My Real Life Dating-System?! [BL]

[Extra 3] The things I like (M)

Very smutty. Beware.

There was something Mizuki never quite understood, not even years after us living together.

And that was the pure temptation he was being when he returned from a late evening jog.

I admit my fetish for his hair was playing a part in it, because he would come in wheezing, brush it out of his face and then gulp down a bottle of water, drops running down his bobbing throat.

Mizuki was very easy-going with some things - such as me tying up his hands or roughing him up - but at the same time, he was very strict with others.

He absolutely never took bedroom matters out of the bedroom, and he absolutely never allowed me to do anything unless he had washed. It had been somewhat fine when we were teenagers, but he stopped allowing it after we moved together.

Some kissing in the morning? Only after I brush my teeth.

Continuing after a nap? Nope, I’m sweaty.

Bedsheet dirty? no cuddling unless I’m about to faint. If I can move, we’re cleaning.

That’s why I kept my hands off him when he returned from jogging, at least until he had taken a shower.

To tell the truth, I just wanted to make an even bigger mess out of him whenever he was in a mess already, and him being a bit sweaty held more of a weird temptation than he thought. Maybe because it meant he just smelled like himself and not like his shower gel which was the same as mine.

I watched him pant and lean unto the table, the empty bottle still in his hand. Drops of both sweat and water were running down his neck.

We had been together for so long now, damnit! I should be allowed to do that, right?!

I went closer, wrapping my arms around him from behind and kissed his ear. He squeaked in surprise, then immediately struggled with a deep frown.

“Riku, let go”, he scolded unhappily. “I’m sweaty!”

“Yep”, I acknowledged, licking the drops of his jawline.

He quivered, then twisted to press his hand against me.

“Stop that! Not before I take a shower!”

“We can take one together”, I mumbled, drawling, my hands already wandering from his abdomen down to his legs. He slightly bent forward at the touch, growling.


“I can help you wash up.”

“No! Let go!”


My tone full of complaint stopped him from struggling for a second.

I stared at him with a serious expression, eyes lowered in determination and voice full of conviction as I spoke.
“I really, really don’t want to wait for you to shower.”

He hesitated a bit.
“...It’s only two or three minutes.”

“Alright, let me correct myself: I really, really don’t want to wait for you to shower, also because I’d prefer if you either just didn’t or I can accompany you.”

One way or another, I wanna get into your pants.

He flushed a bit at that and gritted his teeth.

I dragged the word, speaking right into his ear, and felt him tense in my arms. He was just as sensitive as years ago.

I stepped back slowly, pulling him along in my arms. The flat was larger than our first one but we were close to the bathroom and were inside before he had his wits back.

He glared at me, opening his mouth to complain, but I closed it with my own before he could.

Sucking on his tongue, I distracted him by pressing us together and stroking down his back until I could knead around his waist. I was half hard already, grinding my hips against his, and felt his resistance lowering every second.

Maybe it was because it was my birthday that he could convince himself to just make it a gift for him.

I smirked when I felt him react, tugging his shirt up. His clothes stuck to his body, making them harder to pull off, but I accepted that happily.

Dragging him into the shower, I turned the water on.

He showered colder than me, usually, but with the mood heating up he didn’t notice that the water was warmer than what he liked.

The last parts of clothing turned drenched, though neither of us cared. Or rather, we only cared about getting rid of them.

He was rubbing his bare chest against mine, humming pleasantly and intertwining our tongues, the kiss continuing with passionate fervor.

I had chosen the flat that had a large shower on purpose, I admit, and I was happy to finally have it show its uses.

There was a lot of space for the both of us pressing together, water running down our heads and bodies.

I slid my hand down his legs, tugging it up to wrap around my waist and pressing him against the wall of the shower.

Mizuki stopped his kiss with a gasp, brows pulling together.

“Wait”, he mumbled, uncertain. “How is this gonna-”

He stopped himself from continuing, blushing brightly. Doing such intimate acts while standing up wasn’t exactly within his scope of imagination.

“No hurry”, I sang, happily reaching for the bottle of shower gel. There was enough fun stuff to do before that.

He didn’t really understand what I was wanting to do until I had my hands on his body, caressing and kneading every inch and leaving behind trails of soap.


He moaned and gasped, trying to push me away in a weird sense of shame, but he was in the innermost corner of the shower and I was cutting off any path of retreat.

Grinning, I slid my over the cheeks of his ass, soap making sure there was absolutely no friction slowing the movement. He shuddered heavily, his excitement becoming more obvious.

He squirmed, his face unhappy.

“D-Don’t… do… nngh-!”

“Your body is more honest than you”; I hummed teasingly. His waist was jerking and rubbing against me, his breathing was laboured.

“If you were really uncomfortable, I would stop, but aren’t you enjoying this?”

His struggling died down completely.

Happy, I noticed his body follow along with my movements, rubbing himself against me and wrapping his arms around my neck.

His back arched when my fingers rubbed over his entrance in a tease. A long leg wrapped back around my hip, giving me even easier access to the twitching, needy area.

His body had adjusted to out activities, greeting me with excited trembles when I slipped my fingers inside, dragging along his soft insides. He tightened with every breath, squeezing me.

I had once asked him whether he missed being the one in charge he would have been had he been with a girl. I didn’t want to be the bottom, but after years of being head over heels for him, if he had asked, I would have grudgingly allowed.

He had shaken his head, saying that he felt he was getting the better end of the deal anyway. He didn’t need to do that much and was still fully satisfied.

Ever since he had said that, I had stopped trying to give him turns where he was taken the lead and just spoiled him as much as I wanted to.

“Aahn, ngg-”
He groaned louder again, tightening the hold around my neck and waist. Understanding what he wanted to do, I pressed him tighter against the wall and steadied his waist so he could wrap his other leg around me.

Just like that, it seemed he understood how things worked, after all.

I rubbed the tip of my hardened length against him before slipping inside and letting out a satisfied breath.

Scaldingly hot and tight, wrapping around me. I groaned when he jerked his hips a bit, tugging at me inside of him.

“See?”, I gasped harshly, voice thick with lust. “It’s not that bad.”

He squinted in pleasure, slowly lifting his body on his own. I was more than delighted to comply, lifting him up before harshly pulling him down, slamming deep into him.

I shuddered and choked on my breath, then steadied him and began to thrust.

Harder and deeper, unable to slow down the rhythm of wet sounds accompanied by lustful cries of pleasure.

I dragged it out, only teasing him slower to avoid the both of us reaching our peaks to early, otherwise mercilessly moving in and out of him.

He left scratch marks all over my back as he came, back arching and crying out.

I thrusted into him another few times before I felt the wave of pleasure wash over me.

Panting, I let him slide down to the ground.

The fluid on his and my stomach was washed away, the remnants of my own orgasm slowly slipping out of him. 

I bent down to brush his hair out of his face and kiss him. Sluggish, he responded.

His shoulders were covered in fresh hickeys and bitemarks, his chest and stomach, all the way down to his legs and the insides of his thighs in the marks of the previous day.

It looked perverted and tempting.

I let my fingers slide over his air, alongside his earring that he still wore everyday and the small tattoo hidden behind his lobe.
It was a small, celtic love knot.

I kissed it, the tattoo around my wrist almost touching his when I wrapped my hand around his head.
Mine was a sailor’s knot, strung around my whole wrist.

The motives weren’t too well-known around this area, which suited us just fine.

I hadn’t planned on ever getting a tattoo, but after some years of being together, and watching Akihito get married, I changed my mind.

Homosexual marriage wasn’t legal yet and we didn’t want to leave the country. I thought about buying him a ring, but that would always remind me that it was only half a ceremony done.

Haru was the one who suggested the motives.

They weren’t the same, but their meaning was close.

I had gotten the sailor’s knot tattoo without telling him, showing it to him after it was finished. 

His earring had a similar engraving, was what I explained. The sailor’s knot is a simple knot, but it is one of the sturdiest. It’s a sign to represent love and affection.

He had looked at me for a long time.

When he came home the next day, he had the lover’s knot behind his ear.

So that even if he took off the earring, there’d still be the connection.

I sobbed like the crybaby I was.

In the shower, I picked Mizuki up and carried him out to dry us. He didn’t resist my treatment, allowing me to wrap him back in fresh clothes before he leaned on me to be carried into the living room.

I let us down unto the couch and cuddled him into my arms, then turned the TV on so he could watch it.

“It isn’t bad to try out new things once in a while, right?”, I coaxed, kissing the tip of his ear and a hickey on his neck.

He pulled my left hand over his shoulder and bit into my skin.

Riku turned into a wolf. Funnily enough, he's still a frightened, panicked screeching ball of stress anywhere else

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