My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 291

Chapter 287 Enemy Attack on Northern Xinjiang

On the edge of the golden grassland, five hundred sphinx warriors are quietly lurking.

The half-human king sent them to attack the mankind’s base camp on the earth, but only after they came did they discovered that the strength of the earth’s people has exceeded the half-human king’s imagination.

It’s desperate.

Ikeda’s heart was filled with helplessness. He had already explored several passages one after another, and each passage was guarded by strong humans.

Ikeda can’t figure it out, just to protect a passage, do you need so many airborne powerhouses?

According to rough statistics, the number of Terran warriors in each passage has exceeded 50 million.

What is the concept?

The most tragic battle between the Orc Legion and the Orc Army, the number is only 20 to 30 million.

Just to guard a passage, the earthlings sent 50 million troops?

How many people are there on earth?

Is it really a wise choice for the half-humans to fight the earthlings?

Ikeda went around and saw five huge human defense fortresses, each with about 50 million people.

In other words, the number of terrestrial people stationed at the entrance of the passage exceeds 250 million.

What else can Akda say, can only say silently: awesome!

However, the half-man king had already given a death order, and if he went back without doing anything, the end would definitely be worse than his death in battle.

What should we do?

Just when Akda was melancholy, a young Sphinx warrior rushed in from a distance, with a look of ecstasy on his face.

“Captain, I found a secret passage entrance in the northeast. I sneaked in and took a look. It should be able to lead to the earth.”

The young warrior was panting, but his mood was exceptionally excited.

Hearing this news, all the Sphinx warriors were overjoyed.

For Akda, this is really good news.

“Jared, hurry up and tell me the details!”

Ikeda said in surprise.

The young warrior Jared responded: “That is a hidden place. I found a slightly narrow space passage there. It seems to be connected to the northern border of China. Let’s take a look at the specific situation. Didn’t dare to go too deep.”

“it is good!”

Ikeda laughed, and immediately led all the Sphinx warriors to the hidden place quietly.

China’s northern Xinjiang is covered with ice for thousands of miles and snow drifts for thousands of miles.

There is an abandoned stronghold here.

Once, this was the place where the Hongmeng organization often stationed, and it was also the most important place for the Hongmeng organization to guard.

However, with the emergence of the super-large space passage of the Western Zombie, the space passage of China’s Northern Xinjiang has been ignored.

The most important thing is that after the appearance of the Western Zombie’s super-large space channel, the alien beast’s offensive direction has also turned to a larger channel.

The original passage was only a few meters wide, and many huge monsters could only get in carefully.

Since the emergence of the Great Passage, there have been no alien beasts patronizing here.

After the Hongmeng Organization was banned, the Dawn Organization took over here.

However, the military strength is not very large. Compared with the major defensive fortresses with a strength of 50 million troops, it is really far from here.

The total force here is less than a thousand people, so the space channel is too small.

If the space channel is not too unstable, the Dawn soldiers want to block this space channel.

Facts have proved that the space channel cannot be blocked.

A long time ago, the Hongmeng Organization wanted to build this passage with reinforced concrete, but unfortunately, the space passage would swallow everything that was blocked.

Even if the warrior wants to pass through the space channel, he must act cautiously and dare not touch the inner wall of the space channel.

Once touched, it is likely to be sucked in.

At that time, it will definitely end in a tragic end.

The Dawn Warrior guarding the northern Xinjiang is Peng Zhongjie’s team, one thousand people, eight hundred sky, two hundred true veins and nine ranks.

In fact, most of the 800 airspace fighters have just broken through these days. They have successfully broken through thanks to Chu Ming’s online teaching.

Peng Zhongjie is the only veteran warrior in the sky.

As Dawn Warriors, martial arts and martial arts are definitely indispensable. Everyone is practicing seriously every day.

Whether it’s close combat or weapon combat, this one-thousand-man team has been involved and has made considerable progress.

However, as more and more people break through into the airborne realm, the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth on the earth has drastically reduced, and the effect of the current practice is far worse than before.

Moreover, as members of the Dawn Organization, they certainly knew that most of the Dawn Warriors had returned to another world.

Compared with the earth, the world in another world is countless times larger, and the total amount of spiritual energy far exceeds that of the earth.

After the Dawn Warrior goes to another world, his practice will not be greatly affected.

The remaining fighters did not have the opportunity to contact the strong aura of the outside world. After a long time, the two sides may widen a certain gap.

However, there is no alternative to this. When choosing to guard China’s northern borders, he should accept all the arrangements.

“Captain, do you think it makes sense for us to guard here every day?”

The speaker’s name was Zhou Ming. He was a Twilight Warrior in his twenties. His skin was slightly white and his appearance was good.

Peng Zhongjie looked solemn, and said solemnly: “This is also a space channel. With us, North China is safe. Do you think it makes sense?”

Peng Zhongjie was very dissatisfied with Zhou Ming’s words.

As a Dawn Warrior, you must always keep your mission in mind, and resolutely complete the mission assigned to you by the Guwu ancestor.

Zhou Ming shrugged awkwardly, and responded with a grin: “Captain, don’t mind, I just talk about it casually, nothing else.”

Seeing Peng Zhongjie’s attitude so severe, Zhou Ming did not dare to continue.

In fact, he wanted to say: “Captain, wake up, we are isolated. This place where birds don’t **** doesn’t even look like a ghost, and there will be no strange animals.”

In fact, there are a lot of fighters who have this idea like Zhou Ming.

After all, the passage here is so small, it is unlikely that a strange beast will come over.

Besides, the current Dawn Warrior is so strong, there are human figures everywhere on the golden grassland, and there is no alien beast at all.

So, it’s really meaningless to stay here .

However, this is the boss’s arrangement, no one dare to leave without the boss’s order.

Just keep guarding. Although the speed of practice may be slower, it still belongs to the organization of the Dawning Legion.

If the task of guarding the Northern Xinjiang Passage is lost, there is no shortage of people in other places, and everyone may be unemployed.

While everyone was discussing in a low voice, a harsh siren suddenly sounded, startling everyone.

“Enemy attack, enemy attack, please enter the combat post immediately, please enter the combat post immediately!”

The strong sirens echoed throughout the area, and everyone was shocked.

A strange beast came to attack?

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