My Money Kingdom

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: : Steady Wave (Seeking Collection, Recommendation Ticket)

When Chen Hui walked out of the mall, the phone rang. When I opened it, it was sent by the saleswoman just now.

“Mr. Chen, my name is Yan Yu. It’s a pleasure to meet you. In the future, Mr. Chen, you can find me for after-sales service of your watch, and you can come to your door!”

“By the way, can you easily know Mr. Chen’s full name?”

Chen Hui looked at the screen of the mobile phone and thought for a while, but he still gave her a message and ignored it.

“My name is Chen Hui”

After all, in Chen Hui’s opinion, the saleswoman Xiaoyan wearing make-up just now counts as a T3-level girl at most.

It’s just that most men think she’s beautiful, and there may be a lot of people who are chasing her at ordinary times.

But Chen Hui is not the Chen Hui of the past. There was a girl of this level in the past, and Chen Hui must be eager to rush.

The highest one of Chen Hui’s first girlfriends was at the t3 level. It took Chen Hui nearly two months to catch up with the younger 20,000.

It can be considered as a spare tire. After all, he was kicked after only a month of talking. When he caught up, his ex-girlfriend had just broken up with her ex-boyfriend.

This is considered a seamless connection, and Chen Hui just took it.

Although we only talked about it for a month, I still hit a home run. Every time I brag about a home run with my friends, it’s really not a loss to be a licking dog for a few months.

As for those who have been licking dogs for a long time, spent a lot of money, but didn’t get their hands on them, Chen Hui felt that they really had a bad mind.

The person who licks the girl is wrong, and if she humiliates in front of the girl, she will be a dog licker all her life.

The possibility of evolving into a wolf warrior can be said to be really slim.

Chen Hui still took a taxi and went home.

On the road, looking at the endless mountains looming outside the car window, the cars whizzed past, like a frame of flowing pictures.

Familiar scenes were reflected in Chen Hui’s mind again, and he suddenly felt a sense of promise.

Chen Hui stared at the scenery outside the window for a long time, and was a little tired after two days of running around non-stop, so he turned his head against the seat and closed his eyes to rest.

Closing his eyes, Chen Hui opened the personal panel in his brain again.

Host: Chen Hui

Age: 19

Constitution: 68

Face value: 67

Level: Level 1

Consumption: 219853/10000000

Chen Hui’s consumption amount has almost exceeded 220,000, but the small goal of 10 million is still a bit out of reach.

“This system is good or not. It didn’t force me to complete any tasks behind my back with an electric drill, and spend it in death.”

“In this way, it is much safer for me to take it slowly. Even though this system has a system to transfer money from my card, it is very safe, but the trouble is that the funds I consume have no source!”

“It’s impossible to pick up gold every time or have antiques in my hometown. It really can’t stand investigation!”

“And in the future, if there is a black technology here, it will be strange that I will not be sliced. I still have to find a way to get a source of funds.”

“Lottery tickets? No. Opening a store? This method is feasible. After all, it’s hard to tell how to open a store, and many of them still use cash.”

“I don’t have the final say on the cost thing? Who knows how much my net profit is in a month? It’s enough to exaggerate my profit. Most of the funds in the early stage can be used to cover up a wave of store openings.”

“It’s good to be steady, go home and study it carefully to see what store to open.”

Chen Hui thought about it secretly, and fell asleep after a while.

I don’t know if it’s because my body is dying or I’m really tired.

Twilight came and went, and when Chen Hui returned home, it was already dusk.

Looking from a distance, the setting sun leaves a long shadow, and the setting sun is like blood, spilling its last brilliance to the whole city. Pedestrians come and go on the road, just like a brand-new oil painting.

Chen Hui got out of the car and paid the driver 500 yuan.

“It seems something is wrong, am I being tricked?”

Chen Hui thought while walking.

After a while he got home.

Open the door, the lights in the house are on, and my mother seems to have returned.

There was a smell of mouth-watering food in the house, and Chen Hui couldn’t wait to enter the house.

Chen Hui’s mother came out when she heard the sound in the kitchen and saw Chen Hui saying:

“The meal will be ready soon, you can watch TV for a while.”

Chen Hui went to the sofa


After eating, clean up the dishes.

Chen Hui said to his mother, “Mom, I’m going to go to school tomorrow. To welcome new students, I have to go a few days in advance.”

Chen Hui’s mother smiled when she heard it: “Go, anyway, you don’t do anything at home all day, you might as well go to school early.”

Chen Hui’s face twitched, and he was very embarrassed, so he could only reply: “Well, I’ll pack up my clothes today and take the train tomorrow.”

Although Chen Hui’s mother couldn’t wait for Chen Hui to go to school earlier, she still told them one by one: “Remember to bring two coats with your clothes, and don’t forget things. Go to school and go to bed early.”

Chen Hui responded a few times and went back to the bedroom to pack up.

After about an hour, everything was almost finished. Chen Hui turned on the computer to inquire about suitable stores around the school.

One might ask why drive around schools? Chen Hui wanted to beep very much: “I’m familiar with the school, and it’s convenient to call Miss Sister to sit in the store, otherwise what do you think?”

Chen Hui opened the 360 browser and began to query related information.

There is no way to 360 old hooligans. Chen Hui usually uses this browser to check things on his computer.

Chen Hui slowly browsed through the relevant information and had a rough plan in his mind.

Investing in Internet cafes can be as high as 2 million. However, the qualification certificate is a problem, and you can only open a small Internet cafe for 2 million or more. The decoration will not be very good, and the computer is also average. Compared with the same period of last year, there is no competitiveness at all, and opening an Internet cafe is troublesome and time-consuming.

Catering, it’s too troublesome to do it yourself, it’s super time-consuming, and I have never had any experience in this area. I’m a franchise store, and people don’t look down on my 2 million or so.

In contrast, the milk tea shop is the most worry-free and labor-saving. Go to the headquarters for an interview. Direct investment, decoration, equipment, and training are all handled by the headquarters, and the cost is not very large.

Chen Hui can open one each at the south gate and the north gate of the school. There is also a Liangjiang Middle School around Xizheng, and there is also the Nanyi Institute not far away.

The total number of students alone is nearly 60,000, plus the surrounding ten neighborhoods, there is a population flow of nearly 20w.

Chen Hui also deliberately went to see the franchise fee of Gu Ming milk tea, because before his rebirth, Chen Hui basically drank Gu Ming for milk tea.

The brand of Gu Ming was founded for 10 years. In recent years, it has been recruiting a lot for joining. Its milk tea has been transformed on the traditional tea art. It selects high-quality tea and milk.

Gu Ming also has a youthful research and development idea. Whether it is store decoration or paper cups, it is full of simple beauty, fashion and elegance, which is very in line with the selection requirements of contemporary young people.

Chen Hui made a rough calculation for the two stores, because Xizheng Street has just been repaired, there are very few tenants, and no transfer fee is required. The annual rent for a 20-square-meter store is about 50,000 to 60,000.

The demand for the facade of Xuelin Street is very strong, and the annual rent plus transfer fee is at most 100,000 yuan.

In this way, the Chen Hui store needs to spend more than 100,000, and the rest is basically the franchise fee.

Chen Hui called Gu Ming’s investment promotion, and the franchise fee given by Gu Ming’s headquarters was about 180,000.

Among them, the brand cooperation fee is 23,800 yuan, the training service fee is 12,000 yuan, the special service fee is 15,000 yuan, the deposit is 5,000 yuan, the decoration cost is about 55,000 yuan, the equipment cost is about 50,000 yuan, and the raw material cost is about 20,000-40,000 yuan. Pay Gu Ming 180,000 to 200,000.

Chen Hui calculated that it would cost less than 500,000 to open the next two stores and to find professionals in the early stage to prepare, plan, recruit, and stare at the decoration.

Chen Hui of the two stores can start work at the same time after finding a professional tomorrow, and it will take less than a month for training and decoration.

It’s alright, probably after the freshmen’s military training, they will be able to open the store. The business should be pretty good.

ps: There will be two updates on weekends!

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