My Movie Queen

Chapter 15

Yanna and Vanessa woke up very early to prepare their breakfast and began packing their belongings, as they were planning to change locations.

By the time the live broadcast started, they were already on their way to Lakeside.

Meanwhile, Alice and Matthew were also in the process of packing their things.

"Why are we packing?" asked Matthew, appearing confused. He had thought they would start building their small hut.

Alice continued doing what she was doing without interruption until they finished packing everything.

"Let's move near Team Blue since they will take care of our food for two days. It won't be bad for us to stay near them; it will save us a lot of energy, don't you think?" Alice turned to Matthew with a smile.

Matthew could see the excitement on her face and couldn't help but stare at her.

'How can she act like a child? What can I say?'

"Fine, but don't forget our priority," he coldly reminded her.

Alice looked ahead and started walking toward Team Blue, with Matthew following her. She held the strap of her bag tightly, trying to calm herself. She couldn't wait to see Yanna. She didn't respond to Matthew but simply nodded her head. She hadn't thought about winning from the beginning, and now even more so. She wanted to get close to Yanna and needed to make her move before someone else did.


"Vanes, is this place good?"

"Yeah," Vanessa replied.

Vanessa sat on a stone and started looking around.

"Maybe some people are already watching us. Why don't we talk to them for a while?"

Vanessa looked at the camera that was following them and began to speak. Yanna would also chime in from time to time, but it didn't take long for her to stand up.

"Where are you going?" Vanessa asked.

"I'll go get some wood to make our temporary shelter."

"What? Then I'll go with you."

"No, you stay here. We can't both go around while our hands are full, right?" Yanna clarified.

What Yanna meant was that Vanessa should stay behind with their bag and the rabbit she was currently holding. 

Vanessa tilted her head, hiding her disappointment, and looked at the rabbit with dissatisfaction. She started to think that without the rabbit, Yanna might have agreed to go together.

"Alright, I'll start making thatch," Vanessa compromised.

In the end, Yanna smiled and fixed Vanessa's hair by tucking some strands behind her ears. Her expression became gentler unconsciously. Vanessa felt shy and couldn't help but nod her head in response.

"Just remember what I told you. If you go somewhere, remember to mark your way," Yanna reminded her.

"I know. You should also bring the map just in case," Vanessa replied.

Yanna took the map and began walking around. Before long, she found wood that could be used as their foundation. She gathered the wood and started to sweat. 

She looked around and then took out the map, appearing serious. Without Vanessa, she unconsciously reverted to how she used to be in her previous life.

Following the map, she soon spotted a large backpack. She walked towards it and picked it up.

The audience noticed that Yanna seemed like a coin with two faces. They observed that she kept smiling wherever she went since the live broadcast started, and her smile became more beautiful when she was with Vanessa.


[ Maybe she's thinking about something important? ]

[ Really? She looks colder than Vanessa right now. ]

[ No, this is what she is! I attended one of her fan signs before, and she also has this scary look. ]

[ Upstairs, what you say is true, but I saw some differences. I attended her fan sign too before, but although she looks scary now, she doesn't have that depressed atmosphere around her like before. If you ask me, she looks more stable and cool. ]

[ I hate Yanna, she looks fake! ]

[ Then go somewhere else. ]

[ Yanna looks very different now. If you were her fan before, you will understand. ]

[ That's right, it's like seeing her again for the first time. ]

[ Guys! There's a rumor going around that Yanna's contract will end soon! ]

[ What?! But what about the show? ]

[ Maybe it's her last show. ]

[ Does this explain why she looks fine now? Her company didn't treat her well and didn't defend her in any issues that involved her, and now she will be free soon. ]


Yanna carried the bag and some wood that were taller than her and headed to Lakeside.

When she arrived, she saw Vanessa making thatch.

Vanessa looked at her and ran towards her. This time, no one stepped back. She immediately took the bag from Yanna and wiped her sweat.

"Yanna? Are you alright?"

Vanessa couldn't handle Yanna's silence. It's usually Yanna who takes the initiative to talk, but she looks serious right now and didn't even smile at her.

She's worried for some reason. Her eyes are full of worry, anyone can see it, and so is Yanna.

Yanna gently held her hand with her left hand and patted it with her right hand, smiling gently.

"I'm fine, don't worry too much. I'm just tired," she reassured.

She still held Vanessa's hand. She felt comfortable as she held it. She closed her eyes and leaned on Vanessa's shoulder.

Vanessa let her do whatever she wanted. She could see that Yanna looked tired. She settled on leading Yanna to a flower bed and they sat down together.

Yanna looked at her and didn't ask. Vanessa just tapped her lap, Yanna directly lay down and put her head on her lap, and closed her eyes again.

Vanessa combed her hair with her fingers gently. She paused for a second and then continued.

She smelled the red wine. Its scent was very light, but she recognized the emotions it carried.

Yanna seemed scared and worried. She wanted to ask but her upbringing was holding her back.

She unconsciously started to trace Yanna's face while deep in thought.

Yanna opened her eyes and looked at Vanessa, who appeared cold.

'The audience might think that Vanessa is planning something bad with this look while she keeps tracing her face. Look, she didn't even notice I'm awake now,' 

Yanna smiled helplessly and held Vanessa's hand to stop it from moving.

Vanessa looked at her and met Yanna's eyes. Those obsidian eyes that were full of affection made her shy. She turned her head, trying to act cool.

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