My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 55: A Matter of Protection

It should've been nothing more than to add some decor to his home.

However, on Marlin's trip into an antique store on a market street in London, there was something calling about an old leather-bound book sitting alone on a console table.

"Ah, the pages are faded on that one, but you won't find many with a cover like that, my friend," the store owner noted to him, stroking his grey beard.

Curious, Marlin opened the book to take a peek. Just as the owner said, the majority of the pages were blank or seemingly contained text far too diminished to read. On the cover, however, a few strange cursive-like characters were etched into the book with a golden trim.

"What does the title say?" Marlin asked.

"Something to do with Isis, I think."


Marlin was familiar with enough Egyptian and Roman mythologies to link it to the maternal goddess of the same name; however, as it is now, the book didn't look old enough to be anything of the time. He figured it was written by a historian, perhaps documented around the eighties.

Not thinking further on it, he gave into the impulse to buy, figuring it would at least look nice on a shelf. With the book and some decorative ceramic plates in hand, he then presented the items down in front of the old man and his register.

"How much?"

"For the plates, it'll be 30 pounds. I'll give you the book for free."

Marlin was skeptical, but didn't question it. For all he knew, the ceramics he was paying for were overpriced, and the book was probably fake, but he wasn't in the mood to haggle at thirty. Without much ado, the transaction ended without any fanfare.

Or at least, that was until his niece came over the next day...

"Mary? What are you...Oh, be careful with that! It's..."

Catching his niece in his study with the book he purchased, his words slow. Inexplicably, there was something ominous in the cheery girl as she stood silently with her back facing him.

"Mary?" Marlin called again, more slowly.

But the girl didn't respond to him, growing his uneasiness. After a few more tries, he finally made his way to pat her shoulder and peek at her face before inhaling sharply.

Frozen, the girl's eyes were devoid of any light as she stared at a page filled with contents. Marlin ignores how such text could have reappeared in the book and shakes her shoulders, fearing for his niece.

"Mary! Hey, Mary!"

To his relief, his niece breathed in with a few shakes, life returning to her eyes. As she comes back to her senses, the book is dropped with a large thud, folding back into place.

Marlin hardly cared about the possible damage as he bent down to hug her. "Dear god, are you alright?"

His niece blinks a few times before smiling wide and hugging him back. "Hehe, uncle! Let's play!"

Marlin pulls back, bewildered. ", before that, are you okay?"

Reflected in her uncle's worried eyes, the girl cocked her head and raised one eyebrow. "Yes?"

Seeing how she wasn't understanding his concern, Marlin pointed to the book on the floor. "You were reading that book and froze, Mary."

Looking down at the fallen book, Mary places a finger to her lips. "Oh...Did I do bad?"

"Bad? No, that's..."

Staring at his carefree niece for a moment, Marlin relaxed and forced a smile. "Never mind. Go on to the living room and I'll be with you shortly, okay?"


As a cheery Mary rushed out of the office, Marlin breathed out shakily and picked up the Isis book with some sweat against his forehead. Opening it up, his eyes widened to confirm that all the pages were filled with text. It was still unreadable to him, but he was certain he bought it with most of it blank or faded.

"What the hell?"




Mary holds a similar reaction as she listens to her uncle's story. She can faintly remember him being worried about her and touching a book, but before that, it was blank. Given her lack of awareness as a kindergartner, she never questioned it much.

"I tried to return the book," Marlin continues, his gaze lowering. "Or at least understand it better from the seller, but the antique store completely disappeared as if it were never there; only a blank wall. Then on, I knew I was going crazy."

"There were no other visitors in that store?" Mary asks, narrowing her eyes.

"None, and the store owner didn't seem different from any. I suppose, though, if he gave it to me 'free', that should've meant something."

"Then those characters I saw you drew were from the book after the text reappeared?"

"Correct. The reason I avoided telling you the truth back then was because I was afraid to involve you any further. It was bad enough that you were exposed to...something in that book. God knows what would've happened if you hadn't woken up. For sure, I...I wouldn't know how I'd face your father."


The man rubs his forehead, sighing. "Anyway, I know this all sounds ridiculous, so let me show you something."

His video feed reverses to the back facing camera as he stands up, walking over to his desk in his study. From his drawer, he pulls out the supposed book, dark-brown with seemingly no imperfections other than somewhat aged paper.

"So, that's it?"

Marlin chuckles at his niece's disappointed tone. "I know, it doesn't look ancient of the sorts, huh? I'm not going to risk opening it since I don't know how you'll react to the text again; so instead, I'll show how abnormal this book is when I try lighting it on fire."


Mary's glues to her screen, worry and excitement rising within her. Assuming her uncle already tried burning the book, she can only wonder what sort of magic will be revealed.

Stepping outside into his back patio, Marlin drops the book onto the concrete without any concern for damage. Then, taking out a lighter, he bends down and ignites a flame close to the corner of the cover while keeping his phone steady.

Soon, Mary's eyes widen as she sees the flame spread, but instead of burning the book, it spreads too swiftly around while turning a blue hue. The strange converted flame only lasts a few seconds before dissipating into the air without leaving a single burn mark.

"...and there you have it," Marlin says simply.

"N-no, don't say it so casually! Is it indestructible?!"

Marlin chuckles. "Well, I don't know about that. I don't intend on actively testing its durability, but it definitely resists decay. Perhaps that's why it seems like a new book."


Flipping the camera, Marlin's face returns as he walks to his office with the book in hand. He stares at his nice sternly with raised brow. "Okay, now that I've shown you this, you have to be honest with me, Mary."

The artist thins her lips before sighing. "Alright, so...maybe there's some truth to this 'novel' I'm writing."

"Am I really that untrustworthy that you have to hold back?"

Mary drips with guilt as she shuts her eyes. "U-uncle, please don't make that face! Surely you understand why I'm being so cautious?"

"And I get it," Marlin responds firmly. "I mean, refusing to acknowledge the book is what led to my divorce."

The artist's eyes widen slowly. "Wait, then..."

"Yes," Marlin answers sadly. "She accidentally saw some indestructible property of the book, but I didn't want to expose her to it like you were, so I kept downplaying it to her while keeping it away."

Mary's eyes soften. "Uncle, I'm...I'm so sorry."

"No, it's my fault, but I couldn't risk giving her the trust I'm showing you now."

"W-why me then?"

"Because you already read a part of the book, even if you can't remember it. The fact you're giving me a plot with some notable details is telling. So, what are these truths to this so-called novel?"

"Hey, I could still be writing such a novel!"

"Mary, please. Why did you mention Isis and a green fire? I'm very limited in what I could gather from the book, but I know those details are described."

"F-fire too?"

"For example, I know green fire is an effect of a summoning and blue fire is from protection, as you saw."


Unable to sidestep from the matter, Mary slumps for a few seconds before exhaling. 'I have to trust him more, but since it's come to this...

"Fine, but I'll just outright ask: Are you Merlin?" Mary questions with a straight face.

Marlin blinks, taken aback. "'s not a secret. That's my name."

"No, I mean...I'm talking about the wizard, Merlin."

With the emphasis on pronunciation, Marlin widens his eyes and scoffs. "You mean from King Arthur? Mary, of course not! First off, he'd be ancient! Secondly, I lost my virginity before my thirties, if you must know."

Mary nearly faceplants as she holds in herself. "Pff...O-okay uncle, you're not a wizard. I'm guessing we aren't even descendants, but how about that store owner?"

"That's...maybe? Look, I'm not going to disregard myths given I've seen literal magic protecting this book, so cut me some slack, alright?"

Mary clears her throat, trying hard to smooth away the cringe she's feeling for asking these silly question. "I mean, you kinda look the part....bald-headed and all."

"No, stop!"

Back at Daniel's studio, Anne is slicing zucchinis for two sandwiches. Like before, she wishes she could borrow Mary's taste buds again. Alternatively, she could experience her son's tastes without joining mentally, but then they would be eating together...literally.

Sighing, she lifts the greenish squash and narrows her eyes. "Well, at least I'm not losing out on anything from a zucchini."


Nearly dropping the squash in response to the sudden bell ring, Anne manages to keep a hold before turning towards the hallway.

"S-she's already here?!"

The slime mother thought she would at least have time to eat lunch with her son before the Sights Open president arrived, but it appears the client decided to come straight after Daniel texted back.

'No rush. Daniel has this anyway,' Anne thinks, calming herself as she hears her son's footsteps through the hall.

Returning to the counter, the slime mother stiffens with contracted pupils as the two half-finished sandwiches she was preparing completely disappeared its plate.


She raises her hand that had held the zucchini, only to find it too has poofed away.


As Anne frantically searches her surroundings, Daniel is already at the front door in the hallway. With a deep breath, he recomposes himself and opens up with his usual professional smile.

"Ah, welcome to my studio, Ms. Bowden!"

"Hello," Lecia greets in step with a tilt of her head, smiling equally. "Again, sorry for the sudden request to visit."

"Not at all! I understand you're a busy woman. Anyway, come in. I'm excited to finally show you the painting."

"Haha, well, if it's anything like the photos my secretary forwarded to me, I'm in for a treat."

"That's high praise!"

With such a positive mood established, Lecia follows the artist, slowly taking in the various art lining the hallway. She's about to ask about Daniel's works, but pauses at an open door to the kitchen. There, she catches a stunned, wavy-haired girl looking around for a possibly dropped vegetable.

Sensing a stare, Anne stiffens before returning her attention to the client. Nothing is said for the few seconds that their eyes meet until Lecia smiles, breaking the awkward silence with a hand wave.

"I'm're his girlfriend?"

Straightening, Anne clears her throat. "Ah...yes, that's correct! Nice to meet you! While you two talk, I'll be preparing some tea."

"Oh, no need!" Lecia pushes back. "I'm not sure if I'll be here for long."

"Well, there will be enough if you do! So, don't mind me, okay?"

Lecia blinks for a second, then chuckles warmly. "Well, if you insist, I can't reject a cup of tea if offered, can I?"

Anne huffs lightly with pride. "That's right! You're an important client to my boyfriend, after all."

'...and full of secrets...maybe,' Anne adds with a sharp glimmer in her eyes.

Daniel coughs, breaking Lecia's attention away from his slime mother. "If you have time after me showing the painting, I don't mind giving you a tour of my place. It's not anything special, but..."

"I'd be interested," Lecia answers, humming. "It depends how much there is to discuss about the painting, of course."

Daniel has similar thoughts, but he holds back his curiosity. Leading the former archeologist away from the rest of the hallway, they arrive into the main working area with easel containing the Stonehenge painting.

Lecia's eyes widen, taking in the pastel-flavored monoliths, all equally illuminated by a green fire in each gap. They all flow mysteriously like the wind to a pit in the center.

"It's...beautiful. Such simple strokes of green, but they create a story of mystery when placed so evenly."

The artist's lips lift to see his client's breath taken away. As he stares at the painting along with her, he decides there's no better time to press.

"You've given me the liberty to advance a story, but these fires are something you stoked. Last time, you told me they were a whim, but is that really true?"

"A whim, huh? Yes, I did say that, but I was also pressed to leave for other matters."

Lecia's eyes soften before continuing, "Well, I can't complain about what you've envisioned on your own, but it was my fault for not expressing the meanings I wanted to celebrate. Had I done that, maybe this painting would've been greater."

Daniel hums for a bit, then cocks his head. "If there's something you want to add now, tell me. For me, oil painting is about defining layers."

"Would that be okay?"

"Absolutely. I'm proud of this art, but it's not meant to only reflect me, but of the intentions of my client."


Lowering her gaze, she closes them and snorts. "Well, could you describe a shadow at the center, then?"

"A shadow?"

Opening her eyes again, Lecia's gaze hardens towards the center of the Stonehenge ring. "Yes, a shadow cast by the fire; a form of indescribable force that is both beautiful and ominous, brought to this Earth...for better or worse."

The artist's heart beats faster as he hears his client's words. Swallowing slowly, he chuckles, unsure whether to question her thoughts.

However, he must.

"Quite spooky, but I can do that. Just...why such a focus on a shadow?"

Lecia tilts her chin, trying hard not to laugh with dismal thoughts of the recent hidden records Mike was able to uncover. "Aside from a normal fire enabling shadows, a more mystical one should bring its own consequence, no? In any case, I just..."

Her words slow as she looks past the artist to see another canvas nearby. It shows an unmistakable pattern drawn on black.

'No, that's...'

Daniel's eyes raise before turning to see that she has caught onto Anne's drawing of a symbol from Mary's memories. With such a intense gaze by his client, he sweats more freely.

'Fuck, I should've hidden that away!'

"Um, that's..."

Lecia pushes past the artist to take a better look, unable to dwell on her commissioned piece any longer.

"Did you...draw this, Daniel?" she asks.

At that moment, Anne walks into the main area with a tea tray; however, catching Lecia's interest in her replication of Marlin's symbol, she finds herself just as frozen as Daniel.

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