My Real Life Dating-System?! [BL]

Arc 3, Ch.12: Can’t say no (Part 1) (M)

Mature content ahead!

Yes, I was getting a bit impatient.

His skin was silky and soft to the touch and he’d shudder so deliciously when I stroked it. He’d lean into my touch, panting seductively, and since he had given up holding back his voice, even moan unrestrained. 

If I reached out to slide my hand between his legs he’d part them, which was a painful invitation to ignore. 

I had kept my word and not even stripped him, but the times I’d leave bitemarks on his chest and waist had risen greatly, his shirt pushed up when I touched him.

I hadn’t done more than that. I didn’t want to scare him away, maybe, but maybe I was just scared that he’d hate being touched that way. He did groan when I stroked his waist, but that broke my self-control away so I stopped doing it.

“I-I can be patient… You really don’t need to push yourself…”

He snorted, amused. The word dripped with sarcasm. “Sure. Here’s the thing: You can try whatever you want. Unless I tell you to stop, you can go on. Fine?”

Not fine, actually. I’d rather not try going all the way if there was a possibility of having to stop in the middle… That’d be a pain… And I would stop, of course. I wouldn't want to do anything he was uncomfortable with.

Short, slightly - very? - embarrassing story: I had once wanted to try sucking him off. As a guy, I felt that that was a thing I wanted to have done, too, so I judged he’d like it. And he did, don’t misunderstand me, until he looked down.

As he explained it with a face so bright red it looked unhealthy, the sight evoked his gagging reflex. As if I had my hand down my throat. I did feel like gagging while having something so large in my mouth, but I found it amusing that it transmitted over to him.

Anyway, he was so violently embarrassed by his own reaction and that he had pushed me away so hastily so I never even tried it again. He’d need another while before he’d forget it, even though I had liked the way his voice sounded when I was doing it.

So, yeah. I preferred putting his opinion first.

“It’s just to be safe. I’m pretty sure I can tell whether I’m okay or not even before you put it in.” He rolled his eyes. Sometimes I was fascinated by how used we had gotten to talking about these topics without being overly embarrassed. We never got into fights about sexual things in return, though.

I let my eyes wander over his body. It was warm, he was wearing a wide shirt and shorts. His long legs were stretched past the table, feet moving around.

I swallowed.

[Go on, take the suggestion. No one is around.]
...What, right now?
[Yes. Just pull him over.]

There my system was, jumping back to talking normally.

I really did adore every inch of Mizuki. I’d kiss up his legs if I didn’t worry he’d find it disgusting. He was ticklish, so he’d probably fall over and I would be between his legs. Leaning over him to kiss him, letting my hand wander from his ankle up his thigh…

[...Just do it.]

Stop it with the meme.

Mizuki squirmed, then glared at me. “You have a terrible habit of eating me up in your head and then not doing anything. Do you think I don’t notice your gaze when I’m sitting right in front of you?”

Whoops. Got caught.

“...That was an invitation for you to do it, not to pull back, you idiot.”

Temptation… too… large…
Can’t… say no…

I pulled my legs out from under the table and crossed the gap between us. He gave a small twitch when my fingers caressed his bare skin. 
I lifted his leg up slightly and bent down to brush my lips against his ankle. His leg shivered.

I wandered up, placing one on his calf. Another shiver.

“It’s ticklish”, he complained, despite not pulling his leg away.

Another light kiss, a bit farther up. Torn between feeling ticklish and aroused, Mizuki’s leg finally began twitching backwards. I pulled it back to me, placing more.

Mizuki cursed lowly, trying to free his leg from my grip. I grinned and gave a strong tug, pulling his whole body over to me and causing his back to fall to the ground. One more kiss did I place high on his thigh, then I positioned myself over him.

His leg quivered in my grip. I didn’t let go, so his knee was drawn up to his chest and his foot was at my shoulder. With me between his legs, the position looked highly suggestive.

His angry, dark eyes glared at me. It couldn’t hide the excited haze.

My lips pressed against his. He opened his mouth and closed his eyes, allowing me to slide my tongue against his. The wet sounds and suggestive position immediately turned the atmosphere rather dangerous.

Mizuki hummed as I gently nibbled on his lip, wrapping his arms loosely around my neck.

“You’re tasty”, I mumbled, intertwining out tongues. He tasted sweet like the soda he had just drunk from. Hungry, I deepened the kiss, becoming more aggressive.

He melted under it. Mizuki was aggressive if I wasn’t and submissive the moment I took over control. It was interesting to notice the tipping point; the moment where he’d relax and pull me closer, where his arousal would be obvious.

He left his leg on my shoulder even as I stopped holding it up, instead using my fingernail to barely scrape his skin farther up his thigh. He quivered and squirmed again, his brows frowning.

I stopped before sliding my hand into his shorts, deciding to move it up instead. He didn’t notice my first tug, but noticed the second, stronger one and hummed in response.

A short bite alerted me to him wanting to say something and I paused, listening to him gasp for breath as I focused on his ear. My teeth around his earring, I tugged at it, delighted at the small gasp that escaped him. The area where the ring pierced his skin was sensitive, making it all the more reason for me to use my tongue to tease it.

“Not - nngh… - allowed to… have… only me stripped… Ahh…”

Some sweet sounds escaped him in between his words. I took his suggestion and left off his throat for a moment, placing his leg down from my shoulder so I could slip my shirt over my head. It was getting quite hot, anyway, and if this was what I had to do to get to strip him? Gladly.

I felt him tense under me when I dragged his shorts plus underwear off him. He curled his body together out of instinct, even though I had seen him aroused more than once now. 

I didn’t force his legs apart. I just caressed his waist, leaning back down to kiss him and spoke in a coaxing tone. “I’ll stop if you’re not comfortable.”

He shook his head and relaxed slightly. Under the continuous stroking, his legs began to part again until I could reach his half-hard length. It quivered when I teased it with the tip of my fingers.

“I find it hard to understand that… hmm... a man’s body is arousing”, he mumbled. I didn’t stop my teasing but kept it light so that he could talk.

“So, what, you’re worrying you’re unattractive?”

I looked over his body and felt the strain of my own shorts. “Because that’s really not a problem. I find you plenty arousing. And aren’t you hard?”

Mizuki squirmed when I squeezed him between two fingers, some pre-cum leaking from his tip.

“Tha-at’s because what you’re doing feels-” A soft, muffled groan. His hips moved up to follow my fingers. “-nice. Not because of your body.”

“I can live with that. As long as you don’t find my body disgusting.” Another moan. I took it as agreement.

Since I judged the discussion as finished, I went back to nibbling on his collarbone and gave the standing up erection in my hand a hard stroke. Mizuki’s back arched.

Happy, I just focused on pleasing him for a while, ignoring my own throbbing need. His hips jerked when he came and his jaw tensed as he shut it. Him having an orgasm were the only sounds he had vehemently refused to let out until now, as much as possible.

Mizuki’s body slackened. I got rid of his shirt while he was still dazed, showing him a crooked grin when he came back to himself and glared at me for suddenly being naked. In a coaxing manner, I roped my arm around him to pull him against me, speaking into the nape of his neck.

“Don’t be angry. I’m not wearing much, either.”

And as if to prove it, I got rid of my shorts as well.

He flinched when there was nothing between us anymore. Sharp teeth sunk into my shoulder but I didn’t react, only coaxing him with quiet sounds and stroking his back.

Finally, he breathed out - half a sigh - and brought his arms around my neck again.

With slow movements, my hand moved over to stroke down his chest, over his stomach and then his hip. He was rubbing against me, his movements involuntarily begging.

My fingers dug into his skin as I dragged them down his hip and over his ass. His muscles tensed, clenching together. His breathing stopped, so I roughly massaged his buttcheek to observe his reaction.

He writhed under my touch with long, complaining groans until I moved my fingers to slide into the gap. I brushed against his entrance, feeling it clench together, and he froze.

“Uncomfortable?”, I asked, pushing myself up to look at him. I’d need some sort of lube to continue, anyway, so I might as well look at his face.

He looked torn between wanting me to stop or continue. His face was flushed, eyes glazed, and lips parted and inviting.

“Foreign”, he mumbled. “I’ve got lube in my lowest drawer.”

I tilted my head, following the direction where he glanced at, to his drawer. I was unwilling to separate from his burning body, but forced myself to hurriedly find the lube before returning to his side. With a pouty glare, he had moved to the bed (good decision).

He moved his body to fit against mine when I lowered myself onto him again, rubbing his excited length against my waist in the process. 

*Garbled noise* I am torn between dying of shame and being satisfied with this scene. It's funny how writing it is zero problem until the moment I'm putting it up here for scheduling. I know my own reading habits and I wouldn't mind reading this in another novel, but my own? Ughhhhhhhh.

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