My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 88: A Snug Library Visit


Having returned to her standard appearance, albeit with less conspicuous blonde instead of her usual silver, Viviane closes her eyes and tilts her head slightly as she draws in the sweet hint of lavender and coffee. Its cozy mix adds to the rich air of oak bookshelves that tower around them, blending a sense of calm into the lake dweller as gentle whispers and murmurs hail from the distance. Savoring the rare chance to taste, she exhales slowly as the warm drink overwhelms her senses to further ease.

Well, borrowed senses to be exact.

As evident, her other hand rests on the study table, but coldly taps fingers against its hard wood. This impatient gesture is spurred by none other than Daniel, his body fitted within his slime mother's deceptively gooey body like a glove. Overall, everything but his mind was shared in their haste to leave the clinic without drawing suspicion. It was good thinking on Viviane's part, if not risky, but Daniel is glad that it worked out in the end.

That said, as the artist sips on the elder slime's behalf with the excellent coffee brewed by the library's café, he wonders...

'Why are we still connected?'

Aware of Daniel's concerns, Viviane glows as she settles her cup down, then lays the hand over her more anxious one. "Oh, child, just relax! Since we're like this, we may as well enjoy our time together."

"I hardly think that's appropriate," Daniel whispers back, his lips retaking control as his deeper voice drives out of the elder slime. "We should've split somewhere private or maybe returned to the studio first to regroup after what happened. Instead, you drove straight to the library without a second thought."

"I mean, this was our plan after your check-up."

"Which didn't fully occur as intended," Daniel counters. "Now there are more issues than before."

Viviane's smile stiffens before glancing away. "W-well, all the more reason that we're here now. Why waste time?"

Daniel sighs, his and Viviane's head dropping as he overrides her avoiding expression. Such body sharing without being a complete fusion was first observed between Anne and Mary on their first date. He can already imagine how similarly they look: a mad woman muttering to herself in the corner of a library.

"Listen," He urges more softly. "The whole point was to see whether there were any changes to my health. While I'm pretty sure I'm fine, having my mind abducted into a weird plane where I get the wrong type of doctor to evaluate me is not. So, we shouldn't risk trying—"

"P-please, Daniel! Why do you think I'm holding on to you?" Viviane blurts out, choking as her controlling hand on top of his grips more tightly in vain.

Daniel recoils.

Silent as the surrounding shelves, he can only listen as his enveloping mother quivers, breathing slowly. While stifling herself, he can feel his own emotions twist as she tries to hold back tears, agitated by using his ducts.

'Oh, Mother...'

After giving her time to gather herself, Viviane lifts her head and relaxes control of her hands. Daniel doesn't resist, however, so she slides them to her knees and stares downward with shame.

"I'm...I'm sorry, child. I know this isn't what you expected, but right now, I really need to know you're truly with me," She says, her stealing breath careful not to pass further instability onto her son. "I need to feel you alive because...if you're alive, I'm also alive. I know it's selfish, but I just...I worry that you might really disappear. It was bad enough on my mind that I had to snuff out your clone, but when you wouldn't wake up in that clinic, and...stood there, so silent, I..."

Daniel doesn't need to hear anymore as he shuts his eyes, causing his enveloper to do so as well. It was good for both of them as they gave themselves more time to cool down.

'She's afraid of losing me. Of course, she would be, you idiot.'

He shamefully dismissed just how much worry his slime mother held. Indeed, given what she had to deal with in a matter of days, it would be weirder if she wasn't challenged because of him.

Thus, opening their eyes, he taps their hands together.

"You're right. I should've thought more about how you would feel," Daniel gives. "We can stay like this for a little longer. Just know that, whether I'm inside or out, I'll be either here with you or trying my damnest to get back to you and everyone else."

"Will you?"

"Yes, I promise," Daniel chuckles and raises a hand to wipe a lingering wall of tear on the right side of his face. "I love you, Mother."

Viviane smiles weakly. Although still worried about the future, she feels more at ease having laid out her concerns. Now, with their hearts intertwined, she blushes naturally. "I love you too."

They relax more, and Daniel initiates a sip of the coffee before clearing his throat. "Okay, with that out of the way, let's start reviewing what we know. First, is there a way I can talk to you without seeming like we're talking to ourselves?"

The elder slime blinks. "Ah...well, I'm not sure how I can hear your thoughts without connecting with you mentally. Even if we do, we might end up becoming Vida."

Which Viviane doesn't want. Feeling her baby within and knowing he's safe is more important to her than becoming a new person whose identities are blurred.

So, humming for a bit, she eventually raises her brows. "Maybe...yes, let's try this?"

Closing her mouth, Daniel feels her slime withdraw from his cavity, splitting through the cracks of his lips. It's a strange feeling as she slips out, disconnecting from his gums and tongue. When the goo finishes receding, he blinks and opens his mouth.

"Uh, okay? But now, how can you talk without it looking unnatural?" Daniel whispers, with some resistance against the goo that at least lines his lips.

Viviane's unlined lips widen. Although her mouth doesn't open, Daniel gasps as he hears her deep in his ear.

"Now, why would I need to open my mouth outside when we're alone? With this, you can talk to Mommy without worry, all sealed up in her cozy head, while I talk the same in yours!"

Clever. It's easy to forget that while his slime mothers assume a human form, they can technically produce vocal vibrations anywhere they want.

Ventriloquism would surely be a snap for them.

However, Daniel worries whether anybody would still be able to hear him within his slime mother. Thinking back to the time when Anne sealed his lips to quiet his moan within the changing stalls, he at least assumes it won't be noticeable if he keeps to whispers.

"I'll slip and take control of your mouth if I need to speak out loud, okay?" His slime mother reassures.

Daniel hums. With that resolved, the artist takes control and drags over a few sheets of scratch paper and a free pencil that was offered within the library. He begins drawing a diagram.

"So, the man who appeared to me was Victor Grayson, a former professor who studied in Egypt. From his explanation before you pulled me out, he showed that he's able to use the same flaming magic that we've seen so far with Marlin's book, your summon from the lake, and then what I drew according to Lecia's commission. He even told me he met that woman as well, which worries me."

Viviane curls her lips to the side as their hand, still controlled by Daniel, writes down the professor's name, then circles it.

"What about the fact that he's dead?" She asks. "It's true that he was a researcher, but online shows he passed away a few years ago."

Daniel recalls feeling shocked when Viviane looked his name up on her phone while they waited for their coffee. However, given the doctor was able to make people forget about his existence, plus his own, it's possible that's only what's on record.

"Who knows if he actually died or not," Daniel dismisses. "The main thing he claimed to warn me is that there are people, like him, who studied this fire — all descendants of the teachings of Merlin."

"Hmm...It would make sense he taught others. I think from my memories we received, he may have even taught me. Although, it's hard to say when I can't remember much. Even so, isn't this big? It means there are actual wizards in this world! Mary will be delighted."

"No, no, I don't think it's something to be excited about at all, especially when Marlin is supposed to arrive tomorrow," Daniel urges, his slight sweat immediately absorbed by the surrounding goo. "How is she and Mom, by the way?"

Viviane closes her eyes and giggles. "They're just getting ready for our dinner tonight. We'll have to dress nicely too, it seems. Still, I haven't told them anything of the problems we experienced in the clinic."

Daniel groans, leaning their shared form back. "I don't want to disrupt them, but at the same time, they're going to be so mad that we didn't let them know what happened sooner."

"You know your mothers well, but it's best not to ruin the fun they're having right now."

Sighing, Daniel thins his lips. He can't help but feel lacking in responding to their love, concern, and overall care.

Is that any surprise, though? He's completely overwhelmed. Having groups of magic users that would be able to find them and learn of Viviane and Anne doesn't help, either.

On that note, Daniel leans forward, focusing on the paper. "Anyway, the biggest problem is that people like Victor, who had grown up with passed-down teachings, are aware that you're not normal. They can detect what he called a 'fire', similar to the flames we've seen, within anyone who has touched such magic."

He pauses to draw a simple flame on paper, circling it, then connect it with Victor's name.

"'re saying I carry this fire? Could this have happened when I got pulled into the green flames?"

Daniel shrugs. "Honestly, I think you might've always carried such flame within. You are a mystical being, after all."

As a girl who gained modern sensibilities through Amy, Viviane wants to roll her eyes, but she can't deny the role anymore — not with her past memories, anyway. "So they'll know what I am?"

"Maybe. I wasn't able to prod Victor enough before you broke me free, but he claimed you're the brightest he's seen, then pretty much linked to you to the Al-Bali star that disappeared."

Immediately, Daniel feels his face drop from his slime mother's control.

"W-what do you mean 'maybe'? He definitely knows!"

Snorting, Daniel holds back a chuckle at her reaction. With that, however, he sadly adds her name to the paper, circles it, then connects it to the flame.

"True. He did say the stars are related to your sealing from Merlin."

"Just to make me look less like a bad guy, we also know that Merlin seemed reluctant about it."

"Yes, and again, I wasn't able to ask more about it. So, the entire reason is still a mystery that we have to try figuring out. I'm not holding my breath that we'll find any information here that will help, though."

Regardless, Daniel adds a star symbol to Viviane's name — one that, in this case, distinguishes her in an unwanted way. He can't help curl his lips a little as she grumbles.

"Hey! I can feel you smiling, child. Quit it, this is bad!"

Quickly, the artist tries to compose himself and swallows. If she thinks this is bad, he proceeds to add his, Mary, Anne, Lecia, and Marlin's names on paper, linking them to the flame as well.

Viviane flinches, her pupils contracting. "W-wait, why did you add your name? I can understand how Lecia, Marlin, and my sister might hold this fire, but why would you or Mary...?"

"Well, it's because Victor confirmed I carried it as well. Since Mary and I have connected many times with you and Mom, I figure we've been shared this fire naturally as a result."

The lake dweller shakes, her lips twisting. "Oh...Oh god, Daniel, I'm—"

"Mother, it's okay," Daniel urges. "Please, try to keep calm. We couldn't have known about any of this."

"Still, you're now in the spotlight because of me!"

Daniel snorts. "I was long in the spotlight the moment I met you and Anne. I still don't regret it."

Wiggling her lips, Viviane shuts her eyes, groans, and places her face into their hands. Wanting to reassure her more, her son gently rubs their cheek in said hands while keeping silent.

He remembers Amy having moments like this. Especially when trying to think of a solution and being frustrated, she'd commonly assume a similar posture as she racked her brain. Still, his original mother's diligence and structured thinking is one of the best aspects to have been shared in his slime mothers.

It'll help them keep sane.

Thus, Viviane soon pulls her hands away, her eyes focusing on Daniel's problematic diagram. "What is Victor's purpose in telling you this anyway?"

"That I'm not sure. Whether he means well or not, we're going to have to be more careful about his peers — all of whom will have their own ideas about what you represent."

"Just one more reason we have to gather more information quicker, especially on this magic that others can use," Viviane adds, her eyes narrowing. "Mary's uncle may be able to help us get started once we tell him the truth, but at the same time..."

Daniel hums. "Yes, I'm now worried again whether we should trust him. Once Mary learns of this, it might shake her trust too. I don't want to make her doubt family, but we know so little."

The elder slime shuts her eyes, equally frustrated of the uncertainty. After a moment, she reopens her eyes to stare at Lecia's name before raising her brows. "Wait, wouldn't Lecia also be able to detect this fire? If she was the one responsible for the green fire that freed me and brought Anne into this world, she should've been able to tell that you and my sister were affected...right?"

A possibility, but Lecia certainly didn't seem to notice anything odd...or at least, that was until she found a copy of Marlin's book symbols that Anne redrew.

"I'm not sure," Daniel admits.

Viviane slumps and tilts her head. "Oh, child, what am I even doing questioning any of this? Mystical or not, your dear Mommy has fallen so low!"

Her weak dismay only lasts a few seconds before she straightens in their seat and taps on the table. "Well, as your mother would say, 'Our first step on the moon was less than a baby's in comparison to the universe, but it was still a step'. Don't you worry, Daniel, Mommy will be ready to protect you soon!"

'Well, I don't know whether to be happy or scared,' Daniel thinks, twisting his lips.

In his weary, Viviane retook control of their hand to add to the list of names on the diagram: Nimue and Layna Moore.

"So now, we have an idea of how your names are related," the elder slime accepts. "As far as the other Lady of the Lake that took me in, I'm pretty sure I can assume Nimue also uses this flaming magic, considering she's related to me and Merlin."

Plus, her recent memory of the dark-haired woman dealing with a cultist in uncertain terms leaves a lot to the imagination. Regardless of what she is, it begs the question: If she can deal with cultists, then how did she end up at the stake by cultists?

For now, while adding a line on the paper, she draws a question mark to emphasize the need to read more stories about her.

Daniel doesn't disagree with that, but it's his turn to grow perplexed by a certain author.

"Why Layna Moore?"

"I put her in here because I'm fairly certain she's related too. If we think about it, her grandfather's journal she wrote about was the only public claim to predict changes after the Al-Bali star disappeared on the day I separated from Anne. If this Victor was aware of the stars and this fire, the author might know more than she wrote about."

The enveloped artist doesn't press if Viviane feels so. He understands the "changes" she mentions refer to a coming "Flood" the author described, but they decided not to consider it too literally. It was a fitting, however, considering the Aquarius constellation is supposed to represent a water carrier.

'Mom and Mother seem like mostly water too,' Daniel adds in his mind. Although, if one is surrounded by goo like he is now, they'd wonder if that's really the case.

With no objections, Viviane has them stand up, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Alright, this is a good first step. Now, let's go looking for books on the stars first — especially with...ugh, constellations. As much as it pains the Amy in me to look into dumb astrology, maybe history will give us more ideas."

"You'd rather look into astrology than mythology first?"

The elder slime scoffs. "I'll take astrology over gods any day, even if they are closely related."

Daniel chuckles. "Sure, it doesn't matter to me. Just make sure to not leave our diagram out in the open."

"Ah! See, it's good that you're here with me, huh?"

"Well, I didn't need to be specifically in you," He reminds.

Viviane giggles. After folding their drawing into her scrub's pocket, she starts heading to the Science section with her coffee. To finish the cup, she regains control of Daniel's mouth for a bit and sips as she scans the shelves until she's made her way to a section with many starry book covers.

'Ah, this brings me back. Amy always loved being in the library,' Viviane reflects fondly.

After some searching, her eyes lock upon a good book to start regarding the history of constellations. She reaches over before flinching. A slightly more tanned hand was about to take the same book in her vision.

She turns their head to meet this opposing reader before she and Daniel gasp simultaneously, widening their eyes.

Beside her, dressed in a brown sweater, Lecia Bowden holds while raising a brow. After a second of awkward silence, she coughs and steps back.

"Sorry, miss, you can have that one."

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