My Real Life Dating-System?! [BL]

Arc 3, Ch.9: Pretty good reasons, actually

I woke to my officially favourite scene ever.

Mizuki was a calm sleeper, who didn’t move around too much. He looked incredibly peaceful in his sleep, despite his lips sometimes moving. I just watched him for a while.

He had moved closer to me in his sleep, a bit rolled up as he laid against my body, head under my chin and feet between mine.

His fingers had curled around my shirt, not holding it tightly but so carefully that I could easily tug it out of his grip.
I didn’t. I kept as still as possible so that he could continue to hold onto me, carefully.

And wondered when Mizuki had his moments of being uncertain.

Would he worry that I would break up with him? He knew, himself, that he wasn’t the easiest person to get along with, although I loved him despite or even because of that.

Mizuki was adorable, clinging to me like that, and as I watched I just thought that I should buy him something, like a promise of our relationship.

My eyes twitched up to the almost invisible holes in his ears. I had only noticed them recently, since they were half closed-up already, but still visible when looking closely enough. 

An earring would be nice, maybe. If he’d wear it.

I’d have to ask him once he woke up.

Did I ask him?

I didn’t. I chickened out at the prospect of appearing like I wanted to mark him as mine, or him feeling it was too mushy again, or him just finding it weird in general.

Not to say that I wasn’t very obviously troubled, to the point that Mizuki often looked at me with raised eyebrows until I whipped my head away.

At the moment, I was watching Mizuki outside, on the school courtyard, with a sour face.

Yuji laughed lowly.

“The problem is that you’d prefer him wearing something visible over some small stud, right?”, he said quietly, his face amused. My friends were, as usual, gathering around one table - mine, this time. There were the least other students around.

“He already knows that I’m too possessive because I’m insecure. I can’t continue pushing him.”

“Why don’t you just ask? You could go choose one together. That way, won’t he complain if he doesn’t like what you want to give him?”, Tarou interjected and earned a click of the tongue from Kaoru.

“Do you think two guys can go shopping for earrings without it looking weird?”

He paused.
“Sorry. No offense.”

“None taken.” I sighed. “You’re right.”

“Weeeeell what if we tag along? We can enter the store and then… walk into other corners. That way it looks… maybe a bit less weird?”

I appreciated Tarou trying to figure out a solution.

“Let’s ask him later, during lunch.”
Yuji simply decided on the issue. Recently, we always ate together with Mizuki, since the weather was good, outside. Sometimes Prez would join us, talking amicably to me.

It was a fact: Prez had a beauty fetish. He probably wasn’t really intersted in Mizuki and neither was he in Haru, je was just a sucker for good looks. Well, not my place to complain about it. He felt a lot easier to get along with when he didn't have his eye on my boyfriend and could finally remember I existed.

Lunch wasn’t too far away so we soon sat together in the shade of a tree, enjoying the gentle breeze. The courtyard was full of people sitting on the ground and leaning against the walls of the school building, faces turned towards the sun. The atmosphere was nice and gentle.

I nibbled on my food, turning to Mizuki who was half leaning against me. He was dazedly staring into nowhere, eating mindlessly with half closed eyes, and listening to my friends babble away.

“Do you never wear earrings?”, I asked him since I felt it was an appropriate way to probe the issue. He shrugged.

“Saw my holes? I wore some for some time but just kinda stopped. No reason.”

Thaaat’s a good start, just… how do I broach the subject…

“Uh, so, would you wear some again…?”

He raised his eyebrows at me and stopped the whole charade with a monotone voice.
“Do you want to buy me a pair?”

I winced and didn’t answer, which was also a way to answer. His eyes glinted in amusement.

“Sure. I’ll let you buy me a collar if I can do the same.”

The figurative collar’s use, the earring, was revealed by him mercilessly. I awkwardly rubbed my neck.

I’d be happy to wear whatever he bought me.

“You should make him get a tattoo”, Kaoru teased with a wicked grin. Mizuki hummed like he didn’t dislike the idea and I blanched.

“Are you kidding me! How is that the same!”
“What, getting a tattoo shouldn’t be a problem? Or are you planning on breaking up with me?”
“I’m not! The needle is just freaky!”

I lifted my arm to show the hair standing up. I could barely stomach getting injections and avoided them as much as possible. There was no way I could sit still for hours and watch a needle break through my skin!

(Was what I was saying back then. Ha ha.)

“Ooh, gotta change that soon, then. I like the idea of a tattoo.” He stretched out his arm and slid a finger over the area between my shoulder blades. “Brand you with the sign of ‘water’.”1Mizuki is a japanese name. In this case, his name is written with the sign for 'water'.

His creepy grin had me shiver while my friends laughed out loud. Kaoru clicked his tongue and shook his head.

“What ice prince, he’s very suited to be the two-faced guy that turns all evil with his partner.”

Mizuki snorted. I shifted away a bit, watching him suspiciously. Since when was he the one to get possessive? Scary.

“Anyway, sure. Go buy an earring with me. I’ve only got one side still pierced, though, so it’s gotta be a single.”

“Right, there’s something that’s been on my mind for a while.” Yuji finished his meal and placed it to the side, looking at the two of us. “Our school term will end soon. Have you thought about what to do? I mean, there’s no real reason to hide your relationship this far to the end. And what are you doing afterwards?”

Everyone perked up at that topic. I gave them a crooked smile. Mizuki and I had already talked about the second topic.

I had decided to go into game development, which could be studied in one of the larger cities a few hours from my home. Mizuki was interested in several topics and yet undecided, so his uncle had suggested having an internship at his company first, so he could earn some money but still look around. The company was placed in the center of the same city, so we’d be close to each other and Mizuki had agreed immediately.

The topic of us maybe moving together then had hovered around unsaid and was postponed for now.

But about showing our relationship openly… I pulled my knees to my chest.
“I dunno… Even if it’s just a few months left… I don’t want to be an outcast.”

“How are you an outcast, ah? Don’t you still have your friends and me?” Mizuki huffed. “I actually don’t mind. Who cares what they say.”

Yeah… I’m well aware you don’t mind people whispering about you, but I do…

I rubbed a hand over my ear like I was already hearing those disgusting whispers.

Yuji lifted his hand and pointed at his fingers one by one.

“First, we have a shit ton of fujoshis. If they gotta choose between Taizou never having a boyfriend and an average boyfriend, they’ll happily choose the latter.”

One finger up.

“Second, even if there are lots of boys after him, since you’ve got the first catch, most of them will lose interest. They won’t really care. And since you are a barrier against the girls that are into him, they won’t care who the one blocking Mizuki is.”

Next finger up.

“Third, those that would say anything against homosexuals will be bashed by the united force of the fujoshis. And they will hear. Because they will follow you like their life depends on it.”

Another finger up. He regarded his hands.

“Fourth, it’s not that long until we get into exam preparation time and everyone will be in a panic. No time for gossip. They are used to you being together by now, anyway, so the only difference is… what? Holding hands? A small peck? A hug? I don’t think they’ll care too much.”

“Valid argumentation”, Tarou chimed in, slapping Yuji’s back.

“Why do I feel like the third point is the scariest but also the most relieving?” Kaoru was staring into nowhere, face troubled. I swallowed a laugh. “But yeah, I agree. There should be no problem even if you openly go out. And we’re always around, so there shouldn’t be any danger.”

He spread his hands with a wide grin and I relaxed slightly.

Fujoshis, unite!

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