Only Mary emits a groan with both of their faces to the ground. Beside her, Anne hurriedly recovers with an odd tingle below her face, but she hardly thinks about that as she pulls them upright with a gasp.

"A-ahh! M-mary, are you okay!?"

The artist blinks a few times with her head slumped. Although she did impact the ground, she feels more dazed than hurt. She might get a mark later but reassures her slimy friend for now.

"I-I'm okay, I think. Anyways, let's check the preview!"

The slime stares at her in disbelief. "Mary, we're in no rush! Just take it easy, okay?"

Mary chuckles lightly and nods. "It was certainly a surprise, but I'm terrific love, really. Whatever you did this time, it felt like we were actually connected! I'm just eager to see if that's reflected in the shot!"

Anne smiles weakly, finding Mary's excitement silly despite their fall. Nonetheless, she's also excited to see if their last take is the one. Taking control, Anne walks behind the camera. It takes a moment, but a strange feeling fills her again as she takes each step with their legs on the wooden floor.

'Huh? The ground feels different somehow. Has it always been this cold?'

Anne pauses before the camera's LED screen, looking down at her feet quizzically. Meanwhile, Mary gasps, eyes widening at the last preview shot.

"Holy shit! It really does look like you're part of my skin! And our expressions! This is perfect! I can't wait to use this as-"


Mary's smile freezes as she feels her arm being lightly drawn. Looking down, she sees Anne bringing their fully controlled arm to rub against their combined side.

"Anne, what are you doing?"

The slime girl gulps, her eyes slowly widening. "No...way!"

Mary's heart drops. "Love, tell me what's wrong?"

"I...I can feel."

The artist furrows her brows. "What do you mean? Didn't you say you can't feel anything?"

"That's what I thought, but...did you feel feel my scratch as well?"

"Of course I did! Why would that matt-"

Mary's voice halts. Eventually, her expression matches the slime's face. With the gel layering over her, she really shouldn't be able to feel anything on the outside. Upon realizing this, she takes control with her single arm and rubs down her left side.

Anne opens her mouth, shuddering. "N-no way. I...I felt that! Why can I can feel all of a sudden?"

It's not sudden. Mary's mind races as she recalls the jolt she felt in their last take. Whatever Anne did, her layer had actually fused with her skin!

"W-what about the other arm?" Mary asks, now rubbing Anne's side.

Strangely, the artist doesn't feel anything. Why would she? Her actual arm is tied to her real side.

"Can't feel anything," Mary concludes.

"Me neither," Anne adds.

Silence fills the studio as they both take in their state and circumstance.

Despite Anne's desire to feel around her, this development can't excite her. It's all because she has to rely on Mary. Who knows what sort of problems this could bring if they were to remain together.

As such, she jitters. "M-mary, we should split already. This is dangerous!"

The artist doesn't respond, still taking in this new finding, but as she feels Anne pulling away, she returns to the present with a gasp.

"No stop, Anne!"

The slime flinches and glances at her twin. "W-what's wrong?"

Mary feels their now-shared skin shivering, but it's not initiated by her. No, this feeling is coming from her fellow neighbor. Somehow, she can tell that Anne is scared, and clearly, this is not how the slime mother expected to gain her desired sense of touch.

On the other hand, the darker artist feels something returning past her shock...


While she's been able to suppress most of her excitement so far by focusing on the photos, it's impossible for her not to feel warm with this change. They've connected further, and as such, she feels the way Anne would've felt if she were genuinely human.

Yes...she can give a more human experience to Anne!

With a shaky breath, Mary tries to level her voice. "Love, there's...nothing wrong with this. Let's take in this sensation for a little while longer, hm?"

She slides her hand along their side again and feels Anne shiver. Before the slime could question, Mary cups their left breast, giving a slight squeeze.

"A-ah! M-mary? Nngh..."

The artist giggles. "Wow...I can even feel your larger chest as if it were mine. Amazing!"

For the first time, Anne lets out a legitimate audible reaction that isn't faked for theatrics. She's hypersensitive, having not had any sense of touch for a long time. Even though her mind knows how it should feel, Mary's nerves are like arcs of electricity to her molecules.

Extremely worried by her friend's behavior, she quickly pulls their hands away to their side.

"M-mary, stop! Why are you acting so calm? Th-this could be bad for...a-aah!"

Anne's head lurches as Mary mischievously sneaks a pinch to their ass, using fingers that she can still move.

"Love, just relax," Mary urges with a grin. "It seems that even though we share senses, we don't have the same response. You're pretty sensitive, huh? I'm sure it'll normalize after getting used to it."

"N-no...I-I shouldn't...get used to anything! This is your body, not mine!"

Mary closes her eyes and hums. "Well right now, it's our body. I don't mind sharing, love. Especially if it means that you'll be able to develop your own senses. Didn't you say you were able to evolve through experience? If so, this is a chance! Maybe your body will learn to create its own sensory system through mine!"

Anne gulps but quickly shuts down the train of thought, even if it's a tempting growth.

"N-no, even if that's true, it's not worth it if I mess you up! Y-you're sharing your actual nervous system with me! This is far beyond me wrapping around you!"

Mary cocks her head, feeling a little more optimistic. "I might not be the person to judge, but I think it'll be fine! Here, if it helps: split away from my arm first, then reconnect. Try to do whatever you did in our last shot to see if anything changes."

Anne curls her mouth, hesitating whether it's wise to experiment so nonchalantly. Ultimately, she gives in a little since they do have to split. "F-finger first."

They lift their hand, then Anne focuses on pulling out. A light vibration shakes their combined hand before Mary feels Anne ripping her layer off.

To Mary, it feels like a band-aid being pulled off after being attached for a while. It leaves a tingling sensation on her finger that quickly fades.

She moves her finger, then rubs them against another one, humming. "No problems here. I haven't lost mobility or sense."

Anne also wiggles her finger above Mary's but finds she can't feel the tiny body part anymore. "Uwaa...this is so strange."

"Was it harder to pull out?"

The slime shakes her head. "A little, but not really difficult."

"Well, try the rest of the arm."

Anne hesitates for a little bit but follows through similarly. Once more, the feeling is like a band-aid being pulled off, except with more adhesive resistance than before. The residue slime takes a while to disconnect from Mary's skin as if it didn't want to let go.

Under Mary's pressure, Anne reconnects back, sliding her gel layer around her twin's arm. The slime finds she can reattach deeper into her friend's skin without significant harm, regaining the same sense of touch. The only thing indicating a successful connection is an initial tingling or sometimes a slight jolt, but it happens very quickly and isn't as painful as it is flinching.

They perform this multiple times with different limbs; slowly, Anne feels more comfortable. There appears to be no loss of her control to split and no harm to Mary's side between fusing and departing.

Anne fakes a cough. "Alright, it seems okay, but...still, we should split completely for now. We can't go out like this anyways."

"Well, not as it is. How about we combine fully?"


Anne doesn't want to believe what Mary is suggesting. "Y-you mean...o-our heads?"

Mary smiles, her legs tightening in anticipation. "Yes, exactly that. You've told me how you missed tasting food. Well...we could go to lunch together and you might be able to taste again."

Anne laughs nervously. "Th-that type of together is a bit...much. We should go out normally. Besides, I want to eat with you, not as you. Even if I can't taste, that's fine with me!"

Mary sighs, starting to feel slightly annoyed by her lack of adventure. "Love, come on. I already told you I'm fine with it."

This time, Anne wouldn't budge. It's less about sharing taste and more about joining heads...possibly minds!

"No! Mary, we're done experimenting," the slime mother orders firmly. From the neck up, she transforms into her usual lighter skin tone and wavy hair. "We've already risked enough and who knows what will happen if our heads combine. I'm"

As Anne tries to split away as they had tested, her pupils shrink as she feels unable to rip out. It's like her molecules were hitting a wall. Fear grips her as she wonders if she can't separate anymore.

"W-why can't I-"

"Oh? That actually worked?"

Anne's head snaps back to the artist, bewildered. "Mary?! You're doing this?!"

The artist's mouth curls up with guilt. She didn't want Anne to leave so soon, so she tightened her muscles in reaction. That appears more than enough to keep Anne from going, surprisingly.

Or perhaps there's more to it, like having a feeling of not wanting to let go?

Regardless, she tries to keep the exploration going. "Sorry love, but something else has been bothering me. Let me try another thing."

Anne grunts, trying to stretch away. "No, let's not prolong this! I get that you find this interesting, but...w-wha!?"

Slowly, the slime feels her fully controlled arm shake, then awkwardly raise outward. Her mouth hangs as she realizes that Mary is doing this, and she's not even connected to that limb!

"Interesting. Could this be what it feels like if I had a third arm? It's almost like...having a ghost sensation."

Snapping out of her stupor, Anne takes back control of her arm and tightens her hands into a fist.

"Cut it out! I get it. We share and can control things together! Please, let's stop fooling around and-hnng!"

Mary's face stiffens with a bitter smile as she slides her fingers across their shared folds below. On the other hand, Anne completely loses it as all her molecules seem to shriek simultaneously.

As the artist hopes, she feels Anne's control significantly loosened. With it, Mary can't hold back anymore. Although she feels bad for taking advantage of the slime mother, she can't let this opportunity go by. After all, Anne might never attempt this again!


Mary increases her rubbing against their folds, controlling her breath as much as possible while Anne's twitches add to her own. Their body grows wet within seconds, a record speed as far as Mary can remember when she masturbated.

"I'm sorry, Anne, but..." Mary pauses, grunting with one eye shut before continuing, "I want this. I want to be even closer to you than Daniel is."

Anne twitches and moans, unable to muster control to pull Mary's hand away from their nether regions.

Then, outside her control, Anne gasps as she feels what remains of her molecules drawing closer to Mary's main body. While the spacing between their necks decreases, Mary feels her pinned arm released back outside. She immediately wraps it around Anne's arm and feels it sinking.

Anne isn't sure why her cells are complying. 'Am...I doing...this? she? Ah, It feels...too good.'

"Oh, love," the artist calls warmly, now fully panting as her fingers slip between their folds, "Yes, that's it...just relax."


Anne shakes, unsure of what to believe anymore. Her entire molecules are constantly jolted, preventing her from thinking, much less caring for the consequences.

With no resistance, Mary steps backward to the nearest wall and leans against it for support as she fastens her finger thrusts. At this point, their necks are mere centimeters apart.

It's incredibly uncomfortable for Mary, but she bears with it, especially as she feels Anne's head softening. Getting close, the artist decides she has to tell Anne the truth, not wishing their friendship to grow strained after this.

She rubs her cheek with Anne apologetically.

"L-love, don't hate me f-for this...ungh. Th-the truth is, I...envy you."


Anne's head opens up on their side and begins to wrap around. As they do, Mary continues, tears forming in her eyes. It's hard to reveal honest feelings, but she wants the slime to trust her more.

"Y-you asked me if I could, whether I would want to get back t-together with D-daniel. The truth is, I do."

Mary feels her other arm now wholly joined with Anne's arm. With that under shared control, she squeezes their left breast, adding to their pleasure.

"Oh! I regret it so much. Unf...the issues we had with each other were so...ungh...trivial! Even though we have different ideas about art...ah, nobody I've dated...was ever like him. We just...needed time to ourselves, that was all!"

Anne isn't able to respond much, groaning. She understands Mary's words and figured there was always more to why she kept in contact with her son. Honestly, hearing Mary admit this makes her feel happy.

She wants them to get back together but doesn't want to give up her son.

The sounds of juices dripping eagerly on the wooden floor sharpen below their feet. Anne can't help but aid in their masturbating movements with her limited strength, wanting more.

Mary chuckles sadly. "H-haa...When I first saw you, I and him, unf, would break up just like the others. A-after that, I'd...get the courage to ask him if he get back together. Of course, now I know that would never happen. Y-you're more than just a mother to him, y-you're an ideal lover...that I could never compete with!"

Tears stream fully from Mary's eyes, one of which is already covered by Anne's layer.

"S-so, Anne...p-please, let me see how it feels to become you...just for a bit."

Mary struggles to stand as their shared fingering keeps going fast and rhythmically.

"M-mary..." Anne manages to call back, with reassuring love, "Oh~"

Anne's pupils roll up as they collectively tighten their legs and grip themselves. Peak within reach, Mary screams out.

"Now, let's come together, Anne! Cum together!"

Anne and Mary wail out as creamy, white fluid escapes out below, covering their hand and staining the wooden flooring of the studio.


As they ejaculate, Mary no longer has to do anything as Anne's layering finishes covering their faces together. The slime's facial features recede, becoming nearly smooth to wrap tightly around Mary and grip her natural complexion.

Their legs give in, falling onto their knees with a heavy thud and shaking the growing puddle below them. Nothing but Mary's muffled groans are heard, but even that soon fades.

The two, now one, twitch and shake; their fingers slowly stop pushing in and out of their vagina until finally, a mouth opens.


They cry out in perfect sync like a newborn waking. While they process one another, Mary's cell phone buzzes from the coffee table.

In whatever state they may exist at the moment, their minds still collectively knows it could be one person calling. Thus, in a broken combined voice full of love, they call out.


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