My Novel is S-level Encrypted

Chapter 332

Chapter 328 The enemy, here comes!

I don’t know when this golden light began to appear.

When Chu Ming realized this golden light, it was already more than a month later.

Now, the golden light on Chu Ming’s body has been rich to a certain extent, and the flesh and blood seem to have been sanctified, forming a golden light wheel behind his head.

Chu Ming’s body is now so thorough, as if it exists, and as if it doesn’t exist, what’s clear does not belong to this world.

The center of his eyebrows glowed, the golden godhead seemed to be breathing, and the golden merit energy spit out unsteady, making the godhead keep expanding and contracting.

In Chu Ming’s view, the current godhead is more like a heart, beating vigorously.

Chu Ming has a kind of comprehension, he is not far from the last step.

So Chu Ming closed his eyes again and continued to practice.

Endless energy is continuously transmitted to Chu Ming’s body through the nationwide ancient martial arts system network, and this power is constantly gathering in Chu Ming’s body.

After gathering to a certain extent, a muffled sound came from his body.

The cells shattered and reorganized, the bones shattered and rebuilt, and the special Taoist rhyme permeated each cell, making Chu Ming more and more unpredictable.

Time passed slowly, and I don’t know how long it had passed. Suddenly, a burst of thunder blasted out of Chu Ming’s body, smashing everything in Chu Ming.

Together with the golden godhead at the center of his eyebrows, it shattered with flesh and blood.

However, during this process, Chu Ming did not feel the slightest pain.

He felt that his ideology was changing, and his life level was also changing.

The spiritual power and the physical power are blending together. Once fully integrated, Chu Ming will complete the transformation and break through to a higher level.

The mist around Chu Ming has disappeared, replaced by a golden light.

And Chu Ming’s body no longer maintained a human form, but turned into a chaos, in the edge of this world, breathing with the whole world.

Time flies quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the three-month deadline has come.

During this period of time, almost all the high-level warriors of the Dawn Organization entered the Transcendent Lake, and their strengths were all upgraded to the Transcendent Realm.

After stepping into the transcendent realm, the warrior has the ability to move directly from the Shattered Void.

Many warriors in the transcendent realm continue to try their new supernatural powers, tearing the void between heaven and earth, and then randomly appearing in any corner of this world.

Sometimes in the border and wasteland of this world, they will meet by chance in the border and wasteland, both of which are warriors of the dawn.

Everyone will greet each other cordially, and then shout the slogan of Long live the ancient martial ancestor.

At this moment, the entire Red Desolate Continent has completely become the world of mankind.

Because there are too many strong humans on earth, the four great sacred beasts can only watch the entire world being occupied by strong humans.

Of course, this kind of occupation is just a random movement of the Dawn soldiers to inspect, and it did not really drive the Dawn army over.

Because Chu Ming had previously requested that no matter how strong the human army is, he must not leave the golden grassland during this period of time.

Chaofan Lake has become more and more prosperous, making the surrounding area also very prosperous.

Many new buildings have been built here, which seem to have been moved directly from the earth, and they are also beautifully decorated.

On the top floor of a pagoda, Wu Xi, Chu Tiankuo, Lightning Sect Master and others gathered together, all showing solemn expressions.

The strength of humans does not seem to bring them too much sense of security, on the contrary, they become more and more anxious over time.

Suddenly, Wu Xi’s voice broke the calm in the attic.

“Everyone, the three-month deadline is coming soon. According to what Chu Ming said before, our enemy will soon appear.”

Hearing Wu Xi’s words, everyone sighed together.

The lightning sect master said: “When the boss left, he said that he would come back as soon as possible. Now that the three-month deadline has come, why hasn’t he returned?”

Chu Tiankuo snorted coldly: “Chu Ming must have reason for not coming back. The most urgent thing is to find a countermeasure.”

Feng ruthlessly stepped forward and said: “In fact, we don’t need to worry at all. You know, we haven’t made a breakthrough before the boss left. Now we have so many transcendent realm powerhouses. Even if the enemy is strong, it is not necessarily comparable. Pass us.”

“That’s right, everyone is already a supernatural powerhouse, and everyone knows how powerful they are. Even if there are enemies, we can kill them with a single blow.”

Wu Yazi added.

“Don’t be happy too early. Since Chu Ming made such arrangements, there must be a certain deep meaning. This time the enemy must be unprecedentedly powerful.”

Wu Xi reminded again with a solemn expression on her face.

Everyone nodded, but there was still nothing to do.

The Lightning Sect Master took a step above and said: “The soldiers are here to cover the water and soil. We are ready to fight at any time. If there are really enemies, we will be done.


Everyone nodded one after another, and now they have no choice but to do so.

Three months ago, Chu Ming left before the Super Spirit Gathering Array was built.

Before leaving, he had a meeting with senior members of the Dawn Organization and told everyone that the half-human mother star was about to come.

Chu Ming left to find a suitable place to practice. He didn’t know how long he could return, so he made two-handed preparations in advance.

Once he fails to rush back in time, the Dawning Legion will not be unable to protect itself.

Although I don’t know how powerful the enemy from the half-human home planet is, if a part of the Dawn Legion can break through to the transcendent realm, it must be able to deal with it.

After everyone discussed, they left the attic one after another and made arrangements to go.

Soon, a news spread among the Dawn Legion, and soon there will be alien life invading this world, everyone must be prepared.

The soldiers who had been immersed in the practice suddenly woke up.

Only then did they realize that the Dawn Warriors not only practice, but also fight.

The significance of the existence of the Dawn Legion is to protect the earth, and now the earth is about to be in trouble, the soldiers are obliged to do so.

Of course, the earth doesn’t have to be in trouble, after all, the alien civilization is invading the red continent.

With this world as a buffer, the earth should be able to cope better.

But everyone understands the truth that there is no skin and hair will be attached. Only by defending the Arid Desolate Continent can we ensure that the earth is not lost.

If the Red Desolate Continent is occupied by alien life, then the earth will not be far away from being occupied.

In the following period of time, the soldiers practiced harder.

The senior officials of the Dawn Corps even set up life-and-death training.

When you are on the battlefield, you must not be merciless when dealing with the enemy.

Just like that, another three days passed.

On the fourth day, when the early morning sun fell on the earth, in the universe not far from the planet where the Scarlet Desolate Continent was located, a super huge planet suddenly jumped out of the dark wormhole.

The mass and volume of this planet are extremely large has just appeared and caused disorder of the surrounding celestial bodies.

A planet similar to the size of the Earth was attracted by gravity and slammed into the other side.

It was at this moment that a terrifying blade appeared, straddling the starry sky directly, splitting the off-orbit planet into two halves.

That horrible knife Gang seemed to have replaced the firmament of the universe, turning into a sky covering the entire universe.

Above the Scarlet Desolate Continent, everyone couldn’t help but look up at the void.

The horrible knife gang across the sky is clearly visible on the ground.

Everyone couldn’t help but feel nervous.

The enemy, here comes!

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