My Real Life Dating-System?! [BL]

Arc 3, Ch.1: Home alone is kinda bad (M)

This chapter contains the start of Mature Content. Every chapter that contains it even partially will be marked with an (M) in the title, so you're warned.

No reading this in public. I should say, no reading this under 18, but you're gonna ignore that.
Also, strong reminder: This. Is. Fiction. I'm writing these scenes with the experience of yaoi manga and BL novels. I don't exactly have the personal experience of being a gay man. So, let's all not take this too seriously and pluck the scenes apart, kaaay~?

The days went on somewhat peacefully. Half of my family was very interested in me bringing over Mizuki again, something that I fervently denied. 
The same went for half of Mizuki’s family, something that he fervently denied.

Mizuki turned into part of my group, often hanging out with us. My friends mostly left him alone, so it was more him sitting with us, but that was nice in itself. He quite liked them.

Prez was… Uhm. I think I need to comment on that scene.

I had been sitting in the cafe with Mizuki, just enjoying some time alone when Prez appeared. We didn’t want to send him away rudely, so he sat down with us for a while.

Since he had distanced himself from flirting with Mizuki, I didn’t mind having him around as much as before though. I still wasn’t too comfortable until he had a new person to crush on, though.

A figure jumped me from behind.
“Riku, darling, honey~”, purred Haru, rubbing her head against mine. “Sweetheart!”

People were staring, so I pushed her away. She was wearing a beautiful, dark blue dress that went perfectly over her curves, and heels that made her walk like she was a model. Her face was gentle, since she was interacting with me, and more than one guy in the room was starstruck.

“What are you being so happy for?”

She giggled.
“Ufufufu~ One of my favourite artists just commented on my doujinshi!”

I couldn’t fully understand the sentiment, but being praised by an artist she admired always made her overjoyed. I patted her head with a “Well done”.

Finally, Haru registered who else was on the table and unceremoniously took the only open seat.
“Hi, Taizou!”, she greeted with a wide smile, then tilted her head to look at Prez. “Hi.”

“Ah, hi…” Prez switched from staring to instantly polite and courteous in half a second. I raised my eyebrows as I watched him compliment Haru on her dress - that made her happy - before glancing over to me.

“She is your…?”
“Older sister”, I filled in helpfully.

All of a sudden, Prez was beaming.
“Is that so? I didn’t know Riku had such a beautiful sister!”

And I didn’t know there’s any reason you would need to know that?

Anyway, for a solid ten minutes, I had to watch Prez flirt with my sister, who enjoyed the attention.

The moment Haru left was the moment Prez left, too.
I sat in a daze.

“That’s unexpected”, I had mumbled. Mizuki merely shook his head at me.

So, yeah. Prez is hovering around me all the time, trying to dig out information about Haru from me. A bit weird, to be honest, but it seems that Akihito is a fan of beautiful things just like Tarou. Maybe that’s why he could let go of Mizuki easily, because it had never been deep feelings?

All in all, things were going nice except for the system turning overly mischievous once in a while. Especially if I was alone with Mizuki, but never at school. (Everyone had seen my group together with Prez and Mizuki more than often now, so we spent a lot of time at school together. It was okay.)

At that time, Mizuki was in my room in a thankfully empty house. A Saturday, where Daichi and Risa were off with friends and I had thrown my parents and Haru out of the house.

Mizuki was perfectly fine with me kissing him but I hadn’t tried anything beyond that anymore.

Not that he wasn’t creating a tempting picture - he had a habit of licking his lips after I kissed him and when I would accidentally bite his lips to hard, he’d suck his lip in and glare at me with a soft frown. Absolutely everything about it looked coquettish and seductive, making me cry on the inside. Temptation is an evil thing.

I carefully nibbled on his lower lip to ask for entrance. My boyfriend would be surprisingly submissive in moments like these, leaning heavily on me and closing his eyes like a lazy cat.

His tongue greeted mine with sluggish movements, teasing me worse than if he was aggressive. The wet sound of me trailing my tongue over his was embarrassing but turned instantly ambiguous with the low, pleased hum escaping Mizuki’s throat.

The atmosphere around us turned weird, as it had done often enough. The area where I held his head in place was scalding, the heat travelling all the way up my arm. 
It was hard to keep my hand from trailing to his ears or down to the sensitive throat.

I was desperately fighting with my system in order to distract myself from the hot feeling sinking deeper into my body.

[This servant is merely trying to advance the host’s and target’s relationship.]
Fuck you! Are you my dating coach?! You can’t keep on giving me forced choices that end like this! Do you know how hard it is to not just push him down, ah?
[This servant does not understand where the problem lies.]

I could almost hear the indignant, pouting voice and see a figure crossing their arms. My system was obstinate.

[This servant believes that the host should advance the relationship already. Three weeks is sufficient time to pass the stage of just kissing.]
That’s what you’re saying, at least. It’s not like I don’t want to, but can’t you understand that I’m too nervous about making a mistake??

[How about jerking off together at least??]

Where’s your polite speech now, huh.

[This servant suggests at least advancing to the stage of jerking off together.]
I’m pretty sure ‘jerking off’ is still not the polite way of saying it and nope, I saw that before. Don’t try to act like you’re my servant when we both know you aren’t!

Besides, it’s the middle of the day!

A pause.

I scraped my teeth of Mizuki’s lips and sucked at them. They turned swollen and red easily, but I loved the sight. He bit my tongue in response, playfully, and I tensed to push down my desire again.

[The host’s family will not return before 7PM. This is a suitable time.]

That much, they had promised. After I had threatened them they’d never see Mizuki if they didn’t give us enough time to settle in our relationship before Mizuki had to endure the whole awkward eating-together just as I had.

Still, I refused to talk to the system any longer. That was my decision, and I wouldn’t change it.


[(Please choose what to do.)

  • Move free hand to thigh
  • Move free hand to waist
  • Move free hand to lower back]

Doesn’t that all end with the same implication you goddamn bastard!

The system gave me five seconds - according to the timer in my view - even after reading the choices. If I suddenly stopped moving completely during a kiss, completely frozen, Mizuki would find it weird. That meant I had five seconds to decide.

I threw literally every curse I knew at the system before choosing the first option.
My left hand was placed next to Mizuki’s legs, so that was the closest thing in reach and I kind of hoped Mizuki wouldn’t notice too much.

He was sitting in my lap as we had been playing together on my console and my body moved to pull him into a more comfortable position before leaving my hand on his thigh instead of pulling it back. At least it wasn’t overly obvious but I panicked nonetheless.

Mizuki put an inch of distance between our lips and growled at me. It sounded so much more like teasing than anger that I immediately leaned back in but winced away when he bit me hard.

That was his way of telling me he had certainly noticed where that naughty hand of mine was placed on his body. He tilted his head, black pupils shining from behind the curtain of his thick eyelashes.

His half-closed eyes moved over my rigid face for a second, then he captured my lips again as if nothing had ever happened. He shifted slightly on my lap, which did nothing to calm the heat in my body, and hummed as he continued the passionate kiss.

He wasn’t straddling me - I would have gone crazy if he did. He was sitting sideways on my lap, holding himself up against me.

Now that I was having my hand on his thigh anyway, temptation struck me heavily. It didn’t take much for me to just let my fingers stroke over the inner area of his thigh. The fabric of his pants wasn’t too thick - I felt him shiver and fidget for a moment.

His shivers were always what made me lose control. I loved it when he shivered and shuddered, like his body was unable to control its excitement. An involuntary reaction that he couldn’t hide.

When he didn’t resist me or bite my lips to show his displeasure, I got a bit cheekier.

I was gonna take a longer break, but then I saw my view count and felt bad, so here you are xD

We're starting right off with this, wow. I really had no restraint in writing this. If anyone would prefer skipping the perverted scenes then please give me a sign, I'll mark them so that you could skip them.

System be like: "Do stuff!" o(-`д´- 。)
Riku be like: "Nu!" (๑・`▱´・๑)

Mizuki's Theater:

Mizuki (bites): "Waaait."
Riku (stopping): "..."
Mizuki: "..."
Mizuki: "......."
Mizuki: "Yeah, kay."
Mizuki: "Continue."

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