My Omega Superior Has a Tail

Chapter 26

Vol 2 Chapter 24: (1)

Ping Mo pushed aside the crowd and ran wildly, trying to find an empty box with good barrier effect, but as soon as he rushed out of the dance floor, he felt cat ears popping out of his head.


He would burst his pants, he didn’t want to go naked in public. Share!

Xu Shi God heard his tacit wish, and as soon as he looked up, he saw the sign of the dressing room. Ping Mo immediately ran in the direction indicated.

No matter how luxurious the wind chimes are, it is also a bar. It does not divide into six types of toilets as detailed as the Allied Forces, but is matched with exactly the same compartments, urinals, electric toilets, sinks, vanity mirrors And other facilities are readily available, uniformly hang the “dressing room” sign.

Pingmo rushed into an vacant dressing room at the last second, and at the moment when the door was locked, the familiar sound of cloth breaking sounded behind him. The skin exposed by the shattering of the towel immediately felt a chill, Ping Mo subconsciously flicked his long tail, turned back to touch his trousers, and sure enough, a large piece was torn.

“…” This **** binding heat!

The compartment has been locked for a century, but there is still no sign of turning into a cat.

Because the conjugation fever has become more frequent and violent recently, he almost treats the inhibitor as a vitamin C tablet and takes it on time every day, but this is so, the sweet grapefruit-flavored Omega pheromone still overflows uncontrollably .

Ping Mo’s heart couldn’t stop sinking, which means…for him, the ordinary inhibitor has completely lost its effect.

It is this time, it is here.

It is said that the pheromone of orcs can make alphas go crazy more than ordinary Omegas. Pingmo doesn’t know how credible this statement is, but he did hear the loud footsteps approaching.

The glands are throbbing, and an indescribable, shameful longing slowly rises, rolls, and screams.

…he craved alpha’s love, caress, or more.

At this time, if an alpha rushes in, the consequences will be disastrous.

Fortunately, Instructor Ping has a professional habit of carrying a weapon with him. With the greatest willpower, he bit his lip fiercely, in order to wake up a moment of clarity with pain, and then he slammed out like lightning. The dagger at the waist.

Because this suit is not as loose as usual, I only brought one weapon today.

‘But enough. ‘ Ping Mo thought, ‘If the pain can stay awake, then use a military dagger to stick it on yourself. After so many life-and-death tasks have survived, how can the ship capsize just because of a combination of heat, there is always a way to break through. ’

However, this is the first time in his life that the Ping Instructor has been completely tortured by the orc fusion fever, in the end he underestimated its power.

“Don’t hide inside, come out and let brother see!”

“Fuck, I’ve never smelled such a coquettish pheromone, just smelling it makes a **** reaction!”

“My susceptibility period has advanced, and JB is really energetic!”

“An Omega, who comes out to play in the middle of the night, why is he pretending to be arrogant? Come out! Come out!”

Taiping Street is a mixed place, the quality of the guests is mixed, not to mention that they come to participate in the ‘Pheromone Night’ theme party, they are going to find someone to spend a good night with, these alphas are affected by the orc pheromone The attraction of the door was extremely crazy, the thin door panel was slapped, and the hinge made an overwhelmed whine, as if it would fall off at any time, this door should not last long.

Across the door, Ping Mo clenched his army dagger, resisted his weak legs, and bluffed to warn: “Get out! Whoever dares to come in, I will abolish whose glands!”

The foul language outside the door stopped abruptly, and some people were really frightened by this threat and retreated, but the shock was temporary, and soon someone shouted: “Hey, so fierce The stronger the Omega, the better it is, I’m not afraid anyway!”

“Yes! Peony flowers are also romantic!”

The sound of slamming the door hurried again like a torrential rain, Ping Mo endured the discomfort, suddenly withdrew the dagger, and was ready to open the door for a **** battle, and in order to ensure the state, the first knife will be cut to yourself.

Ping Mo was most afraid of pain in his life, but in many cases, he had to take the initiative to hurt himself. For example, now, Omega pheromones are spilling out like no money, so that the air is full of sticky, sweet and greasy grapefruit fragrance, the glands in the back of the neck are already burning hot, and the breath is not consciously heavier, and it is getting worse. The violent slamming of the door was intertwined, and the hand holding the knife trembled a little.

In this noisy chaos, a sudden change occurred.

Tequila-flavored alpha pheromones swept in overwhelmingly, completely covering up other complex pheromones!

The next second, the overwhelmed door was finally kicked open, Pei Yutu stepped in, and in the dust raised by the broken door, he was tall and straight, blocking the group outside the door In the endgame behind the frame, Ping Mo leaned back against the tiled wall as if he had lost his strength, and the knuckles of the knuckles holding the military dagger turned white.

Pei and Tu had the urge to find someone to pinch them to see if they were dreaming.

Instructor Ping in front of him overlapped with the figure in the vague dream that day, no, it should be said more.

A pair of fluffy cat ears stood up in the short soft black hair on the top of his head, and those beautiful gray-blue eyes were not as stern and violent as usual, but were filled with a thin layer of water The mist, even the thick long eyelashes were stained with the mist, looking at him wetly.

Because he was still holding the cold-edged military dagger in one hand, Pingmo leaned thirty degrees against the wall. From Pei Yutu’s angle, he could see the long tail behind him. The trousers at the base of the tail were torn by a large piece. The trousers were originally designed to be slightly self-cultivating, but now they have been torn, and the visual is extremely exciting, like the round buttocks broke through the restraint on their own and popped out. It’s average, round and rolling with a firm fleshy feel.

Watching, Pingmo’s long tail rolled up in front of him, and the tip of the tail twitched uneasily.

Pei and Tu spit hard and swallowed dryly.

“Instructor Ping…Pingmo! You, you are really…” Really Omega, and still… Orc? !

The surrounding tequila-flavored alpha pheromone is getting stronger and stronger, as if to engulf life, and Pingmo is in the most sensitive initial stage of binding heat, tightly. Squeeze a slightly normal-sounding “As you can see” through the teeth.

Ping Mo’s mind is very confused, this secret is still broken by this person after all, and his current situation is really worrying, what should I do?

But before Instructor Ping could think clearly, he felt a strong force coming, and Pei and Tu were all overwhelmed!

The height of nearly 1.9 meters is extremely oppressive, and the instructor Ping, who had lost his strength due to the combination of heat, pressed against the corner of the compartment, and he heard Pei and Tu’s voice coming over: ” Instructor Ping, I’ll help you.”

The sound of air was scorching hot, and the fur on the top of Ping Mo’s head was stimulated to explode: “…Fuck, get out!”

However, Pei and Tu did not retreat but advanced, lowered their voices, and actually brought some low-pitched bewitching: “Your pheromone is too sweet, it attracted the alpha of the entire bar, no Hurry up and suppress it, what about another wave? Didn’t you say it yourself, don’t you want to make things worse?”

Ping Mo was silent.

He hasn’t seen ghost ears yet, so he shouldn’t make a lot of noise to startle snakes.

“Let me help you, just a temporary mark.” Pei Yutu grabbed his waist with big hands, the skin under his hands was as flexible and thin as expected, but it was hotter than I remembered, the heat It was passed from the palm of his hand, and the heartbeat of Pei and Tu was so hot.

As if responding to Pei Yutu’s words, messy voices came from outside the door again, and they were approaching from far and near, Ping Mo closed his eyes as if resigned, buried his head in Pei Yutu In the crook of Tu’s arms, a slender, white neck was exposed, the glands were slightly reddish, and the outline was clearly visible.

This is by default.

Pei Yutu’s breathing became heavier immediately, only to feel the sweet grapefruit-flavored Omega pheromone filling the small compartment, soft and sweet, so there was nowhere to hide, he licked. Dry lips, biting through the thin flesh.


The sense of pleasure, from the back of the neck glands to the numbness all the way to the tail vertebra, even the hair on the tip of the tail exploded.

The long tail rolled up unconsciously and wrapped around Pei Yutu’s strong legs. Pei Yutu’s biting movements were stagnant, and they were encouraged to lick and **** harder. His back slid down to his waist, and he rubbed the base of his tail as if playing, and when he finally injected all his alpha pheromones, Instructor Ping shook his cat ears, and subconsciously bit Pei Yutu’s upper arm.

If it was said that when Pei Yutu bit the gland, he was afraid of hurting him, so he exercised three-point restraint, then Pingmo had no scruples, and the sharp canine teeth pierced the other side fiercely The muscles of the upper arm bit Pei Yutu with a light “hiss”, and squeezed the base of his tail as if in punishment, but there was no reproach in his tone: “Pingmo, are you a dog?”

Then he held Instructor Ping’s neck soft and fleshy, and tore the man out of his arms, but he saw that his mouth had not had time to close, his lips were moist, and canine teeth were vaguely visible pointed.

The soft touch of the lips in the “dream” last time is still fresh in my memory. When Pei Yutu moved in his heart, he wanted to kiss him, but suddenly his throat tightened: Ping Mo Jing I grabbed his neck with one hand!

“…” Pei Yutu, “Temporary mark.”

But having said that, he also realized that he had already injected pheromones, so he didn’t need to kiss anymore.

The so-called “temporary marks” are divided into two types, one is intimate physical contact, such as kissing or prolonged direct physical contact, and the other is biting the back of the neck and injecting alpha information Although this marker also disappears with metabolism, it lasts longer and the effect is more significant.

Ping Mo sighed, and with the other hand, the general dagger turned a beautiful knife flower, full of threats: “The temporary mark is enough, there is no need to make it up.”

Assistant Pei deserves to be a top alpha, and the temporary marking has an immediate effect. After injecting the pheromone, the cat ears on Pingmo’s head have disappeared, and the back is also empty, and there is no trace of the tail.

However, the sweet grapefruit-flavored omega pheromones still in the air can still attract alphas from several kilometers around, and the team of thugs chasing them may also come back.

This place is not suitable for long stay.

Ping Mo moved his joints and felt that his sore and soft limbs had recovered 40 to 50% of his strength, and it was not a problem to escape: “Let’s go quickly.”

“…Okay.” Pei Yutu doubted that if he dared to say nothing, the military dagger would be inserted into his heart without hesitation, “However, are you going out like this? ”

Ping ink: “?”

Pei and Tu looked down behind Ping Mo.

Instructor Ping realized that something was wrong. His shirt was quite designed, it was short at the waist, and the trousers had been torn long ago, and the tail had disappeared. So naked, it’s really unsightly.

“…!” Ping Mo felt that he might have lost his face for a lifetime today, so he wanted to find a hole in the ground to drill directly into it, and then clenched the military dagger, giving birth to a kind of unique The audience’s urge to end up – so that no one knows his embarrassment today.

The “only audience” was completely unaware of the crisis and looked at Ping Mo’s red ears from embarrassment. In a good mood, he took off his short-sleeved T-shirt and stuffed In the hands of Instructor Jinping: “Wear this, what, can cover it.”


This is a good way, Pei Yutu’s clothes are too large for Ping Mo, and they can almost completely cover his ass, but there is only one piece of clothes. Go shirtless.


Growth, the most eye-catching is a bruise the size of a palm on the waist, which should be a freshly-baked blunt weapon injury, reminding Ping Mo of the fierce fighting outside the door not long ago.

Ping Mo retracted his gaze, pursed his thin lips tightly, put on his clothes without saying a word, and went straight out of the dressing room compartment.

There were alphas lying on the ground outside, some of them were bruised by the hands of Assistant Pei, and some were directly suppressed by the pheromone of Pei and Tu, and they couldn’t even kneel down. It hasn’t slowed down yet.

Dead dogs all over the place, no threat.

The two of them successfully got on the extremely cool space car of Pei Fu Erdai Yu Tu. They had made a temporary mark of intimacy a few minutes ago, but now the car is quiet Needless to say, there was not a word of conversation.

Ping Mo leaned on the co-pilot’s leather seat and was in a mess.

Ping Mo looked at the bustling city night scene passing by the car window, and sneered in his heart: the most difficult trial has passed, at least no one will point a gun at him because he concealed his identity to bring him to court-martial.

Mostly, they were caught by their own teaching assistants.

Moreover, he had an inexplicable guess that Pei and Tu would not really tell this matter. According to their unharmonious relationship, his best way to deal with it was to hold this The handle threatened himself to get back the small shoes he had worn for him before.

First of all, Pei Yutu couldn’t stand the long silence, and broke the silence with a light cough, “Pingmo, just now, it was a little bit of a danger, but don’t think I, I deliberately took advantage of you Ah, that’s helping you!”

Ping Mo interrupted him coolly: “Call Instructor Ping.”

“…” Pei Yutu muttered while holding the steering wheel, “This is forcing the king to never forget to show off, or he is one level older than me.”

Instructor Ping didn’t know if he heard the rant, his eyes continued to be empty, and the car fell into a subtle silence again.

I don’t know how long it took, but he suddenly turned on his side and lifted the hem of his clothes – Ping Mo suddenly remembered that these pants are also made of degradable materials. It will degrade and disappear on its own.

Pingmo is looking for damaged thread ends. According to the physical properties of this material, twisting the thread ends at the break can effectively slow down its degradation speed. After all, Instructor Ping does not want to wear Assistant Pei. T-shirt, and went back to the dormitory bare-legged at the same time, so shameful, it would be better to kill him.

But in Pei Yutu’s view, this action is completely different.

This Omega who had just been temporarily marked by him, in front of his own face, he flipped his clothes and rubbed his ass. Instructor! You are almost done! If you do this again…” I took care of you in the car!

Ping Mo was concentrating on handling the pants, but he didn’t react for a while, and subconsciously asked: “So what?”

Pei Yutu suddenly met those gray-blue eyes full of innocence and doubts, and his eyes fell on the thread in his hand again, realizing that he had misunderstood, and finally patted the steering wheel , said gruffly: “It’s okay!”

Ping Mo returned a polite look at the neuropathy.

But Pei Yutu remembered the temporary mark just now, the taste is very good, he said tentatively: “Hey, I didn’t expect you to be an Omega.”

Ping Mo didn’t even tidy his pants, he sat up straight, thinking: He is finally going to negotiate with me. But this is actually the best solution. If he is willing to hold the handle to blackmail me, it means that he will not tell the matter.

Instructor Pei and Tu Zhiping were waiting for their “extortion”, and continued: “Not only an Omega, but also an orc, a male orc should be more precious than the giant panda in the ancient earth era Well, no, it should be more precious, maybe you are the only one in the entire interstellar space… Haha, in fact, this is the first time I have temporarily marked Omega, I-”

“Yeah,” Ping Mo interrupted him, “Assistant Pei, you’ve got a big grip on me now, what are you going to do?”

Pei Yutu: “?”

Pei Yutu did not expect the topic to turn to this direction, “I got your handle?”

Ping Mo: “In the future, you don’t need to write the teaching plan, except for the meetings uniformly required by the school, if you don’t want to participate in other meetings, you can tell me directly, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have morning exercises occasionally, but the military skills training in the afternoon I still hope that you can be on time and on time. If you want to participate in other evaluation activities, I can also recommend it. If we can work together until the end of the semester, I will give you an excellent final evaluation report. helpful.”

…It was clear that it was a bait, and in the end, I didn’t forget to intimidate. Such a calm and ruthless analysis completely destroyed the atmosphere of Pei and Tu’s private affair.

The topic that I wanted to talk about could not be continued, Pei Yutu raised his hand and stabbed his head, and said gruffly: “Whatever you want.”

Lu Dongwang felt that his roommate was getting more and more gay, he got into the single dormitory of Instructor Ping early in the morning, and he has not come out till now.

Today is Saturday, there is no need to do morning exercises, but these people have been in the army for many years and have long developed the biological clock of early going to bed and early rising. He pushed open the door and asked, “Do you need to bring food?”

Lu Dongwang immediately raised his hand to announce the name of the dish in one go, very skilled.

“Okay, what about Lao Pei?”

“Brother Pei, don’t worry about it, go find the instructor early in the morning.”

Cao Ling said strangely: “They have such a good relationship now? Instructor Ping can do it, he will be captured so quickly! Lao Pei is the most famous thorn in our station.”

Lu Dongwang shook his head inexplicably: “No! Brother Cao, Instructor Ping is not very capable, but charming, I guess…”

Cao Lingxin listened to his long-winded conjecture, pushed his glasses, and said categorically: “Impossible! Pei and Tu equal Mo?! How could Lao Pei pursue people? Wasn’t he scared away by him?”

“I have evidence – when I went out in the morning, Brother Pei used my mouthwash! Pei Yutu and mouthwash! Can you link these two things together? What is the courtship?”

—The mouthwash was bought by Lu Dongwang in order to get to know Omega at the beginning of school, and was ridiculed by the alpha instructors on the first floor. Among them, Pei Yutu’s disgust was the most loud, and his words were still in his ears: “The sissy talent Use mouthwash!”

So Cao Ling was completely shocked, and took a long time to say: “But, but… they are all alphas.”

Lu Dongwang sighed: “You don’t know, I grew up with Brother Pei, and I know him. He may be Yan Xinglian, you understand Yan Xinglian? He just looks at his face.”

Cao Lingxin thought of Pei and Tu’s extreme appearance control, and reluctantly understood a little, but still found it difficult to agree: “No matter how good-looking Instructor Keping is, he is still hard. Bang Bang’s alpha, there are many Omegas. Okay, soft and sweet… By the way, did you hear the news last night?”

“Taiping Street – the most famous bar street in Star City – over there, a nightclub held a ‘pheromone night’ theme party, an Omega failed to control the pheromone, resulting in Half of the alphas in Nancheng are passively in love.”

“Lying. trough! Lying. trough! Half a south city? This is too exaggerated? How sweet is Omega’s pheromone, is it fake?”

“Perhaps, I don’t know the identity of the Omega until now, but the whole star city has spread, and even the school is talking about it.”

Lu Dongwang envied: “How come I can’t come across this kind of good thing, just let me smell it.”

Cao Lingxin: “…I mean, if Lao Pei can experience it, maybe he can like Omega again.”

Lu Dongwang said sternly: “Brother Cao, I have to criticize you, it’s the interstellar age, why do you still discriminate against AA love?”

“I’m not discriminating against AA love,” Cao Lingxin said, “I’m just a little worried about Lao Pei, because of Instructor Ping’s violent temper, if you know his careful thinking, you mustn’t maim people. “Although Lao Pei’s skills are good, he can’t stand Instructor Ping’s ruthless attack.”

“…” Lu Dongwang also fell silent, “You are right.”

Instructor Ping’s single dormitory, or a single small apartment.

Pingmo wiped a tactical knife with maintenance oil, and said: “That’s the way it is, that bar claims to have a great connection with the notorious human trafficker ‘Ghost Ear’, but it has never been accompanied by drinks. The male model, the lady sitting on the stage, and the aunt who cleans are all volunteering to work. No matter how many times the relevant departments have checked, they can only end up with a fine by the Anti-pornography Office at most. ”

Pei and Tu who are trying to concave shape: “…”

In addition to the concave shape, Assistant Professor Pei also specially dressed up today. After washing his face, he wiped off the body lotion and used Lu Dongwang’s mouthwash. The bristles, which have always been disobedient, were combed softly and submissively.

Ping Mo: “Also, why is your hair so oily, haven’t you washed it?”

“…” Pei Yutu couldn’t stand it anymore, “Fuck, are you an Omega?” Not since the age of five.

Instructor Ping suddenly lowered his face: “Didn’t we already negotiate yesterday?”

Pei Yutu subconsciously wanted to brush her hair, but when she touched a hand of hair wax, she retracted her hand angrily, “Isn’t there no one else in the room, don’t worry, I won’t go back on what I promised. , I won’t tell your secret.”

“This is the best.” Ping Mo lowered her long eyelashes and continued to wipe the precious knife.

This tactical short knife, named ‘Death Sickle’, is made of special steel “v gold 12”, with a leather scabbard and a full metal handle. It is said that the shape has also been patented. It is a good knife for killing people, and the price of one is worth the allowance of a lieutenant for half a year.

Instructor Ping does not pay attention to food and clothing, and a saber is more expensive than a knife.

Pei Yutu stared at his skilled knife-wiping action, still a little hard to digest the fact that this person was an Omega. Instructor Ping is indeed one of the most beautiful, his figure is soft, and his pheromone is so sweet that it is hard to control himself, but he is a violent, unreasonable soldier no matter how he behaves.

Ever since biting Instructor Ping last night, Pei Yutu had a subtle illusion that this person was already his own, but he got up early in the morning and came over to follow him excitedly When we met, Ping Mo seemed to be fine. If he hadn’t admitted it himself, Pei and Tu would have suspected that last night was another spring dream.

“Hey, Pingmo,” Pei Yutu said, “Did we meet before last night? Just in the state of your cat ears.”

The action of the flat ink wiper stopped for a while, and then he said without changing his face: “No.”

Pei Yutu: “But I smelled your pheromone, in a dream, no, not a dream, we hugged that night and touched you!”

Instructor Ping inserted the tactical knife vertically into the coffee table with a ‘snap”, “If I say no, I don’t have it! If you’re a Tsubaki dream, **** me!”

“You! You with the surname Ping—” Pei Yutu rolled up his arms and rolled up his sleeves, but swallowed the unspoken words. Just like, fight him head-on, but now that he knows the truth, how can he fight Omega?

Well A doesn’t fight with O.

“Okay, let’s not talk about this.” Pei and Tu conceded defeat.

In fact, Instructor Ping was so angry that it was a positive reply. Pei Yutu even had a bolder guess: Could that cat be Pingmo too?

Before he went to listen to the “Physical Health of College Students” class, that section was devoted to orcs, some orcs will turn into animals under certain conditions, Mi. Mi’s tail is flat and ink’s tail color So like…

Coincidentally, there was also the shadow of the cat in the “Chunmeng” that night.

Instructor Ping doesn’t seem willing to confess, but they will spend a long time together in the future. .

…Wait, that’s not right, he was clearly holding his hand, so why was he afraid of losing his temper?

I heard that Ping Mo has changed the subject: “I want to tell the whereabouts of ghost ears, but the second boss told me something interesting, I guess you should be interested.”


“They call the bar just a bar, and it has nothing to do with the ‘big business’ of ghost ears, but ghost ears are too famous, and some traffickers will take the initiative to contact them. The second boss told me that recently There is a very interesting ‘Yazi’, a boy from the United Army University, and he wants them to help sell two classmates.”

Pei Yutu blurted out: “Chen Jianghao?”

Ping Mo shook his head: “It’s possible, but this is the one-sided word of the second boss, and I can’t believe it.”

Pei Yutu began to analyze along this line of thought: “Chen Jianghao wants to sell Zhou Li and Ji’an? He stopped me that day and mentioned the Wind Chime Bar, which is exactly what the second boss said. Then why did Zhou Li and Ji An lie? Why did Chen Jianghao himself disappear?”

Ping Mo pulled out the tactical short knife, put it away, took out another one from the locker in the small living room, and sprinkled talcum powder on the knife carefully, “I don’t know, use your brain. Solving cases is not our specialty, we are only responsible for carrying out tasks and charging forward, if you think it is useful, report the news, and naturally someone will investigate.”

Pei and Tu agree that as teachers, their responsibilities have been exhausted, but he is more concerned about another question: “Why are you looking for ghost ears?”


Long silence.

Pei Yutu watched Ping Mo wipe off the talcum powder that had absorbed the old grease and dust with a cotton cloth, but when he thought he would not answer, he listened to Instructor Ping angrily He opened his mouth: “I have a personal grudge against him.”

“It’s this person who made me unable to return with my troops, so I had to run thousands of miles back to the main star and ‘take the children’ in the school.”

Among the group of instructors who participated in the ‘education and training of the whole army’ and were seconded to the Allied Forces University, Ping Mo was indeed an exception. He was not seconded, but served for a long time, and his original unit number , Military rank, and past are all unknown.

This batch of instructors are basically lieutenants. Pei Yutu is a captain, but he has to be an assistant for Ping Mo. He reasonably suspects that Ping Mo is at least a school officer, and he is a school officer at a young age. Officer, there are very few people in the entire league. With such a bright future, it is really overkill to stay in the school and do physical training for a bunch of cubs every day instead of going abroad to continue to work hard.

Unless he made a serious mistake and was punished, he was sent here.

As for what kind of serious mistakes it would be, Pei and Tu felt that they might have guessed: Alliance law stipulates that Omegas cannot join the army except for special arms such as literary and art soldiers. If they conceal their identity and enter the military camp, It is a serious crime. He used to think that this rule was reasonable and reasonable. Omegas were weak and troublesome. Once the combination of fever broke out and attracted the alphas in the military camp to passively lust, would they still fight?

But now, I think this rule is just **** stupid. Although Pingmo is an Omega, in terms of combat power, which alpha can compare?

Pei Yutu: “Just because you’re an Omega?”

Ping Mo said: “Not only that, they also suspect that I am collaborating with the enemy.”

“!!” Pei Yutu, “Who is it? Ghost ears??”

Ping Mo nodded: “So I want to find the ghost ear.”

Pei Yutu: “You should find out and clear your injustice.”

Ping Mo hooked his lips and sneered: “You don’t even know what happened, so you believe that I am wronged?”

Soldier! How could it be possible to betray the alliance with the enemy?”

“…” Ping Mo opened his mouth, but didn’t say anything. After all, he had only known this person for more than a month, but he dared to guarantee it, but those colleagues and Shangfeng, if it wasn’t for Colonel Lu Feng’s efforts, he probably wouldn’t be able to stand here alive.

“It’s best if the ghost ear can help me clear my grievances,” Ping Mo held the rubbed horn, “If it doesn’t work, then kill him directly, in short, this revenge, I must report.”

This is the most comfortable and stable combination since Instructor Ping returned to the main star. He did not become a cat, nor did he have any uncomfortable physiological pain. It’s good to use.

Ping Mo was wearing a full set of training uniforms, wearing a camouflage Bennie hat, holding a pointer, standing upright in the scorching sun and supervising the students to pass the 400-meter obstacle, but his eyes crossed the students, Falling on Assistant Professor Pei’s back, he thought: Before Leng Li’s special inhibitor for orcs arrives, it seems like a good idea to use him as a ‘living inhibitor’.

But after all, AO is different, this kind of thing, normal people just want to do it with the object? The relationship between him and Assistant Professor Pei is not harmonious, not even an ordinary friend, and I don’t know if he is willing to help…

Assistant Pei, who was a few meters away, also had concerns.

Since that night, Ping Mo has kept his attitude towards him as always, as if nothing had happened. Same.

Pei and Tu are too old to believe that they can get pregnant by kissing, holding hands is the age of the object, and they admit that they have taken advantage of this kind of thing, but they still feel uncomfortable, surnamed Flat what is this? Is it ruthless, throw it away after use?

Just when Pei Yutu Momo thought of Instructor Ping as a scumbag, he suddenly smelled a very faint sweet grapefruit scent, and his wrists tightened immediately.

Pei Yutu: “?”

The students saw Instructor Ping holding a pointer, and suddenly stepped forward, grabbing Assistant Professor Pei aggressively, thinking that the devil instructor was in a bad mood, and he was going to use someone to stab him, and they were all frightened.

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