My Real Life Dating-System?! [BL]

Arc 3, Ch.21 (Final): A toast to us! (M)

Our new place was small and cosy.

Small by nature, cosy after I had run through it to sort everything to my liking, which meant small, comfortable corners and a setup that invited to stay.

We had a bedroom, a living room with a couch that could be turned into a bed, a kitchen corner and a bathroom. I was satisfied with everything, especially after my and Mizuki’s things were placed inside.

I was prone to staying up all night to play games so I was going to take the living room, placing my pillows everywhere. Pillows are great. I love pillows.

The sky had darkened, the shutters were closed. The TV was running with some random show, Mizuki yawning next to me on the couch.

“You should go to sleep”, I suggested quietly, getting a hum in response.

He was tired after moving in all day, and contrary to me, he had woken up early as usual even though he hated it.

I was grinning broadly at everything today. The fact that me sending him off to sleep meant that he was only a few metres away behind a door made me happy.

From today on, we’d be sharing a flat.

Mizuki leaned forward, lowering his head into his hands and rubbing it tiredly.

I chuckled to myself, leaning over and ruffling the sides of his hair. I still love it.
I pasted a kiss on the side of his head.

“Go to sleep”, I said again, amused by him trying to stay awake.

“Soon”, he just said, unwilling like a little child. 

I easily pulled him over to be a bit closer, burying my face in his hair. I was breathing in his unique scent, rubbing my nose to the side of his ear.

“You’re tired”, I whispered into his ear, then kissed a patch of his neck before pulling away. “I’ll be quiet, don’t worry.”

He didn’t respond for a second.

“Will you be fine sleeping on the sofa?”

“Yep”, I easily replied. “I often slept on the couch at my friends’ places. And this one is half a bed.”

Another pause.

“Are you sure?”

I didn’t want him to worry, so I replied with a lot of conviction.

Again, a pause, then his face slowly turned to me, just the slightest bit more.

He was biting the side of his lip, brows furrowed, eyes angrily shining.

I was in a panic until I noticed that his body language was rather rigid.

“Goddamnit, just come sleep in the bed!”

Ah? Now when had this happened…

I blinked innocently. “Sleep?”

Ha glared worse at that and then stood up abruptly, marching off to the bedroom. When he didn’t slam the door shut behind him, I stood up to follow, peeking through the doorframe.

He was sitting on the bed, fidgety. The last time we had gone beyond kissing was the time we had decided to move together, which was quite the while ago. We had been very tame over the finals, and afterwards was just too busy.

Seeing him avoid my eyes but still waiting on the bed for me sent all my blood downwards.

I climbed unto the bed, then leaned over to lightly kiss him on the neck. He hiccuped, then tilted his head out of the way, hair trailing over his skin with the movement.

I kissed a short line over his veins, then stopped, my mischievous heart being tickled.

He was inviting me, but I wanted to play dumb. 

“Shouldn’t you go to sleep when you’re tired?”, I asked, my voice badly faking worry

He growled in response, aware that I was doing it on purpose.

“I think it’s better if I sleep on the couch”, I coaxed, curiously watching the sinking and lifting of his body as he breathed.

He growled again, then submitted to my teasing.

“It’s been too long”, he growled through gritted teeth, voice tinged with lust. “I’m itchy all over.”

I lifted a hand, letting a finger slide down the trail of his spine. He shuddered badly and his breath got caught in his throat. Itchy indeed. I repeated the movement with my fingernail scratching over the fabric.

Mizuki began to squirm, his legs firmly pressed together. With how badly I loved the fact that he enjoyed my touch, I felt like I wouldn’t ever fall out of love with him.

“Let’s do it”, he muttered, voice involuntarily seductive while I let my finger slide under his shirt, caressing his skin. 

“Do what?”, I faked, even though there was no hiding the lustful tremble while I talked. He growled again.

I slid my whole hand under his shirt, circling once before making my way into his pants. His sleepwear gave way easily, allowing me to knead the skin around his back.

He trembled, squirming worse. I kissed his ear, lingering.

“Want it?”, I teased, but only earned a mindless hum in reply.

His breath was going quicker, hips lifting up as I continued to stroke over the curve of his bottom.

Well, that was about it with my patience for teasing my boyfriend who literally asked to do it.

When I brought my lips close to his, he bridged the distance instantly and hungrily invaded my mouth. I pulled him unto my lap, squeezing his hips tightly.

He moaned softly, his shirt slipping up as I dragged him over. It was in the way, anyway. I disregarded his lower half for a second in favour of getting rid of that stupid thing.

Who need shirts.

I stroked the muscles of his stomach, tracing the lines as I made my way to nibble on his collarbone.
He gasped, then dug his fingers into my hair.

Hands roaming, our clothes soon landed on the ground as I towered above him.

His erection was twitching for attention, whitish fluid leaking.

Fingers dug into my neck when I reached out to teasingly stroke it.

I halted, suddenly thinking of something.
Aah, geez, no good. I shouldn’t think of that.

“What”, he complained, feeling me stop moving. It was obvious, of course, since the hand that was curling around his most excited body part hadn’t moved.

I swallowed hard, then pushed the thought aside.

“Nothing”, I muttered against his skin, letting my hot breath trail over it.

Instead of letting me continue, he pulled me away, face twisting a bit since he had to control himself.

“Talk”, he ordered in a tone that left no room for discussion.

I awkwardly smiled. “It’s really nothing-”

He glared.

“Really, just-”


“It’s not-”


I faltered under his stare.
We weren’t going to continue anything as long as he was like this and in the end, I did want to ask.

I breathed in, rubbing my lips against his throat.
“Can we try something?”

That had him hesitate. Maybe because the last time we tried something, it ended with him being taken from behind and this time was absolutely no better.

Still, whatever it was, it tempted him. He hesitated.

“I’ll stop if you dislike it”, I promised honestly and heard him sigh.

...Got temporary permission.

I twisted my body, reaching for something on the ground. Mizuki calmed his breathing as his eyes followed my movement, confusion clouding them when he saw what I picked up.

It was my long-sleeved shirt that I had worn for today’s colder weather.

He didn’t understand what I was planning until I twisted it. Then his body turned rigid, his face showing a mixture of emotions.
It was as if he couldn’t decide whether to be outraged or excited.

I was looking forward to his reaction. He let me tug his hands in place, not yet rejecting, not even when I pushed them over his head.

The shirt made for a terrible rope, but that wasn’t the point in the first place. I wasn’t into S&M.

The point was simply that he let me restrict him at all. And enjoyed it.

There was absolutely no hiding the quivering of his body and his much faster pace of breathing. 

I could understand that feeling - I was painfully hard, shaking with excitement as well. My mouth was dry.

The hand I used to stroke down from his wrists to his face was shivering unstably.

“Like that?”, I asked in a whisper, looking down at him with lowered eyes.

He continued to gasp, then twisted his head. Suddenly, I felt a warm wetness around my fingers, sucking heavily. A soft and squishy form was wrapping around them, creating wet noises.

Trails of saliva were left behind when he freed my frozen fingers, seductively licking over the tips.

“Like”, he purred, hips rising off the bed.

I snapped.

The last bit of my control was reserved for grabbing the thankfully nearby lube. I didn’t even have the head to search for a condom.

Mizuki cried out in pleasure when I drove deep into him, legs wrapping around my waist to pull me closer.

I gasped for air, the tightness of his insides around me driving me crazy. He just felt too good, and the desperate moving back and forth of his hips wasn’t helping my self-control.

Somewhere deep inside my mind, I was praying that I wasn’t hurting him with the hard, heavy thrusts that slammed our bodies together with perverted sounds.

“Ahh- ah-n…”
He hardly held back his voice, crying out each time I moved inside him, dispelling all my worries.

“Nng-hh… F…-aster”, he groaned, hands still constricted over his head, and I obeyed happily.

I didn’t want to think about stopping. When the grip of his legs around me got weaker, I pulled out, reaching for his bound hands.

He whined in dismay, hips rubbing against me.

I wasn’t intending on stopping, at all. I was just changing positions.

This time, he wasn’t surprised when I turned him around, but simply lifted his waist for me and sprawled his upper body over the bed, clawing at the sheets.

I entered him again, earning a delighted moan, and continued to move.

“More”, he complained as I slowed when our bodies were drenched with sweat. “Do-on’t stop…”

I kissed his neck, slowly pushing back deeper into him, feeling my erection move against his walls.

His voice was drawling, desperate. He was tired. Had been tired, even before we started. Still, he jerked his hips in some primal instinct.

My kisses turned into bites. I should stop, really stop. I tried to pull out, but ended up thrusting into him even harder than I had before, reaching as deep as I could.

His back arched.

“Office”, I forced out, somehow. He was supposed to go visit his uncle’s office tomorrow. Not early, but still, he had to leave.

I slid in and out of him again, much slower movements now, but without stopping. My body wasn’t listening at all.

“Riku”, he begged, half a moan. “Please… I wa-ant…”

He swallowed half the word in a gasp when I found a sensitive spot with my slow movements, his fingers curling around the sheets he was gripping.

“Ne-e-ed”, he continued, losing his train of thought. I was thrusting faster again, searching for the same spot, my bites beginning to leave marks.

He cried out again and I stopped moving.

My control was dangerously slipping again. I loved it when his voice got that high, unbridled pitch that was just dripping with pleasure.

My hips jerked again, finding the same spot over and over again, sending his voice tilting over the edge. He writhed under me, his body following along with my every movement. Tears were beginning to form at the edge of his eyes and still, he continued to moan, making me unable to stop.

“Mhh-h… Har...der…”

So since he asked, I did as he wanted to.

...I was woken by a ringing in the living room, stumbling towards it half asleep.

The caller ID just said ‘Uncle’, the phone continuing to ring.

Oh shit.

I was instantly awake and white as a sheet, looking at the time. There were still some hours before the appointment, but that also meant that it had maybe been two hours since Mizuki fell asleep-

In a panic, I answered the phone that wasn’t mine.

“Yes?”, I squeaked into it, silence my answer.

“Hm? Excuse me, may I ask who you are?”

Oh shit, yes, right, not my phone.

“Uh, Riku. I’m Riku Watanabe. Mizuki is, eh…”

The sceptical voice that came out of the phone did a hundred and eighty degrees, instantly friendly.

So you’re Riku! Do you mind if I call you that? You’re the one Mizuki is sharing a flat with, right?”

I swallowed, panicked. I was actually quite cold, standing in the living room without a shred of clothing and still drenched in sweat.

I wanted to confirm that Mizuki’s coming today. It’s his first day after moving, so I thought that maybe it’s a bit much, after all.”

I felt like crying.
Oh god, so awkward.

“Uh, that, maybe postponing…”

As I spoke, he seemed to realize something weird.

“Actually, could you get Mizuki on the phone? Is he busy?”
He’s… sleeping…”
“This late?”

He sounded surprised and I made some incoherent sounds, turning myself in a circle where I stood. I couldn’t wake Mizuki like that and besides, his voice was all hoarse…

I was just short of a breakdown when his uncle paused suspiciously long.

“Were you up late, for him to sleep so long?”

Iiii guesssss we wereee but that is less of a problem than the reason why…

Another suspiciously long pause. Mizuki’s uncle was talking slower now, carefully.

“If Mizuki is too exhausted, he doesn’t need to come over today…”

The fact that I was stunned into a frozen silence carried about as many implications as his words had.

I felt cold sweat running down my face.

Mizuki’s parents hadn’t yet thrown all info at his uncle - the fact that he had a boyfriend and that they were living together.

I heard an amused snicker through the phone.

“Alright, will you tell Mizuki that we’ll postpone everything a bit? How about tomorrow? Or no, wait… Let’s say in a week.”

I had tears in my eyes.

“I’ll call… tomorrow. After lunch. To talk with Mizuki about it. Would you kindly tell him that? Thank you. Sorry for disturbing.”

He had ended the call before I could get another word in.

My hand slowly sunk, letting the phone fall unto the couch.

...Well… so much for that…

I shivered in the cold and walked back into the bedroom. Mizuki unhappily groaned when my cold body slipped under the covers behind his, but he settled almost immediately when I wrapped my arms around him, snuggling himself against my chest.

I know of nothing, I have no idea, his uncle is just a nice guy… Yup…

Anyway, I was still terribly tired, so I fell asleep right away again.

By the time we were up, showered, clothed and tiredly munching on ordered food, my phone was ringing. I picked it up with a muffled voice from eating.

“I’m not disturbing, am I? I waited until afternoon on purpose. Afternoon should be a good time, right?”

I froze at hearing Haru, awkward.

“W-What’s with afternoon and being a good time?”
“Oh come on. You two just moved together. Calling at any other time is kinda dangerous. Well, judging from your voice, right now is safe. So? How is the bed? New mattresses are always nice.”
“...I sleep on the sofa.”
“Uh-huh. So? How is the bed?”

“Very good”, a very quiet voice - too quiet to be heard on the phone - mumbled next to me. I glanced over at Mizuki, who avoided my gaze.

“You do know we only bought that couch for when any of us come to visit, right? None of us are actually thinking you are going to sleep on it.”

I buried my face in my hand. 

“I’m gonna continue eating now…”

“Should I ask what or who?”

I ended the call.

Mizuki crawled over to sit on my lap, snuggly fitting under my chin. I sighed as I wrapped my arms around him, finally fully awake.

“How is your body?”, I worriedly inquired, not quite sure how he was feeling.

“You’re lucky I do regular stretching exercises.”

...The danger of having a boyfriend who enjoys a rougher treatment is that you tend to forget the human body only moves in certain ways. I rubbed my cheek against his in apology.

“Sorry”, I whined.

“Other than that, sore but fine.”

His voice was still hoarse and slightly rough.

I buried my head in his shoulder.



“...Love you.”

He paused, then lifted his hand to ruffle through my hair.

“I’m really looking forward to living together with you”, he quietly muttered and I felt my heart bubble over with joy, humming in reply.

“Yeah”, I just said, “I’m looking forward to it, too.”

Since it’s a future with you.

Very long, very fluffy and very smutty chapter. Haru is not going to go along with that shit lol

I'll leave my final comment for until after the extras! They're connected, so don't be sad in the middle and hang on, okay?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.