My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 198

Chapter 196 Sanctuary

For all mankind, this is a dark day.

North America, South America, Europe, and Africa fell one after another. The Dawn Organization just helped all parties to conquer the lost ground, but they fell so soon.

The most frightening thing is that the nuclear bomb group in North America was detonated and the space channel was exploded. Now the distance of the channel is spreading continuously, and the scale is comparable to the space portal of China’s Western Zombie.

However, China has the Dawn organization to guard it, but North America does not.

Recalling the scene when everyone drove away the members of the Dawn Organization, everyone was extremely upset.

If the fighters of the Dawn Organization were here, the battle might not be as tragic as it is now.

People from the United Press of North America, the Amazon of South America, the European Phoenix Group, and the African Golden Lion Shield all regretted it. They had known that the alien beast would make a comeback, and they would not let the members of the Dawn organization leave.

But it’s too late to say anything, things have already happened, and it’s useless to say anything.

To say that the worst is the member of the United Press of North America.

They are confident that the missile defense system can block the alien beasts, so there are many members of the United Press in the space channel.

The appearance of the nine-tailed fox tribe directly took all these people away.

Of course, what makes the people of the world feel gratified is that after the alien beasts attacked the fortress of mankind, they did not invade the earth for the first time.

Perhaps because the nuclear bomb explosion in North America shocked the alien beast, the alien beast did not rush to attack.

From this point of view, the deterrence of the United Press of North America still has a certain effect.

Taking advantage of the fact that the group of alien animals did not invade the earth in large scale, major organizations around the world once again applied for assistance to the Dawn Organization.

Just like last time, the world’s major ancient military organizations directly sent the request for help to the Huaxia official, hoping that the Huaxia official will once again help find the asylum of the Suguang organization.

However, this time Huaxia officials rejected them.

The reason given by the Huaxia official is also very strong. The first time it was because the major organizations did not have the contact information of the senior members of Shuguang, so they helped to contact them.

And now, the major ancient military organizations have already contacted the Suguang organization, and the contact information must be available, so please contact the major ancient military organizations on their own, and China will no longer help.

After getting this reply, all the major organizations showed embarrassment.

In other words, the members of the Dawn Organization that had been so aggressive at the beginning were driven away, and now they ask the other party to come back, it seems a bit can’t open their mouths.

However, compared with his own life, his face seemed worthless.

As a result, North American United Press, South American Amazon, European Phoenix Group, and African Golden Lion Shield successively initiated rescue applications against Sugon, hoping that Sugon would come to help again regardless of previous suspicions.

But this time, their dreams all fell through.

The Sugon Organization did not agree to their request.

The members of the Dawn organization are practicing, and there is no plan to go out for the time being. If you need rescue, you must at least wait for the Dawn Warriors to exit.

In the eyes of major organizations in the world, this is just an excuse from the Dawning Organization.

In fact, the members of the Dawn organization are really practicing in retreat.

Chu Ming gave so many exercises, each practice Chengdu can greatly enhance the strength of the Dawn Warrior.

At present, the enemy is the right way to work hard to improve his strength.

At this time, Chu Ming would definitely not send his soldiers out.

What’s more, Chu Ming’s own is also practicing. As the combination of the exercises is completed, he will re-practice the combined exercises, and the combat effectiveness continues to soar.

At the same time, another world, the junction of the golden grassland and the forest of beasts.

Hundreds of nine-tailed foxes are gathering here, and there are hundreds of thousands of local alien animals outside.

The Southern Wild Beast King squatted on the ground in fright, too scared to raise his head, for fear that he would be killed by King Nine Tails inadvertently.

Because, in that tentative attack not long ago, more than 30 members of the nine-tailed fox were killed in a big explosion, and nearly 70 members of the nine-tailed fox were seriously injured.

Recalling the scene just now, the members of the nine-tailed fox still have lingering fears.

Although they have long heard about the power of human thermal weapons, they were still frightened when they encountered them head-on.

This is the legendary mushroom bomb.

In the big explosion just now, I don’t know how many mushroom bombs were detonated, and all the members of the nine-tailed fox who were closer were killed on the spot.

Even the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox who were far away were seriously injured by the terrifying force even when they were trying their best to escape.

Before, the members of the Nine-Tailed Fox had come into contact with mankind’s strategic missiles. They felt that the power of those missiles was already very strong and should be the limit of human science and technology civilization.

However, when the mushroom clouds here rose into the sky, they were all shocked.

The power of mushroom bombs is so terrifying.

The nine-tailed fox king looked extremely ugly and was very angry.

It really did not imagine that in such a remote and wild land, it would have lost more than 30 people.

In addition, more than 70 members of the nine-tailed fox tribe were seriously injured and lost their combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

This was a big blow to the nine-tailed fox family.

“Humans here, what other powerful methods do they have?”

After pondering for a long time, the Nine-Tailed Fox King finally spoke and asked the Southern Wild Beast King who was crawling on the ground.

The Southern Wild Beast King was shocked when he heard this, he raised his head in a hurry, and responded in a low voice: “Actually, the terrible thing about people on earth is not the mushroom bomb, but the ancient ancestor of Wu.

“Guwu ancestor?”

Nine-tailed Fox Wang Ningsheng asked.

The Southern Desolate Beast King nodded vigorously, and responded: “Yes, it is the human teenager mentioned when we came here. His attack power is far more terrifying than mushroom bombs.”

In the eyes of the alien animal, although the power of the mushroom bomb is very strong, as long as he is fast enough, he has a certain chance of surviving.

However, Gu Wu ancestor was different. No one had ever escaped the alien beast he was staring at.

Upon hearing the words of the Southern Wild Beast King, the Nine-Tailed Fox King fell into deep thought.

After coming here, it has heard the other side mention the title of Guwu ancestor more than once, so it seems that this person is definitely a stumbling block for the orcs.

“I think the humans here are a little stronger except for thermal weapons They don’t seem to have very good physical fitness, and the weaker ones are not as good as our newly-born infant orc members.”

The nine-tailed fox king asked his question.

According to the feedback from the members of the Fox tribe, the human warriors they encountered were crushed, and there was hardly any decent resistance.

Such a weak ethnic group, even if there is a strong one, where can it be strong?

Seeing the contemptuous expression of the Nine-Tailed Fox King, the Southern Wild Beast King’s expression changed dramatically.

It hurriedly stepped forward two steps, and said respectfully to King Nine-tailed Fox: “Great King Nine-tailed, you must not be deceived by the appearance here. The strongest power of mankind is in China.”


Nine-tailed Fox King frowned and murmured.

Southern Desolate Beast King Dang Shi nodded his head and said: “China on Earth is extremely powerful. Its existence is equivalent to our sanctuary, and its strength is extremely terrifying.”

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