My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 90: Perspective


A full hour has passed before a moment of clarity strikes Lecia. She blinks, finding herself before a few stacks of books and papers with general notes. What started by going along with a strange blonde who enjoys wearing scrubs has resulted in an excursion into mythology, the history of various cults around the world, and ancient Egyptian interpretations.

'Not bad, actually,' she admits.

Her encounter with "Vivi" using public resources was surprisingly productive. The only reason the Stonehenge leader studied with a random but interested stranger carrying similar investigative goals was to see whether she could utilize the public interest in Layna Moore and her book on her cultist grandfather.

At this point, it's anything if it helps to find out more about the group that attacked her team in Egypt and Victor Grayson.

But while the gathered material they found so far provides a better sense of history to modern-day cults, it's still limited. That's to be expected from a public library, but it also doesn't help that she can't reveal details she knows to anyone.

Yet, despite the restrictions, "Vivi" feels so in step with her. There's an uncanny level of intuition in the girl that almost makes the Stonehenge leader want to recruit her. Of course, that would be extremely dumb, given the risks currently being faced. She's not sure who she can trust inside her organization who may be leaking information, either.

Faced with this frustrating bounding box around her, she shakes her head. 'Focus, Lecia. This isn't the time to get attached.'

Meanwhile, away from the table to find more material, "Vivi" Viviane has been guarding truths of her own, and that's not even mentioning the commissioned artist tucked within her. Like Lecia, she's equally surprised at how well they've been able to map out a picture of Isis' followers thus far.

Granted, it hasn't revealed anything that speaks to Viviane's history.

"You know, she doesn't seem that bad," Viviane whispers within her head while disconnected from Daniel's jaw.

Within her, as she borrows his body, Daniel snorts. "Being suspicious doesn't equate to being bad. We still don't fully know her motive or role in all of this, so continue to be careful not to let anything slip that isn't explicitly mentioned in the books we find here."

"Right, but if we can find something that substantiates what we only know, that might help us also understand her better."

"I don't know if it would necessarily help us understand her, but it would still be huge for us to find links. So far, all we've gathered is that she's aware of Isis, the related Egyptian worship, and the cult followers that lasted, but nothing we've read connects to anything specifically Arthurian. Honestly, I'm not optimistic we'll ever—"

"Wait, hold that thought!"

Daniel shuts himself just as his slime mother ends their stroll in the History section. Before her, she catches a plain brown book with the title "An Alternative Perspective on Egyptian Rites." More important is the author:


"...How about we skip this one?" Daniel suggests after some silence.

Viviane closes her eyes and titters. "Oh, child, we can't be too picky here."

"No, no, I think we should. Might I remind you that this guy is a confirmed magic user? We're risking enough by letting you mingle with Lecia."

The elder slime rolls her eyes, then, against her son's wishes, slides the book out and taps it. "We already saw on my phone that your mystery doctor published books as a professor. This one happens to be one of them, and that also means anybody could've read his papers. It's either this or we go through expensive paywalls online — your choice."

Daniel grunts, not liking the options or the happenstance.

But, with no further objections, Viviane flips it open to the first page before stiffening. Her eyes widen as they stand with only distant murmurs around them.

"Mother?" Daniel calls, growing worried.

Without another word, Viviane leans forward and starts swiping through the book hastily.

"H-hey, slow down! What's wrong?" Daniel calls again, unsure whose anxiety is pushing his heart to beat faster.

"What's wrong? Child, do you not see what I'm seeing?!" she nearly shouts, gripping the book by the spine more tightly as her other hand continues its race across the paper.

"I can't when you're just breezing through the pages like that. Just chill already!"

Daniel shakes back control of his hand to stop her flipping. That's enough for Viviane to snap out of her disbelief and silently gasp. With it, she glances around to make sure nobody is nearby to catch her actions.

She slowly breathes out through her son's nostrils. "S-sorry, but surely you see the problem: All the pages are blank! Isn't that strange? It's just like—"

"But it isn't?"

Daniel's correction gives way to the library ambiance. A few seconds pass as both of them consider their current perspective, which, while aligned with their shared form, remains individually tailored. To that end, it's clear this situation is exactly like how two different messages from Merlin revealed themselves to Viviane and Mary from memories of Marlin's magical book.

The former mother twists Daniel's lips to the side while causing his eye to twitch. "Okay, I see how it is. First, he blocked me from your conversation and now doesn't let me read his work. Why is this guy keeping his secrets from me? Why did he approach you instead of me?!"

"I'm sure there's a reason, but let's not forget how you kept secrets from us."

"Aha...ha...there's no need to bring that up again, my sweet child. Your Mommy is an open book now!"

Daniel snorts. "You and Mom are the least open books. We wouldn't be in the library if that were the case."

"Urgh...N-nevermind that, what does the book say?"

Taking control, Daniel flips to the first page, which begins with an introduction. A quick skim reviews the common notions of the Egyptians. In other words, it reads like a typical padded research book that must lay the groundwork before offering the main points. While a bit annoying, it's quite typical with most academic publications.

However, their brows rise as Victor offers the beginning notions for his interpretation.

The supported understanding is that the most important of the dead is wrapped to protect and ensure there's a body to re-awaken in the afterlife; however, this book offers an alternative view for preservation of the bodies and the accompany rituals: Sacrifice.
As will be discussed, this can be garnered through behaviors in later cults devoted to Isis, one of the few Egyptian gods that spread into Medieval ages. It's through sacrifice that their devotion to the Mother was not merely to be guided, but to contribute to her being.

A chill runs down the artist's spine. Feeling it just as well, Viviane frowns.

"...Daniel? What does it say?"

"Well, reads like a normal academic paper. Victor proposes from his studies that Egyptian Mummies were preserved for future sacrifice to Isis, rather than readying them for the afterlife. He thinks the followers believed in the prospect of becoming part of their goddess."

"That's....quite concerning. Given the attempted sacrifices made by Isis followers in my memories, it's not hard to believe this view. I mean, even I was apparently about to be sacrificed as a baby before being saved by Nimue...or at least, a human version of me."

Certainly, there's still plenty of mystery about Viviane's origin and current state, but Daniel avoids thinking about his covering slime mother's personal history or Nimue as he looks at their actions thus far.

He hesitates for a bit. "Mother, I'm not trying to bring back any blame, but I also feel this 'sacrifice' sounds a lot like how you and Mom consumed Amy."

Humming, Viviane thins her lips and lowers her gaze. "I...suppose. There's no doubt your birth mother became part of us from the grave."

She then feigns a cough in his ear. "But that was only because Anne didn't know any better! I also had no part in it, thank you."

Daniel snorts. "Again, not blaming. I've accepted what it is, but I do think it's unfair for you to deny it. You were a part of Anne and benefited from the same memories, after all."

The elder slime looks away from the book. "Hmph! Charges aside, we don't even need to consume the dead. You and Mary have similarly become part of us, and look, you're all fine!"


"Child, say something. Don't doubt Mommy on this."

"O-of course," Daniel hurriedly excuses, then takes control as they see someone passing. "How about we check to see if others can see this text?"

"Fine," Viviane grumbles before reconnecting to her son's mouth, lining it neatly. They smile as she waves to the lurker.

"Excuse me, sir. Don't mind me, but can you read this? I just want to make sure it's not me and my eyesight."

The man blinks before leaning across as the elder slime opens the book for him.

"I can read it fine from where I'm standing. If you're having problems, it'd be wise to go to an eye doctor."

"Oh darn, but thank you!" Viviane chirps, closing her eyes graciously. Luckily, the man doesn't seem to be in the mood to chat further as he continues his way through the shelves.

Turning away, the elder slime unlinks from her son's mouth, sending a tiny growl. "That's really annoying. Does this mean everyone reads this like a normal book except me?"

"Whatever it is, we need to check this book out," Daniel concludes, wiggling his mouth a little after being freed. "I'm a little hesitant about showing Lecia this, though."

"I think we should. Victor said that he also met with Lecia, right? It would be good to see her reaction. Plus, we wouldn't be suspicious since anybody could've picked up this book."

"Well...alright. Just be careful."

Relaxing his reservations, Daniel lets his slime mother control their steps as they walk back to their study table. There, Lecia was looking up notes on her phone.

"Hey, I found this! What do you think?" the elder slime announces, holding up the book. She hopes she's acting as unassuming of the book as possible.

Flinching, Lecia lifts her head. With more time passing than expected, she figures it's about time for her to leave.

"Actually, Vivi, I'm afraid I-"

The next words get caught in her throat as soon as she locks onto the author on the book cover. With it, her following swallow is all that it takes to confirm to Viviane and Daniel that Lecia had met the magic user as well.

'Doesn't seem like she expected to find any of his publications here,' Daniel observes.

At the same time, Viviane assumes a curious expression, suppressing her knowing smile. Thankfully, any read of her face is lost as Lecia remains distracted by the book's cover.

Carefully, Lecia returns her gaze back to the elder slime.

"I-interesting! Can I see?" she asks, smiling crookedly.

The elder slime happily lays the book down in front of the obvious Stonehenge leader without another word, eagerly awaiting her perspective. When the former archaeologist picks it up, opening to the first page, her brows immediately furrow while her pupils scan left to right.

'Seems she can read the book too. Why is Mother not able to?' Daniel thinks. He can feel a small disappointment in his covering mother that it's not similarly blank for her.

Regardless, Lecia reads the same first page as Daniel saw, contemplating the book's alternative theory. Humming, she looks up, but in no particular direction.

"A sacrifice to Isis..." she considers, then shuts her eyes. "Well, that's probably more in line for a cult than a revival, but still..."

"Um, Lecia?"

The former archaeologist gasps, realizing she'd taken her thoughts aloud. Clearing her throat, she refocuses her attention back on the scrub girl in front of her. Of all the material found, this was no doubt the most valuable.

But, isn't this too convenient? She had seen books, but they were harder to access online.

No matter, she forces a chuckle. "Oh, sorry, don't mind me! Anyway, this is a great find, Vivi. I think I might check this one out before I leave."

"Ah! Well, um..."

The elder slime fidgets, unsure how to insist otherwise. Having read the beginning, they need this book just as well if they're to understand Victor and his background.

Seeing this, Lecia twists her lips to the side, thinking of Mike's team in Egypt, who got attacked after having scoured local libraries.

'No, something isn't right here.'

Even if it isn't, she'd be on record of having checked it out and then returning it. With all that's going on, it's better not to have any trace of her readings.

"You know, on second thought, you can have it," She concedes with a smile, ready to close the book. "I have to leave soon, so just let me take a picture of the ISBN, then it'll be easy—"



Lecia last words squeak with horror as the lighting dramatically shifts around the table. More concerning are the blue flames that spontaneously erupted, flowing around her as she stares past Viviane.

Time seems to slow between them as the flames crackle ominously, but they don't seem to burn or spread around the Stonehenge leader. It's not clear why such magic flames decide to rise and envelop Lecia when nothing happened to Daniel and Viviane while reading the book, but the latter recovers herself before any others might witness this.

"Lecia, f-fire!"

Lecia inhales out of her shock and closes the book with a resounding thud. There's no way of knowing whether it would help, but the flames appear to respond, dispersing with a slight wind and returning their area immediately to its normal luminescence. Amid the deafening end of crackles, oblivious murmurs and whispers of fellow readers from afar fill their space again.

The two stare at each other for the longest time. It's only when Lecia drops a sweat does she lower her gaze to the author's name on the book she closed.

Her grip tightens against its spine as she breathes.

"That bastard..."

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