My Ninja Cat Thought I Was Weak, So I Stole Thunder Fruit

Chapter 579 What The Hell Is Nine-Year Compulsory Education? !

Chapter 579 What the hell is nine-year compulsory education? !

In Tobirama's cognition, he feels that even if he is not an extreme genius, he is still one of the best figures in the ninja world.

But facing the question raised by Hefeng, he had no idea at all.

"any solution?"

Tobirama raised his eyebrows and had to ask about Hefeng's plan.

Hefeng didn't give a shit about this one either.

He organized his language a little bit, and then spoke out his thoughts.

"This matter is easy and easy to say, but difficult to say."

"Although there are very few ninjas in the ninja world who can learn healing techniques, Grandmaster healing skills are not required to heal diseases and save lives."

"We could have a discipline."

Hearing Hefeng's thoughts, Tobirama couldn't help frowning, "School? What do you mean?"

Although there is a ninja school in Konohagakure, the teaching philosophy and content are based on actual combat.

Things like medicine have not been well developed.


Hefeng explained: "Compile medical knowledge into a teaching material, and then train professional teachers to teach ordinary people to learn."

"Afterwards, these people who have learned medical knowledge will be assigned to various hospitals for clinical study."

"We can use the system of mentors leading students to develop medicine in the ninja world."

"In this way, the group of doctors will rise in a straight line."

"It won't take many years, maybe the problem can be solved."

Hefeng explained his ideal.

However, he was actually very clear in his heart.

This kind of thing is easy to say, but it is even more difficult to really want to do it.

A small country in the ninja world, so backward that there is no so-called hospital at all.

Naturally, not many people will be interested in medicine.

vs. becoming a doctor.

Ninjas and samurai are the pursuit of most people.

Moreover, those who can become medical instructors must also be extremely good doctors.

Or a medical ninja.

Otherwise, it would be a mistake.


Tobirama heard these words, really felt incredible.

Even Hashirama, who was on the side, had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

He never dreamed that Hefeng could come up with such a plan.

In fact, this way of development is not what Hefeng thought of.

It is completely borrowed from the development of the original world.

"It feels like a good idea."

Hashirama couldn't help but said, "After the ninja world is unified, there will be no need for so many ninjas."

"If there is another way out, it can also solve the problem of too many ninjas."

"And, it's really a cause that can benefit the public."

Hashirama couldn't agree more with Hefeng.

And I feel more and more that this genius kid from the Uchiha family is completely different from Uchiha Madara.

He not only has a kind heart.

It also has a far-reaching pattern.

However, although Tobirama also thinks Hefeng's idea is good, he also knows the hardships involved.

The first is the question of interest.

There are not many people who are interested in medicine.

Many people even don't know what medicine is.

"This is one of..."

"Secondly, from your point of view, it should be a doctor's school that is similar to a ninja school?"

"Then the investment involved must not be small."

"And how many years does it take to train a doctor?"

"Secondly, there is the issue of doctors' income."

"Maybe in a big country like ours, the economy is relatively strong, and many patients have sufficient financial income."

"But for people in small countries, the thing they lack the most is money."

"Do you want those doctors to give up their income and carry forward their great personalities?"

"If this is the case, no one will yearn for the thorny road like a saint."

Tobirama doesn't feel that he has poured a basin of cold water.

Because in his view, this is an extremely real and realistic problem.

If Hefeng can't solve this problem.

Then his medical school can be aborted.


Hefeng nodded, feeling that Tobirama's question was very sharp and realistic.

The reason why ninja schools can bloom everywhere is that each ninja village competes to imitate them.

One reason is that children have a natural longing for ninjas.

On the other hand, although the work of ninjas is dangerous and hard, they will get rich rewards every time they complete the task.

Things like money, even if they are not omnipotent, are really fragrant.

"But even so, the number of ninjas is still a very small part of the ninja world."

"Even if there are a hundred people, there may not be one person who becomes a ninja."

"Except for Ninja Village, very few people send their children to Ninja School."

"That's also true."

Hefeng thought for a while and answered Tobirama.

He felt that there would be no conflict between doctors and ninjas.

"And the future policy is to keep only the ninja schools in the five great ninja villages."

"Such places as Rain Shinobi Village and Longyin Village will ban ninja schools."

"What?!" Hashirama and Tobirama said in unison when they heard that Hefeng wanted to ban ninja schools other than the five major ninja villages.


They were relieved quickly.

Thinking about it carefully, the advantages of banning those ninja schools do outweigh the disadvantages.

On the one hand, the birth of ninjas can be reduced, allowing them to better control the military power of the ninja world.

Secondly, it is easier to manage these places without ninjas.

that is……

"I'm afraid those people won't agree, right?"

Tobirama asked back.

"What are you going to do if they strongly oppose it?"

For a while, Hefeng unconsciously expanded from the idea of ​​establishing a medical university to other issues.

Of course, Tobirama didn't have no ideas in his heart, so he deliberately asked Hefeng what he thought.

Just wondering, Hefeng's attitude towards these small countries.

After all, this problem is much easier to solve than medical universities.

If it was him, he would deal with it directly with iron-blooded wrists.

If a conflict breaks out.

Instead, he had an excellent reason to eradicate dissidents.

Only in that case, the will will become the same as Uchiha Madara.

"This problem is also easy to solve."

In fact, Hefeng already had an idea in his heart.

"It's just the ninja school that's been banned."

"Not a school."

"We can create nine years of compulsory education."

"Nine-year compulsory education?" Tobirama and Hashirama were taken aback again.

The two of them had never heard of nine-year compulsory education.

"What does that mean?" Tobirama frowned slightly and couldn't help asking.

Why the nine-year obligation?

Not eight years, ten years?

Also, what is compulsory teaching?

Faced with the thoughts that Hefeng said.

In Tobirama's heart, he only felt that Hefeng was not from this world.

Or, Hefeng's thinking is too avant-garde.

So much so that I couldn't understand it.


Hefeng said without thinking, "Whether it is a big country or a small country, children must go to school from the age of six."

"The system uses six years of elementary school and three years of middle school."

"The main content of elementary school can be divided into mathematics, literature, history, thought, etc..."

"In middle school, gradually increase the difficulty."

"Add a written test."

"Use the score of the written test to fill in the university support."

"In other words, after the age of fifteen, these students can choose a university."

"And the ninja schools of the five great ninja villages are also divided into the university field."

"You have to pass the test to be admitted."

In Hefeng's original world, between junior high school and university, there is actually a high school.

However, given the current situation in the ninja world, the addition of high schools is not necessary.

"At the age of fifteen, the amount of Chakra in children is almost the same as that of adults, so they can learn ninjutsu better."

"And in this way, the number of ninjas can be better limited."

After all, the ninja world is now unified and the world is peaceful.

There won't be as much demand for ninjas as there used to be.

Moreover, the so-called Ninja University is set in the Five Great Ninja Villages.

This means that those who were originally born in a small country, if they want to go to university, become ninjas.

You have to leave your hometown.

Go to the Five Great Ninja Village.

Even after graduating and becoming a ninja, he is still a talent of the five great ninja villages.

Don't worry about the original small country, what kind of moths will come out.

"Ninja University will set the admission score again, and only those with excellent grades will be admitted."

"Those who fail to be admitted will naturally not be able to become ninjas."

"At that time, the existence of medical universities will be revealed."

According to Hefeng's idea, the difficulty of admission to Ninja University was raised.

In addition to the written test, a physical fitness test is also required.

Those who do not pass the Jōnin university and want to continue their studies may choose medical universities.


Except for Medical University and Ninja University.

Hefeng also plans to open other universities.

For example, the Technology Development Bureau, which Orochimaru was in charge of before, can also be pulled in.

Become a technology development university.

Then there is Normal University.

and so on.

Let the people of Yan Kingdom focus on education.

thereby reducing disputes.

"Although doing so will require a certain amount of financial support, no matter how hard it is, you can't suffer children, and no matter how poor you are, you can't have poor education."

"Only in this way can we cultivate excellent talents for this country."

"And the reason why it is called nine-year compulsory education is because I plan to make education mandatory."

"Once a child reaches the age of six, he must be educated."

"And it's free."

As soon as these words came out, Hashirama and Tobirama's eyes widened again.

Everything else they can understand.

Even, Tobirama thinks that Hefeng's idea is very good.

It can reduce the number of ninjas and ensure the law and order in poor mountains and rivers.

But if it's free...

Who will be responsible for this expense?


"Hefeng, are you serious?"

Tobirama couldn't help being a little worried, Hefeng's idea would increase the financial pressure on the village!

"how is this possible."

However, Hefeng shook his head without even thinking about it, "Education issues, of course, are the local responsibility."

"For example, we can set up something called the Ministry of Education, and they will be responsible for spending."

"And we can make financial allocations through the enrollment rate."

"For example, Longyin Village has trained ten ninjas, and we will give them some money as a reward."

"In this way, our financial pressure will be much less."


Hefeng paused for a moment, "It's also the most important part."

"The free I said is just the tuition fee for students to go to school."

"It's not all free."

"For example, uniforms, we can design school uniforms and let students buy them."

"And, when you go to school, you always have to eat, right?"

"You can set up a canteen in the school to subsidize income."

"Even around the school, various restaurants and shops can be opened."

"Not only can it solve the local education problem, but it can also stimulate income."

It has to be said that these experiences of Hefeng.

For people like Tobirama, it's a dimensionality reduction blow.

Not only did Tobirama froze for a while.

His heart was like the surface of the sea swept by a storm.

Stormy sea!

What kind of genius is this guy Hefeng?

"Speaking of..."

But this time, when Hefeng finished his thoughts, Hashirama had doubts.

As a person from the Sengoku era, he knows the pain that war brings to everyone.


is one of them.

Although more than ten years have passed since the third Ninja World War, the problem of orphans has always existed.

Or, the kind that is poor at home.

What should you do if you have no money?

"This problem is also easy to solve, and scholarships and relief funds can be established."

"For good academic performance, give rewards."

"For families with difficulties, subsidies will be given."

"Isn't this going to solve it?"


Hefeng paused, "I also know very well that there are some small countries in the ninja world, which are very backward and very poor."

"But just providing jobs for the people there can change that."

"For example, the country of iron."

"Nation of Iron?" Hashirama exchanged glances with Tobirama.

They also know something about the Iron Country.

After all, the first meeting of the Five Kages was held in the Iron Country.

That country is covered with snow all the year round.

Unable to farm.

The living environment can be said to be worse than Sunagakure.

It is also because of this that all countries have no interest in the land of the Iron Country.

Not even interested in using them as a buffer zone.


"In terms of being poor, the Iron Country is definitely one of the poorest countries, but..."

"After years of development, the people of Iron Country are richer than Sunagakure."

Hefeng said proudly.

And such things undoubtedly subverted Hashirama and Tobirama's perception of the Iron Country.

"How is this possible?" Tobirama frowned, asking in disbelief.

"It's actually very simple. The country of iron has a lot of iron ore resources, which can be used to train railways and various things."

"Through the transaction, Konoha got the iron ore, and they got the money."

"In other countries, such resources also exist."

"The employment problem can be solved through transactions."

"In this way, we will not have to bear the financial pressure of education."

Hefeng said confidently.

This is the solution he came up with.

(end of this chapter)

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