My Ninja Cat Thought I Was Weak, So I Stole Thunder Fruit

Chapter 576

Chapter 576

The country of fire.


After successfully resurrecting Hashirama, Tobirama, and Kushina, and arranging their accommodation, Hefeng chose to go home.

Although it has only been about a month since he left the village, went through the war, and returned to the village now, but walking on the concrete road built by the Uchiha clan, Hefeng couldn't help feeling like a world away.

It is worth mentioning that Fugaku wanted to send someone to take Hefeng home, but was rejected.

So now Hefeng is walking on the street alone.


He didn't let go of his thoughts and enjoy the tranquility of the night.

Instead, Hefeng thought about the future while walking.

Will it merge with Pirate World, and what will happen after the fusion.

He doesn't know.

The unification of the Ninja world is already the general trend.

"Although the ninja world is about to be unified, if we really want to say it, the problem after the unification is not as simple as how to unify."

Hefeng thought to himself.

Because of being a time traveler, Hefeng has mastered many historical developments.

In his original world, there was a very famous saying.

It is easy to conquer the country, but it is difficult to defend the country.


Any dynasty, in the early days of its establishment, is full of waste.

Today's ninja world is exactly the same.

"The third Ninja World War is less than twenty years away from today."

"Except for Konoha, the economies of all countries are in decline."

"Coupled with the barren land..."

"There will be a lot of problems."

Such as the country of the wind.

Although Hefeng thought of letting Tianzang develop the greening business, the Land of Winds is not a village.

but a country.

Even if Tianzang does not eat or drink, as soon as Chakra recovers, he will use the tree sea to descend to expand the green area.

That's not something that happens overnight.

The required unit of time, at least in years.

In addition, there are various small countries in the ninja world.

Not only do these small countries have no ninjas, but even samurai power is pitiful.

However, these small countries also have a history of hundreds of years.


Is it really because these small countries, Grandmaster politics, are good at navigating the contest between big countries?

of course not.

It's just that these places lack abundant resources.

Disliked by the great powers.

The best example is the country of iron.

The harsh environment is even worse than that of the Wind Country.

So that there is no country at all that will covet their land.

And the country of soup.

The living conditions of the people are equally difficult.

The economy cannot develop at all.

"If these small countries are excluded, it cannot be regarded as true unity."

Hefeng looked up at the moon in the sky.

Since it is to unify the ninja world.

So regardless of whether it is a big country or a small country, it should be absorbed.

Relatively, this also means that he has to take over the problems of these small countries.

For a moment, Hefeng couldn't help but recall the country he was in before he crossed.

In his country, the city located in the northwest location.

Because of the rugged mountain roads, inconvenient transportation, and scarce land, it is difficult to cultivate.

Once there is some natural disaster.

That is a great disaster.

Plus some bandits stand on top of each other.

Constantly creating disasters.

So much so that in all dynasties, this area will be abandoned by those in power, leaving them to fend for themselves.

All the way to the new era.

This situation can be improved.

"If I remember correctly."

"After liberating that area, Red was determined to change all that."

"Bringing education to the people in the mountains."

"Creating mountains and building roads just opened up the passage between that area and other cities."

I have to say, every time Hefeng sees this period of history.

He will not only be shocked by the boldness of red.

From the bottom of my heart, I admire such a decision.

His little heart was infected like never before.

And at the time, I was determined to become red too.


Wishes are beautiful.

the reality is cruel.

With the growth of age, the rich experience.

Hefeng gradually realizes that he is just an ordinary person.


"If you have to say it."

"God gave me compassion, but didn't give me the ability to save sentient beings."

"It's obvious that I'm not living well."

"I can't see all the suffering in the world."

Thinking of this, Hefeng couldn't help sighing helplessly.

The reason why he sighed was because he knew in his heart that he would never return to that world.

Even with the mighty power of Sage of Six Paths.

Can't change anything.


"But in this world, I have a chance."

While muttering to himself, Hefeng suddenly stopped, and he looked up at the moon in the sky.

Then, Hefeng pulled his right hand out of his pocket, then slowly raised his arm, pointed his five fingers at Mingyue, and grasped it.

It was as if he wanted to hold the moon in his hand.

"It's not easy to do this."

In terms of strength, as long as the Ōtsutsuki clan does not show up, Hefeng feels that he is invincible.

No one can stop themselves.

But if you want to fundamentally solve the problems of the people.

That's another story.

Places like Konohagakure, the Land of Fire, naturally have schools.

The general education of the people will be higher.

It can be in the country of iron, the country of soup, and the country of grass.


Do not make jokes.

For people there, the best way out is to inherit the father's career and become a shipbuilder or samurai.

Or, to become a ninja.

There is no school at all.


Those people in Caoyin Village can use little girls like Xianglin as medical tools to completely deprive them of their human rights.

It is enough to prove their barbarism.

And true unity, liberation.

It's not just as simple as letting these small countries surrender to Konoha, and to themselves.

How to improve their education.

Let their offspring go to school and read books.

This is the most fundamental problem.

"If you want to solve such a problem, you can't do it by relying on strength."

Hefeng complained secretly in his heart.

Although he learned Observation Haki from Xiaoyu, with Thunder Fruit's heart network, he is able to cover the entire Konohagakure range of knowledge and color.

But the huge ninja world is not only a hundred times, a thousand times that of Konohagakure?

Even for him, it is impossible to keep an eye on every region with knowledge.

Want to promote education.

You must rely on people who have the same ideals as you to complete it.

Once a bad teacher appears, it will be a lifetime shadow for the students.

Then there is the traffic problem.

"Although the country of iron has rich iron ore, it is willing to sell it to Konoha at a good price."

"But their mining speed is very limited."

"It is enough for the traffic between Konoha and Iron Country."

"But once the scope expands from the two regions to the whole country, that amount of mining will not be enough at all."

In addition, the maintenance cost of the railway is also extremely exaggerated.

Although there are ninja's ninjutsu, which can save some costs, it still can't stand the railway running 24 hours a day.

Based on financial calculations.

Just the railway between the country of iron and Konoha will lose five million dollars a year.

If the railway is spread over the entire ninja world.

Not to mention the money lost that year.

Although the commercial street established by the Uchiha family earns a lot of money every month.

But compared with the loss, it is still not worth mentioning.

"If you want to solve this problem, you have to share the financial pressure..."

"But places like Sunagakure, Iwagakure..."

Thinking about it, Hefeng couldn't help frowning.

How harsh is the environment in Sunagakure.

Anyone who has seen Hokage should know this.

Although greening can benefit the public, it is a public welfare undertaking that does not make money.

For the huge Sunagakure, the most reliable way of making money is probably Luosha’s placer gold technique.

Ke Luosha had already been killed by himself.

It is no longer so easy to get placer gold.

Not to mention……

If placer gold appears in large quantities.

Maybe it will make the price of gold fluctuate.

Iwagakure not to mention.

It's better than Sunagakure, but not much better.

There are bare rocks everywhere.

Land suitable for farming is equally rare.

And the land of water...

Since the traffic problem is to be solved, it is impossible to forget about this place.

As for the railway, obviously there is no way to lay it there.


Maritime traffic is about to start again.

"However, if I remember correctly, in the era of Boruto, the country of water seems to have developed water entertainment and become abundant."

It may be profitable to set up marine transportation.


However, the more he thought about these issues, the more headache Hefeng felt.

Originally he was just a Hokage.

As long as you are responsible for the problems of a village, you will be fine.

The security of the village is handled by the security team.

The economic problems of the village can be solved by the Uchiha people.

On the issue of war with other villages, there are also a group of ninjas who support themselves.

As for the other areas of the Land of Fire, the old party of the Daming Group will help take care of them.

Thinking about how to proceed after the ninja world is unified.

But now...

Two-thirds of the land in the ninja world has already belonged to him.

With the current progress, it won't be long before the Land of Earth will be in his pocket.

Then there is the land of water.

As for those small countries, they may choose to surrender voluntarily before they can dispatch ninja troops.

It can be said……

On the surface, Hefeng has achieved two-thirds of the ninja world.

But in fact, the entire ninja world belongs to him, and there is no difference.

Just like that sentence, it is easy to conquer the country, but it is difficult to sit in the country.

The more he thought about it, the more headache Hefeng felt.

There is so much to do.

There are too many things that are difficult to do.

Coupled with the fact that he is a time traveler.

It is basically impossible for others to have one's own thoughts.

"never mind……"

Staring at the moon in the sky, Hefeng sighed for a long time.

"Let's go back first."

Hefeng temporarily suppressed the thoughts in his heart.

After taking another step, Hefeng accelerated even more.

After a while, the lights of the villa attracted his attention.

Although it was late at night and early in the morning, the lights in the villa were quite bright.

Apparently someone in the house, not asleep yet.

"Haven't you slept yet?"

Hefeng murmured, and hurried.

Apart from Xiaoyu, Robin should be the only one in the family.

Soon, he came to the door.

But before Hefeng had time to open the door, the closed door creaked open.

"Welcome back."

Immediately afterwards, there was a pleasant child's voice.

It turned out that Robin had heard the news that Hefeng had returned to the village during the day, and had been waiting for him at home.

Even, in order to clean up Hefeng.

Robin also cooked a table of dishes specially.

It's just that he didn't expect that Hefeng would come back so late.

The carefully cooked ingredients have lost their heat.

have to say……

Although Robin and Hefeng are not related, he will not have any affection for this ten-year-old girl.

He kept her in his villa simply because he didn't want too many people to know about Robin.

But it must be admitted that when Hefeng came back, he saw a light left at home and someone was waiting for him.

In his heart, he was somewhat moved.

"Have you been up all this time?"

Hefeng couldn't help asking.

"Sleeping for a while, hehehe." Robin smiled, turning his body sideways to let Hefeng in.

When it was ninety o'clock, she did feel a little sleepy, and took a nap on the table.

As soon as I thought about it, this was Hefeng's return to the village after a long absence.

She still stood up unsteadily from her sleep.

And when she saw Hefeng again, the excitement in her heart made her drowsiness disappear completely.

Seeing this, Hefeng simply changed into slippers at the entrance, and closed the door behind him.

It is worth mentioning that although Robin's food was already cold, Hefeng still felt warm after noticing it.

In addition, after returning to the village, he dealt with various affairs non-stop.

It's true that I haven't eaten anything all day.

Although Robin is only ten years old, he is very thoughtful.

Coupled with Kakashi's teachings, she also learned to observe words and emotions.

Notice the change in Hefeng's expression.

She immediately offered to help heat up the meal.

Then, she ran all the way into the kitchen.

Reheat food that has cooled down one by one.

Seeing this, Hefeng came to the kitchen in three steps at a time.

Watching Robin working hard.

He couldn't help asking.

"Speaking of which, are you still used to life in Konoha?"

Looking back carefully, I didn't take much care of Robin.

At most it just provided him with a place to live.

Moreover, although Robin looks to be nearly 1.7 meters tall.

But in her heart, she is still a ten-year-old girl.

It is the age that needs love.


Robin nodded vigorously.

Although Konohagakure required reintegration, it was far, far better than where I had been before.

I can really feel the presence of my companions.

After a while, Robin put the reheated meals on the table one by one.

Then he pulled a chair over and sat down.

She looked at Hefeng expectantly.

As if he wanted to get Hefeng's praise.

As for Hefeng, seeing a table of sumptuous dishes, he also became impolite.

(end of this chapter)

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