My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 49: The Meeting of Mothers

Long dark hair drapes a lady flowing in white, bound to a wooden pole among hooded figures that surround with torches in their hands. The orange glow of their fires illuminates her resigned smile, but without fear, she looks directly ahead.

Her gaze, reflecting the embers that rise, arrives on a stunned Mary, a foreigner swept into this event yet ever so connected.

'My child...never forget our love for this world. Never forget the children we serve to raise.'

Although the lady does not open her lips, her thoughts flow naturally to the standing artist, forced to watch with a heaviness preventing even a breath; however, not knowing who this woman is, can she really be the recipient?

"Let us burn this wretched witch that dares to sully our goddess Isis' name! For Isis!" one hooded man shouts.

"For Isis!" the rest of the men repeat unanimously.

The dark-haired lady closes her eyes and snorts. "What irony."

Such spoken words are unheard as torches are thrown at her feet, igniting flames that expand outward. As they consume, the so-called witch reopens her eyes, staring proudly at the artist without any indication of pain.

'Remember but stay hidden, stay safe. Live for yourself without forgetting who we are. No matter what happens, I am apart of you and will always be watching you from the stars.'


Recovering her voice, Mary leans forward with an arm out before coming up short. After a blink, she no longer finds herself witnessing a burning witch. Instead, her surroundings have become sunny, green, and open without the hooded men and dark-haired lady.

"What the fuck?"

An appropriate reaction. It takes the female artist a moment before gathering herself. Momentarily ignoring the change in surroundings, she recalls Anne's words after their movie night:

"Also, what were those hooded men standing in a circle around that bound lady? There was no lead up to that scene!"

'She had another vision during the movie!'

Mary can only assume such since she reconnected with Anne again to become Marianne. With it, she can also account for new events since their first merge, such as Daniel's envelopment and retelling of the dream world to Anne.

Speaking of...

"So, this must be it then," Mary murmurs, looking around in all directions until she notices two lakes not far from her.

"...and from what Daniel told me, those must be the...pools of knowledge, er, lakes of knowledge?"

"That is correct, child!"


Mary jumps as Viviane appears behind with hands clasped together in delight.

The same can't be said for the artist, waving her hands more chaotically until she manages to reestablish firm footing. Facing the source of surprise, her eyes widen as the pale beauty's silver image dazzles. Not to let herself be caught staring, Mary eventually clears her throat. "You are...Viviane?"

The silver slime closes her eyes happily. "Yes and you're Mary. I know a lot about you now, descendant of Merlin."

Mary blinks before raising one eyebrow. "Huh?"

"Whoa! This place is so vast!" Anne shouts, raising her arms as her own lake shimmers before her.

Daniel can only smile stiffly, quite withdrawn over her sudden presence. "Er, mom, I don't think this is the time to be easygoing."

Naturally, everything blurred during his heated moment with Marianne, but at some point, Anne must've enveloped him while he fell asleep.

However, why is his slime mother able to join suddenly? Wasn't it impossible for her to fall asleep?

The male artist turns his head to look at the waters. Focusing, no amount of time would unveil a wobbly view of Anne's perspective as it had. Of course, why would it now that she's here?


Pulled from his thoughts, Daniel sees the wavy-haired girl up close, her gaze filled with concern over his tightened expression. Not wishing to worry her, he takes a moment to admire the lake's cool breeze sliding through her hair before holding her hands. "Sorry, mom. It's is it you're here?"

Anne twists her lips and hums. "Maybe...because Mama passed out as Marianne?"

Daniel's eyes slowly widen. "Wait, that's right! You were connected mentally to Marianne!"

If Mary passed out, she could have pulled Anne along. That also means...

"Daniel, Anne!"

The two turn away from the lakes to see the person-in-question waving as she and Viviane approach. The timing could not have been better.

At the same time, Daniel sweats, seeing how all three of his "mothers" are now together, each connecting to one another in their own way and extending his star-loving mother, Amy.

Feeling his arm tugged, he glances sideways to find Anne hooking with him while furrowing her brows at her apparent silver sister.

"Of course you went along with such a pretty lady," Anne grumbles quietly without looking at him. "As if Mary and Mama weren't enough."

Daniel chuckles nervously. "Mom, you know that's not true."

Anne harrumphs. "Mama will see."

"It's very nice to see you, fellow sister," Viviane greets as they get closer, her silver eyes shining warmly. "I've been watching you for quite some time."

"I'm well aware," Anne replies, forcing a smile and squeezing her son's arm. "While I understand our connection, I still don't feel like I know you. Clearly though, my son already trusts you."

"As he should," Viviane smiles, winking toward the artist in question. "I am this child's mommy, after all."

Anne bites her lips but holds herself. Seeing such a reaction, the silver woman chuckles and waves her hand.

"Be at ease, sister! I can't take him wholly away from you or Mary, nor do I want to; however, now that your merge has offered a way for us all to be together, we mustn't waste this opportunity! Let's get to know each other more personally, shall we?"

"Wait, hold on!" Mary interrupts, frowning. "Viviane, you still need to explain what you've told me!"

Gasping, the silver slime twists, slightly embarrassed. "Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself with so many guests."

Clearing her throat, she continues. "I know there are questions about the two visions Anne and I shared."

The slime mother relaxes her hold of Daniel, cocking her head. "Two? It was only the one with Stonehenge."

Mary sighs, shaking her head. "Anne, you were so invested in the movie; I can't believe you couldn't tell the difference. That so-called scene you complained about was actually another memory!"

Anne holds her breath for a moment. "Oh! Then, why? Are these...Viviane's memories?"

The silver slime crosses her arms and nods. "I'm even more certain as I feel strongly about them, yet everything is pieces to me. At the very least, I finally remember who called me by those monoliths, thanks to Mary's memories."

Focusing her gaze on the ebony artist in question, she grins. "That hooded man that called out to me was none other than the wizard Merlin. His name and voice ring to me after seeing those symbols her uncle drew."


Having drawn one of the symbols and dismissed it, Anne would naturally be flabbergasted.

Equally in disbelief over the existence of a literary legend, Daniel can't help to poke his slime mother. "See, I told you!"

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Anne asks, ignoring her son's claim as she leans closer. "After all, Mary's uncle is named Marlin, not Merlin."

Viviane hums, drawing a hand to her chin. "Well...either the wizard has been hiding himself, choosing a poor name for hundreds of years or Mary and her father's side happen to be descendants of the man. Regardless, this must be fate!"

"Too big of a coincidence for me!" Daniel rejects, stepping forward. "You're saying my girlfriend has always been related to this?"

Mary giggles and tilts her chin. "Be honest, love. As a Harry Potter fan, you're just jealous of mummy! I have the potential to become a wizard, it seems!"

"One, I am absolutely jealous," Daniel affirms, huffing with a light smile. "Two, you're still assuming too much."

"I don't think there's such a thing anymore. My uncle was always an outsider in the family, and now it kinda makes sense. To think he may have been hiding something big this whole time!"

Daniel shakes his head and sighs. "After Anne's painting, I've been meaning to ask you to confirm, so this works out. For now, let's assume this Merlin is real. What's his relation to Viviane?"

The silver slime lowers her gaze with a bitter smile. "I'm not sure. A friend, perhaps...or something more. There's a feeling I can't explain though."

"And the bound lady?" Mary adds.

"Perhaps a predecessor of mine?" Viviane guesses, looking upward and cocking her head. With some silence, she grunts in frustration and shakes her head. "Sadly, it's too new for me to conclude anything. At least with this, I'm comforted that some pieces are returning somehow."

"What about your transfer involving the green fire?" Daniel questions. "If we're talking coincidences, there's my Stonehenge painting and my client's request?"

"No clue, child," Viviane answers with an apologetic smile.

Daniel closes his eyes and slumps. "Well, I won't say I'm overthinking it."

"You should remain suspicious. Remember that Anne and I were likely summoned, especially now that I've seen some of the symbols and magical arrangement from the uncle. There's still a possibility others may be aware of us, so do be careful, okay?"

The male artist reopens his eyes, catching Viviane's worried gaze. Of course, holding a mother's feelings for her child, she naturally doesn't want to see him get into trouble.

"I'll be careful."

Viviane hums, satisfied, then turns towards the female artist. "The same for you, Mary. Even if you trust your uncle, I would not be forward about us."

"Of course!"

"Now then!" the silver slime begins, returning her focus to Anne. With a warm smile, she lifts her arms out for her. "Let us try merging together, sister!"

The blue slime gasps and quickly hides behind Daniel. "Y-you can't just suggest that so suddenly!"

"Why not? It'll be the quickest way to understand each other! Plus, as your elder sister who has been trapped and forced to watch you make love to our son every day, I have at least that right!"

'How very specific,' Daniel thinks, sighing.

It works though as Anne wriggles her lips in guilt. Not to be swayed too much by emotions, she suppresses it. "E-even so, it's...too soon! Also, who says you're the elder sister!? I may have split from you and...and you may be a much older being, but as far as mothers go, I should be the eldest since I was first!"

"You mean second, love," Mary corrects, unable to help but grin.

"Then, Mama is the first mother who is also a jello lover!" Anne declares, shutting her eyes tightly.


As Mary cracks up, Daniel stares ahead with thinned lips. Despite the silly hostility, this isn't nearly going as bad as he thought it would; however, he is a little worried about the potential merge suggestion.

What is Viviane thinking?

The lady in question twitches her eyes, but it's clear she's doing her best not to give into her sister's immaturity and an apparent attempt to change the topic. "I'll give you a deal then. Daniel hasn't told you yet, but I can teach you how to split yourself!"


As Daniel shouts in his mind, his eyes snap to Anne. Much to his horror, his slime mother's reluctance disappears all too quickly with open, glimmering eyes.

" mean I can clone myself? Wait..."

She pauses, then narrows her eyes towards her sweaty son. "Also, what does she mean you haven't told me yet?"


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