My Noona is Obsessed with Turning Me into a Star!

Chapter 4: Noona’s Confidence and Tempting Distractions

Chapter 4: Noona’s Confidence and Tempting Distractions

Jin-ah leaned back in her chair, the city skyline glowing behind her, casting reflections across the polished surfaces of her office. The buzz of the earlier call with Jae-min still lingered in her mind. She had known he’d do well at the audition; she’d felt it for weeks, ever since he finally agreed to give acting a shot. There was something magnetic about him—a natural ease that couldn’t be taught.

A soft knock on the door brought her back to the present. Ha-eun, her assistant, entered the room with her usual quiet grace, tablet in hand. The young woman’s polished appearance reflected Jin-ah’s high standards, from her sleek ponytail to the tailored suit she wore.

"Miss Jin-ah," Ha-eun began, glancing at the phone still on Jin-ah’s desk. "I assume the call went well?"

Jin-ah allowed herself a small smile, one she rarely showed anyone else. "As well as expected. I had someone there keeping an eye on things."

Ha-eun nodded, a knowing look in her eyes as she swiped through her tablet. "Mr. Lee reported back. It seems Jae-min made quite an impression."

"He always does," Jin-ah replied, satisfaction creeping into her tone. "He just needed the right push to show it. And now, everyone else is starting to see what I’ve known for years."

Ha-eun hesitated briefly, her eyes flicking to the corner of the tablet screen before she added, "Madam inquired about the project during this morning’s meeting. She’s... interested."

Jin-ah’s expression tightened ever so slightly at the mention of her mother. Of course Madam would have her hands in everything. Even if Jin-ah was the CEO of the entertainment company, there was always a shadow cast over her by her mother’s expectations.

"Keep me updated if she asks again," Jin-ah said, her voice clipped.

"Understood," Ha-eun responded, sensing the shift in tone. She turned her attention back to the tablet. "Aside from that, the production is on schedule. I’ll have the full report on your desk by tomorrow morning."

With a nod from Jin-ah, Ha-eun exited the room, leaving Jin-ah alone with her thoughts once more. She sighed, running a hand through her hair. Her mother’s involvement was inevitable, but this project was hers. And so was Jae-min’s future, whether he realized it or not.

Jae-min tossed his keys onto the counter as he walked into his apartment, shrugging off his jacket and heading straight for the couch. The day had been long, with Jin-ah’s confidence still echoing in the back of his mind. He wasn’t used to people believing in him like that—not even himself. But it was hard to shake the certainty she always seemed to have.

Slumping into the cushions, he pulled out his phone. He half-expected the usual notifications—messages from the group chat or random app updates. Instead, a new notification popped up: Soo-bin.

The picture attached left little to the imagination. Soo-bin lay sprawled across her bed, her blonde hair tousled in that post-fling mess that Jae-min knew all too well. She wore one of his shirts, oversized but unbuttoned enough to reveal the curve of her chest, just barely covering what needed to be. Her long legs were stretched out, one knee bent slightly, and the way her bare thighs glistened in the dim light was clearly intentional. She smirked at the camera, biting her lip just enough to send a clear message. The caption below was simple but direct: "Still sore from last time. What are you doing tonight? ;) Can’t hold back after seeing you last night..."

Jae-min smirked as he stared at the screen. He couldn’t help but think back to last night, the way they’d all been out drinking at the BBQ place with their friends. The alcohol had flowed, and the atmosphere had been easy—comfortable even. But throughout the evening, he’d caught Soo-bin’s glances, the way she leaned in a little too close, her touches lingering longer than usual. She hadn’t been subtle, especially once the drinks kicked in. He could still remember the teasing smile she’d shot him when their arms brushed together during the game, and the way her eyes hinted at something more.

A part of him knew that was what sparked the message today—those small, unspoken moments between them during the night. Their group had been laughing and bickering as usual, but Soo-bin’s attention had been on him, sending a clear message: the playful touches, the quick glances, her legs brushing against his under the table. That teasing spark had been there all night, and now, here it was, carried over into her message.

He chuckled softly, letting the memory linger for a moment before glancing at the picture again. Soo-bin wasn’t one for subtlety, especially when it came to their arrangement. They had an easy, no-strings-attached thing that had worked for them for a while now. Mutual satisfaction, no complications, just fun. And she was always direct about what she wanted.

For a moment, the memory of their last night together flickered through his mind—how her body had felt against his, the way she’d clawed at him as if she couldn’t get enough. It was easy with Soo-bin. They both knew how to push each other's buttons, and neither of them held back. She was all about fun, teasing, and getting what she wanted, but even in the heat of the moment, there was always a certain edge to their encounters, something raw and untamed.

He glanced at the picture again, considering it briefly. But tonight? He had other plans.

Typing out a quick reply, he sent: "Can’t tonight. Got plans with Noona."

The response came almost instantly: "You’re always ditching me for her. Let me know when you change your mind—I’ll be waiting."

Along with the text came another photo—this time even more suggestive. She’d hiked up the shirt higher, exposing the bare skin of her thigh, fingers teasing the hem as if daring him to say no. The playful, devilish look on her face told him she was more than ready for round two. She knew exactly how to get under his skin, and the challenge was always there, hanging between them like a promise.

A winking emoji followed, and Jae-min shook his head with a small grin, tossing his phone to the side. It wasn’t the first time he’d turned her down, and it wouldn’t be the last. Soo-bin understood the arrangement—or at least, that’s how it always seemed. She wasn’t the kind of woman to wait around, but Jae-min knew she’d wait for him when it came to this. It was part of the game, one that left them both satisfied without complicating things.

But this time, there was something else in her message, something just beneath the surface of her playful words that he didn’t pick up on. A quiet, unspoken longing. Soo-bin always played it cool, but her feelings were starting to blur the lines she had drawn. Every time he turned her down for Jin-ah, it stung a little more, even if she didn’t show it. And every time she sent him a teasing message, part of her wondered if he’d ever see her as more than just a casual fling.

Jae-min, blissfully unaware, shrugged it off like always. He could almost imagine her playful pout through the phone. That fake, light-hearted jealousy she always put on when Jin-ah was involved. But Soo-bin knew the score—they both did. There were no feelings here, no expectations. Just fun. It kept things simple.

At least, that’s what Jae-min thought.

With a smirk still playing on his lips, Jae-min pushed himself off the couch, grabbing his jacket once more and heading out of his apartment. The elevator ride up to Jin-ah’s penthouse was a short one, but it gave him just enough time to shake off the remnants of Soo-bin’s teasing, leaving only the quiet hum of anticipation for whatever awaited him upstairs.

When Jae-min arrived at Jin-ah’s penthouse, the contrast between their two worlds hit him immediately. Sure, they lived in the same building, but her place? It was the kind of luxury that made him feel like he was stepping into a different life altogether. The sleek, modern interior was immaculate, not a thing out of place. The soft lighting and the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city made it clear that this was where success lived.

Jin-ah stood at the kitchen island, pouring two glasses of whiskey. Her expression was casual, but there was a gleam in her eyes as she slid one glass toward him.

"Celebrating early, aren’t we?" Jae-min asked, raising an eyebrow as he took the glass. "I haven’t even gotten the role yet."

Jin-ah smirked, leaning against the counter as she sipped her drink. "You will. And besides, this isn’t about the role. It’s about the fact that you finally took a step forward."

He eyed her, trying to figure her out as he took a slow sip of his drink. "You’re awfully sure of yourself."

"I’m sure of you, Jae-min. Always have been." She watched him carefully, her gaze never wavering.

The conversation flowed easily between them, but there was an underlying tension—a kind of electricity that wasn’t there before. Maybe it was the drinks, or maybe it was the fact that for the first time, Jae-min wasn’t just the guy drifting through life. He was starting to feel like he had a direction, and Jin-ah was right there, guiding him every step of the way.

"You think this is just the beginning?" he asked, leaning back against the couch after they’d moved to the living room. His glass dangled loosely from his fingers.

Jin-ah grinned, settling into the plush cushions beside him. "I know it is. You’ll get bigger projects, more exposure... You’ll owe me by the end of this."

Jae-min chuckled, shaking his head. "I’ll owe you a drink. Don’t push it."

"I’ll push as far as I want," she teased, her smirk widening.

Just as Jae-min was about to make another comment, his phone buzzed. He glanced down at it, the notification catching his attention immediately. An email. From the casting team.

Jin-ah noticed the shift in his expression, her eyes narrowing. "What’s that? Something important?"

Jae-min hesitated for a moment before smirking. "Just... nothing. Not important."

"You sure?" Jin-ah’s grin turned smug. "Or is this where you tell me I was right all along?"

Jae-min chuckled softly, shaking his head as he set the phone aside without opening the email. He wasn’t ready to acknowledge what that notification might mean—not yet. The night had a different mood to it, and he wasn’t about to ruin it by checking something that could change everything.

He leaned back into the plush couch, the whiskey glass still cool in his hand. The conversation with Jin-ah had been comfortable, easy even, but beneath it all, there was a growing tension—a kind of excitement that Jae-min hadn’t fully processed yet. It wasn’t just about acting anymore, or the casualness of his relationship with Jin-ah. This felt bigger, like the start of something new.

Jin-ah’s penthouse had a way of making everything feel important. The city lights twinkled beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows, casting a soft glow over the room. It was quiet now, with just the faint hum of the city below them. They’d finished their drinks, the night winding down.

Jae-min glanced at the phone resting on the table next to him, the notification from earlier still sitting there. He hadn’t opened the email from the casting team, hadn’t felt ready to face whatever news might be waiting for him. But now, with Jin-ah beside him, that lingering curiosity tugged at him again.

Jin-ah noticed his glance and raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly as she set her empty glass on the table. “You’ve been staring at that phone for the last ten minutes,” she teased, her voice light but probing. “You’re not seriously going to leave me hanging, are you?”

Jae-min chuckled, shaking his head. “I wasn’t staring. I was just… thinking.”

“About the email you’re pretending not to care about?” Jin-ah’s eyes glinted mischievously as she leaned back against the couch, stretching her legs out in front of her. “I thought you were supposed to be laid-back. What happened to that?”

Jae-min shrugged, trying to play it cool. “Just didn’t want to ruin the mood.”

She laughed softly, the sound filling the quiet room. “I see. Well, I’m not leaving you alone until you check it. I’ve waited long enough.”

He hesitated, then picked up his phone, feeling the weight of her gaze on him. Jin-ah was patient, but there was always that edge of expectation with her. She had a way of pushing him without saying much, always nudging him toward the things she knew he could achieve. Tonight was no different.

“Alright, fine,” he muttered, unlocking his phone and swiping to the email app. The subject line stood out: Casting Decision.

Jin-ah watched him carefully, her expression softening as the moment hung between them. “Go on,” she said, her voice gentler now, more supportive. “Open it.”

Jae-min exhaled slowly, feeling his pulse quicken just a little. He tapped on the email, his eyes scanning the words as they popped up on the screen. Congratulations! You've been cast in the role of Tae-seok. We’re excited to have you on board for City of Lies.

For a second, he just stared at the screen, the words sinking in. He’d gotten the part. It was real.

“Well?” Jin-ah’s voice broke the silence, her tone laced with amusement. “What did I say?”

Jae-min looked up, his lips twitching into a grin. “You were right. I got it.”

Jin-ah’s smile widened, a rare moment of pride flashing in her eyes. “Of course you did. I told you. This is just the beginning.”

She reached over and clinked her empty glass against his. “To Tae-seok,” she said, her voice warm. “And to the future.”

Jae-min chuckled, setting his phone aside and relaxing into the moment. The weight of the casting decision had lifted, replaced by something else—excitement, anticipation, maybe even a little nervousness. But for the first time in a long time, he felt like he was on the right path.

Jin-ah shifted beside him, her tone more serious now. “You did this, Jae-min. Not me, not anyone else. Remember that.”

He nodded, taking in her words. “I know.”

They sat there in comfortable silence, the city glowing beneath them, and for a moment, it felt like everything was falling into place. The celebration wasn’t just about the casting—it was about Jae-min finally stepping into the world that Jin-ah had always envisioned for him. And though he wasn’t sure where it would lead, he was ready to find out.

As the night wound down, Jin-ah stood up, stretching lazily. “Alright, I’ll let you off the hook for now. But don’t get too comfortable. Things are about to get a lot more interesting.”

Jae-min smirked, watching her head toward the kitchen. “You sure you didn’t pull any strings, Noona?”

Jin-ah turned, flashing him a playful grin. “I didn’t need to. You did all the work.”

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