My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 92: Green and Lovely Dressing

Ding dong!

Daniel steps back after ringing the door to Mary's apartment. Behind him and Viviane, the sun sets, bending their shadows against the greeting mat and flower-adorned entrance.

Suffice to say, it's been a long day.

The artist blows out slowly while adjusting his collared dress shirt and chinos. Undoubtedly, there will be much to discuss with the rest of his motherly lovers. It's a relief he had time left to recover back at his studio and collect his thoughts since sharing bodies with his elder slime mother. Specifically, the bright elder slime by his side made sure to help him at home, literally stroking away his tensions after connecting all but their minds together.

Although separated now, Viviane remains close as she links with his arm, her gentle smile rolling him with ease. It only adds to her allure after returning to her preferred silver-hair, which dazzles against her white sheath dress.

"Have I said how stunning you look, Mother?" Daniel raises, if only to distract his mind from the sure-fire excitement that would come with Mary and Anne.

The elder slime closes her eyes happily. "Why yes, you have~ I know you're still tense. Just try your best to relax, my child."

She nuzzles against his shoulders with a loving breath. In turn, Daniel wiggles his lips, feeling grateful, but naked to her detection. With everything shared with his slime mothers, he can't even hide himself using compliments.

Holding each other, a few more seconds pass before Viviane opens her eyes, frowning. "Did they not hear the bell?"

She extends her free arm like rubber to press the doorbell for the second time. Not long, both of them flinch as they hear muffled voices behind.

"Aaah! W-why are they here so early?! Mary, I'm not ready!"

"It's okay, love. Let's just meet them as one for now!"

Shlurp! Squick!

"Ooo...Ooomph! Mary...Anne...Ah..."


Daniel and Viviane stare blankly at the door, while the presumable fusion recovers herself on the other side with such passion. The former clears his throat, leaning closer to his slime mother's ears.

"I don't like how we're able to hear all that from their doorstep."

Viviane smirks. "You say that, but I think some of your neighbors might be aware of our nights."

Widening his eyes, Daniel coughs to the side as he prays to any non-sacrificing god that isn't the case. He's unable to dwell on the possibility further as the door finally opens.

"Ahem...Welcome, my lovely guests! You two came early. Couldn't wait to join us, huh?"

Graced by the front light and warm interior from behind, Marianne stuns Daniel and Viviane as she leans against the door frame, glowing across her fluid dark hair that extends towards dripping sleeves. Her olive eyes glimmer delightfully in her low-cut dress that drapes her medium-dark figure.

But, as Viviane quivers, something else is prominent about the choice of wear...

'She's actually wearing green!'

After the clinic incident, Viviane never finished sending her tongue-in-cheek message to suggest they try green while Mary and Anne were out shopping to supply for the artist's new bodily measurements. She didn't expect the British artist to actually pick one, and look good at that!

Gutted, Viviane glances at her son. As she feared, Daniel stares, enamored by the emerald gem before them. His gaze lasts a couple of seconds before he blinks and swallows carefully.

"You look...incredible, Mom."

Marianne's eyes soften as she raises a hand to her lips. "Oh, love, you too."

Next, her eyes fixes on Viviane before squealing, "You as well, sister! That dress that Anne picked for you is simply enhances your silver being. Indeed, a true enchantress of the lake!"

The elder slime scoffs and looks away. Prohibiting herself from teasing her elder sister further, Marianne claps her hands together and steps to the side. "Anyway, come in! Hehe, I've got to thank you two for your early arrival. Originally, Mary and Anne were going to remain separated, but since you came before Anne could change, I've now got a chance to show off!"

"It's not that early," Daniel insists, following in as Viviane tugs close to him. "Let me guess, did Mom decide to cook too much dinner?"

Of course, "Mom" is referring to Anne, but distinguishing the addressing from Marianne is moot. Case in point, the fusion coughs.

"I...I didn't make a lot! Have some faith in Mama, alright? Do you really think I would take my love for cooking just to make waste?"

Daniel hums. "Okay, so maybe you didn't make too much, but I would hope you didn't overwork yourself making everything perfect."

"Oh please, love, it's fine. Mama just wanted this night to be special. Is that wrong?"

"Not at all." Daniel lips rise. "All of our nights have been special, though."

"Exactly! We've really pushed our child, so let's not make it too special, sister," Viviane adds with a wink to her son.

While their son flushes, Marianne glances away and fidgets. "I...I can't guarantee that! We're definitely going to have sex later, you know?"

The pretense is dropped, and so does Daniel's head. He slumps to the side, his smile bitter. "Well...I guess there's Mary's influence for you. At least you're honest."

"Hmph, Mama's always honest!" Marianne insists, huffing. Before Daniel might quip back, the fusion snaps forward and presses a finger to his lips.

"But if I'm speaking honestly, I've really missed you," she continues, her voice low. "Since you've spent plenty with Mommy, you'll fancy Mama some appetizer before we start the wonderful dinner I prepared, won't you?"

Viviane twists her lips to the side as she watches her son and sister locked to each other. Knowing her sister is right to want attention, she sighs, letting go of the former's arm to give the two some space.

However considerate, Daniel can't help but shiver. It's not that anything would stop Marianne, but he feels like he's been left to the tiger's den, obligated to sate the green beauty's hunger twice over. Yet, he also can't deny wanting to dive into this beauty who loves him so much, even if it might drain him.

Thus, the moment his fusion mother's finger slides off his lips, Daniel brings up his hands to her waist, caressing across her silk-laden hips. She draws closer, her chest squishing against him and melding him to her as she presses her lips forward.


Connected, they both breathe into each other, warm bodies in need. Marianne especially needs more of his touch on behalf of Anne's feelings, who would always be delighted for the chance to feel her baby. To feel human.


The kiss deepens with Marianne wrapping her hands around his back. Her tongue swishes inside her dear son — her artistic half, who reciprocates. To her shared heart's joy, she feels his cock rising in his pants, pressing against her dark thighs.

She shudders, her lower body squeezing to the desires of her son.

It wouldn't be right to encourage Daniel to dirty his nice pants nor herself, so she forces herself to break away with a gasp. Her son doesn't loosen his grip, however, his pupils shrouded with the need for more.

Marianne gently presses a hand to his chest, her lips sweetened enough by their connection. "Love, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Mama and Mommy will be here all night for you, and there will be desert too! Hehe, just like our first time here~"

The reminder shakes Daniel with new clarity. Breathing out, he releases her and swallows, nodding shamefully. "Um, right."

It wasn't even that long ago, but with all that was learned and shared, it feels like ages when Mary and Anne first came together as a fusion, thus jump-starting his relationship back with Mary.

"I'll go set up the table, but you two should relax! It won't take long."

"Ah, let me help," Viviane offers. Except, Marianne grins, pointing at their son's tent.

"Then you should help our boy~"

The elder slime wiggles her lips as Marianne leaves for the kitchen, then turns to Daniel, who remains flushed.

"W-wait, Mother...i-it's fine," the artist urges to the intent within his silver mother's eyes. "It'll—mmph..."

Viviane doesn't hear more, halting his excuses with her cool lips. Unlike her fusion sister, she keeps it as a brief kiss before focusing more on unbuckling his pants.

"No thanks to your Mama, but we can't leave you horny. Just let Mommy handle it."

With his pants fallen, Daniel doesn't protest as he leans against a wall within the living room. His mother lowers to her knees, admiring his cock wiggling freely. Before it might leak pre-cum and stain Mary's floors, she does the usual, engulfing her son's mass smoothly into her head. Her lips kiss the base of his groin, sending another jolt through her son's spine.

Once she hears her son's sharp breath, she begins bobbing her head.


The game is always the same with his slime mothers.

"M-mother, I'm going to...!"

Viviane holds, pressing her face into her crotch. With it, her gel cavity tightens, connecting with Daniel's nerves to share the pleasure of his orgasm.

It's too much, as Daniel grunts, snapping his hands forward to keep his slime mother pressed against him. He can feel her like an extension of himself as her body pulses in sync with her baby's manhood, moaning as each rope of cum ejects a jolt to her gooey constitution.

"Mgh! Mgh...Mgh..."


Lasting just under a minute, Viviane slowly disconnects from Daniel's now flaccid cock. Residue slime that remained deeply attached to her son's member stretches out of her mouth as she pulls away. Like wires breaking from a bridge, they detach from the pole that she had become a part of, receding back into her mouth.

She looks up at him, beaming. "There, all better~"

Daniel chest heaves, shutting his eyes to gather his breath. As his mother pulls back up, so does his pants, which she hands off.

He clears his throat, securing his belt back on with a wry smile. "I'm still ashamed how easily you and Mom make me take off."

"Oh child, don't feel bad," Viviane coos, rubbing his chest. "It's only natural since we're not human."

"Oh, right, how could I forget?"

Past the light sarcasm, Daniel glances at Marianne humming in the kitchen as she takes out various serving bowls and plates. For someone who heard all of that sucking and moaning, she sure is playing it calm.

The artist thins his lips with shame, and lowers his voice. "I'm worried about breaking the good mood when we talk about what we've dealt with today."

Viviane crosses her arms, humming. "Well, there's no helping it. Considering that your well-being was at risk, I wouldn't be surprised if she wanted to spank you for not letting them know earlier."

"Oh, come on," Daniel snorts. "Let's not be so dramatic."

It's been a while since I first drew Marianne. Clearly, it's also one of the first digital drawings as I started out to learn. While there's still plenty to learn, I'm pleased to see how much I've improved. One day, I'll replace the first drawing.

Just FYI, although I try to post towards the weekend, I know I'll be busy enough for me to be unable to post next coming week(end). Thank you for your understanding!

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