My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 37: Tucked In

Arriving home, Daniel flops onto his bed. With errands, a surprise fusion, and now finding himself in a dual relationship with two girls that make up said fusion, it finally occurs to him...

He's exhausted.

Anne peeks into the room and blinks a few times. "Are you...upset?"

He sighs and lifts his head towards the guilt-ridden slime. "Not upset, just...tired."

Anne lowers her eyes. "Mama has been causing you much trouble-"


"W-wha?! N-no hesitation at all!"

Daniel erupts with a chuckle as he sits up. "Mom, I kid. Obviously I can't tell you to stop discovering yourself. That's probably harder when Mary's around as she's...well, less reserved than I am."

At that, Anne relaxes and stifles a giggle. "I somehow understand why you weren't able to keep up with her."

"Exactly, she loves to try new things. Still, time away and you have made me realize how much I missed those ideas of her."


"Well, yeah. You're pretty wild too."

Anne lifts her chin. "Mama will take that as a compliment!"

The artist smiles lightly before contemplating. "I guess I just need more time to process how fast things are moving. Like, I've never thought I'd get back with Mary again, much less with any artist under these circumstances, yet here I am."

"Well, mama will do her best to support you and her!" Anne declares, bringing her hands to her chest. "Also, no need to worry about me if you want to go out on dates. After all, it's important to maintain a healthy relationship!"

Daniel stares blankly, then his lips curl, amused. "This is healthy? Having a relationship with you and Mary at the same time?"

Anne freezes and fakes a cough. "I-it's all...perspective, okay?"

"Really? So what would my mom think?"

"You mean Amy? Er..."

Anne fidgets before dropping her head and speaking honestly, "She'd think you're crazy."

"Yeah, I figured," Daniel says with a snort. "But obviously you don't, right?"

"Mama has no high ground given our relationship."

"Apt conclusion."

Standing up, Daniel breathes out and stretches. "Alright, I'll stop worrying then! Let's get your phone set up and then, I'm going to try to get some work done!"

Anne widens her eyes. "Wait, really? Are you sure you want to work?"

"I'll feel better if I'm a little productive, even if the day is nearly gone."

The slime claps her hands. "Then, as your assistant, mama will help!"

With that enthusiasm, the rest of the evening continues with a little more focus. Somehow, Daniel manages to get a few hours of painting done. He thought his slime mother would spend time exploring her new phone after activation, but she left it be to join him in painting.

With nothing but the sound of brush strokes filling the studio, the artist feels more relaxed already, making him glad to give himself time to pretend everything is normal.

It's also been surprisingly productive as he stares at the Stonehenge painting. With the third layer completed, he feels pleased. Beyond some likely touch-ups that will occur after giving his mind a break, it's more or less ready for review by the client to see if his vision can be enjoyed.

Speaking of, he received a text earlier from Lecia's secretary that the president will be busy. With no rush in mind, he replies to her secretary.

The painting is pretty much near completion. Let Ms. Bowden know whenever she has time that she can come in person to see it.

He takes a snapshot of the canvas, then hits send. With that, he turns his head towards the motherly assistant. She's already completed a portrait in his closet that he had waiting to be touched on and now leisurely starting another painting of her own.

Daniel shakes his head to himself. 'Her speed is insane.'

While her learning and mental capacity might be like that of a machine, she's definitely biological in nature. That may seem like an obvious statement, but it hits home for Daniel to see how she could fuse with Mary, sharing her mind and body so effortlessly.

Disregarding why that is, less he worries, he looks at what she's painting with black and dark blue pastes. It seems like some kind of medallion or fancy floor arrangement.

She seems pretty zoned in, so he feels terrible disrupting her as he steps behind. "I'm sorry, mom, but...what is that?"

"Huh? Oh! This is...something that struck me from Mary's memories."

"Something she painted?"

Anne shakes her head. "No, from her uncle."

Daniel lifts his brows as he remembers. "Oh yeah! Mary had mentioned him to me early on in college. Never met him personally, but I heard he's into occult drawings and myths. Weird but funny guy, according to her."

"Maybe. Out of all the memories we shared, most of which are fuzzy now, somehow a memory of Mary watching her uncle's various art is the most clear to me. Maybe it's because it's one of the stranger memories or..."

"Or...?" Daniel urges, intrigued.

Anne places her brush down and shrugs. "...or it's nothing!"

Daniel slumps, desiring a better conclusion than that. Sighing, he places his hands on her shoulders.

"Come on, mom. If it strikes you, then maybe it's important. We can't discount myths or weird occult phenomena anymore with your existence."

Anne leans her head against his arm. "I'm sorry. Mama wishes she had more to say, but right now, it's just a feeling, and not particularly strong one either unlike the times before. I just thought it would be interesting to draw it while it's clear in my head."

Daniel snorts and bends down to kiss the said head. "Well, maybe we'll ask Mary about it later. I'm ready for bed. How about you?"

The slime's eyes brighten, and she tilts her body more to meet her son's eyes. "Ooh! Do you want to sleep inside mama?"

The artist blinks a few times before grinning. "Actually, I do."

Anne pauses at his willingness, then narrows her eyes. "This is about that dream you had, isn't it?"

"Well, I did say it might be related to you."

Anne sighs and stands up. Before Daniel can react, she hugs him tightly.

"Maybe we should sleep together normally then."


"I'm a little worried, Daniel," Anne admits, frowning. "I love you so much and I say that not just as your mother! I..."

She lowers her head before continuing, "I want to know more about myself as well, but at the same time, I don't want to lose myself. Amy is apart of me and now a little of Mary is too. I cherish these emotions and memories that connect me to you. So, the last thing I want is something that is irrelevant to us to...break us apart."

Daniel's eyes tighten, hearing his slime mother's fear. Wrapping his arms around her frame, he holds her tightly.

"Mom-no, Anne, my mother may have brought you to me, but I don't need her or Mary to connect with you, so you don't need to be afraid. I enjoy you for who you are, not because of outside connections."

The slime sighs and pulls away, smiling weakly. "I figured you would say that. Still..."

She shakes off her worry and harrumphs. "Don't you disregard my motherly side, mister!"

Daniel chuckles and squeezes her closer, appreciating the coolness of her body more. "Of course, mom."

"Is my baby ready?"

"Er...yes," Daniel replies from his bed, naked and curled up with his mother holding him from behind. As embarrassing as this feels to him, it's the better position if he's going back into her.

He shivers as she leans forward to kiss his neck. With her soft chest pushing against his back, he grows erect.

"Hehe, excited are we?"

"H-how can I not be?"

Anne sighs sadly. "If only I could feel you. Suddenly having my sensations taken away makes it more unbearable, you know? If I knew it'd end up like this, I wouldn't have merged with Mary."

"Well, give it time."

"You said that before!" Anne grumbles before widening her eyes with a gasp. "Or maybe...I can fuse with you! Do you want to try becoming one with mama?"

Daniel's heart skips a beat. "T-that's um..."

"We can take it slow," Anne suggests softly and rubs his chest, pulling him closer. "I'm not saying to mentally combine or anything, but...perhaps maybe we can experience a pleasure together?"

Her son gulps. "I..."

He's tempted but also afraid. Seeing that, Anne guides him slowly. "Here, give me your hand. You're going inside me anyways, right? Let me show you how I connected with Mary...if I can, that is."

Daniel nods, allowing her to slide her hand over his. Stretching it out, he watches as her skin opens up and, like paper, wraps over his fingers, one by one.

At first, it feels like wearing a gel-lined glove, but then, to his shock, the sensation disappears without warning.

"Easy, sweetie," Anne coos, "It doesn't hurt, right?"

Daniel flexes his hands, feeling nothing odd besides that her arm is connected to him at the wrist.

"Now relax for mama, okay?"

Daniel does so as Anne brings their combined hand to his face. Feeling his fingers move on their own is strange. As soon as his palm hits his cheek, he feels it as nothing more than rubbing his face.

For Anne, it makes all the difference as she gasps with a sudden choke. "! I can finally feel...!"

Daniel's eyes open more as he hears his astronomer mother's favorite term. "Mom?"

Anne blinks a few times. "Ah! Sorry, that slipped! I...I know that's something only Amy would-"

"It's alright. Hearing that surprised me, that's all."

Anne grumbles. "No, mama prefers calling you my baby. I guess maybe...the Amy in me is excited as well to finally feel you."

Daniel reddens further at her words, but he's happy to see that Amy's influence is there. Not to let him dwell too much, he clears his throat. "While this is nice for you, it's odd for me since it feels like I'm only touching my face."

"Oh! I might've connected too deeply then. Here, let me...there!"

Daniel feels the sensation of her gel-lining structure returning. He would've thought there would be slight pain or "bubbling" from his skin, but it seems she can interact seamlessly with others. The only difference, as Anne caresses his face, is that he can still feel his face from her lining!

"This is...kinda weird. It feels like I've grown a second skin."

"Hehe, you have! Well, this is how it was with Mary in the beginning. I was just a second skin for her so we could pretend we were convincingly conjoined twins."


"That was her idea, by the way...well, I kind of took it to the next level, but still."

"Can't say I'm surprised."

"So, may I continue?" she prompts sweetly.

With a taste of his mother's ability, Daniel nods slowly.

With his consent, the slime mother tries to hold in her excitement as she slowly envelops him. Starting with their combined hand, her arm hollows and opens up, sliding over his.

The sensation is pretty comfortable as Daniel feels her cells cushioning his body more thoroughly than being surrounded in her "womb".


Her slime makes tiny, wet noises as she works him inside. Before long, his legs become covered, and with it...


...Daniel's erect manhood is shared with Anne. In response, she squeaks with surprise. She wasn't sure what to expect connecting with a male, much less her son; that said, his lower desire sent a jolt to her cells that wasn't unwelcomed.


Daniel becomes worried as she hears his slime mother breathing hard, despite not being fully attached to his lungs. He shuts an eye and stifles a grunt, feeling her lining wriggling around his member.

"M-mom? A-are you okay?"

"It' strange, yet...lovely! Ha...what if I...?"

As she draws to silence, her lining's grip on his shaft tightens, causing both of them to groan. Anne specifically lurches back, moaning.

"M-mom!? Ungh!"

"A-aah! My poor baby! Is this how you've always felt?"

"N-not always! L-loosen up!"

Anne shuts her eyes tightly and grunts. "No, I don't want to! It good! Mama needs to...relieve us!"

Daniel groans as his cock twitches uncontrollably to Anne's rippling lining. With it, he curls in more, trying to hold back.

"I-it's alright, Daniel," she tries to reassure with an unsteady voice. "L-let mama...handle it."

Her son swallows as his throat dries, then tries to relax. He allows his slime mother to take control of their hand, gently wrapping her fingers around their cock.


"Oh sweetie," Anne whispers into his ears, pressing his lips against his neck. "Yes, you're...nearly mine! Mama must take care of you more from now on!"

Their joined hand begin stroking. With it, Daniel pants while Anne keeps her sweet kisses on him from behind. The double attack makes it hard for the artist to focus.

"Oh, that's it, Daniel! Mama can feel you building up!"

"S-slow down, I'm going to cu-unf!"

His warning ends just as he feels his balls tightening. Anne groans behind him to her own action, her eyes slightly rolling back. She tries to refocus, pressing him closer and causing his back to sink further into her body.

"N-not yet! M-mama won't let you cum so soon!"


Shlick! Shlick!

Anne's strokes fasten as her son's remaining upper body descends into her. Before long, her son is a head hanging just above her chest. With complete control of his body, she falls to her backside to face the ceiling.

Her free hand lovingly caresses her groaning son's head as she pushes her hips upward.

"Yes! Cum for mama! Make mama cum!"


Splurt! Splurt!

White strings fly into the air, falling onto their leg and parts of the bed. Their peak moans and breathing are joined in perfect sync for a few seconds before each break into a different pace.

For a minute, they lay together to glow from their shared pleasure before Daniel has difficulty keeping his eyes open, surrounded by her soft body and tiring from his ejaculation.

Seeing this, Anne giggles softly and brushes through his hair. She leans forward to kiss his forehead.

"My sweet, artistic boy! Yes, mama will tuck you in, okay? Hopefully, we can dream together one day."

Daniel closes his eyes and lets out a comforting sigh as he slowly sinks into her depths...

Depths far greater than he can imagine.

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