My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 329

Chapter 325 Centaur

After leaving Penglai Fairy Island, Chu Ming took Wu Xi back to the Golden Grassland for the first time.

After returning, Chu Ming immediately called Shuguang to organize a senior meeting, and a huge engineering project started.

Chu Ming wanted to build a super-large spiritual gathering formation centered on the golden grassland.

The base of the Spirit Gathering Array preferred natural ground veins. At the junction of the Golden Grassland and the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, there happened to be a huge ground vein.

At the same time, the barren woodlands, ancient caves, dry seas and deserts surrounding the golden grassland also have huge ground veins.

In other words, with the golden grassland as the center, there are four huge ground veins all around, extending to the extreme far.

Even Chu Ming did not expect that the Golden Grassland had such a natural advantage.

Perhaps it is because the golden grassland is located at the end of the earth veins, which makes the aura of this place extremely scarce.

If the aura in the veins of the earth can be extracted, the density of the aura here will be able to reach an unbelievable level.

Aware of this, Chu Ming began to arrange the members of the Suguang organization to get busy.

The train tracks spread out around the golden grassland, and countless building materials were transported from the entire Red Desolate Continent and the earth.

In addition to the members of the Dawn Organization, the members of the Orcs also played a very important role.

With the help of the four sacred beasts, many members of the orc race with great strength began to help transport supplies, and their speed was much faster than the train.

Whether it is a lofty mountain or a famous mountain or river, the members of the orc can easily cross it.

Among the defensive fortresses of the Golden Grassland, Chu Ming drew the drawing of the Spirit Gathering Array according to the memory in his mind, then enlarged it, and handed it to the members of the Dawn Organization.

He wants to build a building similar to the formation on the golden grassland.

The construction materials are very common, that is, all kinds of rocks and sand.

Yes, it is the material of the earth veins.

Generally speaking, the earth veins are large mountains hidden in the ground.

The exposed part is called the big mountain, and the buried part is the ground vein.

If this mountain has spiritual energy, it belongs to spiritual veins.

And what Chu Ming built was an aura of earth veins.

According to the formation plan given by Chu Ming, the Dawn Warriors and Orc Warriors began to dig trenches on the golden grassland, moving in four directions, connecting with the ground veins everywhere.

After the excavation, everyone filled the pit with stones and sand that had been prepared.

Since the scope of this gathering array is too large, the details must be grasped well.

The slightest error is too far away, and there can be no too much deviation.

Fortunately, Chu Ming’s mental power is exceptionally strong, and as the golden mental power surging out, he can accurately plan the line of the formation in advance.

Therefore, Chu Ming directly bombarded the ground with his tyrannical mental power, causing the entire huge formation to be directly imprinted on this land.

The soldiers dig all the way to the depth required by Chu Ming according to the traces left on the ground.

The vast project is in full swing.

Most of the people on earth have received the National Ancient Martial Arts System issued by Chu Ming. Everyone practiced with the system, and the speed became very fast.

If you add ample supply of spiritual energy, that kind of progress is absolutely terrifying.

The half-human mother star could not descend within a short period of time, giving the earthlings time to rise.

While practicing, Chu Ming gradually discovered a problem.

It seems that there are limitations in this world, and warriors cannot break through to the transcendent realm.

If he didn’t possess the **** and demon body refining technique, I am afraid that he would not be able to break through to the transcendent realm.

Whether it is the Azure Dragon Sacred Beast, the White Tiger Sacred Beast, the Vermillion Bird Sacred Beast, the Basalt Sacred Beast, or the hidden orc warrior who has lived for endless years, they cannot break through to the last step.

Even the half-human king with a special mission before, is just a half-step transcendent realm, unable to truly achieve transcendence.

Now, the problem is gradually becoming more prominent.

Since Wu Xi left Penglai Fairy Island, her strength has skyrocketed, reaching the late stage of the airborne realm.

Moreover, with the help of Chu Ming, her strength continued to advance by leaps and bounds, soaring to the extreme in the late stage of Tengkong Realm, which is the so-called Half-Step Transcendent Realm.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t make progress.

Knowing this, Chu Ming thought a little bit in his heart.

He has privately sought out the Lightning Sect Master, Zhou Motou, Feng Ruqing, Wuyazi, Qi Shenglong, Chu Tiankuo, Yu Chengfu, Cheng Ergang and others.

They are all the strongest in the Dawn Organization, and they are also the first warriors to step into the late stage of the airborne realm.

But among so many people, no one has any signs of continuing to break through.

As for the members of the orcs, there are more powerful orc warriors in the late stage of Tengkong Realm, and none of them can break through.

Therefore, Chu Ming realized that there are special restrictions in this world, and the warriors here can only break through to the late stage of the airborne realm at most, and cannot achieve true transcendence.

“If you want to achieve transcendence, you need a lot of aura. Maybe after the Spirit Gathering Array is built, you can achieve the final step.”

Chu Ming thought a little bit in his heart, and then went into the defensive fortress to retreat.

Since the nationwide ancient martial arts system was issued, every time a warrior who accepted the system gained a share of power, part of it would be passed on to Chu Ming.

As a result, Chu Ming’s strength could not help but soared.

After the Transcendent Realm, Chu Ming’s cultivation speed has actually become faster.

When he was on Penglai Fairy Island, Chu Ming’s spiritual power was sublimated, and his godhood was solidified.

Now his own strength is continuously increasing, and I don’t know what height it will eventually reach.

Are there other realms above the transcendent?

Chu Ming’s expression was flat in the retreat, and gradually suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, and began to silently mobilize the continuous strength in his body to start practicing.

Regardless of whether there are other realms behind, just go all the way forward.

At the same time, tens of billions of light years away, a huge planet is wandering in the universe, alone, giving people a sense of extreme depression.

This planet is extremely huge, at least ten times the size of the sun, and a special kind of life lives on it.

They look like machines, but they are dripping with green blood, and their bodies are full of special mucus, which looks very disgusting.

This is an alien species which is the legendary half-human mother star.

I don’t know when, the half-human mother star discovered a planet with life, so it launched a life register towards that planet.

At that time, the half-human mother star placed the seeds carefully cultivated for many years in the life register.

As long as that seed successfully reaches that planet, it can successfully pass on the genes contained in it.

In this way, the half-human home planet can easily control all the genes of that world, thereby controlling all life.

Calculating the time, it’s almost time to harvest.

On the half-human mother star, dozens of black and mechanical alien beings came to an altar and started a mysterious summoning ritual.

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