My Money Kingdom

Chapter 24

Chapter 23: : Freshmen Entering School

On the morning of the first day of September, the sun was very good, the breeze was not dry, and the weather today was somehow not as hot as the previous days.

The blue sky is pure and clean.

“Drip drip”


A life-threatening voice surrounded the entire dormitory, and the scantily clad men lying on the four beds moved.

“What time is it!”

Han Tao asked weakly.

“Come on, it’s 11 o’clock, we have to see the freshmen today, get up quickly.”

Wang Han’s surprised voice sounded.

A few people were awake for a moment. Damn, it’s 11 o’clock. I don’t know how many beautiful and chasing girls have been missed.

Everyone felt remorse for a while, and quickly got dressed and got up.

Chen Hui washed his head in the toilet, with the towel he just wiped his head draped over his shoulders, and brushed his teeth on the sink.

A little puzzled, why didn’t the bank customer service call today. What, is 500w so inconspicuous in your ICBC? Or is the system handling it too well?

Wang Han squeezed over at this time and whispered beside Chen Hui, “Brother Hui, can you lend me your LV short-sleeved shirt and small satchel?”

Wang Han is not the kind of person who pursues brands. Chen Hui couldn’t help but wonder: “What are you doing with it, I remember you don’t like these either.”

Wang Han said embarrassedly, “I have a school girl I know who is also in our school this year, so I just want to dress up to pick him up! You know, freshmen are the best deceivers.”

“Brother Hui, you won’t be willing to see brother, I don’t have a girlfriend. I’ve been suffocated in recent months.”

Chen Hui chuckled: “You’re suffocating? But I think you’re very energetic. You had an appointment with a girl from a bar yesterday.”

Wang Han patted the back of his head and said, “Oh, Brother Hui, it’s all a show. That junior is my true love. High school is strict, and I’m embarrassed to chase others. Now I’m in the same university, you know.”

Chen Hui also recalled that in his last life, Wang Han had a girl who lived in the same class as him in the high school next to him since childhood.

Wang Han managed to establish a relationship after spending a few weeks in college, only to be dumped within two months.

After being dumped, I told them to go out and drink stuffy wine together, and they drank to death, and then shook out the matter between them.

If I knew that the stamina of breaking up was so strong, why should I be a licking dog in the first place? Also licked it.

The girl was in the same class as Wang Han, and her grades were not very good.

Wang Han had been chasing that girl since the first year of high school, but they insisted that he had to hang on for three years, and he had been a spare tire for three years.

What are the holidays and birthdays, all the gifts that should be given are being given, and the girls are also receiving them.

Usually a class also fights with Wang Han, and doesn’t care if Wang Han has been rejected by her.

Others really thought that the relationship between the two was not normal.

But the key is that the girl has changed three boyfriends in three years of high school, and each of them has been playing for less than two months.

When he refused Wang Han seriously, he said to Wang Han: “The pressure of studying in high school is too much, I don’t want to fall in love.”

But he never avoided suspicion. When talking about a boyfriend, he would kindly apologize to Wang Han, explain it, and finally pretend to be pitiful.

Wang Han also eats this set, and believes any explanation.

Now that I have been admitted to Western politics, Wang Han and she are both from Fujian Province.

About two or three of them are admitted to Western politics in their school a year.

After all, Wang Han has been in college for a year, and he also knows that when a girl is studying in a foreign country for the first time, it is the most vulnerable.

He also had a crush on that girl. According to him, the girl he talked to in college was like the girl he had liked for a few years, so he was with the girl in college.

Wang Han felt that the opportunity had finally come, and he could finally kiss the goddess Fang Ze. Of course, he had to appear in front of the goddess with the most handsome, temperamental and overwhelming image.

It was a success later, but according to Wang Han, it cost tens of thousands of dollars, and he didn’t even get a kiss.

Sadly, Chen Hui thought about it, this is probably licking a dog.

Chen Hui has also seen the photo of the woman, named Xu Meng, with big wavy hair, small face and big eyes, she still looks so beautiful.

No way, Xu Meng didn’t allow Wang Han to take them to meet her when she was talking with Wang Han, they had never seen the real person anyway.

They are not from the same college, and they rarely go out to hang out after their sophomore year, which is really hard to meet.

But later, Chen Hui and the others also knew that the woman negotiated five male votes before Wang Han graduated, each of which was no longer than two months.

Later, the senior became an anchor, and in less than two years, he bought a large flat in Shancheng.

The anchor is really making money, and Wang Han even quietly sent some rockets to others.

As for why Chen Hui and the others know, that’s not easy. Wang Han, the ultimate dog licker, is not willing to delete other people’s WeChat.

Chen Hui knew that Wang Han was playing sloppy eyes, and he couldn’t stop it. If he said something now, I was afraid that the two of them would turn their faces directly.

After all, it is said that women are like clothes and brothers are like siblings, but when they fall in love, they don’t reverse the two.

After breaking up, I know the reliability of my brother.

The two of them can’t be called brothers, they are probably good roommates.

Wei Yuze and Wang Han are almost good roommates with Chen Hui, but Han Tao is different and can be regarded as brothers.

In the last life, when Chen Hui had no money to pay the mortgage, he usually went out to eat, drink, and lasa.

Although Han Tao is cheap on the surface, he is really honest.

Basically, as long as Chen Hui needs him, he can immediately come to help.

“Okay, but this shirt hasn’t been washed, so you can put on some perfume.”

Chen Hui had no choice but to agree.

“Brother Hui, I love you!” Wang Han exclaimed.

“Pharaoh, can you stop being such a disgusting person early in the morning?”

Han Tao couldn’t help but complain.

“What do you know, you fat man, Brother Hui and I are true love.” Wang Han retorted with a smile.

“Yes, yes, you and Brother Hui are true love, but Brother Hui doesn’t love you. They have a beautiful sister.”

Wei Yuze chatted aside.

After rinsing his mouth, Chen Hui took the satchel out of the closet and handed it to Wang Han. By the way, he sprayed the clothes with perfume, and then threw it to Wang Han.

Wang Han took it and couldn’t wait to put it on, pushing away Han Tao who was looking in the mirror next to him.

“Taozi, is he handsome?” Wang Han asked Han Tao smugly.

Not to mention, wearing shoes close to 180 height, a whole hairstyle, coupled with LV’s clothes and shoulder bag, looks quite handsome.

Chen Hui and Wang Han are about the same size, so Wang Han dresses quite appropriately.

Han Tao asked directly: “Pharaoh, why are you borrowing Brother Hui’s things? Shouldn’t you go to see a junior girl?”

Wei Yuze also looked at Wang Han with curious eyes.

Chen Hui joked directly: “Our old man is going to pick up his childhood sweetheart’s elementary school girl.”

Wang Han waved his hand, and said a little shyly: “Where is the childhood sweetheart, she is a junior high school girl.”

Probably because the eyes of the three of Chen Hui were too obscene, Wang Hui quickly fled the dormitory: “Brothers, I’ll pick her up from the airport first, you guys can go see the little junior sisters together.”

After Wang Han left the dormitory, they all packed up in a short while.

Chen Hui was a little hungry and didn’t eat dinner last night.

He proposed directly to the two of them: “Let’s go eat first, I’m too hungry.”

Wei Yuze and Han Tao also nodded.

After the three of them went to the cafeteria to have lunch together, they went to the school gate to pick up the new students.

They are not volunteers, and certainly don’t have to stand in the sun today.

I found a lush, leafy tree and watched from the side.

In fact, except for the freshman year, there are classes today.

But after a year of reading, I still don’t know where I must skip the compulsory courses and the elective courses.

In order to help the new junior sisters, their dormitory thoughts are highly consistent.

Sacrifice the ego to fulfill the larger ego.

Those who speak directly and righteously did not go to class, but after class, who will help the new junior sisters?

By junior brother? That won’t work!

They have to be senior brothers, especially single ones.

Don’t be afraid of being jealous! is not it!

They really couldn’t bear to see the younger sister struggling to carry the suitcase and completely lost in the school.

As for the younger brothers, there are naturally a group of lonely teachers and sisters, teachers and sisters who are eager to eat tender grass to help.

Who said that the male-to-female ratio of Xizheng is 3 to 7?

It seems that being single has nothing to do with proportion!

They are unfamiliar, really unfamiliar with senior brothers and junior brothers!

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