My Noona is Obsessed with Turning Me into a Star!

Chapter 10: Game Night and Tension **

Chapter 10: Game Night and Tension **

Jae-min and Soo-bin sat cross-legged on the floor of his apartment, controllers in hand as they furiously battled it out in a classic fighting game. The air was filled with playful banter and the sound of buttons being mashed. It had become a routine for them—game nights, a few drinks, and then whatever happened after.

Soo-bin leaned into the game, her competitive nature fully on display. “Come on, Jae-min! You can’t let me win this easily,” she teased, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. Her fingers moved quickly over the controller, and just as Jae-min was about to counter her move, the screen flashed with KO!

“Are you even trying?” she added with a smirk, tossing the controller aside. “I thought you were better than this.”

Jae-min laughed, shaking his head. “I’m going easy on you, Soo-bin. I don’t want to bruise your ego.”

“Ha! My ego’s just fine.” She leaned back on her hands, her blonde hair falling over her shoulder, stretching her legs out in front of her. The playful demeanor barely concealed the way her heart pounded a little harder around him lately. What had once been just fun was starting to feel different for her. She couldn’t pinpoint when it happened, but somewhere along the way, Jae-min had become more than just a casual fling. Her competitive jabs now felt like a mask for something deeper. Why is this getting to me so much?

But Soo-bin wasn’t about to show her cards. Not yet. She was still the outgoing, cheeky girl she always was, and she wasn’t going to let herself get wrapped up in feelings. This was supposed to be fun, easy.

Jae-min, oblivious to the turmoil building inside her, stood up and stretched. “You want another drink, or are you done getting destroyed in games for the night?”

“Destroyed? Please. I’m the one doing the destroying,” Soo-bin said with a cheeky grin, trying to push the growing tension aside. Don’t think about it, just keep it light. “But yeah, I’ll take another drink.”

Jae-min disappeared into the kitchen for a moment, giving Soo-bin a chance to breathe. She glanced around the apartment—everything so familiar, comfortable. Yet every time she was here, it felt like something more was growing between them, something she hadn’t planned on. The casual touches, the late-night texts, the way he made her laugh so easily—it was getting harder to pretend that it was all just a routine fling.

Jae-min returned with two glasses and handed one to her. “Cheers,” he said, clinking his glass against hers.

They drank in silence for a moment, the easy banter from before replaced by something thicker, something more charged. Soo-bin glanced at him from the corner of her eye, the warmth of the alcohol making her feel bolder than usual. Her heart fluttered. This wasn’t supposed to happen, she thought, biting her lip. Get it together.

Jae-min turned his head, catching her staring. A playful smirk crossed his lips. “Something on your mind, Soo-bin?”

She gave him a cheeky grin, covering up the sudden rush of nerves. “Just wondering when you’re finally going to stop being so lazy and make a move.”

He raised an eyebrow, leaning closer, his lips hovering just inches from hers. “You know, you could always start us off.” His breath brushed against her skin, and the familiar scent of him sent a shiver down her spine. THUMP THUMP

Soo-bin felt her breath hitch as the scent of him hit her—the warm, masculine scent that was so uniquely Jae-min. It drove her crazy, and not for the first time, she found herself leaning into it, breathing him in deeper. But she quickly masked the moment with a laugh, lightly shoving his shoulder. “Always leaving the hard work to me, huh? Typical.”

“Hard work, huh?” Jae-min teased, sliding his arm around her waist, pulling her closer until she was nearly in his lap. His lips brushed against her ear, his voice low and teasing. “Doesn’t seem like you mind it too much.” ~♥

Soo-bin’s heart fluttered, and she hated how easily he could unravel her with just a few words. It’s just him. It’s just fun, she told herself.       “I guess someone’s gotta keep you in line.”

Jae-min chuckled, his fingers lightly trailing down her back. He was completely relaxed, unaware of the storm brewing inside her. To him, this was just part of their routine, their no-strings-attached fun. He kissed her softly at first, testing the waters like he always did, but the kiss deepened quickly, turning into something more heated.

Chu... chu... ~♥

Soo-bin leaned into the kiss, her hands tangling in his hair as her body responded to him instantly. She was addicted to this, to the way he made her feel. Every time, she told herself it was just for fun, that she could walk away whenever she wanted. But the truth was, she didn’t want to walk away. Not anymore.

Jae-min pulled her onto his lap, his hands sliding under her shirt, his touch sending shivers down her spine. “You’ve been waiting for this, haven’t you?” he murmured against her lips, his fingers brushing the bare skin of her waist. Fuck ~♥

Soo-bin swallowed, her mind buzzing with the contrast between the outgoing, confident version of herself that everyone else knew, and the way she felt around him—vulnerable, desperate, addicted. She needed to keep the pretense going, at least for now. She smirked, forcing herself to stay playful. “You’re the one that’s always dragging your feet. Don’t blame me.”

Without another word, Jae-min flipped her onto the couch, pinning her beneath him, his body pressing into hers. His eyes roamed over her, the playful grin never leaving his face. “Looks like someone’s eager tonight.”

Soo-bin bit her lip, trying to stifle the whimper building in her throat. She couldn’t let him see how much she needed him, not like this. Stay in control. “Don’t flatter yourself,” she shot back, her voice teasing, but there was a hitch of desire that slipped through despite her efforts.

Jae-min’s hands moved to her waist, pulling her shirt over her head in one swift motion. His gaze darkened as he took her in, his fingers trailing over her skin, sending waves of heat through her body. “You know, for all your sass, you’ve got a real weakness for this,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her neck.

Chu, chu ~♥

Soo-bin let out a shaky breath, her hands sliding down his back as her fingers dug into his skin. His scent enveloped her, that warm, intoxicating musk that she had come to crave. Every time he was this close, she couldn’t get enough of it. She buried her face in his neck, inhaling deeply, letting his scent consume her. ~♥

Jae-min chuckled, not noticing the depth of her need. “I knew you liked how I smelled, but you’re acting like you’ve been starved for it.”

Soo-bin’s tongue darted out, flicking against his skin as her breath hitched. “Shut up,” she muttered, her voice muffled against his neck. “I just like the view.”

He grinned, sliding her shorts down her legs, his hands gripping her thighs as he positioned himself between them. “Sure, that’s all it is.”

Soo-bin’s body arched up, craving the contact she had been denying herself. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer. This wasn’t supposed to be like this—it was supposed to be fun, easy, no strings attached. But with each passing second, her body betrayed her more, her heart pounding as she felt the weight of her feelings pressing down on her.

Breathe, Soo-bin. It’s just fun.

Jae-min’s fingers trailed between her legs, teasing her entrance. “You’re soaked,” he murmured, his voice laced with amusement. “All this from just a little teasing?”

Soo-bin’s breath caught in her throat, her mind hazy from the heat building inside her. A light orgasm fluttered through her, a small gasp escaping her lips as she felt her body tremble slightly. She bit her lip hard, trying to hold back her voice.

He didn’t reply, sliding two fingers inside her with a wet schlick, curling them just right, sending a jolt of pleasure through her body. Soo-bin gasped, her nails digging into his shoulders. She tried to maintain control, but her voice betrayed her.

“I don’t—ahhh~♥—see you complai—ohhh~♥!” Her sentence broke as another wave of pleasure rippled through her. She clung to him, unable to stop the small moans escaping her lips.

Jae-min smirked, his fingers curling again, teasing her with deliberate slowness. Each movement seemed to push her closer to the edge, her body responding instinctively. But instead of pushing further, he withdrew, letting his hand rest on her thigh. The sudden emptiness made her whimper softly, her frustration palpable.

“Jae-min…” she whimpered, her voice trembling.

He didn’t respond with words. Instead, he pulled her toward him, his lips crashing against hers. The kiss was deep, urgent—something more than just routine. Soo-bin let herself melt into him, her fingers threading through his hair. Her body pressed against his, the heat between them rising as the tension that had been building all night finally broke.

Jae-min’s hands roamed her body, exploring the familiar curves he’d touched so many times before, but tonight, something felt different. Soo-bin’s usual cheeky bravado melted away, replaced by something needier, more intense. She clung to him, her breath shaky as she let herself fall deeper into the kiss.

Slurp, chu... chu...

Her lips parted, and her tongue slid into his mouth, their breaths mingling as the kiss deepened. She couldn’t get enough of him—his taste, his scent. God, his scent~♥. Soo-bin had always been drawn to it, the way he smelled fresh yet so undeniably male. It enveloped her senses, a heady mix of warmth and masculinity that made her head spin. Tonight, it was driving her crazy, making her crave him even more.

As the kiss broke, she leaned forward, trailing her lips down his jaw until her nose pressed against his neck. She inhaled deeply, as if she could drown herself in his scent. Jae-min chuckled softly, feeling the intensity of her need growing. He didn’t pull away. If anything, he welcomed it, his hands tightening around her waist, pulling her closer, feeling her trembling slightly against him.

“You’re really into this tonight, huh?” he teased, his voice low and husky, the sound sending a fresh wave of desire coursing through her body.

Soo-bin didn’t answer. She couldn’t. All she wanted was more of him, more of his scent, his skin, his everything. Her tongue flicked out, licking a slow trail up his neck~♥, her tongue gliding along his jawline as her breathing grew heavier. Her mind was too fogged with desire, her body aching for more of him. She pressed herself closer, grinding against his hardness as a soft, needy whimper escaped her lips~♥. She hated how desperate she felt, but at the same time, she craved the release that only Jae-min could give her. Stay in control... but I need him... now.

Jae-min’s hands slid up her back, his grip tightening as he pulled her closer, his breath hot against her ear. “You’re something else, Soo-bin,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire.

Her response was a soft moan~♥, her hips grinding down against him, seeking more friction, more contact. She was losing herself in the moment, the lines between their casual arrangement and something deeper blurring with every kiss, every touch.

As his hands roamed lower, gripping her hips, Soo-bin felt a wave of desire wash over her. She wasn’t just playing anymore—she needed him, craved him. This wasn’t just routine anymore. It was something more, something she was afraid to admit, even to herself.

But tonight, in the heat of the moment, none of that mattered. All she wanted was him.

Her lips found his again, and this time, the kiss was hungrier, more desperate. Slurp~, chu... chu... ~♥ The wet sounds of their lips meeting filled the air, her tongue sliding into his mouth~♥. She rolled her hips against him, feeling the hard length of him pressing up against her. It sent a shiver down her spine~♥, and she let out a quiet, needy whimper~♥, her body trembling with anticipation.

Jae-min pulled away for a moment, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he stared up at her. “You sure you can handle this?” he asked, his teasing tone returning, though his eyes were dark with lust.

Soo-bin tried to regain her composure, her body already a trembling mess, but the attempt was pitiful at best. She flashed him a shaky grin, trying to summon her usual confidence despite her breathless state. "I-I can handle anything you throw at me, Jae-min," she muttered, her voice faltering slightly as she fought to sound composed. Her heart pounded in her chest, her body betraying her with every shudder of desire. She knew she was barely keeping it together—completely at his mercy.

Jae-min’s hands slid down her body, gripping her hips as he pulled her shorts off completely. His fingers trailed along her inner thighs, teasing her, drawing small gasps of pleasure from her trembling lips. Soo-bin’s legs quivered, her back arching off the couch as his fingers teased her entrance again, driving her closer to the edge.

Schlick, schlick, schlick... ~♥

Soo-bin’s body was on fire, already teetering on the edge from all the teasing. Her breath hitched as another wave of light pleasure rippled through her, her mind clouded with desire. She bit down on her lip hard, stifling the moan that threatened to spill out. Her hips bucked up against his hand, instinctively chasing more friction, needing more of him. And then, just as his fingers curled inside her again, the tension building within her broke, sending a wave of pleasure cascading through her.

A soft gasp escaped her as her body trembled, a light orgasm fluttering through her like an electric pulse. Her vision blurred slightly, and she felt the wetness surge, her body reacting uncontrollably to his touch.

Schlick... schlick... ~♥

Jae-min smirked, feeling her sudden release coat his fingers. He slowed his movements, his voice low and teasing, but still dripping with sensuality. “Looks like you couldn’t hold back, huh?” His breath was hot against her ear, the teasing only intensifying the moment. He didn’t pull away though, his fingers still playing with her slick folds, drawing more soft moans from her lips. “Squirting already, Soo-bin?”

She squirmed under him, embarrassed yet completely lost in the sensation. “J-Jae-min...” Her voice faltered, barely a whisper, but there was no hiding the raw need in her tone. Her cheeks flushed with both heat and arousal, feeling his hand still working her, his fingers coated in her release. She couldn’t form a response, her body betraying her under his relentless teasing.

Jae-min’s fingers slowed, barely grazing her sensitive skin, the teasing touches sending more shivers coursing through her body. Her legs quivered uncontrollably, a soft whimper escaping her lips as she tried to catch her breath. His fingers, slick with her release, continued to stroke her lightly, prolonging the heat that still burned inside her. She was on the verge of losing herself completely.

“Sensitive, aren’t you?” he whispered against her neck, his voice deep and smooth, dripping with amusement as he continued to torment her. He loved watching her like this—completely unraveled, barely able to hold herself together under his touch. It was a far cry from her usual confident, cheeky demeanor. The Soo-bin he knew, the one who always seemed in control, was gone, replaced by someone trembling, needy, and lost in her own desire.

Soo-bin whimpered again, her hips instinctively bucking toward him, silently begging for more. Her breaths were uneven, her fingers clutching at his arms, desperate to anchor herself in the overwhelming sensation that flooded her senses. She was never like this—never this vulnerable. But right now, she couldn't care less.

“P-please,” she finally breathed, her voice shaky and pleading, the vulnerability in her tone unmistakable.

Jae-min smirked, his thumb brushing gently over her swollen clit, eliciting another sharp gasp from her.

Ahh~♥ “Please what?” he teased, his lips brushing against the shell of her ear. “You need to use your words, Soo-bin.”

Her heart pounded in her chest, the heat between her legs intensifying with every teasing stroke. She bit her lip, fighting to keep her composure, but her body betrayed her again, arching into his touch. “I... I need you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible but filled with desperation.

He chuckled softly, his lips brushing against her ear. “That’s more like it,” he murmured before kissing the corner of her mouth, his fingers moving faster now, applying more pressure in just the right places.

Schlick, schlick, schlick... ~♥

Jae-min’s fingers moved with precision, his touch sending electric waves of pleasure through Soo-bin's body. Each stroke pushed her closer to the edge, her breathing becoming more ragged, her chest rising and falling with desperate gasps. She could feel her release building again, hotter and more intense this time, the pressure inside her growing unbearable.

Schlick, schlick, schlick... ~♥

Her body tensed, her back arching off the couch as Jae-min’s fingers pressed harder against her sensitive clit. “Jae-min... I... I’m—" Her words broke off as her mouth fell open, her tongue lolling out in a desperate attempt to hold back the flood of pleasure overtaking her.

“Come for me, Soo-bin,” Jae-min whispered against her ear, his voice low, commanding, and dripping with lust.

That was all it took.

A shuddering moan escaped her lips “Ahhh~♥!” as her body trembled uncontrollably, the orgasm washing over her in intense waves. Her thighs clenched around his hand as her release surged, her vision blurring as pleasure consumed her. Her hips jerked upward, grinding against his hand as her body chased every last ounce of satisfaction.

Schlick, schluuuurp~♥

Her release gushed over his fingers, soaking them, her mind spinning from the overwhelming sensations. Soo-bin’s voice trembled with quiet, breathless moans, her entire body left trembling, completely spent under his touch. She felt utterly undone, stripped of all her usual composure, left vulnerable in a way only Jae-min could bring out of her.

Jae-min slowly pulled his hand away, his fingers still slick with her release as he gazed down at her trembling form. Soo-bin lay there, her chest rising and falling rapidly, her body still twitching slightly in the aftermath of her intense orgasm. Her skin was flushed, her lips parted as she struggled to catch her breath.

She opened her eyes, dazed, only to find Jae-min already peeling off his shirt, revealing the toned lines of his chest and abs. Her gaze followed the movement of his hands as he reached down, unbuckling his pants with deliberate slowness. The unmistakable bulge pressing against the fabric made her heart race again, anticipation swirling in her mind. She bit her lip, her eyes wide, utterly entranced by the sight of his familiar, impressive hardness.

Jae-min kicked his pants aside, leaving only his boxers straining to contain his arousal. He caught her gaze and smirked, knowing full well the effect he had on her. Slowly, he reached for the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down in one smooth motion, his thick member springing free, hard and ready. Soo-bin’s breath hitched at the sight of him, her eyes lingering on the familiar length that had claimed her so many times before.

Her body tingled in anticipation, still buzzing from the aftershocks of her orgasm, but already craving more.

Jae-min moved closer, positioning himself between her legs, his hands sliding up her thighs as he lifted her hips slightly off the couch. His grip was firm yet gentle, sending another shiver through her body. Soo-bin’s legs trembled as he spread her thighs wider, exposing her soaked pussy to him.

The heat between them was palpable, the air thick with tension as Jae-min positioned himself at her entrance. He teased her, pressing the tip of his hardness against her swollen, slick folds. Soo-bin’s breath caught in her throat, her body instinctively arching toward him, her pussy already throbbing in anticipation of the familiar fullness she craved.

“You ready for me?” Jae-min whispered, his voice low and full of promise, as he held her hips firmly, his member poised right at the brink.

Soo-bin’s lips trembled as she nodded, her voice barely a whisper. “Always...”

With a soft smirk, Jae-min leaned forward, his tip pressing more insistently against her entrance, ready to claim her once more.

Without breaking eye contact, with one smooth motion, he slowly pushed inside, the heat of her soaking wet pussy enveloping him inch by inch.

Schlup... schlup... ~♥

Soo-bin's breath hitched sharply, her eyes widening as she felt him stretch her completely. The familiar fullness made her gasp, her back arching off the couch as his thickness filled every inch of her. It was overwhelming—his size pressing against her cervix with delicious intensity, making her wince and moan at the same time. Her legs quivered uncontrollably, her body trembling beneath him as she struggled to accommodate him.

The sensation took her breath away, her heart racing as he held himself still for a moment, letting her adjust to the deep, aching pressure inside her. Her lips parted, her tongue lolling out briefly as she gasped for air, unable to suppress the moan that escaped her lips. "Ahhh~♥... J-Jae-min..."

He groaned softly, feeling her tightness clench around him, her pussy pulsing against his cock as her body trembled beneath his. “Fuck, Soo-bin,” he muttered under his breath, the heat between them intensifying with every passing second. His grip on her hips tightened, his fingertips pressing into her soft skin as he fought to maintain control.

“Fuck,” Soo-bin whispered, her nails digging into his back as she tried to steady herself. Her mind was spinning, the sensation of being so completely filled making her dizzy. The pressure of him pressing so deeply, stretching her to the limit, sent waves of pleasure and pain coursing through her body, her hips bucking instinctively against him. “You’re... too big...”

Jae-min chuckled softly, the teasing note in his voice barely masking his own struggle to keep composed. “You can take it,” he whispered against her ear, his breath hot as his lips brushed against her neck. “You always do.”

Her body responded to his words, her legs wrapping tighter around him, pulling him even deeper. She moaned louder this time, her voice trembling with the mix of pain and overwhelming pleasure that only he could give her.

Schlup... schlup... ~♥

Jae-min began to move, his hips thrusting slowly at first, allowing her body to adjust. Each movement sent a fresh wave of pleasure surging through her, her pussy clenching around him with every deep stroke. Her vision blurred, her nails digging deeper into his back as she gasped for breath, overwhelmed by the intensity of it all.

“Fuck! Jae-min!” she cried out, her voice raw with need, her nails leaving faint marks on his skin. Her body tensed beneath him, her hips rising to meet his every thrust as he plunged deeper, hitting her cervix with each powerful stroke.

Her head lolled to the side, her tongue slipping out as another moan escaped her lips. “Ahhh~♥ I... I can’t...”

Jae-min smirked, loving the way she unraveled beneath him, the confident, cheeky girl reduced to a trembling mess. “You’re taking me so well,” he whispered, his voice low and rough, the words sending another shiver down her spine.

Her body tightened around him, every thrust pushing her closer to the edge, the familiar pressure building inside her once more. She could feel another orgasm approaching, this one more intense than before, her legs shaking uncontrollably as she moaned louder with each thrust. “Jae-min... please... I... I’m so close...”

Jae-min's thrusts grew deeper, harder, each one hitting Soo-bin's cervix with precision, sending her spiraling into an overwhelming haze of pleasure. Her gasps grew louder, her moans filling the room without restraint, her fingers clutching desperately at his back.

“Ahhh~♥! J-Jae-min... please... I—"

Jae-min slowed down slightly, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, “You need to be quiet... unless you want the neighbors to hear every single moan.” His voice was low, teasing, yet laced with authority. The heat of his breath against her skin only made her tremble more.

Soo-bin’s body tensed, her thighs quivering uncontrollably around his waist. She tried to suppress the sounds escaping her, biting her lip hard, but the sensation of him filling her so completely was too much to bear. Every thrust pushed her closer to the edge, and the harder she fought to stay quiet, the louder her moans became.

“I-I can’t... nghh~♥! Jae-min, I... I can’t hold back...”

Her body shuddered beneath him, her mind fogged with pleasure, her tongue flicking out briefly as her breath hitched. He smirked against her skin, his fingers gripping her hips tighter, holding her in place as he quickened his pace. Each thrust now deeper, rougher, pushing her closer to her breaking point.

Schlup, schlup, schlup... ~♥

Soo-bin’s entire body shook, her back arching off the couch, her moans growing louder despite her attempts to muffle them. She was right on the edge, her vision blurring as she felt the tension inside her snap, sending her spiraling into an uncontrollable release.

“J-Jae... oh fuck!” she screamed, her voice raw with pleasure as her body convulsed beneath him. Her legs clamped tighter around him as her hips jerked violently, her release gushing out in powerful waves, soaking his length.

Schluuup, schlick, schlick... ~♥

Her head lolled to the side, her tongue slipping out again, unable to hold back the flood of sensations. Her eyes fluttered shut, her body trembling, completely undone beneath him. The orgasm hit her with a force that left her breathless, her moans turning into desperate whimpers as she felt herself squirting again, her release coating Jae-min’s cock.

Schlup, schlup... ~♥

Jae-min’s smirk deepened as he continued to thrust into her, his voice low and teasing. “So much for keeping quiet, huh?” he murmured against her ear, his breath hot on her skin. “I told you to stay quiet, but you’re practically screaming my name.”

Soo-bin could barely register his words, her mind spinning from the relentless pleasure still coursing through her. Her body jolted with every deep thrust, her legs trembling, her voice reduced to desperate, broken whimpers.

“J-Jae-min... I... I can’t...,” she moaned, her voice shaky, her nails digging deeper into his back as another involuntary moan slipped from her lips. She was completely at his mercy, unable to hold back any longer.

Jae-min chuckled, feeling her body tighten around him with every shudder. He leaned down, his lips brushing against her neck as he whispered, “You love this, don’t you? Failing miserably at staying quiet, making such a mess.”

His words only drove her wild, her body arching up into him, craving more even though she could barely handle it. The wet sounds of their bodies meeting filled the air, each thrust sending shockwaves through her sensitive core.

Schlick, schlick, schluuup ~♥

Jae-min’s pace quickened, his own breath becoming ragged as he felt his release building. “Fuck, Soo-bin... you’re so tight,” he groaned, his grip tightening on her hips as he thrust harder, deeper, his cock pounding into her without mercy. Her body responded instinctively, her hips moving with his, her moans now unrestrained.

Then, with one final thrust, Jae-min buried himself as deep as he could go, his cock pressing painfully against her cervix. The sudden pressure made Soo-bin gasp, her eyes flying wide open as a scream tore from her throat. “Ahhh—fuck~♥!”

The feeling of him stretching her, pressing against that sensitive spot inside her, sent her completely over the edge. Her body convulsed beneath him, her legs trembling uncontrollably as she lost herself to the mind-shattering orgasm that ripped through her. Her tongue lolled out, her breath coming in ragged, desperate gasps as she clung to him, nails digging into his back with a force that left marks.

Jae-min groaned deeply, his cock pulsing inside her as he came, releasing himself fully. The heat of his release flooded her, sending her spiraling even further into the overwhelming sensations that wracked her body. “Fuck, Soo-bin...,” he growled, his voice thick with lust, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he emptied himself inside her.

The pain and pleasure blended into one intense wave, Soo-bin’s body arching violently beneath him, her moans turning into helpless cries as she felt him fill her completely. Her body shuddered, another gush of her release soaking him as her orgasm peaked again, driving her to the brink of insanity. She could barely breathe, her mind clouded with nothing but the raw ecstasy that consumed her.

Schlup, schlup... ~♥

For a moment, neither of them moved, their bodies pressed tightly together, both of them breathless and trembling. Jae-min’s forehead rested against hers, his breath warm against her skin, his body stilling as the last of his release filled her.

Jae-min let out a deep breath, his body still recovering from the intensity of their shared release. He stayed still for a moment, catching his breath, his hands gently caressing her waist as he felt her body tremble beneath him.

He glanced down at her, a mischievous smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “Ready for round two?” he asked, his voice low and teasing, but with an undeniable hunger behind it.

Soo-bin’s entire body shivered at his words. She could barely move, her limbs still trembling from the overwhelming pleasure that had just torn through her. Her mind was hazy, still trying to piece itself back together, but the sight of Jae-min looking down at her like that… It was almost terrifying. He looked less like the Jae-min she knew and more like a devil, his eyes dark with desire, his smirk wicked.

God, he’s going to break me~♥, she thought, her heart racing again. But even as the thought crossed her mind, she couldn’t deny the way her body responded to him. The lingering ache between her legs, the way her skin buzzed with anticipation at just the thought of him taking her again… It’s maddening.

Her breath hitched, a soft whimper escaping her lips as Jae-min’s hands trailed along her waist, his fingers brushing over her skin with deliberate slowness. Every touch sent shivers through her body, reigniting the desire she had only just quenched.

“J-Jae-min,” she whispered, her voice shaky, barely able to form the words as her heart pounded in her chest. Her legs trembled, her thighs pressing together instinctively as she felt the heat between her legs building again.

Jae-min’s fingers trailed down her body with deliberate slowness, and Soo-bin’s breath hitched, her heart racing again despite the exhaustion still weighing on her limbs. They had done this before—more times than she could count. And she knew Jae-min all too well; he never stopped at just one round. The thought made her body tremble in anticipation, despite how spent she felt.

He always lasted, always pushed her to her limits, leaving her breathless, utterly ruined, and yet craving more every single time.

Jae-min’s eyes darkened as he watched her reaction, his smirk growing. He leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear, his voice a low growl. “You know I’m not done, right?”

Soo-bin shivered beneath him, knowing full well what was coming. Her body quivered, her thighs pressing together instinctively, trying to prepare for what she knew was inevitable. God, he’s going to break me... again~♥

"Fuck... you're insatiable," she managed to breathe out, her voice shaky with a mix of exhaustion and anticipation.

Jae-min chuckled softly, his hands still teasing her skin, sending shivers down her spine. "You love it."

She bit her lip, her heart pounding, knowing she couldn’t deny it. As worn out as she was, her body still craved him. He always had this effect on her, pushing her beyond her limits and leaving her wanting more. But it wasn’t just about the sex. That’s what she hated the most—how easily he made her forget everything else. How he made her feel more than she ever intended to.

He leaned back slightly, his fingers brushing against her flushed cheek, his touch unexpectedly tender. “You okay?” His voice softened, that familiar teasing edge giving way to something more genuine, more caring.

Soo-bin blinked, her heart skipping a beat. It wasn’t the first time he’d asked her that, checking in on her in these intimate moments, but it still caught her off guard. The way he looked at her then—like he actually cared, like she was more than just a casual fling—made something inside her tighten.

She cursed inwardly, her chest tightening with emotions she wasn’t ready to face. You make it impossible not to fall for you, you idiot, she thought, biting her lip to keep the words from slipping out.

But maybe, just maybe, they weren’t entirely untrue.


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