My Money Kingdom

Chapter 218

Chapter 216: : One Hundred Thousand Why (Please Subscribe!)

Chen Hui’s grandfather had spoken, and a group of people naturally hurriedly dragged Chen Hui and the four into the house.

He didn’t have any free hands, so he helped Chen Hui lift all the things out of the car.

Even Chen Hui’s little niece, Li Tongtong, had two bags of candy in her hands.

The small appearance of quick hands and quick eyes made Chen Hui empty hands.

The TV room is not very big, even the electric lights are yellow incandescent lamps that have not been seen for a long time, the walls are mixed with mud, but they have been smoked black, and even the only sofa is full of miscellaneous things.

After putting a lot of things aside, a dozen people found the bench and sat down, appearing slightly crowded.

Sitting around the fire, legs next to each other, fortunately next to Chen Hui was Li Mei, who took advantage again.

Chen Hui stretched out his hand and set it on fire, and introduced, “This is my girlfriend Sun Jiatong, and this is my girlfriend’s mother. I brought them back this year for Chinese New Year.”

Chen Hui’s elders also guessed that most of them were Chen Hui’s girlfriends, but after Chen Hui said it, bright smiles appeared on their faces.

It’s after!

In Chen Hui’s generation, the eldest cousin has passed away.

The second cousin, Chen Jian, is only two years older than Chen Hui, and he didn’t even talk about his girlfriend.

Now that Chen Hui brought back one, wouldn’t he be able to get married and have children right away.

Sun Jiatong and Li Mei also greeted politely.

“Okay, Chen Hui, I have the ability to marry such a beautiful girl.”

“Girl, we’ll call you Tongtong from now on.”

“Xiaohui, you didn’t even tell us when you talked about the girl. Really, no gifts were prepared.”

“Tongtong, you look so pretty, Chen Hui is cheaper.”

“Little sister, you will be blessed in the future. Not only does Chen Hui make a lot of money, but even the girlfriend he is looking for is so beautiful.”

Of course, Li Xianglan was bragging with her aunt and uncle with a smile on her face, and she didn’t see anything outside her home.

Sun Jiatong and Li Mei may not be able to get along with so many elders, and there are so many people that they can’t recognize them all at once.

He could only smile and follow Chen Hui’s introduction and shout, “Uncle! Aunt! Cousin! Cousin! Grandpa and grandma!”

As embarrassing as it is embarrassing.

“Uncle hug!”

At this time, a milky voice came into Chen Hui’s ears.

This is Chen Hui’s sister-in-law’s daughter, Li Tongtong.

He is four years old this year, wearing a cotton-padded jacket with two small pigtails tied on his head, his innocent face seems to be red with happiness and a fire.

Although Li Tongtong and Chen Hui don’t see each other twice a year, they have a good relationship.

In her impression, Chen Hui loves her the most and buys everything for her.

Much better than other uncles and aunts.

Chen Hui couldn’t help but smile when he looked at Li Tongtong. He neither hated nor liked children.

But Li Tongtong loves him very much, maybe because Li Tongtong is really cute, or because his eldest cousin passed away…

I remember that when I was in high school, the New Year’s money was basically used to buy fireworks or snacks for Li Tongtong in addition to playing games.

I have to pretend to give Li Tongtong a red envelope.

It’s ridiculous to say that his New Year’s money is all given by the elders, but he has to pretend to be generous to the juniors with red envelopes.

Every time he thinks of the stupid things in the past, Chen Hui is amused.

“Come on, uncle hug, Tongtong, do you think about uncle?” Chen Hui reached out and took Li Tongtong into his arms, squeezed the fleshy face, and asked with a smile.

“Think! But, uncle, how did you become better-looking? You’re even better-looking than Tongtong.” Li Tongtong opened her big round eyes, and her mouth was like smeared with honey.

Chen Hui laughed and said, “Then I don’t look good at Tongtong? Did you listen to the teacher when you were in school, should you go to primary school, Tongtong?”

“I can listen to the teacher. There are still big red flowers this semester. Uncle, I will show you.” Li Tongtong jumped from Chen Hui’s arms to the ground, ran to the sofa and found his schoolbag, Zhong solemnly took out the big red flower and put it on his chest, with an unstoppable pride on his small face.

Everyone was amused by Li Tongtong, and even the corners of Li Mei’s mouth rose, and her eyes flashed brightly, as if she saw Sun Jiatong’s appearance when she was a child.

He Yarou leaned over and asked softly, “Would you like to give your big red flower to your uncle?”

Li Tongtong’s small face immediately became tangled, and her small eyebrows were tightly locked, as if she was making a very difficult decision.

After a while, Li Tongtong moved her footsteps, reluctant to walk to Chen Hui’s side, and slowly handed the big red flower in her hand to Chen Hui, pouting: “Here! Uncle, after you wear it, Can you give it back to Tongtong! This is my first time getting a big red flower.”


“Ha ha!”

Not only Chen Hui laughed, but the big guy laughed again.

Grandma Chen Hui clapped her hands and said, “Come to Tongtong to give Zuzu a hug, Zuzu will make you a new big red flower.”

“Really? Thank you grandma then!” Li Tongtong left Chen Hui relentlessly and turned to Chen Hui’s grandmother’s arms.

Li Tongtong is the youngest and the daughter of Chen Hui’s eldest cousin who passed away. Basically, everyone in Chen Hui’s family loves Li Tongtong very much.

When I come back for the New Year, no matter where I go, I will bring Li Tongtong with me.

Even when Li Tongtong went to the sheepfold to see the newly born lamb, because the old sheep knocked Li Tongtong to the ground, Grandpa Chen Hui slaughtered the sheep without hesitation.

By the way, I added a meal to Chen Hui and the others, and it was really comfortable to eat fresh mutton for the Chinese New Year.

At that time, Li Tongtong was quite sad when she killed the sheep, because she would look at the sheep every year when she came back, but afterward, she took the empty bowl and asked Grandpa Chen Hui when she could eat the sheep again!

At that time, he made the old man laugh out loud.

After chatting for a while, Chen Hui distributed the gifts he brought back to everyone.

The eldest and second uncles are Zhonghua plus Maotai, and the third uncle is Zhonghua plus a few boxes of Tieguanyin.

In Chen Hui’s family, all men smoke except that he does not smoke.

So my cousin also had two Chinese cigarettes, two cousins, three aunts, and He Yarou, Chen Hui, all treated equally. They were all jewelry plus some food and drink.

This gift, everyone knows that Chen Hui has made a lot of money outside, and he accepts it happily without any refusal.

Chen Hui felt very good about this.

They are the closest people, why do you refuse?

As for my cousin, because she is about to enter the third year of high school, the future of the Chen family depends on her.

Chen Hui deliberately bought a full set of five-year college entrance examination three-year simulations for his cousin.

Looking at the resentful eyes, Chen Hui couldn’t help shivering, and said quickly, “When you go to college, my cousin will give you a new mobile phone and computer, okay?”

Li Dandan’s pouted mouth returned to normal, nodded and said, “This is almost the same, cousin, you are the best!”

The third aunt patted Li Dandan on the back of the head and scolded with a smile: “What? Are you not happy to send you the exam papers? You are too embarrassed to ask for a gift from your cousin with your grades. Hurry up and say thank you first!”

“Thank you cousin.” Li Dandan said with a puff of cheeks.

Sending grandpa is naturally some supplements and several good cigarettes.

“Grandpa, don’t smoke leaf cigarettes in the future. That thing is not good for your health. If you really want to smoke this kind of cigarettes, don’t worry about money.” Chen Hui took the cigarette and handed it to Grandpa.

Grandpa Chen Hui’s turbid eyes flickered with light, and he said with a smile, “No way. It’s a good cigarette, it’s light, and I’m not used to it. It’s better to smoke leaves, it’s powerful!”

“What are you talking about, Chen Hui cares about you, and you still have to be stubborn.” Grandma Chen Hui snorted while sitting next to her.

Grandpa Chen Hui rolled his eyes, took out the rolled tobacco leaves from his pocket, stuffed it into the bong, picked up the half-burned wood in the fire, and lit it.

What else can Chen Hui do?

As a junior, he could only watch silently.

“Grandma, come here, I bought it for you.” Chen Hui handed another bag to grandma.

“Well, my grandson has grown up. He has the skills and even found a girlfriend. When are you going to have a baby? Li Tongtong doesn’t even have any younger siblings now, so you have to work hard.” Grandma Chen Hui’s voice was a little hoarse. , but very calm.

“Yeah! I really want a younger brother and sister. I asked my mother to give birth, but she refused. Uncle, hurry up and give birth to a younger brother and sister to Tongtong.” Li Tongtong tilted her head and looked at Chen with bright eyes. Hui.

This not only made Sun Jiatong’s face red, but He Yarou’s gentle jade-like face couldn’t help but red, and said quickly, “Li Tongtong, what nonsense are you talking about. Come back quickly, don’t bother grandma.”

Li Tongtong raised her chin and asked crisply, “Grandma, am I annoying?”

“Don’t worry, my Tongtong is the most obedient. Your mother is lying to you.” Grandma Chen Hui smiled and patted Li Tongtong’s head.

Li Tongtong blinked at He Yarou as if she had a backer.

He Yarou could only helplessly smile.

Li Tongtong, I usually don’t dare not listen to her at home.

But every time someone else is there, it’s different.

“Uncle, does Tongtong have any gifts?” Li Tongtong saw that everyone had distributed gifts, so she opened her eyes wide and hoped.

“Tongtong’s gift can only be obtained by kissing your uncle!” Chen Hui squatted down and said.

Li Tongtong hurriedly slapped Chen Hui’s left face several times, and then asked, “Where’s the gift?”

Chen Hui then handed Li Tongtong’s gift to her.

A little genius phone watch, two sets of new clothes, new school bags and stationery, and several genuine Barbie dolls.

Li Tongtong’s eyes naturally narrowed with a smile, and he kept saying, “Uncle is the best!”

Li Xianglan also handed the food and drink that she brought back to her grandmother, and told her to remember to drink it.

“Oh, the kitchen is still cooking soup, I almost forgot.” Second Aunt Chen Hui patted her leg and said.

“Yeah, forget it!”

“Then hurry up, what are you doing here?”

The meal was divided into two tables, and Chen Hui entered the adult table, but he was inevitably questioned and praised.

That praise is hype, from appearance to learning to ability to being a person, everything is praised.

This made Chen Hui feel embarrassed.

Is he so perfect?

It seems there is!

After eating, it is time to clean up the dishes and prepare for dinner.

This is the highlight. For this evening meal, Chen Hui pays attention to the fact that everyone around him eats together.

Chen Hui’s grandfather and grandmother are here, and the neighbors are all relatives.

Some are far, some are close.

Basically, the generation of grandparents and grandparents are very close. When they were young, Chen Hui and the others also played together and played everywhere.

Grandpa Chen Hui was also the biggest one in that generation, and basically he came to Grandpa Chen Hui’s house for Chinese New Year dinner.

Li Xianglan and Li Mei also went to help, and even the women from other families also came.

Of course, it is inevitable to praise Chen Hui a few words.

It wasn’t evening yet, and grandpa’s house was crowded with people.

No longer in the TV room, but went to other places.

One or two basically heard that Chen Hui made a lot of money in college, and they couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

Not so lively!

The big red Mercedes Benz in front of the door is too eye-catching.

There were also a few distant relatives of the same generation who wanted to give it a try. Of course, Chen Hui smiled and passed.

Some who didn’t believe it originally, but when they looked at the Mercedes-Benz, they all believed it.

Chen Hui’s grandfather has a talent!

I’ve made a lot of money, and a group of people have more or less ideas in their hearts.

As for a group of men and juniors, they found two spacious and bright rooms with tables and stools.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!”

Mahjong is put on the table or poker is played, and there is a brazier under your feet. What a joy!

Chen Hui was naturally one of them, Sun Jiatong was sitting on the left, and Li Tongtong, a little brat, was also being held by Sun Jiatong. Two beauties, one big and one small, were staring intently at the cards.

As if interested in this thing.

After lunch, Sun Jiatong and Li Tongtong became familiar with each other without knowing how.

Li Tongtong’s soft-spoken Aunt Tongtong made Sun Jiatong bewildered.

The two are Tongtong and Tongtong, and Li Tongtong is also very cute, and Sun Jiatong is still childish and stupid.

They really went to play together, and made an appointment to sleep together at night.

Chen Hui was completely convinced by that scene.

Sure enough, the big fool and the little fool have something in common.

“Yeah, uncle, you’ve won again!”

This year, Chen Hui was particularly favored. Even at the poker table, he played cards with his uncle and elders from other families.

Chen Hui smiled and took out another 100 yuan and handed it to Li Tongtong.

This was a compromise that Chen Hui was forced to make.

After Li Tongtong finished eating, she kept shouting that she wanted to play with Chen Hui. According to her words, the time she saw Uncle Chen Hui was too short. She had to spend more time with Chen Hui, or else Chen Hui would have no one after she left. accompany.

Chen Hui also has a big head. Even though Li Tongtong is cute, her eyes are round, and her face is very comfortable to hold, she is really impatient with children, especially when Li Tongtong is about five years old, she has a lot of problems.

What “Why is it snowing?”

“What is snow?”

“Uncle Chen Hui, what is a girlfriend?”

“Can I drive that car?”

“Why kill sheep?”

There are almost 100,000 reasons why Chen Hui’s head is big.

No matter what, I let Li Tongtong watch her play cards quietly.

The condition is of course that if Chen Hui wins, he will give Li Tongtong a red grandpa Mao.

Li Tongtong is still smart, knowing that 100 yuan can buy several Barbie dolls.

She narrowed her eyes and agreed.

The little boy’s IQ is still a little lower, and Chen Hui will tell He Yarou that he will give Li Tongtong some New Year’s money.

Can Li Tongtong use this money?

It can only be handed over to He Yarou after it is warmed up in the hand.

Fighting with him is still a long way off.

Chen Hui is now looking at Li Tongtong’s happier smile, the happier he will be,

Especially when he thought of the scene after Li Tongtong’s money was confiscated, the corners of his mouth couldn’t stop rising.

Children, it’s not good to have too much pocket money, Chen Hui is purely for Li Tongtong’s sake.

While playing cards, Chen Hui pinched Li Tongtong’s cheek from time to time, and let Li Tongtong call out to his uncle a few times.

Well, life is still good.

Li Tongtong was so obedient, Chen Hui couldn’t bear it anymore, he still decided to reward Li Tongtong a little more.

It seems that he is going to go to primary school, which is easy to handle. He has included the teaching materials for grades one to six.

Get a dozen sets that are not repeated.

Remedial classes, when the time comes, he will also pay for it, so he doesn’t care about money.

After all, Chen Hui has only one niece, Li Tongtong, and these are all things that should be done.

Children, you should work harder at an innocent age. The future flowers of the motherland must be well cultivated!

ps: Ask for a monthly pass! Hey! Recommended tickets are also required!

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