My Omega Superior Has a Tail

Chapter 17

: In The First And Second Quarters Of The “Physical Health Class For College Students”, He

“…When did you love learning so much, and do you need to take up public classes?”

“I saw that you didn’t attend the class last class, and today I will talk about ABO physiology…”

“What’s the matter, you didn’t study in junior high school?”

“Oh, listen to me, it’s an orc topic! It must be very exciting.”

“…Wow! Walk around! Stop having breakfast and take a seat!”

Ping Mo’s pair of fluffy ears stood up. At that time, Pei and Tu Zheng were looking around for “Instructor Ping”, but they didn’t notice that the hair ball in his arms jumped up. chased out.

“Assistant Pei, Assistant Professor Lu, are you looking for that cat?” A student suddenly stood up and said, “It seems to be teaching a large lecture hall.”

Lu Dongwang: “How do you know?”

The student handed over his mobile phone: “Someone took a picture.”

Thanks to the ‘semi-military” management of the Allied Forces University, students can freely carry mobile phones, and Pingmo is an “Internet celebrity cat”, the cat in the photo is squatting on the desk in the back row In the past, the classroom was overcrowded, but a cat dominated the entire desk. It seemed to be very dissatisfied with being photographed secretly. It showed two sharp canines towards the camera, which was fierce.

“It’s great, I didn’t lose it!” Lu Maonu breathed a long sigh of relief, looking at the fierce milk cat in the photo, and said distressedly, “It’s so small and weak, no one will take care of it for sure Can’t survive.”

Pei Yutu: “? I think it’s quite energetic?” Where is it weak?

“Brother Pei, I have to go to a meeting, Mi Mi will ask you!” Lu Dongwang folded his hands and bowed like a spring.


Pei Yutu wanted to go straight into the classroom, pick up the cat and leave, but he underestimated the popularity of this class.

The preparation bell rang, and the seats were almost full. Assistant Professor Pei squeezed into the only vacant seat – behind the table where Ping Mo was sitting – only to realize that it was impossible to go out, so After a while, even the back row and aisle were full of people, and the number of people was seriously exceeded. It is estimated that many of them came to take classes.

And Pei and Tu quickly understood why the students were so enthusiastic.

This class is really interesting. As a senior student, he has attracted attention.

The lecturer was a chubby middle-aged female professor who spoke with high energy: “Simply review the content of the last class, what is a cold? Yes, an incurable disease!”

Pei Yutu: “?” Are university courses so wild?

“At present, any drug is only to relieve symptoms, and ultimately depends on the body’s own immunity… Okay, let’s start a new course, ABO physiology, presumably everyone has learned this course in junior high school, the basic Let’s skip the common sense, and today we will talk about something that is not in the middle and high school classrooms – orcs.”

She wrote the words “orc” on the push-pull blackboard, and at the same time, she turned on the projector and released the corresponding PPT.

There was a commotion in the audience immediately, and some students even applauded.

“It can be seen that everyone is very interested, so let me ask, what is your impression of the orcs?”

Someone in the audience immediately shouted: “Mysterious!” “Endangered!” “Beautiful young lady!”

“XXX” is the name of a famous movie star in the ancient earth era, she was a famous orc.

Some people also said ‘sexy, soft and easy to push down!”, ‘sexy” caused a lot of laughter, and the professor laughed: “You are right, the biggest characteristic of orcs It is beauty, and the body is more sensitive than ordinary people, so the experience in that area may be better. But beauty has also become the original sin. In ancient times, many nobles took pleasure in raising orcs, because the so-called ‘soft body’ and good looks Faces, they were sold, imprisoned, and almost on the verge of extinction. Even in the interstellar era, the Omega protection law was established, and human trafficking and smuggling were still banned repeatedly. Today, the surviving orcs basically choose to remain anonymous.”

“Actually, the orcs are not that mysterious, they are just like us,” the professor drew a subset on the blackboard, “all orcs are Omegas, Omegas include orcs, from biological Academically, they’re a variation of the Omega.”

, the orcs who naturally differentiated later, the more they can bring pleasure to the alpha…”

After all, they are all college students, and they are too old to talk about sexual discoloration. The class is not as startling as a junior high school brat. The professor speaks slowly, everyone below listens quietly , Pei Yutu has long legs, this kind of desk is a little narrow for him, and it is not very comfortable to bend it. He moved his body, and his hands showed the characteristics of scumbags, and he didn’t honestly poke the cat.

However, the cat is more serious than the students, squatting like a glutinous rice dumpling, motionless from beginning to end, Rao is Pei and Tu “harassing” it from time to time, it just impatiently Flick the tip of the tail.

“After the orcs are differentiated, they will show certain animal characteristics, usually beast ears and tails, of different types, such as cats, foxes, dogs, and even amphibian records… In the differentiation After that, there will be a long period of adaptation. During this period, due to the drastic changes in hormones, there are very few orcs who will turn into small animals as a whole, but how long will this phenomenon last? The extant number of orcs is too rare, and the Omega protection law, so no further research is carried out, and we have no way of knowing.”

The combination of heat is truly complete.”

Ping ink: “!”

Ping Mo is shaking his ears, is it… that he has not been differentiated yet? But he is twenty-seven years old.

Professor’s voice continued: “So, orcs have a very long adolescence, you look at those female stars who are not old and young, maybe they are orcs.”

A student asked: “Teacher, talk about male orcs! I heard that male orcs are very rare, but they have miraculous effects. What is the miraculous effect?”

Professor suddenly became serious: “Legends are just legends! Please don’t believe rumors and do not spread rumors. All measures for violation of human rights are written in the Omega Protection Law and the Alliance.”

It was the first time I heard about it, let alone any ‘rumours’, I was really curious, but the professor didn’t want to continue, she changed the subject, “Besides, most of the orcs are women, and the proportion of male orcs is about 100,000. According to the latest census data of the alliance, the number of orcs is less than 2,000. According to this number, there should be no male orcs surviving. Let’s take it easy and take stock of the famous concubines in history. , there are several suspected orcs…”

This kind of two big classes that are put together lasts for 100 minutes, but the professors are talking about dry stuff, the language is funny, and the class is more lively, so the time goes by so fast, it seems like a blink of an eye It was over, until the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the students were still unfinished, and some even caught up to the podium to ask questions.

Pei Yutu was finally freed from the narrow desk, he stretched his legs, and did not forget to pick up the cat that was still squatting on the desk, and moved it with his index finger Its fluffy little ears, “Tsk, seems to understand.”

Ping Mo was pulled back to reality by him, remembering that this person had been harassing him for the whole class, so he took a rude bite. However, Pei Yutu’s hand was really ‘skinned and thick’, covered with spear calluses, and he didn’t bite through it.

Plain ink: “…”

“Hi—it’s quite fierce,” Pei Yutu didn’t have the gentleness and patience that a **** shovel officer should have, and slapped instructor Ping’s fluffy **** with a slap, “No Bite! Remember?”

Assistant Pei saved his strength, but he was very strong, and this slap was flat. It was hot, pain is one aspect, and more importantly, the sense of shame, Instructor Ping directly blew his hair, waving pink claws and claws, and at the same time showing two sharp canine teeth, a fierceness that was about to die with the unscrupulous shovel officer.

It’s a pity that the white hair of the waxy squeak greatly weakens this fierceness.

Pei and Tu were amused by this little thing again, but fortunately, a phone call came in, which temporarily stopped Assistant Pei’s enthusiasm for making cats.

“Hello… Another meeting? The householder is sick again? Do you think Ping Mo didn’t take care of him last time?”

I don’t know what was said on the other end of the phone, and Pei Yutu’s casual tone suddenly became serious, “Lost a student? Well, I see, let’s go.”

The author has something to say:  Finally finished, kneel to QAQ

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: ∑The landlord has 20 bottles of cats; 10 bottles of Floating Que, Aiyizhengcheng; 2 bottles of HHW, Nian, Xiaohua;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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