My Researching Journey (HxH)

Chapter 153: Do They Have A Chance?

Chapter 153: Do They Have A Chance?

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Chapter 153: Do They Have A Chance?


Yasuo walked into the hunter association's headquarter while thinking of the previous with his strange eyes appearing as if they're shining.

Not truly shining but to everyone else, he appears as so like his extreme good mood is affecting reality itself around him.

The anticipation within his eyes is quite apparent until it disappeared as the usual serene expression returned to his face, "We meet again..."

"Yeah, it's really nice to see you again." The golden-haired man who responded courteously is none other than Pariston Hill.

Pariston seemed to have been waiting for Yasuo for quite a while or ordered some of his toys to keep an eye for when he comes here.

The two started walking towards the elevator leading to the highest floor of the building.

They're both 3-star hunters so it's natural their influence over the association is significant though Yasuo has all the benefits of his statue, he rarely visits or interacts with anyone from the association so his influence is minimal in contrast to Pariston who has tight control over the association.

"By the way, congratulations, you won." Congratulated Pariston in his usual joyful tone as if losing didn't matter to him but Yasuo's next words managed to get under his thick psychopathic skin.

"You didn't really think you had any chance of winning, did you?" And Yasuo's expression while saying that made it worst, an expression of pure confusion like everything was within the palms of his hands and that his victory is already predetermined.

In fact, Yasuo didn't even consider it a game, Pariston had his hidden goal regarding the Chimera Ants yet none of them succeeded due to him simply because they had a conflict of interest though Yasuo didn't consider it as such.

However, Pariston didn't allow his expression to change as he asked, "Who is it you want to be the next president? Anyone in particular?"

Yasuo answered the question directly as if he already thought about the subject, "Yeah, you."

But Pariston took it as a joke or Yasuo just messing around not letting anyone know of his convoluted thought process, so he just laughed it off.

They continued on their way in silence until they reached the meeting room where the rest of the hunters are, special kinds of hunters called the Zodiacs.

The Zodiacs or Zodiac Twelve, a group of twelve Hunters whose skills have been recognized by Chairman Isaac Netero.

Only a few of them are actually 3-star hunters as most of them are still 2-star hunters yet they were granted their current status due to Netero's whims and desire to fight strong opponents as well as his wisdom and experience allowing him to choose the best people for the job.

The two walked into the meeting room that has a long rectangle silver table with several chairs around it, most of them are already full as every one of the Zodiacs is already there just waiting for the late hunters.

"Hi, I've only met two of you but I think everyone here knows who I am, however. I'll introduce myself nonetheless, Yasuo Zoldyck, nice to meet you all."

Yasuo elegantly introduced himself in a formal manner before taking a seat on one of the chairs to the side of the table while leaving the forefront chair to Pariston who is the vice president of the association.

Most of the Zodiacs just observed the strange visitor as he has only ever meet Pariston and Cheadle while the others have only seen pictures of his.

He has never participated in any previous meeting they had, something one of them didn't like especially considering he is participating in this meeting.

Naturally, the person assumed that Yasuo wants to run for president of the association.

That's why he's here or so he assumed and so did some of the Zodiacs though he was the only one to voice whatever he wanted to say, the Zodiac with the symbol Tiger named Kanzai.

"And what are you doing here? I thought only the Zodiacs are permitted to participate?"

The first question was towards Yasuo specifically while the second was for Yasuo and beans who just entered the room.

Yasuo comfortably sat down not minding the strange eyes on him then answered calmly.

"Well, I happened to be a 3-star hunter which should be more than enough to be able to participate but most importantly, Beans called me and told me that Netero also wanted me to be here."

That instantly shut Kanzai down though he still turned his head looking at Beans seeking confirmation while frowning, a frown that became more apparent once Beans nodded confirming Yasuo's words.

"Tsk." And while he didn't like it, he also didn't want to go against Netero's last orders.

Yasuo slightly turned his head looking at the man sitting right next to him, the one who seems to be just minding his business as if in a daze, Ging Freecss, "It's nice to finally meet you, Netero told me a lot about you."

Ging lazily turned his head nodding before responding, "And he also told me a lot about you, I hope you enjoyed your time in Greed Island, it's my greatest creation."

Yasuo smiled knowing full well just how much help Greed Island was, "It certainly was an enjoyable time and I learned a lot, it actually helped me a lot in some of my research so even though it's an indirect help, thank you."

Ging raised his brows before responding and asking something he actually wanted to ask for a while.

"You're right, it's indirect as I didn't really mean to help you. Also, there were some implications that happened leading to Greed Island shutting down completely, you wouldn't happen to have anything to do with that, would you?"

No changed was seen in Yasuo's expression but the small smile remained on his face knowing too well what happened and just like Ging suspected.

He's responsible for it because who's to saw his 'Debt Collector' ability doesn't work on things other than humans or sentient creatures?

No, it can work on anything except for things such as Greed Island he'll have to use forceful debt to make the concept knows as Greed Island owe him.

And he did so a while ago when he used his delayed Rose for the first time then he had a spar with Razor and canceled the ability after though not before saying the words, 'You owe me.'

That allowed him to not only be owed by Razor but also by Greed Island.

So when he activated the ability previously and he took a significant portion of Greed Island's fuel which happened to be Nen, its only natural for it to malfunction, and well, it stopped working.

He of course wouldn't tell Ging such a thing as he simply responded in a casual tone, "Of course I wouldn't. Also, you responded as if you didn't want to provide any help to me, did I do something to you?"

All through the conversation that sounded through the room meaning everyone in the room heard everything clearly as they just listened attentively without interrupting them.

That especially goes for Pariston whose curiosity peaked hearing them and his anticipation for the answer was apparent as his eyes shone in bright light.

Ging looked at the mysterious man observing his facial expression before he again turned looking just in front of him as if in a daze though he still answered calmly.

"No, I just don't know you at all and I don't like that. The things known about you feel too easy to get like you want people to see a mask thinking it's your actual face.

I just don't like that so I don't want to help someone that could potentially be someone I will hate. Nothing personal, it's just how I am, you should understand, right?"

Yasuo shook his head with amusement apparent in his eyes as he didn't mind Ging seeing through that facade, it just doesn't matter to him though except for Pariston, everyone else in the room seems surprised hearing Ging's assessment.

"Nah, I don't understand at all, I think of myself as a pretty harmless person and that's not how I handle someone I don't understand... Well, it doesn't matter, Pariston, you can start."

Their conversation brought a strange atmosphere to the room that everyone sensed, one that was instantly broken by Pariston's next words.

"Right, so let's make this fast, shall we? I know everyone is quite busy and don't have time for such minuscule matters so I will just declare myself as the association's new chairman and be done with it..."

The strange atmosphere was broken by an even stranger atmosphere as even the more calmer of the Zodiacs' faces couldn't help but twitch.

And the ones with the shortest tempers started voicing their opposition especially the ones that don't like Pariston in the first place.

The only ones that remained calm are Mizaistom Nana with the symbol Ox and Ging with the symbol Boar, and of course, Yasuo who actually looked amused with the situation.

Pariston's way of words and how he likes to annoy people is certainly interesting to him.

And most of the meeting, Yasuo remained in his place quietly without objecting to anything and the same could be said for Ging.

Until Cheadle suggested deciding the next chairman by drawing lots and everyone agreed with Beans being the one selected to randomly choose one of the papers.

And this is where things took a strange direction no one expected, even for Pariston.

Yasuo wrote the method he thought is best before giving it to Beans who will pick one of the papers and that's how the next chairman will be chosen, by the strange words on that paper...

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