My next life as the Winter Fox? I just want a carefree life

65 – Fox vs Goddess part 3

"You know, darling, you really did change."

"Have I?"

"Mhm. Immediately rising up when the girls cheered for you… you may be the Winter Fox and harbor ultimate coldness, but your heart is a very warm place, fufu."

"Knock it off, Yuki. She was threatening my toys and called me weak. I can't tolerate that. There's nothing more to it."

"I'll leave it at that, then. But are you sure you want to do it? You yourself told me about the true essence of this Nakajima sword style."

I guess I should explain the true nature of the Nakajima sword style. Although my father is the head of the dojo, his knowledge stops at intermediate level. The true style and advanced techniques were held by my mother.

The techniques of the Nakajima style have only been held by a select few through the course of its entire history. In the face of its tremendous power as a style, teaching it to just anyone is a big no, which is why a single master trains a single apprentice exclusively. 

Mom taught dad up until a point. But the advanced techniques were something only I knew. But of course, although I did know everything, performing the moves is a different matter. As powerful as it may be, the Nakajima sword style can also be detrimental to its practitioners. Medically speaking, the physical demands are tremendous. For anyone ill-equipped, simply employing their techniques causes cumulative, physical damage to their body.

I remember suffering muscle tears when I tried deploying a technique way before I was ready. This body meets the physical condition, but it's dangerous because of the presence of mana.

I basically don't know what's going to happen. But no better time like the present to test it out.

“Don’t think this changes anything!” (Anri)

She was again charged at me with all 6 of her weapons covered in the pitch black light.

“That won’t work anymore. Zero Stance: Dragon Coil Flash!”

Most effective when surrounded by enemies as this technique has the user spin to attack in all directions. It can also be used as a counterattack against a thrust or charge, one sidesteps a forward-moving opponent and moves past them. In doing so, one spins in a full circle, adding momentum and centrifugal force to the strength of the sword swing. 


In a single flash all her weapons were repelled and her stance was broken. I followed with a downward slash to once again slice her.

“Weren’t you listening? My skin is impenetrable. You can’t cut…”


Anri’s eyes opened wide in surprise… as blood gushed out of her. She immediately leaped back. Because of that, I didn’t manage to cut her that deep, but she was definitely bleeding.

“Well, what do you know? It seems that Gods bleed just like us mortals.”

Anri was baffled to the point she touched her wound and sniffed her own blood.

“This is… my blood? Such a thing… I never recall bleeding.”

“There’s a first for everything, you know?”

I didn’t intend to stop there. I shalshed forward, unleashing a freezing ice pillar towards her. She quickly regained her senses and managed to dodge.

“Don’t get ahead of yourself because of a lucky shot. We Gods are perfect beings. You won’t win this.”

“Perfect beings you say? How shallow. Nothing perfect exists out there. If something is truly perfect, then that’s it. Nothing goes beyond that. You’re limiting the imagination and the concept of evolution itself. After all, what’s the point of improving yourself if you are perfect? Do you understand?”

“Shut up! We Gods are order itself. We establish how the world works. We can destroy anything we desire and reshape it. Including you.”

“Destroy anything? Sure, that may be your order, but where there is order, there will also be chaos. Any plans you have will be destined to fall simply because I don’t obey any of that shit.”

Before she could blink, ice swords assaulted her from all directions. This was my world now. A world of ice. A world with an unlimited number of ice weapons. She tried deploying a barrier, but coating my swords with the nether flames was enough to penetrate.


She gets pierced.

“This doesn’t make any sense…”

I took a step forward.

Anri didn’t move from her spot, and simply directed her eyes at me.

“No mortal can be this strong. Even with the power of the Ice Age Dragon, this is more than what any mortal body can handle. How are you not falling apart under your own power?” 

“Who knows? Maybe I’m simply too strong.” 

I took one more step forward.

Anri’s body trembled.

“Are you afraid of me now?” 

“…Haha…! Gods do not know fear.” 

“Then I suggest you make your next move.”


However, she didn’t move from her spot.

“…What… in the…?!” 

The Goddess of War looked troubled.

“…This can’t be… What did you do…? I cannot move…?” 

Since I didn’t answer, Anri repeated himself.

“What are you doing to me?! Did you perhaps freeze my muscles or nerves?” 

“Don’t you get it, Anri? You’re not moving because you’re afraid of me. You say Gods don’t know fear, yet your body is honest. Now that you have been cut, you’re scared that you will actually lose to me.” 

“Fufu… Ahaha…! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! What sort of crazy nonsense is this? Did you think that just by cutting me you would win? I’m still the one that controls all the pieces of this chess game.” 

“You call this a chess game? Weird logic. Regardless, if that’s the case, I guess it’s time to call this checkmate.” 

“I will finish you in a snap.” 

I leisurely walked towards her, and spoke in a light tone.

“Give it your best shot.” 

I need to end this soon myself. My body is starting to feel the burden of using so much power.

Both of our magic powers were at their peak, and as a result of letting it burst, the earth under our feet was quaking.

The moment when a small boulder was being carried away in between us and blocked our vision for a split second, the Goddess made her move.

She fired some sort of black and white fireball and I intercepted the blast with my own flames. No matter what flames you use, they will freeze before me.

As I repealed the attack, she subsequently fired black lightning at me. I let out a roar from my mouth and the lightning turned into ice before her very eyes. But she wasn’t surprised.

A magic circle floated around me, and summoned some sort of chains to try and bind my limbs.

“This won’t work.”

I modeled my ice wings into hands, grabbed the chains and tore them altogether from the magic formation.

“I bought the time I needed. This will end it!”

She coated one hand in an unusual black aura. Her hand literally turned into a blade. I could tell just from looking at it that taking a hit from it was dangerous.

Anri grinned, as if convinced of her victory.

“Even if you swing your katana I am already able to intercept any path you can trace. I win!!!” 

Neither the Nether Flames nor my ice wings, which might as well be as ineffective as paper in the face of this attack, could protect me from it. But defense wasn’t my goal. I just had to unleash… one attack.

“…Gah…!? Argh… Aah…” (Anri)

A moan slipped from her mouth.


She squeezed out her voice with great pain.

“…How can…this be…?” 

Even while vomiting blood, it seemed she couldn’t help but wonder. Her palm stopped shortly before reaching my neck. And Yuki was already impaled in her and started freezing her from within.

“Did you think you would stand a chance against me just because you were confident in having more hands to block my attacks? Doesn't that just mean I have to exceed the number of strikes you can block?

Zero Stance: Nine-Headed Dragon Strike.” 

A dashing attack that uses extreme speed to simultaneously strike all nine vital spots on the foe's body from a normal kendo stance. It is said to be unavoidable and nearly unblockable. She did manage to block 5, but there were still 4 strikes left. And all of them happened in an instant. She probably didn’t realize it.

“…Why…can’t I see it…? The depths of your power? Where’s your limit?” 

I pulled Yuki out of her.

“For now… this will be my limit.”

Saying those words, the ice wings on my back cracked, small electric sparks ran through my body and blood gushed from my back. I was forced on all fours.


This was the price I had to pay for using the advanced techniques despite this body not being accustomed to them.

“It’s over, right?”

“Yeah… I can’t move… anymore… you win…, Edel.”

“Then hurry up and rewind time already…

Before we both die.”

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