My Real Life Dating-System?! [BL]

Arc 1, Ch.25(Final): There goes my brain.

I just decided on an absolute whim to upload this today. Come back in roughly one hour for a bonus chapter of Mizuki's point of view :3

I fidgeted in my seat, trying to look as calm as possible. That reaction had been a strong hint that he really had someone he liked and was aware of it, or at least had an idea about it.
Maybe I should try to make him more curious? Would that make him think more about me?

Mizuki turned another bit quieter than he had already been and we decided not to drag out meeting to avoid it getting awkward. We were all quite exhausted anyway and ready for throwing ourselves into our beds and just play games.

Me and my usual group, at least.

We went a small part together, then they trickled away until it was just Mizuki and me. I rubbed my neck, not sure if repeating the trainscene was a good idea. We naturally trailed off path since I was thinking too much and just mindlessly followed Mizuki, who ended up looking at some stores.

When we ended up in front of the small park not too far from the station, we halted.

“Take a detour to enjoy some fresh air?”, I suggested, not looking at Mizuki.
His voice came from my left side. “Alright.”

The park was kinda empty at this time of day. The adults were still working and the exam-ridden students were rushing away from school, towards home. Some people were out with their dogs or jogging, but not too many.

We strolled through the park for a while before we took a seat under one of the trees to the side.

You’re not imagining it, it sounds a shit lot like a date. Which was why I was just barely keeping my nerves together. The mood was just too weird and it made me insecure. 

I couldn’t picture him confessing to me or anything, he didn’t seem like that type - but maybe I could pick up on some hints. The system was still obnoxiously silent, refusing to give me any new ones.

I was the one doing most of the talking while we enjoyed chirping birds and sunshine amidst the fresh scent of grass and flowers. I had picked up on the topic of showing him some games we could play together, summarizing their story and mechanics for him to probe which ones he might find interesting.

Mentally filtering out the more complicated ones and shooters - which he didn’t want to play - I went through my list of MMORPGs that were easy on beginners and fun from the start.

I was pleased to notice that there was one I had played for quite some time - meaning I knew it quite well - and that would suit his interests. I stretched my back. Next to me, Mizuki looked at his phone.

“I’ll have to leave now”, he told me and I smiled.
“Alright, I’ll stay for a while longer.” That way I could avoid the train. I’d just stay in the park until the next one.

Mizuki nodded, then went up in a squat before hesitating.
“Uhm”, he started, then broke off. I blinked.

“What is it?”
“Could I ask for your help with something?”

I had no idea what exactly could ever need the help of someone like me, but sure. “Of course! Just poke me whenever.”
I agreed immediately, laughing softly. Whatever it was, it would be a reason to spend more time with him again and the uncomfortable mood from the train had smoothened out. He wasn’t avoiding me anymore.

“Would right now be fine?” He scrunched his eyebrows softly.

“Eh, sure? But I thought you need to leave?”
He nodded. “I do, but it’s a quick issue.”

I spread my hands, blinking at him with a blank face. “Well then…”

Tell me how I can help, was the meaning of that gesture. Go ahead.
He did.

He was in a squat with one hand on his bag anyway, so he only needed to place one foot forward and lean on his knee. In this position, he was higher up than me, so I was tilting my head to look up at him.

My brain didn’t register at all what was happening when he leaned forward and closed in on me.

I was frozen with the same stupid blank look I had just a moment ago, all thoughts shutting down.

There was a rough, warm sensation brushing against my lips, gone immediately, though the tingling lingered and slowly spread over my scalp.

“That was all”, was the quiet whisper I subconsciously registered along with the blurry figure distancing itself from me and jumping up and away with a quick but calm ‘See you’.

I stared straight forward.

Stared, stared more, stared for another while and then fell into a coughing fit when my body screamed for oxygen and I choked on my own saliva.

I rolled around to face down and continued coughing and wheezing. The moment I caught my breath, I returned into my sitting position and pulled an incredibly heavy hand up against my mouth.

Tingling, like electricity crawling over my skin, causing my heart to jolt and breath to go uneven.

I stared at the ground some more, then blindly fished for my phone and unlocked it. Haru’s number was still quite far on top when I dialed it.

“Heeey! Are you mad about the pictures?”

I squealed and hiccuped incomprehensible words into the phone without break. I’m not even sure if they had ever been actual sentences in the first place and I mangled them, stumbling over the words, or if I was just babbling nonsense.

“Uh-huh. Yep. Okay. I can’t understand a word.”
Haru’s amused voice came through the phone when I stopped to catch my breath.

“Can’t think”, I forced out as a high-pitched squeak, curling up right where I sat. I could literally hear Haru frowning.

“Riku, I can’t tell if you actually need help or you’re just being a bit overwhelmed right now.”
I was losing my mind, but I didn’t want her to misunderstand me. “Latter.”  
“Good, that’s a relief at least. Now, do you think you can come home on your own or do you want me to fetch you? Maybe you’ll be able to form a sentence by the time you’re here. One that I can understand.”

I somewhat agreed with a weird noise, shut my phone down and let my hand fall to the ground. The grass was tickling my fingers.

I kept that position for a good half of an hour - the only reason why no one asked me whether I was alright was because I was an obvious student. I could hear people commenting I was probably devastated about my exams.

Half an hour later, I had gotten myself together enough to wander home.

For the first time in years, at being greeted by my sister in the living room, I went over to hug her before anxiously wailing into her shoulder.

“Mizuki kissed me and I don’t know what to do now!”, I shouted, squeezing her.
I mean what the fuck! How is he so daring! What did he mean by that!! Am I supposed to take this as a confession or does it not count!!!

Do you expect me to behave normally from now own?! We were just talking, what the actual fuck! Does the whole gaming thing still stand, hey??

Can I ask you out now or what??

Please be more clear about your intentions!

I whined, quickly giving Haru a summary. She squealed, then hugged me back forcefully.
“That’s great! That means he likes you, doesn’t it?”

“I don’t know! He left immediately!”
“Don’t you have a system?”

...Eh. I do.

Uhhmm… There was no new note or current hint, but the points had changed.

[80/100. The target’s first crush. Since he has the feeling that it’s mutual, he won’t hold back in trying to figure out his crush’s feelings. Couldn’t care less about anyone else’s opinion.

Relationship status changed to: Mutual crush

Hint: The host shouldn’t wait too long in making his own feelings clear to the target.

Good luck.]

W-what’s with that ‘Good luck’?! 

Still… this says…

I groaned nervously into my sister’s shoulder, feeling like I had won in a lottery. It felt unrealistic and I was in a panic, wondering if I wasn’t just misunderstanding something.

Haru’s head tilted against mine. “Don’t be so nervous. You two got along so well, I can imagine him falling for you.”
“He’s not a girl, Haru. The great majority of people are straight.”
“There’s still more than enough who aren’t. Who says you can’t be lucky, hm? Do you have a plan on how to proceed?”

Do I look like someone who has a plan?!

“I’m scared of saying anything! It would be super awkward!”

I ended the hug, wobbling over to the sofa where I could curl up. “First off, he could still reject me, second, I have no idea about setting a mood and would totally botch it, third-”

“Third, you are terrified because all of this is out of your expectations and you had already accepted staying single for the rest of your life? Especially since Taizou is a very good-looking guy who you say is way above your league?”

Tapeworm. “Yes!”

Haru came to me to pat my shoulder.
“You just wait, I’ll get you to confess to him.”

I shuddered. Somehow, I didn’t doubt her ability to force me out of my comfort zone.

Okay, who guessed that it would be Mizuki to make the first move in such a way? Heh.
I'll take a break until the 08.07 at most, so the latest a new chapter + arc will appear is after next week sunday. I don't think I will need that much time, but just to be sure that you're informed.
Story isnt over yet~ But this is a great time for you to write me long comments about what you think so far, what you think is going to happen, what you look forward to because you expect it to happen and what you hope won't happen :D Generally, just give me feedback, alright~? (I won't include any of it into this story unless it's very important, but for future use, you know? xD)

Mizuki's bonus story theater:

Mizuki: "Hmmmmmmm..."
Mizuki: "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
Mizuki: "Might as well."

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