My New Life as a Catgirl

Chapter 52

I sat beside the empress, not really given much of a choice with her hand still attached to mine. Elaina was sitting on my other side though, and she looked satisfied with the position, likely because she was beside me.

She wasn’t going to try to feed me, was she?

While people were talking, the servants began serving the plates at each table. Our table was fortunately first since I was almost starving. Although I had been eating a lot at dinner, due to the empress stuffing so much food down my throat, I had missed out on lunch today as we were too busy training for this very banquet.

Thankfully, I had heard that there was going to be plenty of food tonight. The royal family had gone all out for this occasion. Which was a little embarrassing as this was a banquet for me.

While I was eating, Elaina was examining the two empty chairs and asked, “Are there more people sitting with us tonight?”

I was curious as well. It couldn’t be the heroes, since there were three of them unless one of them was skipping. But I had heard they would not be showing up anyway.

“Oh, we have a special guest tonight. Whether he shows up or not though…” The empress replied, placing a finger on her cheek lost in thought. “I do wonder how he’s been. It has been a few years since we last met”

While I ate my food, I couldn’t help but wonder who she was talking about. Was someone else showing up?

As if on cue, giant purple flash appeared in the centre of the banquet hall, enveloping the room in light. It was so bright I even had to look away for a moment.

“Greetings, citizens of Revilon. Prostrate yourselves, for you are in the presence of the Grand Wizard Alexander Vermillion, Archmage of Dragonfire, Bane of Envy, and Sovereign of Fire. I have reached the eighth tier of magic, executed two demon lords, made love with countless beauties across the world, and once even talked to the gods themselves. My magic has destroyed cities, crumbled empires and even awed dragons. Submit or be destroyed!” A booming voice shook the hall, as an old elf appeared once the light faded away.

The elderly man stood in the centre of the hall, arms wide open, with a crooked, wooden staff in one hand. He was wearing a long blue robe, speckled with yellow stars over the surface, and a floppy, pointed hat that was far too large for his head. Finally, he had a long, white beard that cemented his status as a wizard. Or a complete lunatic.

Behind him was a younger girl, dressed in a similar robe as the old elf, albeit green with silver stars, and wore a similarly over sized hat, blocking much of her head. She was standing behind the crazy wizard, her hands covering the rest of her exposed face.

“Headmaster Alexander, I see you’re as much of an embarrassment as always. It’s no wonder that you’re not even close to your third promotion,” the empress said, her mouth curled in a smirk.

The old man glanced in our direction, glaring at the empress. His eyes turned cold as the empress stared back unfazed.

Suddenly, the man broke out into a grin. “Hah, Aviana! It is good to see too!” He laughed, a harsh cackle mixed in with some coughs. “I see you’re still as lovely as ever. That dress on you looks just captivating. But I think it would look even better off you.”

The girl behind him groaned. “Grandpa, can you please stop flirting with the empress in front of me.”

“Haha, alright dear,” the wizard said with a grin as he walked over to our table.

The pair took their seats, filling up the last two empty chairs at our table. The old elf still had a grin on his face, while the younger girl was clearly quite embarrassed, hiding her face under her larger hat.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Mica, a mage specializing in fire magic and a senior student at the Royal Academy,” the young wizard girl said, giving us a shy smile.

“And also my sixth favourite granddaughter!” The old elf piped as he started chugging down his wine.

Everyone stared at him. Even Adriel under her cold mask looked irritated with the man.

“What? I have well over a hundred grandchildren! Ranking sixth isn’t so bad,” Alexander explained.

Suddenly, I heard some voices start to come from nearby tables now that they had stopped panicking from the crazy, old elf appearing out of nowhere.

“Wow, what a terrible grandfather,” one man muttered.

“Man, I feel sorry for that poor girl with the overly large hat. Do you think her grandfather forces her to dress like that as some kind of perverted game?” Another woman asked.

“Why does that old weirdo get to sit with all those beautiful women?”

Alexander waved his hand and the muttering outside became silent. “Silencing spells. So convenient,” he said, his grin still on his face despite the whisperings about him.

“I didn’t think you would come. You’re usually too cooped up in your library or laboratory to bother with these kinds of things.”

“Of course I came. How could I miss your…umm…daughter’s birthday…umm… marriage?” Alexander scratched his cheek. “What is this banquet for again?”

I heard Aurelia sigh as the empress shattered her wine glass win her hand. “Mother, please don’t cause a scene. We can’t afford for the palace to be destroyed again.”


“My apologies. I got a little carried away,” the empress said, a little too calmly.

“It’s no problem.” Alexander waved his hand, shrugging the matter off.

“I wasn’t apologizing to you, wrinkles.”

The wizard didn’t seem to mind. “So Aviana, I heard you’re single now. After the food, we can sneak to your bedroom for a quick round of fun if you want.” Alexander wiggled his brows up and down.

“You’re far too old for me. I doubt your thing even works anymore,” the empress said, glancing towards the old man’s waist.

“Hey! I’m only nine centuries old. Still in the prime of my life for a high elf!” The old man protested, his large hat shaking back and forth, dangerously close to falling off as he slammed his hands down on the table.

“Wait, you’re a high elf? But I thought they didn’t get old…” Elaina asked, interrupting the conversation between the two powerhouses.

“Oh, we don’t. This disguise is just a small, temporary glamour that I set up when I go out. Personally, I think it makes me look quite wise and charming. Girls love older men.”

“I don’t think they like men as old as you though.”

“Ha, what would you know about picking up girls, brat. You’re basically still a baby at your age.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m over eighteen,” Elaina responded while crossing her arms over her chest and staring at the man.

“So? A high elf only becomes an adult when they reach a hundred. You’re nothing more than child.” Alexander waved his hand condescendingly.

“Wait, how did you know I was a high elf?” Elaina asked stunned, glaring with wide eyes as the old man grinned back.

“I told him,” the empress intervened. “He’s the only other high elf I know.”

“Well, we can talk about the tedious stuff later. Village business can’t be talked about with outsiders. Anyway, where’s that son of yours, Aviana? The one with the pink hair.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Adriel turn her head at the name of her twin brother.

The empress squinted her eyes. “Why do you want to know?”

“Ha, well I was thinking of joining our families by giving my granddaughter to him. What do you think?”

The granddaughter in question spurted her drink over the table. Everyone else at the table just stared at the man, some with confusion and others with anger.

The old wizard’s grin faltered. “Why is everyone looking at me weirdly?”

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