My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 204

Chapter 202 Wuxi breaks through the sky

In recent times, people on earth have experienced too much suffering and panic.

Especially the people of the world outside of China, suffered heavy blows under the invasion of alien beasts.

The homeland was deserted, the relatives left, the original paradise of life has now become a barren.

Especially the land that has been attacked by nuclear bombs has now become a barren land.

The people of the world are eager to seek protection and want to live in this period of rampant beasts.

Therefore, the rise of the Dawning Organization has given hope to the people of the world.

Last time, in the strong appeal of the people of the world, the Dawn Organization sent Dawn Legions into all continents to help expel alien beasts and build defensive fortresses.

It is a pity that there are always some people who are motivated by profit. Seeing that the Dawn Organization drove away the alien beasts, they started their small calculations again.

Demolition of a bridge across the river is nothing more than the same.

Facing the obscure practices around the world, Dawning Organization did not have common knowledge with them.

After the other party uttered the hope that the Dawning Organization would leave, the Dawning Army evacuated one after another, without the slightest sluggishness.

Kuwu organizations around the world are very excited about this, thinking that they can return to their previous glory.

Unfortunately, they haven’t been happy for too long, and a new round of strange beasts attacked them directly into hell.

It wasn’t until then that they soberly realized that they had no ability to resist foreign beasts.

With the escalation of the battle between the two sides, more and more high-level alien beasts came here.

The World Ancient Arms Organization has a limited practice speed, and its weapons and equipment cannot keep up with the evolution of alien beasts.

Therefore, the ultimate responsibility of protecting the earth still falls on the Dawn Organization.

After the nine-tailed fox broke the defensive fortresses around the world, the people of the world once again set off a wave of protests, hoping that the dawn organization could help send troops to garrison their defensive fortresses.

But this time, the Sugon Organization has the conditions. Only when it becomes the territory of China, the Sugon Organization will guard it.

The people of the world already know that if they do not seek the protection of the Dawn Organization, after the next round of attacks by the alien beasts, all people and lands will no longer exist.

As a result, the people of the world happily agreed to this condition.

From then on, there is only one country on the entire earth, and that is China.

With the battle flag of the Dawning Corps planted in every corner of the world, the handover ceremony of the Huaxia Corps and the countries of the world has also come to an end.

Next, the soldiers of the Million Dawn Legion were dispatched at the same time to travel to North America, South America, Europe and Africa.

Each continent sent 300,000 Dawn Warriors to defend the space channels around the world as impregnable.

At the same time, the heavily damaged defensive fortress was also being restored and rebuilt, spreading step by step toward the depths of the alien world according to Chu Ming’s deployment.

Of course, defensive fortresses around the world mainly focus on protection, and the real sharp knife is in the Huaxia fortress.

The first step Chu Ming needs to do is to level the golden grassland and the surrounding area and turn it into a holy place for human cultivation.

Among the Huaxia Fortress, Chu Ming stood in a spacious room, staring fiercely at a beautiful figure in front of him.

After a long period of retreat, Wu Xi finally broke through.

Wu Xi not only obtained a large number of exercises from Chu Ming, but also many treasures for replenishing energy, such as the three-point return to the yuan fruit and the internal organs and the internal organs.

Wu Xi’s original aptitude was extraordinary, and his cultivation speed was leaps and bounds. With the cultivation techniques and treasures, the realm of strength continued to rise.

After more than half a month of retreat, Wu Xi broke through one bottleneck after another, and finally successfully stepped into the airspace.

If you really want to count it, Wu Xi’s realm of strength far exceeds Chu Ming.

Chu Ming is now the fifth rank martial artist of the True Vein Realm, and Wu Xi is the real powerhouse of the Sky Realm.

Compared with ordinary warriors, Chu Ming is a bit biased.

Well, it’s a powerful one.

Chu Ming waited silently, until Wu Xi completely controlled his own breath before he walked towards the latter.

Wu Xi took a deep breath and stood up from the retreat.

The soaring strength made Wu Xi’s temperament even more dusty.

Chu Ming was moved by the beautiful face.

“Chu Ming!”

Wu Xi saw that Chu Ming was here, and immediately rushed forward happily, with a beautiful smile on her face.

Chu Ming smiled and nodded, and said, “Yes, I broke through so quickly, and my cultivation aptitude is really extraordinary.”

Wu Xi looked very happy, and responded with a smile: “It’s far worse than you. My strength is not enough in front of you.”

“Haha, with your current strength, you can already rank in the top five, and in time, you can leave everyone behind.”

While talking, the two left Wu Xi’s retreat.

Next, Chu Ming decided to hold a celebration banquet for Wu Xi, after all, she was the first real Dawn Warrior to become a powerhouse in the sky.

Although Yu Chengfu and Cheng Ergang broke through to the airspace before, they had already been on the verge of a breakthrough for such a long time in another world.

Of course, Chu Ming’s help was also indispensable, but it didn’t feel so strong.

And Wu Xi was cultivated by Chu Ming single-handedly.

Giving her exercises, her treasures, and her own qualifications can indeed speed up her practice.

According to this model, Chu Ming can cultivate a large number of airborne martial artists in a short period of time.

At that time, even if it is to develop with the alien beasts in the sanctuary, there is no fear.

Hearing that she was going to give herself a celebration banquet, Wu Xi immediately suggested: “Chu Ming, you know I don’t like lively, celebration banquets should be avoided.”

Chu Ming responded: “You step into the sky, and I have another strongman in the Dawn Warrior. It should be a bit of expression.”

Wu Xi responded: “I haven’t seen the scenery of the alien world well. How about you take me for a drive?”


Chu Ming smiled and nodded.

In fact, Wu Xi went out with Chu Ming once before, but at that time she was not very strong and acted very cautiously, not taking a good taste of the natural scenery of the other world.

Now that his strength has skyrocketed, he has no scruples about walking in another world.

Chu Ming opened the mouth and said: “It just so happens that the Dawn Legion is opening up a training ground around the golden grassland It’s good for us to take a look in the past.”

Wu Xi smiled and said: “Okay, this time I can fly by myself!”

Wu Xi acted decisively, and immediately rose into the air after making sure, lasing directly towards the distance.

Chu Ming smiled indifferently, the sword light under his feet flashed, and the Dragon Slashing Heaven Sword carried his body and quickly pursued Wu Xi.

Not long ago, Chu Ming ordered sentries to be set up around the Golden Prairie, where the Dawn Warriors practiced.

Now, the sentry should be almost built, and I just happened to go over and take a look.

Once the sentry is completed, the entire golden grassland will become fertile ground for China.

At that time, the Chinese warriors will practice here, and their strength will surely increase.

At the same time, is it possible to grow spiritual rice by planting grain on the golden grassland?

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