My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 57: Hunger

As Lecia enters the door opened by her personal driver, she gives her usual passing smile. Among racing thoughts, though, her expression falls as soon as she's in the privacy of the back seat where a wall separates her and the front.

"What the hell..." she mutters under her breath. Already exhausted, she leans into her seat and slides a hand over her eyes.

Now that the Stonehenge leader has time to think, she tries to connect dots of the unexpected symbol to, well, anything. Nothing comes to mind, however, so she takes out her phone and swipes to a photo she secretly took while Anne was handing over her boyfriend's tea. Such evidence has to be shared to the select few who have been disclosed of the ritual's aftermath, but she can't rush until she confirms where this symbol resides in the pages of the Stonehenge book.

Would she have to possibly draw in more members now on a chase that leads nowhere?

The troubled former archeologist winces, preferring to continue to keep current events under wraps until they confirm the creature's existence more substantially. On the other hand, if Mike's story of Cleopatra's "revival" is true, this creature could very well have a human-like form, thus requiring more attention.

However, all of that doesn't necessarily relate to the drawing.

'Who could've drawn that symbol?' she questions, knowing full well that it could still be Daniel or his girlfriend.

To that end, what should she tell Rachel? The astronomer was firm in not wanting Daniel to be muddled with any of the Stonehenge matters, but the couple she met are already more involved than expected.

"She needs to be aware, at least," Lecia decides, closing her eyes resignedly.

That said, Lecia isn't discounting that someone within their organization leaked a small part of the book they're studying. It could be Rachel or anyone for that matter; however, she will especially need the scientist's assistance if it happens that Daniel lied about the origins.

With that in mind, the former archaeologist takes the plunge, forwarding the photo to Rachel with a message:

Rachel, I didn't want to assume anything with Daniel as a client of his, but I can't ignore this. We can talk more later, but have you seen this? According to them, they found it in a dumpster, but this can't be an accident.

Back in the studio, Anne and Daniel stare at each other with wide eyes after a notable groan interrupted their thoughts on disappearing food.

"Was...that your stomach?" Daniel asks warily.

Anne widens her eyes, "Could be—no wait, Mama has no stomach, so it must be yours!"

Just as Daniel is about to hit back, a knock on the front door freezes them again.

Did Lecia return? Surely, she didn't overhear-


Luckily, a familiar British voice relaxes the slime mother and son. For now, Daniel puts the groan behind them and opens the door for his fellow artist.

Straightening her posture, Mary grins. "That was quick! What were you two lovebirds talking about so close to the door, hmm?"

"Hunger noises, apparently," Daniel flatly replies as he steps aside to let her in.

Anne slumps, letting the matter partially go with catch-up to have. "Whatever. I'm going to retry making sandwiches for us, but again, Mama swears something strange is happening!"

"I'm not doubting you, mom, but try to control yourself a little more, just in case."

Breathing in silently, Anne squints her eyes with a pout. "You are doubting me! Fine, but don't blame Mama if all you have is milk until dinner!"

As Anne stomps out and leaves her son flushed, Mary giggles and tilts her head. "I'm guessing your mother's been eating more?"

Closing his eyes and placing a hand to his head, Daniel shakes his head. "Maybe...I don't know anymore. Beyond that, how was your talk with your uncle?"

Stepping into the main studio area with his counterpart, Mary sighs. "Well, you were right. It would seem I'm no magic girl, and he's no magic man."


Mary groans, burying her face. "Fuck, I'm so embarrassed! Why did Viviane say I'm a descendant? I really thought that maybe there was a chance with all the crazy happening!"

"Well, it was based off the symbols your uncle drew. There must've been some connection for Viviane to say such?"

Especially considering Lecia took a heavy interest once she caught sight of Anne's replica of one.

Removing her hands, Mary twists his lips. "There is. You see, he's involved with a strange magical book."


Against her boyfriend's stare, she wiggles her lips as she recounts everything that was told to her. Honestly, it all seemed ridiculous, but then recalls the unnatural dispersion of fire.

Grunting, she leans against Daniel's shoulder. "Look, I've got some other problems too. First, why don't you let Mummy breastfeed you, then I'll explain more, okay?"

Taking a moment to process, Daniel struggles to pull away as he sweats. "Wait, why can't you explain to me normally?!"

Mary pouts as she clings to him more. "Hey, it's not my fault! Since I arrived as soon as I could, I didn't have time to drain. This might not have been a problem if I was able to nurse you in the morning, you know?"

"Oh god, Mary, you can't expect me to always be there to help-"

Finally hugging her artistic friend completely, the ebony beauty whines. "Love, don't act so cold! Besides, I can tell you're tense after your client meeting. Shouldn't we both relax a little?"

"Urgh, I mean..."

He can't deny that he's tense after dealing with Lecia.

Sighing, he lowers his gaze. "Well, if there's no helping it with the pressure, then...I guess."

Mary snickers as she pulls on her boyfriend towards his bedroom. "Look at you pretending to be so reluctant. How cute~"

Daniel drops his head as he's led into her pace again. "Well, seeing how you're able to tease, I'm guessing that other than your magical girl dreams, the talk still went well?"

"Oh, surprisingly! I mean, he saw through my novel cover, so I had to be a little more honest about the so-called dreams and Viviane, but otherwise he's someone we can trust, love."

"That doesn't make me less worried, Mary."

"Well then, let Mummy help ease that!"

Switched into her maternal mode, Mary removes her top blouse then bra with a light hum. Even without Anne accentuating her, her chest is plenty enough to jiggle free.

Actually, they seem to be...bigger?

Breaking her baby-boyfriend of his thoughts, the ebony artist removes her damp pads and pats her lap with an eager smile. "Come on, love! I'd appreciate it if you could relieve the right side first."

Daniel swallows slowly before entering her custody. Once he's lying across, Mary bounces with a happy squeal.

"Ah~ I love you so much, baby~"


Although he's ashamed of himself, Daniel latches onto his girlfriend's right breast, his cheeks hollowing as he suckles just as he's done many times. In response, he can feel his caretaker shiver with relief as she drains into his mouth.

"Oh...oh love..."

Daniel's member hardens to her tingling whisper. Not wishing for either of them to lose themselves to the moment, he clears his throat.

"Ah, right!" Mary straightens before humming. "So regarding my uncle, he found the book at an antique store in London, but it and the store was more than it seemed..."

As Mary relays her uncle's story along with the reveal of a magical book named after Isis, Daniel suckles on, listening intently.

Fortunately, his pseudo-mother didn't reveal much about Anne, Viviane, nor their complicated relationship as if they existed for real. Instead, she claimed a close version of the dream events as her own whenever she slept. It helps that she shared enough memories from Anne to be able to own it as well.

"So, from what your uncle has gathered, he believes this book of Isis was used for Cleopatra's funeral?" Daniel asks while being gentle with the dripping nipple.

Mary shivers to his lips. "Th-that's what he gathered after years of researching on his own. By the way, can you switch to my left side?"

Her hand slowly begins rubbing her boyfriend's cock in his pants as she cradles his head close.

Daniel grunts in acknowledgment. He takes a quick suckle of her right tit that easily flows into his mouth thanks to the stimulation so far. After a few swallows, he releases with a small chap, lowering his gaze as his thoughts accumulate.

"Then, what of the latest vision you and Anne shared?"

Mary hums, pulling her sweet artist closer as she answers, "I've tried to describe that. It's just his guess, but my uncle figured I saw members of the Isis cult surrounding that woman, although he can't be sure of who the supposed witch is."

"We figured that as well," Daniel confirms, unlatching for a moment to take a breath. "What about Viviane? Anne and I looked up her name, and now we're pretty sure she's the 'Lady of the Lake' in those Arthurian tales. It's not just her name, but she also mentioned Merlin to you."

"I realized that too when Marlin pointed it out. I forgot that there was a different name associated with such a legend."

However, Mary frowns before continuing, "Except, my so-called dreams didn't make sense to him. He certainly doesn't know enough from the book to tell if there's any connection from the Lady of the Lake to such an Egyptian goddess."

Daniel sighs. "It seems you've already told him a lot. Can we really trust him, Mary?"

The female artist thins her lips while stroking his head and member below. "We have to, Daniel. Disregarding that he's my family, he's the closest we know to experiencing a magical phenomenon. Not only that, but he trusted me enough to show the book literally engulfed in a blue flames!"

Daniel nods, still unable to believe it when Mary went over the demonstration. "You said he knows about the green flames too?"

"Yes. So far, he was able to figure out that blue involves some form of protection, green means to summon, and red is related to the mind. Of course, he's wary of attempting anything in the book other than observing the blue flames. Most of the symbols he's redrawn relates to magic words he still hasn't figured out on his own."

"That's...crazy. He was doing all of this on his own?"

"That's what he told me. Speaking of fire, though, how did it go with your client...Lecia, was it?"

Daniel's eyes narrow with difficulty. "She left not long before you arrived, so you might've even passed her. Unfortunately, she caught sight of your uncle's symbol you mention that mom drew from your memories."

Mary's breath hitches. "Oh, shit...then she's definitely related, but how could she know?"

"I don't know how she knows, but she didn't seem suspicious of Anne, at first. Now, I'm sure she's at least onto us. We deflected by saying we found it in the dumpster, but I'm not confident she'll buy that."

"Wait, a dumpster? Seriously?"

"It was better than saying anyone was responsible for it."

Mary leans back and sighs while Daniel latches back on to relieve her pressure. "Either way, love, this is troubling. If your client is aware of symbols that my uncle drew, maybe there's a relation between them? He claimed he didn't tell anyone about this, unless...there are other books?"

Daniel can't even begin to guess. Things might improve if they had the "Lady of the Lake" for answers, but knowing nothing of her fate or the dream realm, they're left worse off.

Thus, he holds on to the hope that his newest slime mother is still well.

"There's one more thing my uncle revealed to me about a time when I was young," Mary adds, looking upward in thought. "Apparently, I caught sight of the book when I was young and stood unconscious for some time."

"Really?" Daniel responds with raised brows and some milk lining his lips.

"Yeah. Since he was afraid of it happening again, he refused to show me the contents of the book during our video call. Still, it's odd that he had no reaction. Apparently, a lot of the pages were blank until I came and opened it."


At that moment, Anne checks into the bedroom with a tray of sandwiches. Catching her fellow maternal partner nursing her son, she's mostly unsurprised.

"Mary, you could've at least waited until we merged to nurse him together!" she grumbles.

The female artist smiles apologetically. "Sorry, Anne. Since we didn't nurse him this morning, my chest was getting full."

"Oh, I'm kidding. It looks like you're enjoying yourself," Anne observes, settling the tray down on the bed. "No need to repeat your discussion, since I'm sure your uncle's call will be shared with me once we combine."

"How convenient-umph!"

Mary presses Daniel's mouth back to her nipple, giggling. "Yes, it is convenient, love. You should try it sometime."

"Your entire life could be shared with him, though," Anne reminds with a slight smirk.

The nursing artist flinches before clearing her throat. "Okay, well, maybe not-Ah, hey!"

Mary scoffs as he feels her boyfriend shudder in her arms, no doubt thinking of what might happen if he got her memories. "I don't know what you're imagining, love, but my life is definitely not any worse than the shared memories of Amy changing your diaper!"

Daniel's muffled groan fills the room as he flushes with embarrassment. That said, he can't help but enjoy the attention a little, squeezing his fellow artist's left tit in his hands while suckling away.

Giggling, Mary pulls him in closer and unzips his fly. "We also wouldn't want you to make a mess in your jeans, so let's avoid that scenario, shall we?"

"Aw~ I'll help him down there, Mary. Just enjoy nursing our baby, okay?" Anne urges as she lowers herself by the bedside.

"If you insist," Mary agrees with pleasure, leaning her head down to kiss Daniel's forehead. Her boyfriend twitches cutely in response.

Before long, Anne's mouth envelops her son's freed cock and neatly packs it within her welcoming goo. As she flushes down to the base with a hum, her hand strokes against his thighs as she encourages him to let loose.

Mary holds her breath, trying to calm herself as Daniel groans more into her breast from his slime mother's actions. His sudden licks and pleasant vibrations from his lips travels through, causing her legs to shuffle a bit as she grows wet.

"L-love, that feels so good," she whispers, her hand moving to stroke his chest. "It's alright, just relax for Mummy and Mama, okay?"

Such reassuring words plus the tightness of Anne's gooey throat is hard to resist as Daniel does just that, pumping away into his slime mother's cave while being caressed gently by his loving friend.

"Oh fuck...Mum...Mom..."

Calling to both of them with a mushy mind, he forgets all his troubles just for a moment. Holding so much concern for the safety of his family against the unknown, he didn't realize how much he needed this since the start of the morning.

Thus, any tensions leave as Anne lovingly slurps the length of his cock, drawing in his cum as she has done many times before. While it fills her with pride, she watches her baby sink further into his loving girlfriend's hold.


Taken out of each other's comfort, Anne is the first to gasp as she pulls away from her son's cock. With the sound so close, she snaps her head towards the tray that had been set on the bed.

The sandwiches are gone.


Neither Daniel nor Mary can believe it, especially since they saw the slime mother come in with a full tray. Before anyone can remark, Anne swallows her astonishment and stands up, pointing to the tray while glaring at the artistic couple.

"See, I'm not crazy! Mama hasn't touched anything except...except..."

Anne can't finish her sentence as the two stare horrified at her now...or more specifically, they're locked onto something below on her body.


There's another groan, but it draws the slime mother's eyes downward this time. Like Mary and Daniel, she too widens her eyes in horror before inhaling sharply.

"Holy shit!"

The imprint of a face stretches from Anne's stomach and groans again, struggling to break free, but it's unable to get far with weak movement.

"" the bounded extension manages to croak within the human lining before being pulled back into the depths of its host's mass. Once gone, Anne shakes while placing both hands on her head with a mixture of emotions.


It would appear that Anne's "stomach" was indeed the culprit all along.

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