My Money Kingdom

Chapter 222

Chapter 221: : Penguin Has A Crush On Me? (Please Subscribe!)

The night is like water, the lights are just on, and the cars rush through this uneven, magical and realistic city like a streamer.

Even after the Spring Festival, the cold wind is still howling.

“Brother, sister-in-law, I love you so much!” Li Dandan rubbed his chubby belly and grinned.

For Li Dandan, following Chen Hui is too comfortable.

Just such a dinner, she ate a lot of food that she had never eaten before.

Baked foie gras with cheese mashed potatoes, golden armor all over the city, Tempo Jiuru and more!

Not only is the taste unforgettable, but the articulation is fragrant, she has never even heard the name, it is too tall.

Looking back now, Li Dandan couldn’t help but smash his mouth, as if he was reminiscing about that smell.

The money has also spent nearly 20,000!

It takes her parents two months to earn her living expenses for two years.

You can also buy a few Apple phones.

Originally, when Li Dandan’s mother called her to live at Chen Hui’s house, Li Dandan was still a little reluctant.

After all, the golden den and the silver den are not as good as your own dog kennel. Even if the dormitory is small, it is still your own territory, feel free!

Now Li Dandan doesn’t think so anymore, he can go far away for any dormitory or study.

Her first task now is to have a good relationship with her cousin, and she will just follow her cousin in the future.

Well, the cousin also has to have a good relationship.

The gifts of mobile phones and computers at the end of the college entrance examination are not completely small kisses.

I heard that my cousin’s house is still a big villa.

Thinking about Li Dandan makes me excited, so happy!

She has to show off with her classmates!

Looking at Li Dandan’s round face, Chen Hui couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

A good girl, why is she a little fat.

Chen Hui was thinking, should Li Dandan lose weight?

In the family, he alone is well-proportioned and handsome.


“Li Dandan, look at your belly, it’s time to lose weight, I’ll buy you a bicycle, don’t take the bus, ride it.” Chen Hui said it on a whim.

Li Dandan’s face suddenly collapsed, and he looked at Sun Jiatong and Li Mei for help.

Sun Jiatong was still recovering, and looked forward with a dull gaze, not noticing Li Dandan’s eyes at all.

20,000 yuan, her small treasury is going to be gone.

It was so uncomfortable. She just ate a little bit, and the 20,000 yuan was gone.

Enough for her to eat for two months?

Damn Chen Hui, Li Dandan only ordered a little bit of things, but Chen Hui actually killed her to death, hum!


Sun Jiatong was wholeheartedly complaining about Chen Hui.

Li Mei noticed Li Dandan’s gaze, and said with a smile, “Chen Hui, Auntie thinks Dandan still takes the subway to school or we drive her to school. Your home is quite far from her school.”

Chen Hui raised his eyebrows and glanced at Li Mei, good guy, back to the mountain city, and calling him auntie, who gave her the courage!

Is it Sun Jiatong?


Originally, Chen Hui was going to teach Sun Jiatong a lesson today, but now it seems to be okay, let’s clean up Li Mei first.

During the seven days of the Spring Festival, life is really not a human life.

Nothing happened.

I have nowhere to release my energy, and now that I am back, I have to show off my strength and let it out.

It is not too late to delay the matter of returning to the company for two days.

Chen Hui said with a smile: “It’s far away, Li Dandan’s school is only three kilometers away from the house, it’s very fast. In this way, Li Dandan, if you go to school by bicycle, how about I give you 1,000 yuan per month for living expenses Buy whatever you want, I won’t tell the third aunt.”

Li Dandan widened his eyes and woke up: “Really?”


“Brother, I don’t like anything else, I just like sports, especially cycling. You don’t know, I went to participate in a bicycle competition when I was in high school and won the first place! Brother, we will meet the day after tomorrow. School starts!” Li Dandan was spitting out lotus flowers and kept talking.

1,000 yuan, plus 1,000 yuan from my mother, she has 2,000 a month.

You can also eat at home without spending any money.

If she saves 2,000 a month, she saves tens of thousands in a year!

She is a little rich woman!

When going out to play in the future, she will no longer have to worry about not having enough money.

Li Mei smiled bitterly: “Hey! Dandan, are you persuaded by your cousin?”

“No, Aunt Li! I really like cycling!” Li Dandan held out his chest and said righteously.

Chen Hui sneered: “Okay, I’ll buy you a bicycle tomorrow. You’ll be living alone at the villa for the time being. I’ll buy the vegetables for you on schedule. If you want to eat it, you can just make it yourself at home.”

“Why? What about Auntie and Sister-in-law?” Li Dandan’s face suddenly collapsed again.

She thought she could come back to eat every day, but it seemed she couldn’t.

If you go to school, you have to spend a lot of money a month.

As for cooking by himself, Li Dandan never thought about it.

“Your aunt and cousin-in-law live in another place. Li Tongtong and her mother will come here every two weeks. You will enjoy the blessings then, and now you will suffer for a while.” Chen Hui said.

“Alright then. Cousin, don’t forget pocket money!” Li Dandan added.

“rest assured!”

Li Mei looked at Chen Hui in surprise, wasn’t it in Palm Springs?

Could it be that they don’t live there anymore?

Li Mei didn’t know that Chen Hui had other villas.

It wasn’t until she returned to Tieshanping, where Chen Huimeng started, that Li Mei didn’t react.

She has never been here before, no wonder Chen Hui promised others to live in it so happily, and was not afraid to expose their relationship.

Little bad embryo, it turned out to be hidden!

Since Li Dandan entered the villa, he has been yelling and screaming, and his little hands have been touching the east and the west!

It looks like Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden.

She never imagined that her cousin, who took her to catch bugs in the mountains and threw sandbags in the dam when she was a child, would be so rich now.

Not only did they eat tens of thousands of dollars, but they also lived in such a large and luxurious villa.

Li Dandan feels that what Chen Hui and them said made a thousand dollars is probably false, and it has to earn tens of millions.


So rich!

As the successor of the society in the new era, who has slipped through the nine-year compulsory education, Li Dandan feels that she will not only please Chen Hui in the future, but also have to lick it!

“Brother, how about you hire me to be your little bodyguard in the future?” Li Dandan asked eagerly.

Chen Hui knocked on Li Dandan’s head and scolded: “What do you think about every day, go to bed quickly, the room has been arranged for you, and you will live on the top floor. If your grades are not good in the future, just move out for me.”

Li Dandan pouted and said helplessly: “Then… Then I’ll go to sleep. Can I play in the swimming pool normally?”

“Isn’t it too cold in winter?”

“Not cold!” Li Dandan shook his head.

Chen Hui said with a smile: “Don’t think about it, play whatever you want in the summer. The most important thing for you now is to study.”

“Well, I don’t think you want to study like this. If you can get into the undergraduate course in the college entrance examination, I will give you a cash reward of 2w. If you are admitted to the heavy book, 10w! If you are admitted to 985, I will give you a car. Car, I will give you the gas money, and I will give you 10w of living expenses. Think about it, what kind of scene is you driving a car of hundreds of thousands in the school alone?”

For the future of Li Dandan, Chen Hui really took great pains and persevered.

No way, Chen Hui’s relative is Li Dandan who is younger than him.

Oh, and Li Tongtong.

But Li Tongtong is too young, and is still a little kid.

Li Dandan is the only one who has talent in learning.

A little worse than Chen Hui, but not much worse.

The grades are stable and hovering on the edge of the first-line. In the last semester, I will study in the dead, and then I will perform well in the college entrance examination. 985 may not really be a problem.

So, get motivated.

After all, they are the closest people, and Chen Hui doesn’t care about the cost at all to make them better.

In the future, the company will be able to get closer to capable people.

Li Dandan swallowed and looked at Chen Hui in disbelief: “Brother, are you serious?”

“Do you think I’m lying to you?” Chen Hui smiled.

“It’s not like! Brother, don’t say it, don’t waste my time, I’m going to study!” Li Dandan went upstairs with his schoolbag without looking back.

Chen Hui’s remarks seemed to have given her a steady stream of motivation.

Looking at Li Dandan’s hurrying back, Li Mei worried: “You lure her with money like this, what should she do if she learns to be stupid?”

“No. Just Li Dandan’s cleverness and ability to learn to be stupid, it’s almost the same as coming out of the west of the sun.” Chen Hui laughed a few times.

Li Mei rolled her eyes at Chen Hui and said angrily, “I’ve really learned badly by then, what will you do?”

Chen Hui took Li Mei into his arms with a smile, and put his hand into his clothes. After exploring for a while, he couldn’t help but sigh: “What’s the matter, Xiaomei, why did you get fat when you got home? Even Sun Jiatong didn’t gain weight!”

Li Meimei blushed and said angrily: “It’s not that your mother cooks so delicious, or can I gain weight? How much fat did I gain?”

Chen Hui thought for a while and said, “Well, from c to c+!”

“Fuck you!” Li Mei pushed Chen Hui, and said softly: “Don’t think about it here, Dandan will go up!”

Chen Hui smiled again and took Sun Jiatong into his arms. Seeing her absent-mindedness after she came out of the restaurant, he couldn’t help asking, “Sun Jiatong, what are you thinking?”

“I…I…” Sun Jiatong hesitated for a long time without saying why.

Taking advantage of Chen Hui’s inattentiveness, Li Mei broke free from Chen Hui’s arms and sat on the sofa with her beautiful black legs crossed, jokingly said, “Tong Tong, she thinks that you just ordered too many things, she is distressed! Twenty thousand dollars!”

“Sun Jiatong, is that true?” Chen Hui asked.

Sun Jiatong nodded embarrassedly: “Yeah!”

“Then you’ll fix Li Mei with me tonight, and I’ll reward you with 10w! How’s it going?” Chen Hui leaned against Sun Jiatong’s ear and whispered.

Sun Jiatong’s big watery eyes suddenly flickered, and he asked in a low voice, “Really?”


“Then what are you waiting for, act!” Sun Jiatong urged.

Li Mei looked at the two people in front of them and didn’t know what they were discussing in a low voice, but she felt that something was wrong, and she panicked in her heart.

Especially seeing Sun Jiatong and Chen Hui walking towards her with a smile.

“Don’t you…”

“Chen Hui, didn’t you say join me?”

“Sun Jiatong, are you bold again?”

“don’t want…”

In a whimper, Sun Jiatong covered Li Mei’s red lips, and Chen Hui carried Li Mei down to the basement.

They even locked the door!

Two days later, Chen Hui was in good spirits, and his spirit and energy improved a lot.

Li Mei is even more charming between her eyebrows and eyes, with a frown and a smile, pulling people’s hearts and swaying people’s hearts.

With a pair of black silk long legs, a graceful figure, and a mature and enchanting face, Chen Hui couldn’t stand it.

Sun Jiatong is also getting more and more beautiful, her fair and pretty face is full of blush, full of pure and **** breath.

Today, Li Dandan goes to school.

Chen Hui has to take her there. In the future, let’s ride a bicycle by himself.

“Brother, take me to the bottom of our teaching building.” Li Dandan said quickly when he saw that Chen Hui only wanted to take her to the school gate.

Chen Hui glanced at Li Dandan. My cousin thought a lot. She knew how to show off at a young age, which is not good.

Chen Hui thought about whether to reduce the living expenses for Li Dandan and draw a bigger cake.

As the saying goes, if you want to be rich in front of others, you must suffer in the back!

Li Dandan definitely couldn’t suffer that kind of weird crime, but some bitter Chen Hui wondered if he wanted to make her feel.

He was very happy when he was in high school.

But we can’t let Li Dandan read happily too!

Otherwise, in the future, he will really become such a garbage-heavy university just to make ends meet, which is not very good.

It’s a good idea to draw a huge cake for Li Dandan first, and let her suffer now.

“Brother, I’m going down here!” Li Dandan shook Chen Hui’s hand and said quickly.

Chen Hui parked the car, saw that Li Dandan had just got off the car, and left with a high school student who seemed to be his classmate, chatting and laughing, and did not forget to say goodbye to him.

In that way, I wanted to show off but I was too embarrassed. I wanted to tell her that this car belonged to her, but I had to ask her classmates to ask.

It really has a bit of Chen Hui’s demeanor before.

Chen Hui smiled and shook his head, which really made Li Dandan suffer.

After leaving the school, Chen Hui went straight to the company.

On the way upstairs, Chen Hui also encountered an interesting incident.

He actually met someone who was waiting for the little secretary downstairs with flowers.

It seems that he wants to confess, that appearance should be the licking dog of Tianziying, and his shameless skills are very thick!

Chen Hui admired him a little.

But he didn’t do anything to get the security to drive him away, he couldn’t do it, he just let Xie Feng scare him.

When I entered the company, the place that used to be some vacant seats is now full of people.

There are more than 400 people, although the customer service and marketing departments account for the majority, but there are also many.

In addition to the factory, there are 2,000 people.

Chen Hui guessed whether it was time to rent a larger office building or simply build a whole one by himself?

But looking at his pocket, Chen Hui secretly shook his head.

never mind!

Not as comfortable as the whole yacht.

As soon as he entered the office, the little secretary came in wearing a workplace OL outfit, twisted his hips, smiled, and said coquettishly, “Mr. Chen, the people from the Penguin Investment Department want to talk to you about investing in shares tomorrow!”

“In addition, there are no less than ten large and small companies such as Jinjiang Venture Capital, Red Mountain Capital, and Today’s Capital. During this period of time, they have been looking for companies to discuss related matters.”

Chen Hui was quite surprised that the penguin was staring at him?

After all, no matter how loud those capital names are, no penguin has a big influence in Chen Hui’s heart!

The ability to make money, Chen Hui is greedy.

The ability of venture capital is also one of the strongest!

There are not many people in China who can wrestle with penguins.

It has developed too fast, and it has developed too much.

If it weren’t for the Internet, the size of the penguin would really be too big to fall!

Chen Hui was thinking, should he just sell the company to Penguin.

Make a lot of money first, upgrade the system, and there must be a lot of good things later.

However, the thought disappeared in a flash.

ps: Ask for a ticket!

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